¿Cuáles son algunas formas de abordar las tareas difíciles? (2024)

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Last updated on 14 nov 2023

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Busca retroalimentación


Cambia tu mentalidad


Recompénsate a ti mismo


Busca apoyo


Aprender de los demás


Esto es lo que hay que tener en cuenta

Todos nos enfrentamos a tareas difíciles de vez en cuando, ya sea un proyecto desafiante en el trabajo, un problema complejo en la escuela o una meta personal que requiere mucho esfuerzo. ¿Cómo podemos abordar estas tareas sin sentirnos abrumados, frustrados o desanimados? Aquí hay algunas formas de ayudarlo a abordar tareas difíciles con más confianza y facilidad.

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¿Cuáles son algunas formas de abordar las tareas difíciles? (1)

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  • Francesca Tricarico FMAAT **Dare to be a different accountant**Managing Director at Future Cloud Accounting Limited, Director and trustee of the…

    ¿Cuáles son algunas formas de abordar las tareas difíciles? (3) ¿Cuáles son algunas formas de abordar las tareas difíciles? (4) ¿Cuáles son algunas formas de abordar las tareas difíciles? (5) 17

  • Kwabena A. Bamfo Research, Teaching, and Development @ Ashesi University

    ¿Cuáles son algunas formas de abordar las tareas difíciles? (7) ¿Cuáles son algunas formas de abordar las tareas difíciles? (8) 14

  • ¿Cuáles son algunas formas de abordar las tareas difíciles? (10) ¿Cuáles son algunas formas de abordar las tareas difíciles? (11) ¿Cuáles son algunas formas de abordar las tareas difíciles? (12) 12

¿Cuáles son algunas formas de abordar las tareas difíciles? (13) ¿Cuáles son algunas formas de abordar las tareas difíciles? (14) ¿Cuáles son algunas formas de abordar las tareas difíciles? (15)

1 Desglosarlo

Una de las formas más efectivas de abordar las tareas difíciles es dividirlas en pasos más pequeños y manejables. De esta manera, puede concentrarse en un paso a la vez, en lugar de toda la tarea. Desglosar una tarea también te ayuda a planificar tu tiempo, recursos y acciones de manera más eficiente. Puede usar herramientas como listas de verificación, calendarios o aplicaciones para realizar un seguimiento de su progreso y celebrar sus logros.

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  • Kwabena A. Bamfo Research, Teaching, and Development @ Ashesi University
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    Decompose the task. I can't say this enough. Don't try to be a hero. Don't try to understand every part of the task before starting out. Remind yourself - every difficult task is a culmination of many less difficult tasks. The more smaller sub-tasks you find and solve, the easier this seemingly difficult task becomes.



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  • Bridgett Majola CMS South Africa: Head of Project Finance: Energy and Infrastructure
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    I like the idea of taking a complex task and breaking it down into various components, focus areas or key objectives. What is sometimes a challenge is decision paralysis when you have your list in front of you and you have all your task leads identified.



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    First I make a pouse. Than analize all aspects of difficulty, than go deeper in problem, than I think once again and at the end I make mistake



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2 Busca retroalimentación

Otra forma de abordar las tareas difíciles es buscar la retroalimentación de otras personas que tengan conocimientos, experiencia o perspectiva relevantes. La retroalimentación puede ayudarte a mejorar tus habilidades, identificar tus fortalezas y debilidades, y aprender de tus errores. Puede buscar comentarios de sus mentores, compañeros, colegas o amigos, según la naturaleza de la tarea. También puede utilizar plataformas en línea, foros o comunidades para obtener comentarios de un público más amplio.

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    I think it is important to surround yourself and your business with peers and who are at different stages (or similar to yours) to gain feedback and different viewpoints around difficult tasks to prevent procrastination. Hearing how others have handled a similar difficult tasks, demonstrates it is not just us that may be struggling, or not have the correct skillset. Having a supportive community who you trust their judgement and feedback and input will give the support you need, when you need it.



    ¿Cuáles son algunas formas de abordar las tareas difíciles? (53) 1

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  • Martin Morris Director VP Strategy ZEL Group
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    Advisory Board, is a must,Accounting , Legal, Media, Strategy, Sytems/ Data, Entrepreneur, Operations folks with experiance in the team. Meet regularly with an agenda Challenges OpportunitysMatrix numbersHRPlanning On the agenda TIP, ensure the AB members have some equity / skin in the organisation.



