The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

i THE SPRINGFIELD SUNDAY REPUBLICAN, SPRINGFIELD, OCTOBER.21, 1956 5A THOMPSONVILLE LAYMEN'S CONFERENCE IS WELL ATTENDED Protestant Churches Conduct Event at High School With 150 Thompsonville, Oct. 20-With total of 150 attending. the first Enfield conducted conferencht 'at Enfield High School under auspices the Protestant churches of community. The program opened with at 6. A talk on the ference theme, Christian and Ilis Job." followed with Donald C.

Stonc, president Springfield College, as speaker. Panel discussions followed Dr. Stone evaluating the findings. Discussion leaders included tor Rickman, Edwin S. Collins, J.

Bernard Gates, Amos Bridge, Charles Lyons, Albert Bicl*tz, Richard King, Alfred Pinkul, Samuel Magill, Joseph McCullough, James Leard Lloyd The Pricketice included Arthur R. Bostick, chairman; Warren B. Bezanson, secretary; Donald W. Courlic, Amos D. Bridge, Kenneth Goodsell, James Leard.

R. Wilcox, Rev. Tyler Johnson, Rev. Harvey F. Morrison, Rev.

Edwin Aiken, Rev. Roy MacKay Atwood. Rev. Evan Johnson and Rev. James Regester.

ANGELICA BARBIERI Thompsonville. Oct. 20 -Miss Angelica. daughter Mr. and Mrs.

Nicolo Angelica Enfield St. and Joseph P. Barbieri, son of Mrs. Rose Barbieri of New Haven. were married this morning at 9 in St.

Patrick's Church. The reception was Club Silhouette. Miss Rose Angelica served sister as maid of honor. The bridesmaids were Miss Lucille Vibberts of Newington and Miss Hermina Joy of Manchester. Raymond LaBrecque of New Haven was best man.

Victor La Brecque of New Haven and Nicholas gelica ushered. On return from a wedding to Niagara Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Barbicri will live at 46 Sherman Now Haven. A graduate Enfield High School, the bride employed at the New Haven branch office of The Travelers Insurance Co.

The bridegroom tended the West Haven schools, he is with Standard and Poors, New Haven. LITTLE LEAGUE BANQUET Thompsonville, Oct. 20 Edward Steitz, director of athletics at Springfield College and Little League commissioner for the past, will be principal speaker the annual Thompsonville Little League banquet Thursday night at 6.30 at the Polish National Home. Other guests will include John Carey of West Hartford, active in the organization of the League here; and the SIX past presidents of the league, James Jackson. Frank Mellon of Essex, Walter Furey, Jerry Cardone, James Stone and Austin Reilly.

HOGINSKI-VELLA Thompsonville, Oct. 20 St. Adalbert's Church was the scene this morning of the wedding Miss Jane Hoginski, daughter Mr. and Mrs. Emil Hoginski 34 Fairview and Rosario Vella, son of Mr.

and Mrs. Thomas Vella of 88 Tariff St. Miss Gertrude Davenport was maid of honor. The bridesmaids were Miss Sophie Liro and Miss Judith Vassalo. Carol Hoginski was flower girl.

Paul Vella served his brother as best man. Emil Hoginski, and Paul J. Vella Carl Trippodo was ring bearer. The reception for 200 guests was at Shaker Park Restaurant. A graduate of Enfield High School bride is emploved the Holman Adjustment Burcau.

Also a graduate of the local high school, the bridegroom is emand ploved by the Connecticut Power, Co. AMVETS TO INSTALL Thompsonville, Oct. 20 National and state officials, and heads of local veterans groups will attend a joint installation of officers of the Enfield Amvets, Post 18, and its Auxiliary Sunday afternoon at 4 in Pulaski Hall on Pleasant St. Among the guests will he Dominic L. Strada, national commander of the Amvets; Patrick Marangell of West Haven, necticut state commander; and Enfield town officers.

Raymond Montagna will seated post commander and Mrs. Doris Cowhey as auxiliary president. Following the ritual will be a luncheon and dance. SANTANDREA SAID TO SHOOT SELF Thompsonville, Oct. 20- Gino J.

Santandrea, 32, a chemical engineer, died this afternoon at the home of his parents, 137 High of a self inflicted bullet wound. An engineer with the DuPont Chemical Co. of Chicago, he had been visiting at the home of his parents. He had been in poor health. Santandrea is said by police to have shot himself in the heart with a caliber revolver, while in the basem*nt of the Santandrea home.

