The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

1 'i swaaaBBasaBawaaasBBwsasvaaaawBasMaaroaBBBaBBBWwaw Tumi ear Xvsaiag; XdHioa of Yesterday. Th lew 'and ths Late AoxixirrmATioir. The Rational Intelligencer of the 22d but. ay All the Heads of Departments severally trodered to the President of the United States, on toe moment of the decease of tats predecessor, their resifrnsiion of the offices which they had filled ondur Geo. Taylor.

These resignations were withheld, is understood, nt the request of the new President, for a few days, bat wlH, it is said, take effect tlus day. On Saturday last, tt is known, though not yet officially an sou Deed, that the President nominated to the Senate, as Uielr. suecrssors, the following gentiemen, sod that all the nominations were forthwith confirmed by that body For tacxtaij of State, DaaM abator, of MaHinisttB. For Svxmar, of tho TmMqr, Tbrimae Corwia, of Ohio. Fw Secretary ot War.

Hoard Bans, of MaaMrl For Secretary of ths Nsvy, William A fiaMn, of North Carolies. For liLiatirr of tba Interior. Jamaa A. Pearre, or Maryland. For Foriaww General.

aibaa Hall, Now Tort. For Attorney Caaoral. Joha Chueedea, of Keatucky. Another paragraph has the following Numeroas treaties of Importance appear to hare been Berotieted by thai Government during the last six moortaj. of which but little has reached the public, except on the authority of mere rumor.

With the late British treaty, which reflects so much honor on the country, snd which we ourselves have emphatically denominated the great treaty? the public has been officially made acquainted. We nave learnt that treaties have also been made by the Secretary of State with the Sandwich Islands, with New Grenada, with Peru, and Mexico. The treaty with the Sandwich Islands was negotiated with Mr. arris, the Commissioner on the part of his Hawaiian Majesty. It has been, we understand, naaimously approved by the Senate, and intelligence of the exchange of the ratifications, which was to lake place at Honolulu, may be aooo expected in the United Siatea.

This treaty, we understand, is not only a treaty of commerce and navigation, but contains a postal arrangement with the Sandwich Islands, and a provision for extradition of fugitives from Justice. Of the other treaties we have no precise information: but we understand that they are considered highly important to the commerce and navigation of the States. Besides these treaties negotiated by the Secretary of State, under the direction of the late President of the United States, the convention for the railroad cross the Isthmus at Tt huantepec. and the several treaties with Nicaragua, San Salvador, and Guatemala, with the negotiations for conventions of secession to the Central American or British treaty, will forever mark the era of President Tsvlor's administration as one of the most succeasful fur its diplomacy in the history of this country. A.

C. Alnnwerth, NOTARY PUBLIC. COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS For every State la tho Ualoa. Pshe OaJce Can Stroot, bj ORLFANS. cooiniiMad 1S80 by Gov.

Walker. SaT Rasifanrs and "mat Oflro at No. 163 Julia street. i mar bo evade for beeraea of a cotdnta. SaT niuawwuBtaken Aerwnata probated Deeda and Mnrt aeo drawn, and all doewmonta and itMtruin1ita of writing pra paroS aad aarboaiafatad tor oao and rocord any part of lb Carted Swtao.

aeT Mano aad other Protests pajtu iilarTy attended to ana aCyaan of Gaaaral Areracoor Partial Loaa correctly atated aiw senaiptlv arrand nes WasTM Ire's trrijrnerreatype. IMPORTANT IMPROVEMKICtT Tboasmal naarBralceotmetiooof tho evo aad browantiraN oaaiatori. M. afcrm tbo public tbal tbo aew arraacemeau kja ro.f lacair tba luctit ao aoft aad ould that oaar aiiehted par soaa, and thuao aarinc tho wwxaat oyoa, caa att anthout taT I flitro ittrooTooiBoco.

PRICES RT.HCCsD to that of other aatabtokmeita a the citv. No. Camp atreau a air 1 htS VlrksbaraT, Jeeknam cV Bmnden Rnf trend SlXMKK 189UL TRAINS ban Vickaborx at 7 A Si. fw Jaukaoa, aad at 3 o'ctocS P. M.

for Jacfcna and Braadna. Loava Braadoa at 6ci 4. M. and Jacaaoaat A. M.

aad 1 JO P.M. Fare Betwesa TVkaharg and Brandos Do do Jarkioa ft) Do do Dintoa I 50 Do dn 1 SO CoHdrea aader 10 years and neroc balf pneo. STAGES leave Brandoa A3y at 8 P. M. for Moatgontery, with the4 V.

