The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

4 THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, SPRINGFIELD, WEDNESDAY, JULY 17, 1957 23 Fire Equipment in Use A variety' of equipment was used week of the Brookside Volunteer Shown with the Scott air pack Lovett, Lt. Richard Tetreault and the mask used to enter smoke Kiwanis Lawn Party To Run Three Nights Lee, July 16 To benefit its newly established scholarship fund, the Kiwanis Club will hold a lawn party from 6.30 to 11 p. m. on Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings. The club plans to give a scholarship of $250 yearly for four to a graduate of Lee High School, to further his education.

Door prizes will be given at the lawn fete. Leo Cavanaugh has tickets. William Salinetti and Peter Gurestante will' be in charge of the booths which have been built by Arnold Scaramuzzi in the rear of the Railroad St. parking lot. Pat Zaccaria A is feacharge of refreshments.

ture of the party will be horse rides for the children. Lee News Briefs Trooper Francis J. O'Neil Hudson has been assigned as temporary. trooper to the Lee state police barracks. This is his first Grace assignment.

Methodist Church of Len-1 ox Dale is making plans to observe its 75th anniversary in September. Mrs. John Blake of William Parkway has returned from the Wey- fumouth where she attended neral Tuesday of her father, Charles A. Rumble, 89, who Rum- died there suddenly Sunday. Mr.

ble, a 32d degree Mason, visited here often with Rumble. They planned to observe their this 70th wedding anniversary fall. Mr. and Mrs. Frank J.

Aldrich, and family of Stockbridge, Rd. have returned after spending a week at Point O' Woods, South Lyme, Conn. LANESBORO AUXILIARY ELECTS Lanesboro, July 16-New officers of the American Legion Auxilary are: president, Mrs. Mary Stone; senior vice-president, Mrs. ident, Mrs.

Betsy Burnell; secreKatherine Shaw; a junior vice-prestary, Mrs. Ann treasurer, Mrs. Dorothy Bourdo; chaplain, Mrs. Myrtle historian, Mrs. Virginia Woodason; sergeant-atarms, Mrs.

Marion MacNeil. Next meeting will be in September. WILL SELL GRADER Lanesboro, July 16-The Board of Selectmen will sell the old road grader of the Highway Department to the highest bidder on Aug. 5. The annual town meeting authorized the purchase of a new power A Class grader 3 auto dealers license for $18,000.

was granted to Frank Jester North Main St. Walter H. Cummings was granted a junk collectors license. A building was issued to Claude Millan for a new house in Pine St. Approval of the appointment of Anthony Plantier as animal inspector succeed Carl Zurrin, resigned, was received from the State Division of Livestock Disease Control.

Pistol permits were issued William R. Donald of Meadow Lane and Samuel Kowchuk Balance Rock Rd. HINSDALE Hinsdale, July 16-George and Harrison Chamberlain of Greenfield were in town Sunday and Monday to attend the funeral Monday afternoon of their grandfather, James H. Brooks of Pittsfield. They were with their father, George Chamberlain of David East Washington Rd.

Rev. Livinstone of Dalton: officated burial the funeral and was in Dalton. Paul T. Smith is on vacation from his duties as bus driver for Wallin. Cortney Wheeler has taken a position as bus driver bus with the Hinsdale-Dalton line.

Ronald Wheeler of Middlefield Rd. is in Albany Veterans Hospital: Mrs. Elva Swail of Newton Highlands left for her home Tuesday following a week spent Mrs. with her daughter-in-law, Paul Q. Swail and children.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Patridge of South Dalton who moved several to Hinsdale from years ago, are returning to Dalton this month, and buying their former Second St. home. town they have lived in the former Brague home.