Sgt. Vincent Ash conducted the police investigation. Born here, son of Adolph and Alfonsina (Oleando) Santandrea, he was a graduate of Enfield High School and Worcester Tech. He was a World War Il veteran with service in the Pacific area. Ie leaves his parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Adolph Santandrea, and one brother, Robert, of this town. The funeral will be held at the Browne funeral home Tuesday at 8.15 a. m. in with St.

a solemn reguiem high mass Patrick's Church at 9. Burial will be in St. Patrick's call Cemetery, King St. Friends may at the funeral home Sunday and Monday from 7 to 10 p. AMHERST HONOR FOREIGN STUDENTS Amherst, Oct.

20-The 30 international members of the student body representing 17 foreign countries at the University of Massachusetts will be honored at a United Nations Day recep-er tion on Wednesday, Oct. 24, 7.30 p. N1. in Skinner Auditorium. eign students will include orgy greetThe annual reception forings from faculty, administration and students including University, a Provost President Shannon J.

Paul McCune, Gilbert L. Woodside, Dean of the Graduate School, and Sidney F. Wexler, adviser to foreign students. AMHERST BRIEFS Amherst, Oct. 20-The Fire Department was called at 1.35 this morning to put out a brush fire on the Depot Rd.

after being notified by telephone by an unknown motorist. Ernest Peterson, A junior in; the high school suffered a broken elbow yesterday afternoon in the football game with Murdock High School of Winchendon. Roland Laurin, a junior at the high school, fractured his left wrist yesterday afternoon in the gymnasium class. He was taken to the Cooley Dickinson Hospital by Dr. Robert W.

Gage. Mrs. Katherine C. Rourke of the University Apartments is a patient at the Cooley Dickinson Hospital where she was taken in town ambulance last evening. Applications for membership in the Amherst Art Center classes are still open, according to the president, Miss Marie Rafferty.

South Amherst Grange will meet Monday evening and have a musical program in the Munson Memorial Building. The Ladies Guild of the Second Congregational Church will hold their annual fair and chicken pie supper in the parish house on Wednesday. HAYDENVILLE Haydenville, Oct. 20-Mrs. Roslyn L'Huillier of South Main assistant treasurer of the Haydenville Savings Bank is in Dickinson Hospital for observation and treatment.

meeting has been called for Monday night at Legion Hall, which will include a representative of each organization and any others interested to plan the annual Halloween party for the children of the village. Capt. Catherine Paul of the Army Nursing Corps, stationed at Bordeaus, France, has written her parents that she is now on leave and will visit Spain, Portugal, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Switzerland, Scotland, Ireland and England before returning to duty. Harold Arlen, the song writer of "Over the Rainbow," carries music score sheets in his pockets 10 make song notes like a newspaper reporter carries copy paper. Springfield, Pronaos Rosicrucian Order AMORC Announces Showing Of Movies Sunday Oct.

21st at 7:30 P.M. From Grand Lodge, San Jose, Calif. "Domain of Destiny" and "Egypt the Eternal" In Color 1694 MAIN ST. ROOM 211 Public Invited Free Admission John J. Lynch, Inc.

Jeweler's Specialists In The Remounting of Diamonds and Precious Stones 272 Bridge Street DIVIDED PAYMENTS IF DESIRED STAFFORD SPRINGS HOSPITAL REPORTS OPERATING LOSS Net Amounts to $12,385 At Johnson Memorial Stafford Springs, Oct. 20 -The report of the Johnson Memorial Hospital submitted this week at the 44th annual meeting of the institution reveals that 2139 patients were admitted during the past 12 months and there were 373 babies born during the year. Deaths at the hospital numbered 80. A total of 605 operawere performed and patient' X-rays were given. Other statistics include: laboratory examinations, 9680; basal metabolism tests, 27: diathermy, 92: electrocardiograms, 181.

A total of 19,462 meals were served at an average cost per meal of $.88. I According to the earnings statement net charge to patients total $240,622 and total operating The costs net operating amounted to loss 3 $253.007. before 007 chargeoffs for bad debts and depreciation amounted to $12,385. In the treasurer's report was shown cash receipts from Oct. 1, 1955, through Oct.