S. mai Leave Jackson at A. M. daily sod i P. M.

for Caotoa snd Ar tssias Spriaga; Leave Jack ana at P. three times a week for Corambus, and at A ML three bales a week for Lexinctoa, Carrolhoa, to Mempkw; Leave Jacksoa at A. M. for Cooper's Well; Leave Chatva twaca a ty tor Mississippi Springs aad Cooper'a Well: Leave Bolteo'a twice a day for Raym md and Cooper'a Well. PACKETS BETWEEN NEW ORi KANft and V1CKSBUR0.

Kstcbrs No. CapLLeathers, leavas Varkaburc every Tuaa day at aooa Lowndes Cept Jenks, leaves Vicksburf every Friday at aooa. Princess No. 9, Cant. Holmes, leaves Ticksbarg every Friday at P.

M. SsF PsMengera by these hosts iotsding tc visit the Wefla and Springs wilt isvarmbly be landed at Tsrkabarg ia amp lime to take the morning tram of cars. Jjl Lm Mttlro fDalf BAuanT. Ttenots rol Weed Cbildrea atrsj and hemps aim Tt PROCTORVLLLE, Lata wgoe Dataara, miles Pars tbrnagh Fiity eats; Cbildrea aad Slavaa half pnee Tbe Trains will Leave tbe Crt at I Leave the Lake at o'eiork A. I o'clock A 10 e'rinck A.

and I o'clock P. sad o'efork P. M. O'cloc P. M.

OCce el the Cerswaav. 44 rastomhouee street. IV vv A iriiMri. iwBposiwr. far) Kedaeed te frora Charles to a te New Vork.

THE tiREAT MAIL ROI7TE PROM CHAR LEAVING the wharf at tbe foot ef Laurens atreet, daily a P. after tbe arrival of tbe Southern cars, vm VttL M1NGTON and WKI.DON. N. C. PETEKSRCRG, RICHMOND, to WASHINGTON.

BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA aad NtW TORE. Tbe pabhr ia reepectfulry formed that ths steamers of the hne, nrom Criarieston to Wilmington, are ia a rat rate condition, aad are aaviga ed by well known and expev ieoced roramaoders, aad the Rairroaus are ia ins order, thereby eeronng both sfet and despatch A THROUGH TICKET having aiready been ia epaeatjoo, srill bo ensued oa and after the 1st of Ocfier. 1S4V, ae a eermaaoat arrangement from Charleston So Nee Toek. Paaaengerv avmthag themaetvas taereoC, will bav th epte'S to ceatiaoe without delay through the route, or other WBO, to stop at any of the intermediate potnte, renewing Uieir aeata oa the line to suit thou coaeensvoce. By this routs tra vellars amy reach New Tors oa the third day dnneg business heara.

Baggage win be ticketed oa board ths stammer to Wei doe. as ha ewuee ea the change of cars, at the intermedials ptenu from tbeaa to New Tevk. Thmsjgb tickets caa be bad rVnm WINSLOW, Agent of the WUmmgtoa aad Raleigh Compaay, at the I 0V of the Com sear, foot el Lareosgtrset waom phsase sappnr. Par ferthwmlorinatioa aYtma taqa tl ll IH. at the Se Netlee.

jnsUrvsagji T7HOM tbs dale tbe PONTCMARTR4IN RAILROAD CkRS will l.v New Orleans aad the Lake ead aa follows: WiUleavs New Orleans At o'clock. A. av At do. SO. At do.

do. At 9 do. do. Hsjfpoet 10 do. So.

At IS do. do. At I do P.M. Half past do. do.

At 4 do. do. At do. do At do. do.

At do do. At do. do. At do. do.

10 do. do Will smsnjbe Lake ead 'dock, A. do. do. do.

do do. do. do. do. do.

do. do. P. M. do.

do. do. do. do. do.

do. do. do do. do. do.

do. do. do. S.O. Half peat Half peat 7 Half oast Half past At It HaJf ps.t IS Half.pest 1 At Half past 4 Half put 6 Half past 6 At Half past lAt ABP On Seadae everv hoar, as aawaX By order of the Beerd JS4 PHI.

GUESNuN, Secretary. PoatrJrsrtrkia Rairaraj Ofice, New Orleans, June S7, InoU. rr Capita llata. CALIFORNIA As expseiesa ed pbyawau of standing in bs proieasion, deaerns aetahlwhmg at ran Fraecieco. or any other part of Caiie nsa be may oa arrival there coaeeier moat deardie, a Hew.prt.1.

aocb pbvn aad with such mnter al, as wdl msore aacrasa and Inrge returns He wilr give bss aadivi. ded atteetise lo ths miereete of the eetablia'imei aad find one fuarth of capital required, the remainder to be aopolied a partner, wnoehejl aaveaa equal imereat rn tbe coorero for each term as may be agncd apoo. Tbe advertsier, from lonx etperstace. is fmmihsr with tba tiaatineiit of drseaaes iacidenul to the climate, and nthai esse poissssrs unusual advantages Uneseeptineable reiareases aa to rhararter and rapacity. Those who anay ariah to treat ia tbe Banter will address "Medic us," care of Dr Barton, No.

