Women's Accessories: Belts | Shop Now on Diesel.com (2024)


Your privacy is extremely important to us, please read this information notice carefully.
We wish to inform you in a complete and transparent manner about the personal data processing that the companies listed in paragraph 1 below will carry out on your personal data provided by you and/or collected in the context of the contacts you will possibly have with us, including for example the following:
• contacting our Customer Service;
• visiting the website www.diesel.com (hereinafter the “Site”) and/or the other websites referring to the brand, interacting with our pages on the social networks (eg. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tik Tok, We Chat, Tmall etc.),
• using the Global-e service for purchasing activities.
If you provide personal data on behalf of someone else, you must ensure, in advance, that the interested parties have read this information notice.
The companies collecting and processing personal data as autonomous data controllers (hereinafter the “Data Controllers” or the “Companies”) or as joint controllers are:
• OTB S.p.A. (“OTB”), with registered office in Italy, Breganze (Vi), Via dell’Industria 2, 36042, telephone +390445306555, email privacy@otb.net; OTB’s Data Protection Officer (“DPO”) can be contacted at dpo@otb.net;
• Diesel S.p.A. (“Diesel”), with registered office in Italy, Breganze (Vi), Via dell’Industria 4-6, 36042, telephone +390424477555, email privacy@diesel.com; the Diesel Data Protection Officer (“DPO”) can be contacted at dpo@otb.net.

OTB and Diesel carry out some activities as joint controllers, taking jointly the decisions regarding the purposes and means of personal data processing. Hereafter, the term “Joint Controllers” means Diesel and OTB jointly considered when they process data as Joint Controllers.

To facilitate your understanding of the processing activities carried out by the above-mentioned subjects as Controllers or Joint Controllers, we have prepared this document explaining which processing activities are carried out autonomously by each company.
Please consider that said processing activities are not intended for minors and the Data Controllers do not knowingly collect or solicit personal data from anyone under the age of 16. If you are less than 16 years old, please refrain from provide any personal data. This does not affect the applicable contract law such as the rules on the validity, formation or effect of a contract in relation to a child.

Each Company collects different categories of personal data according to the purpose for which it processes them.
Herein below we specify which categories of personal data are collected; in the following paragraph we will explain for what purposes each category of data is processed by each Data Controller or by the Joint Controllers as appropriate (hereinafter also “Personal Data” if processed jointly).
• Biographical Data: name, middle name, surname, date of birth, gender;
• Contact Data: address of residence (street, city, province, state, zip code), domicile, email address, telephone number, mobile number;
• Tracking of Newsletters and Actions Data: information relating to the opening of newsletters or links
• Purchase Data: shipping and billing address, method of delivery, detail of the purchased products (eg. size, price, discount, model, collection, calculated spending level, abandoned cart, etc.);
• Navigation Data: data relating to browsing behaviour and/or use of the websites of the Data Controllers using, for example, cookies or information relating to the pages that have been visited or searched for or related to the wishlist collected while browsing or when shopping on the online store. As for the use of cookies, please refer to the Cookie Policy available [http://diesel.com/shop/content/cookiepolicy].