Fifty boys and girls are taking lessons in swimming at Plunkett Lake under the instruction of Red Cross teacher, Miss Denise Lavigne of North Adams. Classes divided into two beginners, those who took instruction last summer but did not pass the test, those who are starting learning swimming this year, 4 PITTSFIELD 8 BANK ROW TEL. 5111 BENOIT DRAWS TWO YEARS IN ASSAULT CASE, Lanesboro Man Cut J. E. Taylor With Beer Glass Pittsfield, July 16 Eugene Benoit, 26, of Lanesboro, was sentenced to two years at hard labor in the House of Correction by Judge Horace T.

Cahill in Berkshire Superior Court this afternoon. The jury hearing the case retired at 3.30 and brought in a verdict of guilty at 4. Plea for Mercy Benoit was charged with assault and battery with a dangerous weapon following an attack on John E. Taylor of Fitchburg in Tash's Grill in North Adams last April 13. According to evidence given in the trial, Benoit slashed Taylor's face with a beer glass in an unprovoked assault and 40 stitches were needed to close the gashesit's attorney, Morton Freedman of North entered a plea for mercy after the jury's decision and requested a House of Correction sentence only.

Asst. Dist. Atty. Frank W. Cimini demurred and said that Benoit should get the limit and the sentencing followed.

Three juveniles one adult who had entered guilty pleas after indictment by the grand jury were placed on two years probation this morning. The three juveniles had pleaded guilty of breaking and entering in the daytime and carrying a pistol without a permit against two of them and were placed on file. Judge Cahill cleared the courtroom to hear the arguments of Jacob Aaronson and Paul Tamburello, appeared for. the three youths. Edward Uniewicz of Windsor, who failed to appear yesterday, was in court.

this morning and pleaded guilty a charge of breaking and entering in the nighttime and larceny of tires from the Birchard Buick Co. in Pittsfield. He was placed on probation until May 14, 1959. Asst. Dist.

Atty. Cimini told the court the break took place six years ago and that, in the meantime, Uniewicz had served a term in Connecticut State Prison and upon his release had been placed on probation in Springfield for two years. After conclusion of the Benoit case, trial was started in the commonwealth case against Ronald L. Snyder, 40, of Albany, who is charged with larceny of an auto. A jury was impanelled and the foreman is Frederick Filip of Adams.

Pittsfield Briefs Pittsfield, July 16-Mrs. James F. Mullaney and daughter, Joan, of 264 West Housatonic have returned after a vacation fat Dennisport. Bobby Kidney Sunshine Club will have a special meeting Friday at 7:30, at the White Tree Inn. Members are urged to bring friends.

Women's and men's groups of Heart of the 1 Berkshires Grange DALTON Dalton July 16-Members of the Eagles' Band of Pittsfield will play a public concert Wednesday at 8 at Pine Grove Park. Prior to the concert the P. Adams Co. and the Pine Grove Giants of the Junior Twilight League will meet in a baseball contest. Mr.

and Mrs. Alex Woodcome and daughter, Joan, of Glennon Ave. are at Hampton Beach, N. H. Miss Ann Cassidy of Albany i is a guest of her uncle and aunt, Mr.

and Mrs. John Glennon of Main Si. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Smith of Glennon- Ave.

are entertaining their nephew, Richard Luna, of Brooklyn. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pender of Main St. are in New York City for several days.

BECKET Becket, July 16-Becket Grange has arranged a special entertainment and social for the Senior Citizens Thursday at 2 at Grange 'Hall. An entertainment will be followed by a social hour and refreshments. Anyone needing transportation contact Mrs. Lawrence Larock. Any senior citizen over sixty years of age is cordially invited to come and enjoy the afternoon, The regular meeting of Becket Grange will be held Thursday at 8.30.

The business meeting will be followed by a social hour and refreshments. Rev. Wayne K. Price returned Friday from a two week camping trip at the Massachusetts Baptist Camp Squanto in Plymouth. Rev.

and Price and. their son, Mark John, left Tuesday morning for Monticello, where they will spend a month's vacation with Mr. Price's mother, Mrs. Homer Price. Mr.

and Mrs. Maurice Rice and Miss Georgianna Locke have returned from a motor trip to Ruskin, Fla. Maurice Rice, was the guest of his aunt, Mrs. Francis Lane, while his parents went to Florida. Mr.

and Mrs. Fulbert have returned from a fishing trip to Seabrook, N. H. Mr. Daigle has been on vacation from Cortland Grinding Co.

in Chester. Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Baker and son, Terry, of Pine City, N. were weekend guests their.

sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lockwood. Mr. and Mrs.