4 Caroadelrt street. New Orb ana, or at Jyl7 tf COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE 1 be naderssgned entered into ths Hat sad Cap boeinrsa aadwtheSrmof F. I BOM A CO. oa the 1st instant, and will continue their estBhiishroeut at the old stand ef P. Leoai, corner of Camp and Common ata.

FERDINAND LKONL eUNDELACH. New Ortsasa, July 0, 1SA0. Jl" lm fPBE UNDERTAKING BUSINESS of Mra. HEMM iastin I 1 rv.l I e. Ewmuoiiuis em eiaaa, cuviser vi isswumih.i bibb Delord streets.

Jyat lm Choice Kentacky Improved Tobacce aad STOCK FARM. AX instructed to off at nrivate aale two verv drsTirsble and 1 baastifu'ly be ated FARMS, ertua'ee) ia the rich and fertile Green River Valley, few miles from Hope, mv it le, ta one of the beaaighbo hooeeia the Stale. The anpiovrmeete ars of tla best style, aad weU calculated for Stock, Tobaero or Greea Farvna. The taraw will be nude liberal. For full panic bra epPT J.

A. BKAttU. Auctioneer, JelO 4 10 Raaks'a Arcades Eeaaany Economy Kconotny. OI LI ClilTH Kit HlTIE KtW pkTEINO AIO SCODR1NO ESTABLISHMENT, No. 10914 ht Charles atreat, between Povdras street and Lafay sue Square, new Orle aa.

BERNARD HARTsgsm retnrns aatbaoksto hie earn ses friaods, aad the pnhlir ia general, for the aaboaaaM be has hitherto received, end would respertiully mforai theai that, for the greater despatch ef his incraaiiag boausaaa, ha eelsrsu. uiunnvsnt Sttug ap aa eetarery aa. ssa of Machinery re rasiite the Dvesag branch of ha baai.i AH work entrnetsd lor the Dvemg branch of hie Vmism. AB i to care will be promptly attended lo, aad equal to any bones is Leadoa ae Parhv Taitorios soee with anatnm and i a al i li work entrusted doaa msstyls Tbeaablsewdl pliaaa two geeeraJ Dying aad Seoorii Ue Southern coeetrv OU ober that sh Am i. lag is this crty or I Clothe bovatat ad BERNARD ART, tows.

Sychnraa Tlrgiaia AlaaafactMred Thare. 10M PACKAGES. TnT 1HE aaarsigasd baeeoa band end in store a bore and i let vutwiniA iumixd.i thorite braada. te which thev iarvite the atteatua deakra. raTariag mduce meals of lewset prices aad tavorahls I aew staca oewaws panij oi sae swsf Balsey'S A AAA, I Love A w's pda.

Do. u. w.aasz so. Hail's So. 6ayarood do.

Grhaoor's so. Rawua's do. Ley ton 's 6a, Claitoa ta. Wilaoa Sa. Foster Sydaar sa.

Weodgaas 6a. Empare Aa, Reawaod 6av RaiJkCa Ss Clartoa's Cross brsad. Do. G. O.

Curl, Tsnchorae'a Nectarias. Do. Staaard, Do. Madaoa, Jamas Saander'a Old Coeo, Milh r'a Magnolia. Do.

toe Carad, Grant's Dwarf Bozas. Do Jaaaa A So. as. Thomas. Jr.

a Vargia, 'Vrkm lorqr ether beenda, vw hies ama lamps aad swkagaa.t sTbieh they arsieoarviag asWixaw bv evwrv pocket. ni W1UJ UWUK1, wraTHT education: JeleraM Aesemy. 1 Boarboa atrsat, N. O. Coadartad by J.

9 V. 1 TH Balsa of ttus laaUtatioo eaaapriass a geoeral and artaa aivsayataaa of adacalwa. are admitted at six or aoraayaaraof aeo.adcMWtaMioaataoirodaajn. pleta.or till tbsy srs praparad for thowsssars oaraarta lahta. Taar are diatribalad arte elsssss, aneordnf to tssar salooto aUaaB wM MlBwflL Too aremieaa srs aorhaps tbo bast to bo fbaad ia the sky.

with ample apate forosorcaM aad racraouoa) every aacosaary eoa sraia Profaaaon ars asatlamsa of taleats, saeosa with cars. Sotd order roims ia tho oatabbai oi ardor raina ia tba aatabbabBMaU aad. stnet stavatiea is nikaunlanidUd UBDfOVOMatOf tOO SaOllS. rm a i For iroo itoo Han do. Oay acl under years of age.

so. d. IS do. do. do.