In this paragraph we explain for what purposes each category of data is processed by each Data Controller or Joint Controller.
Diesel is the company that designs, sells and promotes the Brand’s products “Diesel”. It is the company maintaining the contacts with you if you decide to purchase the products through the Site using Global-e services, if you participate in initiatives promoted by Diesel as prize competitions or other promotional initiatives; Diesel is also the company managing the loyalty program that you can sign in. Diesel will process Personal Data for the following purposes.
a) Sales activities and response to other requests made by customers
If you purchase Diesel’s products through the Site using the services provided by Global-e NL B.V (“Global-e”), which is an independent data controller operating as Diesel’s international fulfilment partner, Diesel will process your Purchase Data received by Global-e to prepare the sale for the delivery. When completing a purchase, you will be directed to the Global-e’s platform, where you will be asked to provide your Personal Data directly to Global-e according to its own Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions. A specific wording will inform you about this transition. Completed the purchase on Global-e’s platform, Global-e will communicate to Diesel your Purchase Data, via a specific and secure interface, so that Diesel can manage the order placed by you in the Global-e platform, including the preparing of the parcels with the goods you have purchased.
Before your purchase , Diesel may need to verify the requirements for participating to special discount programs (e.g. verifying if the purchase made is a first purchase or other requirements of the regulation) and to process your Biographical Data or Contact Data to respond to any further requests that you may formulate through the Site or through the Customer Service, through telephone or chat, such as requests for information, assistance, or to be notified by email when a desired product or size becomes available again on the Site, through the “Notify Me” functionality.
Legal basis: this processing is based on the performance of a purchase contract to which you are a party; the provision of the Personal Data listed above is necessary for this purpose, since otherwise Diesel will not be able to process your request.
b) Marketing
Only with your consent, Diesel will process the Biographical Data, Contact Data and Purchase Data for marketing purposes, that is for advertising on social networks to which you are registered or sending advertising or direct sales material, carrying out market research, commercial communication with automated contact methods (e-mail, newsletter, SMS, MMS, online messaging platforms, etc.) and traditional contact methods (mail).
Legal basis: this processing is based on the consent you have given. In the event that you are registered in the loyalty program and decide to withdraw your consent to marketing, you will continue to receive communications relating to benefits (such as the Birthday or Anniversary Gift or preview access to the new collections and promotions only reserved to members). If, in addition to the withdrawal of consent, you do not want to receive this kind of communication anymore, you will be asked to specify it. Any removal from the loyalty program will also result in the cancellation of your online account, if you have one.
You can at any time withdraw your consent to receive the above-mentioned communications by clicking on the appropriate option in each marketing email received, as well as by writing to the address privacy@diesel.com, or otherwise by contacting the Company at the addresses indicated in paragraph 1.

c) Registration on the Site and use of the services offered
Diesel will process your Personal Data in order to allow you to register on the Site and use the services offered. Your data will be stored until you request to delete your profile.
Legal basis: this processing is based on the performance of a contract to which you are a party; the provision of the Personal Data is necessary for this purpose, since otherwise Diesel will not be able to allow your registration and offer its services.
d) Customer satisfaction
Diesel may use your Contact Data to conduct surveys to measure the level of satisfaction (i.e., customer satisfaction) with the service provided (by way of example but not limited to: online post-sales surveys; second hand gold shopping surveys etc.). Please note that in any case the communications made for this purpose will not have an advertising content, or direct sales or will be used for market research or commercial communication.

Legal basis: this processing is based on the legitimate interest of Diesel to verify and improve the quality of its services.

e) Other administrative-accounting activities
Diesel may also process your Personal Data for administrative, accounting and internal statistical analysis for business planning purposes.

Legal basis: this processing is based on the legitimate interest of Diesel to improve the quality of its services and business.