Louis M. Baker of Safety Harbor, who are spending the summer with Mr. and Mrs. Lockwood, returned from Elmira, N. where they GREAT BARRINGTON School Board Appoints New Shop Teacher Great Barrington, July 16- Donald Goranson of.

Lewisville, has been appointed instructor: of shop work by the School Committee. Goranson has been teacher in shop work for the past three years in Lewis- ville. The committee gave the contract for supplying fuel for the local schools to John B. Hull, after the firm submitted the lowest bid. No was taken on the bids transportation.

Bids were submitted by the Nalty and the Wool taxi. companies. The committee deferred action until the full board could be present, Survey Completed The insurance survey, and appraisal of all town-owned real estate, buildings and vehicles, and the protection of town employees has been completed and placed in the hands of the selectmen and various department heads. survey, authorized by the selectmen, was done by engineers from out of town. The report was prepared a public service without obligation to the town by.

the Brooks Insurance Agency, Inc. To Judge Art Entries Mrs. Isaac M. Altaraz, chairman of the 13th annual art exhibit sponsored by the Thursday Morning Club, announced that the judging of entries will take place on Sunday, July 28. Prof.

S. L. Faison, director of the Williamstown Museum, will select the best pieces of art. Fourteen cash prizes will be awarded. The exhibit will be in the Berkshire Inn ballroom July 29 through Aug.

The affair is open to both amateur and proI fessional painters. K. of C. Clambake Aug. Armand L.

Ferron, grand knight of Mount Everett Council, Knights of Columbus, has announced that the K. of C. clambake will. be Aug. 4.

at the Pine Tree Cabin, Sheffield, for members, wives and guests. The committee includes Guy Marchetti, general. chairman, Thomas A. Teggi, Richard J. Teggi, Louis Guarnieri, Mark Zele, Roy.

C. Paulding, William Condry and Joseph Arienti, all of Great Barrington, Charles B. Flynn, Albert Hudak, and Robert Barry of Housatonic; Guy Dellea and Francis H. Mooney, both of West Stockbridge. To Obserse 45th Mr.

and Mrs. John E. Harvey of the Waverly Apartments, Railroad are to observe their wedding anniversary Wednesday. They will be honfamily picnic at the home of their son, John C. Harvey, in North Egremont.

They were married July .17, 1912, in New Rochelle, N. Y. They have been residents of Great Barrington for about 30 years. Mrs. Harvey is the former Gretchen Stemmer of New Rochelle.

Mr. Harvey is a retired fireman of New Rochelle. They have two daughters, Mrs. Charles F. Giracca and Evelyn Boinay, both of Great their son; and eight grandchildren, During the winter Mrs.

Harvey make their home in St. Petersburg, Fla. 3 Beagles Win Prizes At the New England Beagle Club Specialty Show held Sunday at Suffield two entries from the Konkapot Kennels in Monterey owned by George J. Helmrich, were award winners. Konkapot Bewitched, a 10- month-old Beagle was judged best of variety of breed in the 13 inch, not exceeding 15 inch, class.

Konkapot's Bonanza, a litter: brother, was judged the best male in the class not exceeding 13 inches. To Be Church. Soloist Mrs. Dorothy Ross Dash, soprano, recitalist and church soloist, has been engaged for the summer by First Church of Christ, Scientist, of this 1: town. Mrs.

Dash, a voice teacher, has a master's degree from the Juilliard School of Music. She has appeared with the New York Philharmonic Orchestra and was a featured performer in the Broadway productions, "The Barrier' and "Four Saints in Three She was awarded the John Hay Whitney fellowship in 1952 and participated in the International music festival in Paris, France. BUCKLAND Buckland, July 16-Miss Christensen of Heath, won- an award for a handwoven blanket, and Mrs. Martin Whalen of Shelburne Falls received honorable mention for a blanket at the Weavers Seminar which was held at the University of Massachusetts. Miss Christensen and Mrs.