I 6 00 too '10 00 Dai. Dov do. nataado Board and Inotroetioa ia tho Eaxliab and Prack taotraagaa, Wrrunf, ArrtbAStk, eeocraphy, ay.HJatory. atbaiealKa. Booc aaapmit, sc.

Tba fbHowrag kusraacss aad aerompllalawanta ars taacht rharbarraaaro for Latin or Great per swath, OP penh, Germaa or Drmwioa do. 4 00 yU.Z do. loon do don Feocinf and Military do. The caiiii eoatiaae aaaaioa the wbola yosr. School boars frost aalf past till 3, sad froai half past tills o'clock.

oil ly saT laths as Ctorahooao street, is the Do saruneat for Tauoc Ladiea.coodacted by Madame OraS Frencb aad Hpavaiah LjancMaiKea. VIVA VUCK 81STKM. I. DE PA LOS, Ptotaaeor of the reach, Bpaaadi sad other Laagoaaes, aad author ef aia oara pecabar arrteei of teachin. weU koowa ia thia city tor the Uat tweive yeara, SokU ba Day and Kreaiag Claaaaa at Duncan 'a Bijdas.

Kl cbaoga AHy. Bear tbeaoraar of Caatomhooae Ptree. Practical eiperieace ass solaciaatly abowa that the sacreaa him who atudiaa a foraiga knguaco depeods ea'irelT on the dies a forasgs nuiguace Sepeooa en'irwr on item ho punaee, aad Ibooe wbo study from the i will aerar apeaA. mot aaderetaad the aingnare The system makes the master snd the master method or eyati jwe of a book obae apokea. The ayatei aakrs tna acoolar.

By Mr. Paloa'a STttam books ars diapenaad with, aad ho papila acqaira the ktacaage by aounda. that m. by aoraking Can there be any thref more natural? They botorne perfeel without troer.a or eeaatio they apeak luently aad correctly, aad understand the Unroage wbea apokea. Hundreda have wnrned in thw city, and caa refer to arany reapactabie persona.

term are. ia sdruore. $10. hwaona hree times a week SJO daily braeoa. For further portico rare apply aa above from a o'Hock A.

to 1 P. or from ft o'clock to P. M. SaT NM.cs ran be left at the Book Store of Mr. J.

B. Steel, No. 14 Camp afreet apy Km Hcheela Over the Lake. THE urrri4 a (iraduate of Vsie rotleac and a minister of tba Presbyterian Church, has npoed a Bnerdinx School the town ot Covington, ta which TiiKlOQ ia errry branch, Hoard and Washing, can be had for tlOO is art ranee, tt iu atontba. S.

B. HAI CoTingtoa, June 1st, lfaVT. Je3 em Eaajllnb and Clamalcal Academy. Prytaaia atraet, between Erato and a I i rt H. MoNAIR, A.

Principal. Thai inatitntioo baru been aetabUshed oa permanent baaB, will continue to seaaion durmg the aammer.thua alTorninr. to all who may attend. ue interrupted nam of study. The achoot hnnsa.

which knted, coenmodioca nod wait ventilated. baTtug iievo built with sporal erlerem to the CO ieo.aov v.n rt of the pupib. The cnersa ot lostructioa ia thorough aa. orrplete, embracng erraral ef the aacieat sad modors bus suaraa and the barber malhemalM. Classea in French are aader the direction of Profeaaor Roux, 'nnr: and faeorabry known aa an able and successful instructor.

Having baea engaged ia beaching for several yearn in thai city, 'Jie Principal deems it unnecessary to pubhan any references; the most sausfartory will, however, be given to any one making application to him. apfi Iv Venn Ladlea Seminary. TN PER the superintendence ol Madams ARENT, 108 Bar gundy street, between Cent' and St. Louie. Hon.

P. C. Roeelios, Hon. A. D.Crossman, Kav.

Mr. Leans. Ivr. Haas, L. Erms, Edw.

ForatalLE I 1. gams, Madajrw Evarabed alS French Lasgiage New itlethed. HENKT DK MARSAN, Profeaaor of tho French Language, wiH ceotinue his Course of Lessons during tbo sum mar. Mr. M.

baa combined the methods of ths best mastera, in system at once easy, aimple, withm the comprebenaioa ot all, and aaal ling tbe pneit acquire a knowledge of the Freock the shortest time. Mr. M. givea lessons attber at the SweJ 'ings of his pupris, or at bia restdeure. No.

ITS Customhouss vuewt, between tlampart aad Barrenoy. The great proricency at which hia pupils (geatleBieo and 'sdiea) have arrived, is the beet evidence of tba uceTlency ol hia method ef teaching He terms are modeiata. dtt fn High Mchool fer Yeanc Ladlee. BOARDERS AND DAT PIPfLS. Carondelet atreet.

aearSt. Joseph, established in 1H44. under the auperin of the MISSES ALLISON, from Lrmdon. This taetittttjna, creel or ted on the beet plana ot Enropeea loetrvsrrion, constantly open for ths rereptioa of younf indies, all the and ornamental branches requisite to a complete and finished education. Terms aad other particulars may be known oa application at tba reeideare of the MISSES ALLISON, oa Careodshrt atreet.