1. 1956, amounted to $7961; pledge payments, on the Hospital Building Fund amounted to $70,000. Total payments made for construction and equipment during the year amounted to $95,280. Parley C. Patten of Edgewood was re-elected president for his fifth consecutive term.

Other officers, all re-elected, are: vicepresidents, Ronald A. Mitchell, Atty, Joel H. Reed, 2d, and William R. Park. William O.

Ladish was store re-elected secretary-treasurhis 15th consecutive year. LAMB- RINDEIRO Stafford Springs, Oct. 20 -The marriage of Miss Nancy Lamb, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Lamb of the West Stafford and Jean Rindeiro, son of Mr.

and Mrs. I. F. Rindeiro of Glastonbury, took place Saturday in St. Edward's Church with Rev.

Charles O'Leary performing the double ring ceremony. The bride was attended by her sister, Mrs. Herman Schultz, of Glastonbury, as matron honor and bridesmaids, Mrs. Frederick Sample of Hazardville, Miss Diane Palin and Miss Shirley Mack, both of Stafford Springs. Richard Carl of Glastonbury assisted as best man; Ushers were, Herman Schultz, Augustus Roucar, Frederick Sample, and Eldred Lamb, brother of the bride.

A reception followed the ceremony at the American Legion Home. The couple left in the late afternoon for a wedding trip and will be at home on Goodwin East Hartford, after Oct. 28. CHESTER MOREY-BEASLEY Chester, Oct. 20-Miss Jean Amelia Morey, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. George A. Morey of Morey and Richard Frederick Beasley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Beasley of West Springfield, were married Saturday afternoon in the Chester United Church.

Rev. Wilfred LaPoint performed the double-ring ceremony. Mrs. Donald Savery of Middlefield was her sister's matron of honor, and bridesmaids were Mrs. Frank Gamelli of West Springfield, sister of the bridegroom, Mrs.

Anthony Anziano of Springfield and Miss Verna Shafer of this town. Paul McCarthy of West Springfield was best man ushers were George Moreand brother of the bride, Anthony Anziano of West Springfield and Derry McCarthy of Agawam. The couple left on a trip to Washington, D. C. After Oct.

28 the couple will be at home at 60 Morton Springfield. Mrs. Beasley is a graduate of Chester High School and is employed by Strathmore Paper Co. Mr. Beasley is a graduate of West Springfield High School, served four years in the Air Force and is employed by the G.

G. Gill Transportation Co. HATFIELD Hatfield, Oct. 20 Hatfield Guild, Holy Family League of Charity, has set Nov. 12 for its annual Christmas bazaar in the community rooms from 7.30 to 9.30, under chairmanship of Miss Marie Proulx.

Academy will conduct a harvest hop Nov. 9 in Town Hall from 7.30 to 11, with music by the Mello-Aires of Northampton. Miss Patricia King St. and Mr. and Mrs.

Chester Vandoloski week of end Hadley in are Ft. spend-' N. ing thes guest of their son, Pvt. Raymond Vandoloski. Rev.

Ronald Tamblyn of Mount Holyoke College will preach in Hatfield Congregational Church Sunday morning. Real Folks Society of Hatfield Congregational Church invites the public to a toy party in the church parlors Wednesday at 8 p. m. Marriage intentions have been filed, by Joanne Marie Lapienski, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Steve Lapienski of Coles Meadow West Hatfield, and Alfred J. Jaczewski, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Janczewski of 85 Maple Easthampton. The wedding will he Nov.

4 in Holy Trinity Church. WILLIAMSBURG Williamsburg, Oct. 20-Walter Richard, assistant superintendent of schools, requests parents of chidren who were five years old by Oct. 1, 1956, to register their children at the school superintendent's office starting Oct. 22.

Mrs. William Lynch of Main St. has returned home from Dickinson Hospital where she has been receiving treatment the past, week. Mrs. Ruth McAvoy, school nurse, announces Salk vaccine make-up shots for school children only will be given this week at the Helen E.

James School, also first shots for those of the high school age group, 15-19. Mrs. Leon Damon of Main is in Dickinson Hospital for observation and treatment. Rev. Arthur A.

Rouner, of Main is visiting his Hirs. who John is Downs, ill. He in will Pittshurgh, return Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs.

Harlan Nye and family have moved to Hartford, where Mr. doing graduate work: for a master's degree at the University of Connecticut School of Social Work. SUFFIELD Suffield, Oct. 20-Rob-nance Winters, president West. the Suffield following PTA, has chairmen appoint1956-57: refreshments, Mrs.

