Turnip Carrot Slaw Recipe on Food52 (2024)

Make Ahead

by: BlueKaleRoad



2 Ratings

  • Serves 8-10

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Author Notes

I love it when you discover a new taste! Previously, I had only eaten cooked turnips, so imagine my delight when I bit into a crispy slice of raw turnip and loved it. The flavor is completely different than when in its cooked form. and there's a slight little kick at the end. From there, I started grating turnips and this slaw evolved. —BlueKaleRoad

Test Kitchen Notes

Crunch! This beautiful salad is all about crunch and bright flavors. The sharpness of raw turnips is tempered by the brilliant addition of mint. And she's generous with the Italian parsley, too. I love that this lovely slaw does not have a mayonnaise-based dressing, but rather a wonderfully tart vinaigrette. I served it with pulled pork, and the combination was heavenly. Leftovers packed just as much crunch the second day. This is a wonderful addition to the summer salad repertoire. —boulangere

  • Test Kitchen-Approved

What You'll Need

  • 2 poundsturnips (about 2 large ones)
  • 4 medium carrots
  • 1 bunchgreen onions, thinly sliced
  • 1/2 cupmint leaves, roughly chopped
  • 1 cupItalian parsley, roughly chopped
  • 3 cloves garlic, finely minced
  • 1/2 cupapple cider vinegar
  • 2 tablespoonsDijon mustard
  • 1 tablespoonpoppy seeds
  • 3 tablespoonsolive oil
  • Sea salt and freshly ground pepper to taste
  1. Cut any roots or rough ends off of the turnips and carrots. Slice into smaller chunks and grate by hand or in a food processor. Spoon the turnips and carrots into a large serving bowl. Add the green onions, mint leaves and parsley and gently toss.
  2. In a small bowl or glass measuring cup, whisk the garlic, vinegar, mustard and poppy seeds together. Slowly drizzle in the olive oil and whisk until incorporated. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
  3. Pour the dressing over the slaw and gently toss. Taste for salt and pepper. Leave the slaw to sit for about an hour before serving to let the flavors mix. Serve chilled or room temperature.


  • Salad
  • American
  • Mint
  • Vegetable
  • Vinegar
  • Green Onion/Scallion
  • Turnip
  • Mustard
  • Parsley
  • Carrot
  • Make Ahead
  • Serves a Crowd
Contest Entries
  • Your Best Radishes or Turnips

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  • boulangere

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21 Reviews

ndalpe October 31, 2018

@BlueKaleRoad I love the idea. Turnips are not always easy to cook with - especially raw. What other salad would you serve this with (please no meat, no egg)?

I thought about :

Roasted Butternut Squash with Sweet Spices, Lime, and Green Chile

Winter Curry Breakfast Salad with Roasted Butternut Squash

I think the spicy butternut would be a good contrast to the turnip bitterness. What do you think? Any suggestion?

Thank you

Jomolager March 18, 2015

Is there any way to make it or prep it in advance for a large brunch/lunch or wdinner party for 60? It would be one of three salads. How much should I make?

BlueKaleRoad March 18, 2015

Hi, if you need to prepare the salad more than an hour in advance I would prep all the veggies and dressing separately and then toss with the vinaigrette an hour before serving. The turnips stay crunchy but I think if you dress it too early they could potentially soften more than you'd like. I hope you enjoy it!

hookmountaingrowers June 22, 2013

I didn't have any poppy seeds but otherwise made this recipe with 1 garlic clove rather than 2. I also used baby Japanese turnips from the garden. Overall, I thought it was a little bit too heavy on the vinegar but enjoyed it.

BlueKaleRoad June 22, 2013

I'm delighted you made this salad! The amount of vinegar can definitely be adjusted, too - I know tastes vary regarding vinegar. It must have been wonderful with fresh baby turnips from your garden! I've been getting the little ones from our farmer's market and they're such a treat. Happy summer to you!

How refreshing! What a great idea.

BlueKaleRoad June 28, 2012

Thank you, Sagegreen! :)

Anna H. June 11, 2012

I bought some salad turnips from the farmer's market on Saturday and knew I'd find a good recipe for them on Food52!

This is a great recipe, BlueKaleRoad - so delicious! I'll definitely be making it again. And I'm with you on the raw turnips- they're wonderful.

BlueKaleRoad June 14, 2012

Thank you, Anna! I'm delighted you enjoyed the salad and appreciate you letting me know.

boulangere June 7, 2012

Congratulations on earning a CP for this excellent salad!

BlueKaleRoad June 7, 2012

Thank you for your kind words, boulangere! I'm so happy you enjoyed the slaw! :)

boulangere June 7, 2012

I absolutely love it. I'm making it to be filmed as part of a series of cooking videos I'm doing for our newspaper. I'll forward the link when it goes up.

BlueKaleRoad June 7, 2012

I am honored and delighted, boulangere! Very cool. I look forward to seeing the video!

bonbonmarie May 28, 2012

I made it and it's yummy! Thanks for the great idea of using turnips raw.

BlueKaleRoad May 29, 2012

I'm delighted you enjoyed it, bonbonmarie - thank you for letting me know!

clcatto May 25, 2012

I love fresh slaws! Looks delicious. I wonder how it would taste with a dash of cumin...

BlueKaleRoad May 29, 2012

I think a bit of cumin would be a terrific, clcatto!

boulangere May 25, 2012

Beautiful! I can taste the crisp right out of your photo.

BlueKaleRoad May 29, 2012

Thank you, boulangere! :)

EmilyC May 24, 2012

This looks delicious, BKR! I've never had raw turnips, but your slaw makes me want to run out and buy some!

BlueKaleRoad May 24, 2012

Thanks, Emily! This was my first experience with raw turnips, and I think I prefer them that way now - who knew?

Turnip Carrot Slaw Recipe on Food52 (2024)


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