Diesel and OTB operate as Joint Controllers on the basis of a specific agreement for the purpose indicated below.
a) Customer profiling
With your consent, the Joint Controllers will be entitled to process Biographical Data, Contact Data,, the Purchase Data, Tracking of Newsletters Data and Actions Data and the Navigation Data for profiling purposes and for business analysis, that is for analysis on your purchase preferences consisting of automated processing of the above-mentioned Personal Data. This processing is aimed at analytically knowing or predicting your purchasing preferences also in order to create customer profiles and customize the commercial offer so that it is more in line with your preferences.
Legal basis: this processing is based on the consent you have given.
You will be entitled at any time to withdraw your consent to be subject to profiling by writing to privacy@diesel.com or otherwise by contacting the Joint Controllers at the addresses indicated in paragraph 1.
Finally, each Data Controller or Join Controller may need to comply with a specific legal provision to which it is subject or to defend its own right in court.
a. Purposes related to the obligations established by laws or regulations, by decisions/requests of competent authorities or by supervisory and control bodies
Each Data Controller or Joint Controller may process your Personal Data to comply with a legal obligation to which it is subject.
Legal basis: compliance with a legal obligation.
The provision of data for this purpose is mandatory because in the absence of data the Data Controller or the Joint Controller will not be in a position to comply with their legal obligations.
b. Defense of rights during judicial, administrative or extra-judicial proceedings and in disputes arising in connection with the services offered
Your Personal Data may be processed by each Data Controller or Joint Controller to defend their rights or take legal action or make claims against you or third parties, including the prevention of fraud.
Legal basis: this processing is based on the legitimate interest pursued by the Data Controller or Joint Controller to protect their rights.
The Site is owned by Diesel. It is possible to browse the Site without having to actively communicate your Personal Data if you are not logged in. In this case, while browsing the Site we inform you that the computer systems and software procedures used to operate the Site acquire, during their normal operation, some data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols.
This is information that is not directly associated with identified users, but which by its very nature could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, allow these users to be identified.
This category of data includes the IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by users who connect to the Site, the addresses in URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) notation of the requested resources, information regarding access, information regarding location , the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server (successful, error, etc.), the information regarding the user’s visit including data clickstream of the URL, within and from the Site, the duration of the visit on some pages and the interaction on these pages and other parameters relating to the operating system and the user’s IT environment.
These data are collected through the use of “cookies”. We specifically use browser cookies for various purposes, including cookies strictly necessary for the operation of the Site and the use of services through the appropriate features, and the cookies that are used for personalization, performance/analysis and promotional activities. Our Cookie Policy available at the following link contains more information regarding the use of cookies on the Site, as well as the options for accepting or rejecting them.
The data collected while browsing the Site will be processed to (i) manage the Site and resolve any operating problems, (ii) make sure that the content of the Site is presented in the most effective way for its devices, developing, testing and making improvements to the Site, (iii) as far as possible, to keep the Site safe and secure, (iv) to obtain anonymous statistical information on the use of the Site and to check its correct functioning, (v) identify anomalies and/or abuses in the use of the Site. The data could also be used to ascertain responsibility in case of possible computer crimes committed against the Site or third parties and may be presented to the Judicial Authority, if this makes an explicit request.
Some Personal Data that we will indicate you from time to time during the registration or purchase process are necessary for the completion of the purchase contract and for administrative and accounting purposes.
In the description of the purposes in paragraph 3, we have specified when it is necessary to provide Personal Data. Where not expressly indicated as mandatory, therefore, the provision of Personal Data is optional and there will be no consequences if you do not provide them, if not the impossibility for the Data Controllers or Joint Controllers to act as described (for example, the impossibility to carry out marketing activities).
The Personal Data provided to and/or collected by the Data Controllers or the Joint Controllers are processed and stored with automated tools and, in some cases, may be processed and stored on a paper backing. In particular, the Personal Data processed for purposes of marketing and of customer profiling will be entered and stored in the CRM systems that allow the processing of Personal Data for these purposes.
The Personal Data (either electronical and paper copies) will be stored for the time necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected. In particular, the following rules will apply:
• data collected to enter into and perform purchase contracts, including payments: up to the conclusion of administrative and accounting obligations. The billing data will be kept for 10 years from the billing date;
• data of the registered user for joining the loyalty program: the data will be kept as long as the account is active. Even after the termination of the account, we will retain the data if this will be necessary to comply with legal obligations, to protect our rights or to prevent fraud;
• data related to data subjects’ requests: the data will be stored until the request is satisfied;
• data collected and processed for customer satisfaction will be retained for 30 days, except where the data are needed to obtain further feedback from you; in this case data will be retain not longer than what is necessary for manage your feedback;
• if you have provided your consent, the data processed for purposes of marketing and customer profiling will be stored for a period of 7 years (also according to an ad hoc provision provided for by the Italian Supervisory Authority upon Diesel’s request). In any case, you will not be contacted again for marketing and profiling activities 7 years after your last interaction with us or even earlier if you revoke the consent previously given. The events that identify this “interaction” may include, but are not limited to, a purchase, opening an email sent, participation in a survey, contest or event, interaction with Customer Service, access to the “MyAccount” area, etc. For completeness, we would like to point out that, at any time, it is possible to review and modify your previously expressed consents in the “MyAccount” area of the Site, by contacting Diesel at privacy@diesel.com or the Customer Service.
In any case, for technical reasons, the termination of the processing and the consequent cancellation or irreversible anonymization of the related Personal Data will be definitive within thirty days from the terms indicated above.
The cancellation process is carried out periodically on the basis of the customer's request or at the expiry of the retention period, through an automatic flow that involves the data bases concerned; otherwise, Personal Data will be permanently anonymized; the hard copies will be destroyed by using appropriate devices.
With particular reference to the judicial protection of our rights or in case of requests from the authority, the data processed will be stored for the time necessary to process the request or to protect the right.
For the purposes indicated above, we may also transfer your Personal Data to third countries, not belonging to the European Union which may possibly do not guarantee the same level of protection. The transfer to third countries will always take place in accordance with the provisions of the GDPR, adopting any other measures necessary to ensure the security of the Personal Data being transferred. These measures possibly include agreements incorporating the so-called “standard contractual clauses” issued by the European Commission or your consent. You can ask for information regarding this third countries and how to obtain a copy of the appropriate safeguards using the following email address privacy@diesel.com or writing to the postal addresses indicated above.