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3 Cambia tu mentalidad

Una tercera forma de abordar las tareas difíciles es cambiar tu mentalidad de una fija a una de crecimiento. Una mentalidad fija cree que tus habilidades son innatas y fijas, y que el fracaso es un signo de insuficiencia. Una mentalidad de crecimiento cree que tus habilidades se pueden desarrollar y mejorar, y que el fracaso es una oportunidad para aprender y crecer. Una mentalidad de crecimiento puede ayudarte a aceptar los desafíos, superar los obstáculos y persistir frente a las dificultades.

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  • Sandra Garlick MBE Speaker Mentor 🎤 | Let’s Get Visible 💫 | Woman Who Achieves Academy💻 | Network Events | Awards🏆| Speaker Bootcamps | Speaking Opportunities🎤| Woman Who Chat Podcast🎙| #womaninfootball ⚽️#womaninlaw ⚖️
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    I find that adopting a growth mindset for difficult or challenging tasks can actually help you be more productive.I usually do these tasks during my most productive hours of the day. Those hours where you find it easier to be in flow without interruption, and at a time when your brain is most active.



    ¿Cuáles son algunas formas de abordar las tareas difíciles? (71) 5

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  • Nicoleta Tole FCCA Become Unfireable: Future-proof your finance career | Finance Transformation Consultant | Coach | Course Facilitator | Management Consultant | Lifelong Learner
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    One belief that has always helped me was "there has to be a way". Because I haven't found it yet, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. I ask myself what would need to happen for this to be possible? Allow yourself to play this what if game and see where it takes you



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4 Recompénsate a ti mismo

Una cuarta forma de abordar las tareas difíciles es recompensarse por sus esfuerzos y logros. Las recompensas pueden motivarte a seguir trabajando duro, mantener tu entusiasmo y aumentar tu autoestima. Las recompensas pueden ser cualquier cosa que te haga feliz, como un regalo, un descanso, un cumplido o un reconocimiento. Puedes recompensarte después de completar un paso, alcanzar un hito o alcanzar un objetivo.

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    Another way to reward yourself is to take an inventory for your week and write down your accomplishments or as I call it, "Your WINS." When you capture your WINS week to week, it shifts your mindset to own your productivity and you can then say to your, "I'm a Rockstar!"


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  • Dr Perpetua Neo LinkedIn TopVoice x21 • Keynote Speaker • Simon & Schuster Author • DClinPsy (UCL); MPhil (Cambridge) • The Neuroscience Of Peak Performance Without Burn Out • In 41 languages
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    Doing something good for yourself-- even a cup of coffee-- can be a great boost to get your task done. Charting your wins in what Tim Ferris calls the Jar Of Awesome is another great way to keep track because often, we forget what we've done and focus disproportionately on what we haven't.


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5 Busca apoyo

Una quinta forma de abordar las tareas difíciles es buscar el apoyo de otras personas que puedan ayudarte a lidiar con el estrés, la ansiedad o la frustración. El apoyo puede provenir de su familia, amigos, colegas o profesionales que pueden ofrecerle asistencia emocional, práctica o mental. El apoyo también puede provenir de unirse a un grupo, un club o una red de personas que comparten sus intereses, metas o desafíos. El apoyo puede ayudarte a sentirte menos aislado, más conectado y más resiliente.

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    There are many ways to approach difficult tasks, it depends on the nature and scope of the tasks. Usually, I try to identify the problems or blocks first, if the work needs to be done in several parts, then try to make a breakdown and move forward, after that collect useful information from various sources and try to find a solution in the light of experience.



    ¿Cuáles son algunas formas de abordar las tareas difíciles? (106) 2

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  • Manohar Grandhi Get rid of Insomnia forever in 45 days with the Insomnia Switch-Off Method™️.I help IT professionals to sleep well and stay on top of their game. Talk to me if you want freedom from Insomnia. Author "My Sleepless Nights”
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    One of my all-time favorite TED talks has been on the power of vulnerability. The presenter talks about how by being Vulnerable we open up new possibilities.By asking for support we open new opportunities and new ways of looking at things that we might have not considered earlier.