Whal- members of the Buckland Weavers. The Shelburne Falls Bank will give a concert Wednesday night, at Buckland recreational area. SHELBURNE FALLS Donald A. Fisher New School Head Shelburne Falls, July 16- Donald Aa. Fisher of Dover has been named superintendent of the local school union succeed Phillip M.

Hallowell who has resigned to take a position in Easton. Fisher who is married and has one child comes here from Lexington where he has been a supervisory principal. Ladies Aid Fair Chairmen Named Shelburne Falls, July 16-Committees for the Shelburne Ladies Aid Fair and supper to be conducted on the church lawn Aug. 8 have been named. Chairmen are: Mrs.

Louise Blackmer, toys; Mrs. Marion Karcher, grabbag; Mrs. Cromack, aprons; Mrs. Dorothy, Taylor and Mrs. Freda King, food; Miss Peck, plants; Mrs.

Eleanor Williams, candy, and Mrs. Hattie Richards and Mrs. Hazel Dole, miscellaneous. Margaret and Dorothy Smith will plan the children's parade; Ruth Wheeler and Mary Ariel, pony rides; refreshments Elaine Shields and games and pop corn the Boy Scouts and the Girl Scouts. The supper will be served buffet style with Mrs.

Phyllis Truesdell, Dorothy Green, Marguerite Davenport and Florence Goodnow in charge. A band concert Shelburne Falls military band will complete the Competitive Night Competitive Night will be at the Wednesday evening meeting of the Shelburne Grange. All types of games and a spelling bee have been planned. DEERFIELD Miss Fredericks Works in Mexico Deerfield, July 16 Last week 150 Americans arrived in Morelos, Mexico to work for six weeks on proects there for the American Friends Service Committee. One of them is.

Miss Deborah Frederick, daughter of Mrs. David Frederick, former dean of Stoneleigh Prospect School for Girls. A teacher in the elementary schools of New. Haven, Miss Frederick has been sent to work in Los Tepetates," a rural village. Miss Frederick, who will return to her teaching in the fall, is a former Bement School pupil.

She graduated from Wheelock College in Boston in 1956. DPW Chief Asks Route Discussion Deerfield, July 16-Dr. Frank L. Boyden, the headmaster of Deerfield Academy, has received a letter from Carl A. Sheridan, commissioner of the Department of Public, Works, suggesting a meeting at the academyn on Thursday of county officials of Greenfield and Deerfield.

A copy of the letter was received by the Deerfield selectmen. Boyden has said, in relation to the suggested meeting to discuss the new federal highway routes through the towns, that he doubts he will have returned from a meeting in Virginia by then. He will contact Sheridan in the meatime about another possible date or such a gathering. CHARLEMONT Charlemont, July 16. Church services will be held in the East Charlemont Congregational Church next Sunday at 10 instead of in Federated Church.

Mrs. Guy Shaw left yesterday to return to her home in Kaufman, Tex. She been visiting Mr. and Mrs. William E.

Hallhan for the past month. A meeting of the 4H Regional Committee was held last evening at the home of Mrs. Gerald Raymond. Mrs. Charles: Warner's resignation as chairman of the committee was read and accepted with regret.

Plans were discussed for the float to represent the 4H clubs at Yankee Doodle Days. The annual Well Child Conference will be held this month at Hawlemont Regional School. The conference for Hawley will be July 22d, for Rowe 'July 23d, for Charlemont July 24th, 25th and 26th, and for Heath July 29th. Dr. Merritt B.

Low will be attending physician, assisted by Miss Dorothy Morehouse. Mrs. George Coombs will be the nutritionist. Learning Skill at Playground Bobby Herfurth and Lenora Conney try their skill at making leather slippers as part of the summer program for youngsters. of the Northampton Recreation Commission.