Personal Data will be processed by:
• employees and collaborators of the Data Controllers or of the Joint Controllers processing data under the authority of the Data Controllers or of the Joint Controllers;
• employees and collaborators of the Data Processors designated by the Data Controllers or Joint Controllers, including (i) the companies managing the online store and who will be entitled to view, modify and update the Personal Data entered in the CRM systems through which the Data Controllers or the Joint Controllers carry out the processing activities for marketing and profiling purposes (ii) the companies managing the storage of the Personal Data of the Data Controllers or Joint Controllers based on agreements or local regulations;
• third parties established in the European Union and also outside the European Union, Data Processors, used by the Data Controllers or Joint Controllers in particular for services of: Personal Data acquisition and data entry, shipping, mailing of promotional material , after sales assistance and Customer Service, market research, management and maintenance of the CRM systems through which the Data Controllers or Joint Controllers carry out processing activities for marketing and profiling purposes and of the other corporate information systems of the Data Controllers or Joint Controllers of the processing. The complete list of Data Processors appointed by the Data Controllers or Joint Controllers can be requested to the following email address privacy@diesel.com or writing to the postal addresses indicated above.
Personal Data may also be disclosed to third parties, independent Data Controllers, in particular to freelancers or companies providing legal or tax advice and assistance and to companies managing payments made by debit or credit cards or for fraud prevention and management activities.
Personal Data will not be disseminated in any way.
Pursuant to Chapter III of the GDPR, you have the right to ask each Data Controller or Joint Controller:
• to access to your Personal Data;
• to receive the copy of the Personal Data you provided us (so-called “data portability”) and to have data transmitted to another controller, if technically possible;
• the rectification of the Personal Data in our possession;
• the erasure of any Personal Data in relation to which we no longer have any legal basis for processing;
• the limitation of the way in which we process your Personal Data, within the limits set by the applicable law data protection law.
Right to object: in addition to the rights listed above, you always have the right to object at any time to the processing of your Personal Data carried out by the Data Controller or Joint Controller for the pursuit of its legitimate interest. You have the right to object to direct marketing, which includes profiling. If you prefer that the processing of your Personal Data is carried out solely through traditional contact methods, you can object to the processing of your Personal Data carried out through automated contact methods.
You also have the right to withdraw, in whole or in part, the consent to the processing of Personal Data concerning you for the purpose of sending advertisem*nts or direct selling or for carrying out market research or commercial communication with automated contact methods (e-mail, other remote communication systems via communication networks such as, for instance: SMS, MMS, messaging platforms, etc.) and traditional contact methods (mail).
We remind you that, among the rights you are granted, you have the right to refuse the consent without any disadvantages from refusal.
The exercise of these rights, which can be done through the contact details indicated in paragraph 1, is not subject to formal constraints. In the event that you exercise any of the above-mentioned rights, it will be the responsibility of the Data Controller or Joint Controller that you contacted to verify if you are entitled to exercise the right and to provide you with an answer, normally within a month.
As regards the Joint Controllers relationship, please note that OTB and Diesel entered into a specific agreement pursuant to article 26 of the GDPR, an extract of which is available for consultation contacting each of the Joint Controllers using the contact details indicated under paragraph 1.
If you believe that the processing of your Personal Data is carried out in breach of the provisions of the GDPR, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Supervisory Authority or to start the appropriate legal actions before the competent courts.
To exercise your rights, you can send a request to the Data Controllers or Joint Controllers by writing to the addresses indicated in paragraph 1. The OTB and Diesel’s Data Protection Officer can be contacted at the email address dpo@otb.net.

LAST UPDATE: July 2023

Women's Accessories: Belts | Shop Now on Diesel.com (2024)


How do you pick a women's belt? ›

When selecting your belt size, the quickest way is to add 2 inches to your pant size. For instance - we advise a size 32 belt if you wear size 30 pants, a 46 inch belt would fit a size 44 waist, a size 50 belt for a 48 waist etc.