1 JH Day cV Beardlnc Hcfcool for Ysug Iadles, Foacdod 1833 by Mnie. Letrei, and conducted since lu by MADAME DESRATAl'X. Burgundy street, between Customhouse and HienviTle.N.Orsvaaa tTRand MRS. DESRATAL'X, formerly ia Rampart atreet, having removed their Institution mors than a year ago tc a re extensive accommodatiorav. assure parenta and guardianf a youth, that then new boildusg Burgundy street has met Ui ir ezpectationa, and auppltea one great and almoat inostpeo sable requisite, vrai ample accommudalMios adapted to the ob ect they had in view, it a scarcely necessary to state, that the wbico they erected, is aupplied with all ths oiooera improvenients fur the comfort aad ronventeme of domestic hie.

and for educational purposes. The apartments are aparioua. Tba large and well snadad itgiited, and properly rumisoeo. snadad tardea the rear ol the huiMine. parcnavae lor ins vriinsedstjon of th DUDila.

is found to be attended with nuurs advantages aa regards health, exercise and amusem*nt in short, every arrangement has been made, at no email is urease the IsciMjre of education; to guard the health of th pupila, and to promote their conuort and happiness. Tbe Institution provides thorough snd substantial insti nrtior. is every star aad department of ed arattoa. It poaarosee treat acilttjea for toe at quaement of the Freocb language, and too cuftivstioa ol bumc! and a nBrnal to any, that Hforta will be waetmc to sustain th reputation wbicn ths bool has already scqtiired ia these separtmeuta. UK.

MACAl UAT. who baa taught in the inaututjoe lor up srds of iv year, and who dmdea hia time betweo rod Mr. Macanbi) a. take tbe ntir charge of th departmeni vf Enghsb Lltrratnre, hvrrudmg Natural and Moral Phuoaophv. tod teachea not only th outlines, bet saougb of Mathamatica.

Chemistry, Geology, and Astronomy as tocnatl young uvlier to understand all tbe ordinary phenomena which ars cooatanti presenting toemseives to ineir observauon. ror rurther inlonriatmn. the rroprietor oi ins tnatrluum vaMctiully refer parents to their Prtauertua. published ao.phiet tona, aad to bs folad st ths boos stores and at th nslitu'am es dewtnf Beard Ins; cV Day Mrheol fer Voana L.adlea. Coder the diractioa of n.

Hfcltl vs KLAUS. No. 37fi Chesuat strevt, Philadelphia FOR Board and Tuition in tl! the branches of aa Englt.1 Education, including tbe Latin and Freocb languages, sitv per annam. half ia advaace. vv ashlar, perauarter A (J Cseof Paao, A tk Tbe extra cbarre for Italan.

Spassib. Drawing. Danrinc. am' Muaic, are regulated by the teachera of those bran be. vim.

reaka will assaatad ia to duus ot hr srhool by toe 3ost competent tescbers ia to vnnou branchea, and wisl.ins ui naur to these cnmanitted to her charge the comforts nomeand the care of a parent, abe will only rweiva a few pupi'r soareere. References KL Rev. A. Putter. D.

Rev. Dr. Brthune, Rev. Dr. Duca chet.

Dr. Wetherill, RuhertNeilaoa, Caleb Cope. fhiianrlpha; Anahooj Barclay, British Dr. Bartlett, H.

Paugnet, NewTork; Capt. W. Salter, S. W. Muir, British CensaL Robert Siari, Lumsdea, Kendall Co7 New Orleans Venerable Arvh decoa Cuouama, Hoe.

W. A. Bum 1st. Island of Trinidad. a3 dAWtf Ceateaary Cellefre af L.easlaaa.

THE next sesasDo of tha instil litem will ope ns the Ftrvr Moods in October, aader the unervuea of th followtnr I scurry: Kev. H. RIVERS. A. Pfesideirt sad Professor ol Mora snd Mental Science.

W.H. N. MAORUDER, M. Prcasaor of Aacamt Language. and Literatura.

J. C. 1LLER, M. Profeaaor of Pur aad Mixed Hatha Bvltrca. DANIELMARTTNDALE, M.

A Profeaaor of Natural Science Rv. A. MILLER, M. A Pnacipal of tbe Preparausr) SchooL H. N.