The children are at the Jackson St. Playground, Northampton. NORTH BERKSHIRE 9 STATE NORTH ADAMS TEL. 3-7000 will have a picnic Wednesday at 6 at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

Frank: W. Thoubboron, Bena Pontoosuc Lake. Reservations may be made with Mrs. Thoubboron: Past presidents of the American Legion Auxiliary of Berkshire County will meet Wednesday at 6:30 for a picnic supper at the home: of Mrs. Ignatius Jezyk of the Harbor, Cheshire, Mrs.

William Doyle of Dalton, county. president, will be in charge, of the meeting. Speaker will be Mrs. Frank F. Ernst of Lanesboro, district Awards Are Made In Two Actions Pittsfield, July 16-William C.

Reeves of this city was awarded $900 by Judge Horace T. Cahill in Superior Court today in a $10,000 auto tort against William J. Moffett of this city. total of $500 was for personal in injuries and $400 for property damage in a collision in Lenox. Cheryl Reeves, daughter of William Reeves; was awarded $100 for personal injuries in the accident.

Suit for $25,000 had been brought on her behalf. Shopping Center Permit Is Issued Pittsfield, July 16 A building permit for a $250,000 neighborhood, shopping, center St. has in been Wilissued by Building Inspector William A. Mandell. Although City Council voted unanimously at last Tuesday's meeting to ask that any commercial permit' for the lot be held up pending action on a petition by nearby residents, Mandell said that since the application was in order he had no alternative but to issue the permit.

Nearby residents are seeking to have the zoning of the site changed from commercial to residential to conform with its Theater Schedules Lawless 80's," 1:10, 4:25, "Beau 2:30, 5:45, 9:05. PALACE "Checkpoint," 4:15, "The Delicate 2:35, 5:50, 9. STATE "'Love in the Afternoon," 1:10, 3:45, 6:25, 9:15. UNION Bachelor Party, 1, 3:45, 6:30, "Gun Duel at 2:30, 5:20, 8:05. LITTLE Proud and the Beautiful," 8:15.

BERKSHIRE DRIVE IN "Back to God's 8:45, "'Ten Tall Men," 10:20. Probate Court News Pittsfield, July 16-An administration in the estate of Hubby of Pittsfield was allowed in Probate Court today with an administrator's bond showing $130,000 in personal property and $18,000 in real estate. An administration was also' allowed in the estate of James H. Woods of Hollis with bond showing real estate $15,000 and personal property of $1000. Herbert E.

L. Winnie of Pittsfield was granted divorce from Dorothy Boyton Mahon Winnie of parts unknown on grounds of cruel and abusive treatment. have been visiting relatives for the past few weeks. Mrs. Richard Mitchell and two children, York Lenora, of Hill Rd.

spent last week in Braintree, visiting Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Sanders. and Mrs. Harold M.

Tower have returned to Springfield after spending several days with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnson. Mr. and Mrs.

William Chapin of Springfield were week end guests of Mrs. Bertha Shaw. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shaw, and family of Haverhill are also guests of Mrs.

Shaw for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Eames and son, Bruce, have returned from week's motor trip to Washington, D. and Gettysburg, Pa.

Mr. and Mrs. Alan Pomeroy and two children of Pittsfield were guests this week end of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Pomeroy.

SOUTH DEERFIELD SOUTH DEERFIELD South Deerfield, July 16 The regular meeting of the Deerfield Lions Club, which was to have been held at the camp of Anthony J. Ostrowski at Lake Wyola Wednesday evening, has been postponed meeting due being to held the Wednes- special day evening at the Veterans Memorial Gymnasium in South Deerfield. The American Legion Auxiliary annual: picnic originally scheduled for Wednesday evening has been until July 24." Miss Sandra Burtt, daughter of Mr. Eastern and Mrs. J.

is at Wendell New Burtt England Deaconess Hospital Training School for Nurses for a four-day orientation period. She will begin training the early fall as a student nurse. Miss Burtt graduated from the Northfield School for Girls this June. A training program, "Summer Fun," sponsored by the Franklin County Extension Service under the direction of Miss Marguerita Costanza was held yesterday morning and afternoon at the home Mrs. J.