How to wear a womens belt? ›

Find the perfect position for your belt

Where the belt sits on the waist or hips affects the overall look of the outfit. For some women, the perfect spot for a belt is on the natural waistline, while others look better wearing belts that sit above or below it.

Is a diesel belt unisex? ›

Product description

This unisex belt is crafted from Italian vegetable-tanned leather and fastened with an antiqued silver 'D' logo buckle.

What kind of belt makes you look slimmer? ›

A wide belt cinched at the waist will help draw attention away from your bust and up toward your slimmer middle section. Choosing a color that matches your outfit and complements any accessories you may be wearing is also important.

What color belt matches everything? ›

Neutral Colours

Neutral-coloured belts are always a safe bet, as they can be paired with almost any outfit. Black, brown, and tan leather belts are classic choices that will never go out of style.

Should a woman wear a belt with jeans? ›

Should you wear a belt with jeans? Even if you've got a pair of jeans that fit perfectly, adding a belt is a great way to step up your look with an easy accessory. A leather belt with denim jeans never fails. You can also experiment with any colour or material, from web or canvas to suede.

Do belts go on waist or hips? ›

For waist belts, measure around your natural waistline (just at the belly button). This is usually the smallest part of your torso. For hip belts, measure around the fuller part of your hips (not the fullest), where your low-rise jeans would fall. The measurement that you get is your belt size.

What type of belt to wear with jeans? ›

As a general rule, leather belts will look better with more conservative jeans. That means darker denim, slim-fit or straight cut, usually with a clean cuff and some Chelsea boots. Woven or synthetic belts are better for more casual jeans, which means anything distressed, stacked or lighter in colour.

Which way does the belt go on a woman? ›

Women have historically worn their belts clockwise, from right to left, with the end of the belt going through the buckle and ending on the right side of the buckle or zipper. This information can matter with certain types of belts and buckles, like the ratchet belt.

What is the correct way for belt? ›

Clockwise means that you start at the loop just to the right of the button and end at the loop just to the left, whereas counterclockwise is the other way around. Traditionally in the US, men thread their belts counterclockwise and women thread their belts clockwise.

Does a woman's belt have to match her shoes? ›

Whether its a pair of loafers with stone studs or a pair of trainers with colourful laces, accessories can add texture, colour and personality to any outfit. The best part is that these days it doesn't matter if your belt and shoes don't exactly match - they just need to coordinate well together.

How to tell if a diesel belt is real? ›

Related to Fake Vs Real Diesel Belt

The fake belt doesn't have a long strap. It doesn't have a box or paper bag. The stitching on the fake belt is not neat. The fake belt is not as heavy as the original.

How do you tell if a belt is mens or womens? ›

The most distinctive trait of men's belts vs women's belts is the location of the buckle and belt holes. Men have their buckle on the right with holes on the left, and women wear their belts with the buckle to the left and the holes on the right.

What is a boyfriend belt? ›

I love the boyfriend belt which is basically the concept of an oversized belt that allows you to knot or tie the belt in a different way. Often seen on catwalks…

How do I know what belt to get? ›

How to Choose a Belt Size Based on Pant Size. An easy way to determine belt size is to simply “add 2″ to your off-the-rack pant size. For example, if you wear a 36”-waist trouser, then a 38 belt size will be a safe bet.

Should a women's belt match her shoes? ›

The best part is that these days it doesn't matter if your belt and shoes don't exactly match - they just need to coordinate well together. So have fun experimenting with colour combinations, materials, textures and proportions - you might just come up with your own unique matching look.

What to look for when buying a belt? ›

These include the belt's quality, the type of material, the length, and the style of the buckle.
  • Material. The material of the belt is a crucial consideration. ...
  • Length. Choosing the correct length for your belt is crucial. ...
  • Colour. The colour of the belt is another vital aspect to consider.
Dec 21, 2023

What is the best width for a women's belt? ›

Width: The width of the belt should complement your body shape and the intended purpose of the belt. Slimmer belts, typically ranging from 1 to 1.5 inches, are ideal for formal or dressier occasions. Wider belts, ranging from 1.5 to 3 inches, can add a fashionable statement to casual outfits.


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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Author information

Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.