JOHNSON, M. Vic Principal Arrare aments are mad to teach the modern tanrnarea. that vry department of the college is fully onramted, and now orfera th moat am pis means of obtaining thurougbciaasics' SOU HTINUIK S1WIUIIB Withss able, eAcient, and united facorty, an excellent Ubrarr. superior cabinet of minerals, anlla, Ac, a euAcieot chemica' and phikieophical apparatus, and with a ae atesa remarkable for the salubrity of ma atmosphere, aa well as lor th morality ol its aahabitant th trustees caa but anticipate a bright and use fui career tor tb college. Expenses Taitios per urns of fivs months.

BIS to SX fi Room Board pr month 10 01 Lsbrar. few pee 1 Coaurarveea per tsrm ftc la addttma to tarns matnculatjoB fee of SA is paid by th atadeat wbea be enter collage. O. O. 8HAT1 CCa, aelt AW President of tbe Board of Trustee.

The AaneFlcaaRefortn Medical Inatltnte OF Kr. THE General Assembly of tba Stat of Keotncky paaaed an act chartering thia Colter with ampl powra. and the Board nf Tnsstscs hav orgaonted aad appointed ths following Faculty Profeeeor of tbe Principles and Practise of Surcrry, J. H. Jor dan, D.

Tickets I A. Prufe. of CSemi try. Pharmacy, and Toxicology, to be Sited. Ts keu Professor of Materia Medics, Therapeutics, and Medical Bota Chil.l Tickets SIS.

Profe sor of General. Spil aad Patb ilogical Anatomy, Pby and uperauve oargery, uutuan, a. tl. laraats Sli. Professor of the Institute aad Practice of Medicine, Physical Lugaosis and Pathology, J.

Bermaa. M. D. Tickets SI A. Professor of Obstetric and Disease ol Wmen aad Cbildrea, A.

H. bsldridre. M. D. TkAsU 16.

Professor of Legal Modicm and Natural History, W. W. Wal Tickets SIS. Demonstrator of Anatomy and Prosector, to bs appointed. Ticket Sin.

Matriculation Fee, AV Graduation Fee, SSS. The Lecture will commence the first Monday of November next and continue twnty weeks. It will be observed that the extraordinary length or tbe te brings the lea considerably bekiw that of moat other medical schools. Tb daiga of thia school ia to teach most thoroughly and completely tbe America a Rnforra or Eclectic System Msdi a is. Tboae wishing farther mformatkm snll address, post paid.

A. a BALDRIDGB, M. Dean of tbe Faculty, atLouwville, or if more coaveitierrt. Prof J. H.

Jordan, Dsytos Ohio, or Prof C. Child, st Madaoa, led. Jylu A W3ra M500 Revrard. AS stolen from the asbscr dyer's raesdeece. oa the aigtrt of the llth March hart, the fbllewmg sums at aaoeey.

Ac vrs: aountsiiuu goto com, principally soenuu; arm aa carrent silver coin, principally English BV lnms Bank. Nn.SnTt, letter May 1, IS39 410 Plsotets' Bank, Ka 870. letter E. April I KM $4 ia First Municipality aotss, ia tt bills 10 bank Cberrra, South Caroliaa. Also, a Guard Chain for a watch, imitation gold also, 3 go or imitation fuM Shirt Stads, for bosoms, with glass ia centre also, 1 small liver Spoon; also.

1 bugs SUE Handkerchstf, with my nams on it ia full, at ia mixes colors, pnaceialrr red, and or Bias Cravats. 1 will give tbe shove reward for tbe recovery sf ths moner, or ia proportion for any pert thereof. There a one very eld piece of gold com, aa Engtiab sovereign or geinea, with oee or two fatter etemped ea tbe face aad pesos cat off the edge it i a vary old piece. WM. W.

KILeATRICK. Jso lSSbeli Road aide. New Basin. Ta PJagar Plaelern. FOR SALE A apfaodss sugar all, Staam arias, ra sable ef taking on a crop et SOS hbda Abo.

oee ef Ra baaa sVacaaa Paa corepkste, all rood order. For aale very low. Apply to HOLLAND BAVDOUtN, Je I md AW notarise Pabac, 6S Cnstomhousa at. BsP Safaadat Sugar Lands for aale. Apply at the same ratios llwTlCI 4aft ny rwtM.ot tW tf Do mi Vf KiiBw bof iiiHfcailtaMyvi vt4M, tboil frftU tmohm Wtt, vtctw about 140 wnwi.4vi ark.

mI. About 14Q mantti 4rh a vomxtuwwmxm is Mw fJnOvi; hm kv oa ha rwfat wUk ibm of Um wlnrTrf of MM C4Wiio MTWb. 14. off 140 that I cuHbi Mn Abn o( tb IMk itwtaot. we mOs as, a.