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6 Aprender de los demás

Una sexta forma de abordar las tareas difíciles es aprender de otros que han completado con éxito tareas similares o relacionadas. Aprender de los demás puede inspirarte, informarte y guiarte. Puede aprender de otros leyendo libros, artículos o blogs, viendo videos, podcasts o seminarios web, o asistiendo a cursos, talleres o seminarios. También puedes aprender de los demás haciendo preguntas, observándolos o siguiéndolos.

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  • Francesca Tricarico FMAAT **Dare to be a different accountant**Managing Director at Future Cloud Accounting Limited, Director and trustee of the AAT
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    Never be afraid to ask questions, no matter how stupid you may feel. Those questions will help you more than you realise! I get inspiration from people who are doing better than me. Those are the people who will help you! Just be brave enough to ask!



    ¿Cuáles son algunas formas de abordar las tareas difíciles? (124) ¿Cuáles son algunas formas de abordar las tareas difíciles? (125) ¿Cuáles son algunas formas de abordar las tareas difíciles? (126) 17

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  • Sreejith Kanhirangadan CSV Advisor to CEOs, Startups in Biotech Pharma | Creator of 4 CSV Courses | Author | CSV to CSA in 3 months 🔥 Veeva/SAS Validation | 2 (FREE) CSV Courses helped 500+ | Link in FEATURED | #LivetoGive💛
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    What I found a great way to tackle is this: Delete the word “difficult “ first and replace with “simple”. What is tough for you maybe easy to someone. Let’s accept that it is a reality, right? Now that you have it with right mindset of just another of task, attack it first thing your morning. See if you can win by noon . Even if it not 100%, progress is success. Research how others have done it - learn from past best practices. Don’t do it alone .


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  • umma iliyasu-mohammed international development consultant
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    Reach out to other people who you have expertise in the task or what you are handling. Create a discussion group or survey to get different perspectives son that you have sieve out what will work for you. Lastly create a feedback mechanism so that you can further get information to responses you don't clearly understand or you need more info about.


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7 Esto es lo que hay que tener en cuenta

Este es un espacio para compartir ejemplos, historias o ideas que no encajan en ninguna de las secciones anteriores. ¿Qué más te gustaría añadir?

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    Eat frogs for breakfast- in other words tackle big tasks early in the day:--Break it down into smaller steps -Reward yourself for completing (even if its just a pat on the back) -Identify and stay focused on the WHY-Ask for assistance or guidance if needed or for motivation-Set a deadline target for starting-Make a list and tick off as you go (even if retrospective)Try to be honest with yourself about what is holding you back and deal with the obstacle. Just a few things to consider to get you up and going.



    ¿Cuáles son algunas formas de abordar las tareas difíciles? (151) ¿Cuáles son algunas formas de abordar las tareas difíciles? (152) ¿Cuáles son algunas formas de abordar las tareas difíciles? (153) 12

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  • Leslie Flowers Blazing a Trail for the Business Leader | Leveraging the Laws of Achievement and Timeless Success Principles to Create the Aha Moment for Leaders and Drive Their Professional and Personal Transformation.


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    In corporate, you have a team working on a project. The facilitated mastermind allows expertise and experience of others to contribute to the challenge.For the entrepreneur or small business owner the use of mastermind allows you to first determine what you do know, and then engage with other mastermind members for their approach.When two or more engage together it creates a third, or even multiple minds.Managing difficult tasks and all the subsections in the article are handled when employing the concept of mastermind.



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  • Subho Pati Sanyal Sahaja Yogi | Linkedin Top Voice | Quantum Consulting Strategist | Top Global BPO Expert | Start-Up Mentor | Elevating Growth Through Innovative Solutions


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    I would suggest starting with the definition. Defining a task helps identify the familiar and unfamiliar territories. The next step will be to identify the knowledge source for the unfamiliar territories. It could be outsourced or brainstormed. Once that is done, the next step will be to outline the roadmap and deliverables. Then identify the controllables and initiate an action plan to work on them and finally monitor the solution process at every level by continuous engagement with and between the task owner(s) and the action team.



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¿Cuáles son algunas formas de abordar las tareas difíciles? (2024)


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Author: Chrissy Homenick

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Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

Phone: +96619177651654

Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.