William Nicholson, program, Mrs. John Leahey; ways and means, Henry M. Leahey; well child program, Mrs. Chan Duni; publicity, Mrs. Frank Kotowski: children's Halloween party, Mrs.

Robert Winters; children's Christmas party, Mrs. Nelson Babb, Jr. The following slate of officers for the 1956-57 term was elected at the October meeting of the American Legion Auxiliary: president, Mrs. William H. Flood; first vice-president, Mrs.

Richard L. Trommer; second vice-president, Mrs. Alice Washburn; secretary, Mrs. Anthony P. Kulas; treasurer.

Mrs. William Dupont; chaplain, Mrs. John Dunn; historian, Mrs. Frederick Scott; sergeant-at-arms, Mrs. William J.

Austin: assistant sergeant-at-arms, Mrs. John Kennedy. Mrs. Alice Washburn was chairman of the nominating committee. A silver tea, served by Mrs.

Herbert Spencer, assisted by Mrs. Sherman Perry, Mrs. William C. will be part of theon annual Fair Leete, and Mrs. Dickinson, the Ladies Aid Society of the Second Baptist Church on Wednesday.

WARE LEGION INSTALLS NEW OFFICERS Ware, Oct. 20-Adolphe O. St. Jacques, district commander, and staff installed the officers of Earle F. Howe Post, at Legion Home tonight.

Edward A. Quink was installed as commander and succeeds John A. Shoum, who took the post of historian. Other officers seated: Arnold Legare, senior vice-commander; John C. Ruckley.

junior vicecommander; Albert M. Antaya, adjutant; Stephen J. Milos. fiofficer; David J. Carroll, chaplain; Patrick A.

Novak, sergeant at arms; John T. Storrs, judge advocate; Everett Wright, Americanization officer; Edward Sydla, athletic officer; William I. Trudeau, graves registration; Ernest T. LaBossiere, service officer; Lucien Roberdat Rene J. Lefort, Herbert and Gilbert S.

Southworth. executive committee. Refreshments and a social followed. Hotel Royal was taxed to capacity tonight by the large ber of residents of Ware and vicinity towns who attended the Furcolo for Governor night arranged by the Ware Furcolo canmittee. Free smorgasbord, music and entertainment was provided by the committee.

Several candidates for state office spoke. Foster Furcolo, candidate for governor, was represented by Edward Couighan, Boston, and others. Funeral of Frank A. Czaja, 43, of 18 East St. was today at Frank N.

Cebula Son funeral home with a requiem high mass in St. Mary's Church. Rev. Michael Bielak was celebrant. Bearers were Robert Norris, George Chartier, Ed.

nund Ward, Edward Guire, John Soja and William Borsh. Burial was in the parish cemetery. Lake Lucerne in Switzerland, Forbes where the Rotary International will hold its convention (May 1957), is 226 miles wide, covers a space about the size of Connecticut and Massachusetts joined together. AGAWAM Springs, AT ANTIOCH Li James Louis Hauser, Mr. and Mrs.

John F. Hauser, 111 Elm Agawam, will enter Antioch College On Oct. 24 for a weeklong orientation program before classes begin on Oct. 31. He is one of 343 freshmen and transfer students who entered Antioch this fall.

MILLERS FALLS Millers Falls, Oct. 20-Ervingside Dance Club met Wednesday evening at the library with Miss Betty Mattson presiding and heard a report of the fund-raising, compouchan charge of Mrs. Walter and Mrs. Roland Gauthier. Next meeting will be Nov.

1 at the Ervinside Library at 3 p. m. Busy Fingers 4-H Club held the first meeting of the season yesterday at the American Legion Rooms, with the adviser, Miss Ruth McLaughlin, in charge. Meetings will be held Wednesdays after school in the American' Legion Rooms. CHARLEMONT Charlemont, Oct.

20 4-H Award night was held last night at the Hawlemont Regional School Gymnasium with Mrs. Charles Warner in charge. Karen Avery and Mark Warner were flag bearers, Charlotte Langevin led the pledges at the opening of the meeting and introduced Milford Atwood, Franklin County Club agent. Mr. Atwood made awards to the clubs and their leaders.