Wendell Burtt in Eastern: Ave. Those attending were Mrs. Evelyn Burtt, Mrs. Kay Wells, Mrs. Selma Rose, Mrs.

Beulah Cowan, Mrs. Alice Bleakley, Mrs. Elizabeth Wells and Mrs. Marjorie Rohrs. Ellen Bradley, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Raymond Bradley of Sugarloaf is spending several weeks at Camp Green Eyrie in Harvard, where she is receiving training, as a Girl Scout Camp counselor, Municipal Jobs Totaling $713,000 Given Priority North Adams, July 16 The Capital Outlay Committee tonight, placed suggested municipal projects totaling $713,000 on the top priority list. Included on the list are: urban renewal, the Mohawk Trail water booster system, $90- 000; and highway projects totaling $243,000. The highway projects under consideration are: Canal 000; Barbour St. West Shaft Chase Ave Union $7000; Eagie $6000; and Woodlawn Ave.

No estimate, was available for Woodlawn and City Manager Gordon Dillon was instructed to obtain one for the next meeting Aug. 30. He also was quested to contact the Committee to find out its views toward replacing present playground equipment, some of which committeeman Bernard Lenhoff termed "archaic." At the next meeting, the committee will continue to pick what it considers the most important projects for inclusion in the sixyear program the group hopes to lay out. Much of the discussion WILLIAMSTOWN 'Anastasia' Is Greeted Warmly Williamstown, July 16-An audience of 250 warmly greeted the opening presentation of 'Anastasia," the second of the year by the Williamstown Summer Theater. Red-haired Evans Evans appears in the title, role with Marion Paone as dowager empress and Rex Robbins as Prince Bounine, the leader of the conspiracy.

Supporting roles are played by Tom Brennan Stan Kahn, and Converse Converse. The play is directed Adkins. The play, about young-bedraggled girl in Berlin who claims to be the daughter of the last czar of Russia and only surviving member of the royal family, opened on the 39th anniversary of the masacre of Czar Nicholas 2d and his family in the Ural Mountains, July 16, 1918. Delay in Naming New Patrolman Williamstown, July 16 Town Manager J. Maynard Austin this announced he will defer appointment of an additional patrolman to the police force until a successor to Chief George A.

Royal has been chosen. The announcement came after consultation with Chief Royal and has the selectmen's approval Austin said. 4 Two' reasons were cited for the decision: That of giving the new chief a voice in the selection of the additional u. patrolman and, since chief Royal's resignation is effective Aug. 31, it would be pref erable to have the new appointee trained by the incoming chief.

TWO CARS COLLIDE Williamstown, July 16 Minor property damage resulted from a two-car accident this afternoon in Main St. According to police; a car driven by Carl Johnson. of Hanco*ck collided with the rear of a car driven by Mary Schimmel of Main St. in front of the latter's home. personal injuries were reported.

Police are still investigating. ADAMS Blood Donors Give 68 Pints Adams, July 16-Only 68 pints of blood toward the 135-pint goal was collected this afternoon during the summer visit of Red Cross bloodmobile at the American Legion Mrs. John G. Arnold, chairman of the blood donor program, said the visit might well have been a washout if 38 walkin donors had not appeared. Only 34 registrations were recorded.