i m. a a tu avai a ap er ap a aar ar ar a i aa a a aa 'ft aeBarJemnVSser4 Blloxl llcstae. 1 Thdfaabtic raaoai'ti'uUy a formed (hat thia sstsbUah 0 wat anil be opened for the raceptioa of viartots oa the i mi. iit. Attacked tha Heooa will be fooad ia Bar Abd Baliard Kooea, Tea Pie AlWwa, BMb iloaass sad Stabhav Tho tabia will ala a be supplied with tlie eslicacisa of ths Baa Coast and the New Orlsaaa marsoC Ths largo leva aad ths groat somber of abode treea aurroaasmf us aoaee, bum taw bote! ths moo: eaaiiahlefnf fniln I aay oao aktag the Coast, persons waduae toaacaro mnma will please liitrsaa ths aodar aisned.

sad sea their commuairstioBs by boat. 1 rlo Sha JOHII NIXDN. adP Prom aad aftsr July 10th, ths rstss of hoard ass radacod ufbiktwat Br Par weak Parda. 1 1 Cbildrea and sal isaU half price. FlaaterV Hetel, New Tba aadoraaraad baea biava to ialbrm Uo public that be deesae kaepios the sbovs satabhabmeat opoa an turn Bar and that bi will aasMiif at a vary reduced rata.

its, those whs wb to meats porsaessothf Familiea aapscejlly k. mmi a aaod table oa the beat terms that caa be had ia the city, woe Id Jo well to call immaduuaty i also, aaatlemea who simpfV iah board (withoat kdcuig) win be charged at aa aieswgiy ow rata. ir TTRRAT. Petal Clear HaesaU aemr flleblle. Th anderaigoed iiiisaswsilj talorms lbs pasist tnst having leased this aew sad agtsaaive astablashaisnt, bs wiUrpeaitOB lb tat May for th scoommodalinn ol i visitors and tranaiant sojoarasrs.

Hs has spared ao pai as or sx pease ia suing it up with saw furniture, aad bia prices will bs sxueosaly moderate, subject to deductioe by agreesnsat, by ths month or season, for familaw and others, wbea a rorraspoadaare with that view a reqassied. The hotel is now I rushed sad wall known to the public It is sita ated on tho moat lininiaaa point of land on ths eastern ehore of Mobile Bay, about 11 miles below the crty sas fonkiag out ueoa the Gulf of Magjee. without any aland or ratervei mtervemng land to obs tract the sss brsstsa, which are enjoyed all their trash iMe aad punt. 1 he aaitpsss ol th water aaords una eaalled attractioaa br bathing, and ths bath booses, which are aset aad large, are onry au yarn rrom we noun, i essgn borbood abouada ia game, with lea roads, Ac Tbe hotel at AM feet boot, with two spacaoas gsllsnss is rt wale, and caa comfortably acciimmodaU SUO persona The houae baa bees carefully built and well Saisbed, with ir peaces, Ae I sxtsn siva stables bare also baea bailt. A bsw sad fast steamboat ia daily expected sod ahs will made two trip a day between Mo bile aad th Poiat, truta tat May to tat Novemaer.

Tb sub senber'a long expeneoce in the arcalel management of aer al larg hotel, tm a guarante to soms axtent, together with ni Basing invest isrreiy ins uss. imrew hotel cannot be foe ad at any Southern watering place. He con ndeatJy reUee opoa a garous snd discerning pueuc to seat a him. Letters should be addreeeed to at Mood, Ala. and B.

PAHKPR. N. B. Tli st ease of Mr. Parker, by drowuasg, on th 1M of June, will in no way alter th arrangement alieaily made for conducting that etUbltsbrnetit Tb busm of th Point Clear Hotel will continued for th beer fit of Mm SB.

Parker, under th efficient nianageraent of Mr. Jonn Johneton. Ilnllywood Hone, lutm flbor of Mobil lUjr, 10 milm Suutb mt of tbo crty. fSk Ta. Mrnfiwr itM4rt ia oo ib CampWt ordar f.r tb rrpC4O0 of viMtorm.

Mmj uoporttmnt i rprov UsMdIi ba beon maJo duriaf lb poat iwiwl A nam arwTfrf aitAf lo rounu ror ceAlWmon, tare ijom fox bmilrsM, all of tbora hMDsiaoinaly fumifabdd, hava Den aviviW. A Datbinf booaa, for ttvM im ia tbo cmr of yTwctxfa I teowf batba aro in fino ordor, and tito bnUiDic as ftx ny otber wit ritAS placa iQ Mobila Bj. Amua unoaU of aJI kiWs. tuck a kunttiif, ftabin, aail'iif, btiarda. tea pirn, embiVrCo tHeOia of tba attivta ao whsch atldm.

a mMWitro at Holrvood Ho dm. Tbo lot aXioa oi tbia plaro boin( 60 tM aboV tba lava of tba bay and opoa to tb braoao from ry 4 ravMha. sTiTin a Ami iow M.hbila Bajr. tb Oulf oi Muk tb city of Hoop aad arroufsdtnc country, rondor it ono uf tot moat tMainioto suiptTior rairNu to oouib. i am ueov wiUb twoMtailv aupp.iad with Fwb, OysUra, Craba, Veaiana.