Reading Club will hold its opening meeting as a tasting party at the Social Rooms of the church Monday evening at 6.30. A The accent is tremendous selections for Sport Shirt Week Look your leisure best whatever your fabric choice. Forbes Wallace elects sport shirts a man's favorite set out to prove the picking is easy in a wonderful line- -up of cottons, wools, and beautiful blends. Many carry your favorite labels so if you have a special favorite, you'll find it at Cotton flannels soft warm shirts completely washable in beautiful imported fabric. Smart patlars to wear open or closed.

Sizes small, medium, terns, all handsomely tailored with long sleeves, col- 3.95 large, X-large, See our tremendous display of sport shirts in our Vernon Street windows and in our Main Floor Men's Sportswear Department. CORNERSTONE RITE Athol, Oct. 20-Rev. Rush W. D.

Smith of Springfield, ecutive secretary of the diocese of Western Massachusetts, and the Very Rev. Edgar R. Walker of Worcester, officiated at the cornerstone setting ceremonies the new parish house of the John's Church this afternoon They represented the Rt. Rev. W.

A. Lawrence, bishop Western Massachusetts. CLUB SEATS OFFICERS ATHOL HADLEY Athol, Oct. 20--The officers of the Franco-American Club were installed this evening at 7. Presidem.

installed was J. Aaltenor Mallet; John Chiasson, vice-president; J. Denis Basque, secretary: Estelle DeGrace, assistant, secretary; William H. Butler, treasurer; Mrs. Rose and Ernest Roussel, guards and J.

Altenor Mallet, naturalization officer. Other officers were Francis Blanchard, Raymond and Leonard Duguay, auditors, and Mrs. Rose Hachey, Mrs. Eldora Mallet and Mrs. Anna Chiasson, directors for three years.

HADLEY SCHOOL MENUS Hadley, Oct. 20-Hooker School cafeteria menus for next week ate as follows: Monday, hamburg in roll, carrot and raisin salad. potato chips, milk, peaches; Tuesday. beef hash, beets, corn bread, milk, apricot tapioca; Wednesday, turkey and gravy, mashed potato, peas and carrots, cranberry sauce, bread and butter, milk, fruit cup; Thursday, pork cutlet, mashed potato, spinach, bread and butter, grapefruit sections; Friday, tomato juice, macaroni cheese, green bread and butter, milk, pudding. Hadley, Oct.

20-Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bak of 36 Rocky Hill Rd. were given a surprise party last night by relatives in honor of their 10th wedding anniversary. A wedding cake baked and decorated by Mrs.

Eugene Flynn of Storrs, was presented to the couple along with many other gifts. They were married in Hatfield Oct. 19, 1946. They have a son, Richard, a second grade student in Hooker School. The Hadley Band Parents Association is again sponsoring the community band calendar with members of the junior and senior bands taking orders.

Full information is available from Mrs. Earle Tarbox of North Hadley, Mrs. John Martula of Russell St. and Mrs. John Kozera of Maple Ave.

North Hadley Congregational Church will serve its turkey supper Nov. 10. Dr. Walter Paczosa, Northampton pediatrician, will speak to at 7 p. m.

in Sodality Holy Rosary Sunday the Church. Olde Hadley Lions Club will conduct an clectric light bulb sale tomorrow for the benefit of the eye research program. John F. Russell, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Ernest S. Russell of Bay Rd. and Raymond L. Vandoloski, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Chester Vandoloski of North East have enlisted in the Army. Rev. Ronald Tamblyn of the Mount Holyoke College department of religion will give the main address at the North Hadlev Congregational Church 125th anniversary observance on Oct. 28 at 3.30. WILBRAHAM MISS GUDON IN SCIENCE Norton.

Oct. 20 Miss Janet Gudon of 755 Stony Hill braham, is, helping stage what is described as the largest-scale science show for people ever held in New England. Janet is a sophom*ore Wheaton College in Norton and as A member of her college science club she has charge of setting up a number of lahoratory demonstrations for "A Day of Science" which will be held on Saturday, Oct. 27. Cottons in colorful tartan, or stripes.

Newest color combinatins. Arrow or McGregors in all sizes. 5.95 Corduroys, by McGregor in Tempo grosgrain fine wale cords. Soft roll Italian collar. 8.95 Aqualana, a blend of wool, nylon and completely washable.

One piece Tempo collar. 10.95.

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Name: Domingo Moore

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Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.