Four of the walk-in donors were rejected. Next planned visit of the bloodmobile will be in the fall. Youth Is Hurt In Mill Mishap Adams, July 16-William Todt, 19, of 39 Valley is in satisfactory condition at Plunkett Memorial Hospital tonight according to Dr. James F. McLaughlin following an accident at the Brightwater Paper Co.

plant this afternoon. Todt, a cutter machine helper, had his left arm caught in the squeeze: roll of the machine as he was reaching for paper shavings. The roll caught his fingers and ran to the elbow before the machine was stopped and the pressure relieved. The Williams College sophom*ore, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Harold W. Todt, is suffering from inflamation and. friction burns, and X-rays revealed that no bones were broken, Dr. McLaughlin said. The accident is the first lost time accident in 116.

days at the paper company. MERRY-GO-ROUND FOR PARK ARRIVES Adams, July 16-Charles Kuhpresident of the Zylonite Playground Association, announced tonight that the tonight was centered on the development of West Shaft Rd. Councillor James B. Ruane maintained that the project should be the top priority because of the potential residential development there when the Mohawk Trail booster line is installed and the road improved. He took the position that the city should be concerned more with how to raise money than spending it.

'If we are going to put in he argued "let's find out if we are going to get our investment back." He quoted figures from sections where the city had installed services which showed that much of the initial outlay returned to the city through taxes on building developments. Although most of the committee agreed that the West Shaft Rd. project should go to the top of the list, some pointed out, mainly Councillors Fred B. Windover and Joseph R. Bianco, that the entire job should be done at once.

The committee wound up putting 000 down for the job, instead of the $200,000 previously set for it. during a practice session this Fire Company at Greenfield. are, left to right, Lt. Robert Capt. David Bartlett.

Wearing filled areas is George Lapointe. LEE the 'intermediates, and the swimmers, or the advanced class. On completing the summer swimming course satisfactorily, children will receive Red certificate. Miss Linda Frissell. is Red Cross lifeguard at the beach.

Mr. and Wins. Lee C. Espel of Cincinnati, guests of Mrs. Espel's brother-in-law and sister, Mr.

and Mrs. Dennis J. Curtin of Maple St. Mr. Espel is brother of Mrs.

Edward J. sell of Pittsfield. Miss Rita Bean and Kathie Fitch left Monday to visit Miss Bean's aunt, Mrs. Inez Lafond of Barre, Vt. for a few days.

Mr. and Mrs. Norman Carmel, who were married Saturday at Lenox, and who are on a wedding to Florida, will include a visit with the bride's brother, Ronald Bean, and wife and son in Jacksonville, Fla. Mr. Bean is U.S.

Navy. Mrs. Carmel is the former Evelyn Bean. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Otis, 16. Mr.

and Mrs. Henry Jones North Otis announce the engagement of their daughter, Marie to Warren T. son of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Wright of Pittsfield.

Miss Jones is a graduate of Lee High School and has a bachelor of. science degree in nursing for -Boston University School of Nursing. She is employed by the Visiting Nurse Association of Pittsfield. Mr. Wright, a graduate of Pittsfield High School is a senior at Gordon College Beverly Farms, Massachusetts, where he is majoring in philosophy.

He plans to attend a theological For the employed seminary following, graduation. by, the Pittsfield Supply Co. OTIS BRIEFS Otis, July 16 The Brownie camp held at Goose Pond has been completed. Miss Patricia Snow and Miss Erbe assisted with the program. Miss Marlene Pease and Miss Jeanette Snow are attending a religious conference in Northfield.

Mrs. Corrine Strickland, instructor for the Red Cross swimming classes announces enrollment in the various groups: beginners, 20; intermediate. eight; swimmers, seven; junior life saving, life saving four; and instructors' aid badges, seven. More children may attend the classes if they wish. The final picnic will be on Monday, July Tuesday, July 30.

There will be a food sale Saturday at 1 on the church lawn. Mrs. Henry Erbe and Mrs. Nelson Tacy are chairmen. A church supper will be served on Saturday, July 27, from 5.30 to in the community room of the Congregational Church.

Miss Marcia Jones has returned after spending a week at Nassau, N. Y. a guest of her sister, Mrs. Richard Burke. 8 LEVERETT Leverett, July 16-Mr.

and Mrs. Henry Mangels and family have returned from a three-week vacation in Florida. They visited Mr. Mangel's parents in St. Petersburg and visited other parts of the state.

Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Duncan and their two sons returned from a two-week 'vacation during which they visited Mr. Duncan's family near Roanoke, Virginia; and they also visited Mrs. Duncan's sister, the former Audrey Peck of Leverett, in Akron, 0.

Miss Sandra Woodard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Woodard, and Miss Sarah LaClaire, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford LaClaire, left Sunday for a week's vacation at the 4-H Camp in Goshen.

Mr. and Mrs. David Field of Long Plain. entertained Mr. Field's stepfather and mother, Mr.

and 1 Mrs. Harold Stronach and their children, Joan and Peter, from Billerica, for 4 days past week. Miss Marion Siroskey of East Leverett enjoyed a week-end trip to Hyannis and Falmouth with a group of girls from her office. Thrifty Grange met last Friday at the Hobby House in East Leverett with Mr. and Mrs.

Homer Germain as host and The Grange voted to have its annual picnic at Laurel Lake on Saturday, July. 27, with swimmints in p. the m. afternoon and supper The Grange will observe its 50th anniversary with a special program Sept. 27.

Details will be announced later. More than 70 major league pinch hitters have hit home runs I with the bases loaded. go-round for the Bowe Memorial Playground has arrived. Kuhner noted, however, that a current shortage of cement because of a strike will necessitate delay in the installation of the new equipment. Donations for equipment were reported as follows: United Mine Workers Local 12796 of the Brightwater Paper $50; TWUA of Adams, $25; Donald Linscott, $25; and lumber from the R.

T. Arnold Lumber Co. LEYDEN Blueberry Fete Planned July 24 OTIS Leyden, July 16-The annual blueberry supper sponsored by the Women's Society of the Leyden Church will take place July 24 with sittings at 5, 6, and 7 p. m. The menu will include: Swedish meatballs, mashed potato, fresh string beans, tossed salad, blueberry muffins, and blueberry pie.

Reservations are in charge of Mrs. William Glabach and Mrs. Henry Glabach. ATHOL Athol, July 16-The Athol Junior Legion baseball team has conceded its two remaining games and disbanded A'S of Monday. Lorne Stone, said that Coach Chucks, and manager only four players appeared for the game supposed to have been played on Saturday in Winchendon.

Bernal seven-month-old son of Mr. Mrs. Bernal G. Coffin of Keene, N. formerly of Athol, died Monday.

The boy was born in Shirley while his ther was stationed at Fort Devens. Funeral will be held Wednesday at 10 in St. John's Episcopal Church with Rev. Archer Torrey officiating. Burial will be in Silver Lake Cemetery.

About 50 attended a party last night which marked the formal opening of the Union Twist Drill new McGregor Lodge. The lodge is the completely redecorated former home of William E. Loy, retired treasurer of the company. Athol-Orange Disabled American Veterans will hold their fourth annual clambake on July 21 at the Rod and Gun Club. A break at the confectionery stand at Silver Lake is reported by Chief William J.

Callahan. He said a radio valued at $25 was taken. Call On Arab Groups To. Note 'Palestine Day' Amman, Jordan, July 16 (LP) Jordanian and other Arab civil organizations have called on the Arab states to celebrate May 15 annually as "Palestine The day would commemorate the end of the British mandate in Palestine in 1948 and the start. of Palestine's partition.

SHELLS RECOVERED Livry, France, July 16 (P) -A frogman has brought up 200 20 mm. shells from the bottom of the Seine where they apparently been sunk by retreating Germans in 1944. Another 400 are being sought near a river bathing beach. LITTLE CINEMA Berkshire Museum Pittsfield Sat. Cont.

from 7 Nightly at 8:16 NOW thru SAT. MICHELE MORGAN GERARD PHILIPE in an unusual and adult love story "THE PROUD AND THE BEAUTIFUL" Sun. Mon. Tucs. Only the late LESLIE HOWARD stars with INGRID BERGMAN "INTERMEZZO" Miss Bergman's first American film, released in 1939, was an immediate success!.

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.