Ac. Tb Bar will coatain tna cborat Kiquora aad Winv, Tb urdvr.cDd otj.tDot thui wlabiwhmnt a littia of two yi ar mot from th ttump, baitt it, fiuiJ tlrd it. and now taping rt, wh: a prvtt) food (uaittm tbat bo will triv by ovrry couru aod attvottoa to ptaao ba fooata. TiiatwafB bnt Cora making two trip wry day tc Ibis ptac fram Mob la. Tb atawamotial Farator alao runnioc oac a day, aad will coatiou vuitil tb ikw boat armoa, whtch ia aipoctod tb lat of Jnoa.

Isd ttara and papwra will com diract tc tk Gt tv by bmtng ilflroaiad to Hoiiywooa. ommr notus. WILLAKD Board month aiaelb room a. tUmrd Dr month, doubt room. 30 00 Bnrd par wmmk 10 on Board por day 00 Bsrd non than oaa day 1 7ft Diaaarra 7 Brvh fast.

Sapper and vb IK) wwTA. dodtu. tjoo for lildwa aocordiac to tbir anmbw, want. Mtr. my 17 rrvri aLtlUI TrbouBftoolaa atr fSw Or ASPIUa, Frapriatof.

MflSk Thta la Hot, (tat Dtaioad'a) advaatafooualv ailu F.ivt atad mot St. Manr a Mark at. on TthouertoabuatnctLaod awfc'JL agbrtla paculiar lor Waatara Mrcbanta aod TrOAdora, mm wwlJ aa lor captaiaa of ataamaoat and voaaala. mmd traa ara fjuraily. Tb bo noat aM.oomKrt abla.

and aiaaaaoaa mrw mitaaic for borr Tbo cbam bra ar wail ruruiahd and ary i tha tab la ia auppltad with th bt th mark at caa furiuih, wbiia th Bar ia coa ttantly furwhad wttbfood wxinaa aad li uorm, all of which ar Mlartwd with rraat car. Boaitiaa tha uaual comfort of a bona of thta kind, Lbr arvcpaaa and naatly arTmnrod batbrrTr iMrtmnti attachad to th aatahbahaaooL la a word, tba LOUISIANA HOTEL, vary aacoaaary comfort, wbilo th tarm raonaia Tb pinotor pmdfraa unaaalf ta naa wmy oiartioa to pa MUaterteOa to thoao arbo may favor htm with tbatr patrotioM. Tbo propncor aaaarta with plaaar, that from tb Urn cam propretnr of tb Hot ap to th praaant tim. aot a ainf I caa of ywlJow torac or cbotora aaaocrarrad hwtaawiabaont mT Omtubuaaa to and from Laiatt atop at tb Hot. rary finaoa nunata.

ly CarroIitB Utl. Thia in aalavb liahmant baiu ba Uwrourbry ra paurad andimprovd. aupabod with wary comfort and conren4oc tor th accoeTimodatJoa of Board ra aad Viaitur. Tb Oardaa anaurpaaaad by any a tba Soatbra coaotry for abibbrv. lowora aad proaaaoadoa, aad at th tim ia tb bjchoot atla of cHjratoo aod ImpiwamoDt.

Tb ataam car maka tho trip to aad from ffew Orlaaaa half aa hour, aod by a raraat arrmoanaot taai a tram aaTi itbcr point wry boar, rodnn CarroOtoa aa eoatr aaiaat point oi UM aa LAiayaCta, and ofrinc aopror adTuataci a aa a iwatvsaaca lo buainaaa ma. A law iwapctabla famibaa or aingl boanl may ba aammodatd oa tb moat rAooao tar ma, aad aootTort will aparod tnadwsaiit to tbair com tort and coa tonUncaL Pnvata partM ruraibci at all umoa with mania, and tb cboiroat datirasriv of tb aaaaon, includin ftah, fowl.jrmma and tb fcrwt uaJity of W'taaa aod laora. Moatfaly Ttcjkau uo tb Kdxilroad, ouly A. Fstf A. AfVOKLL, Propriator.

Cooper's Wella. 8ituatd in Hmds county. 13 mil waat of Ja M'tj tb Stat rapttal. PwaaDftara can roacb tba Walla ut we auir vasau iiuu ihii( rn duuk. i 07 cvsajp nnd Railroad, aow no triy completod.

intarvorta th Vtca burf and JariMia RaJfruad at Borlooa. and will cobtv paaan rm lo within 4 tc ot tb Wlla. tbnc br ataira from Kar mond to lb W1U. Far from BUton to tb Wall, by Bal etior' Lib of fin foal tl V) from Vickabarr to Bil tona. by rai rd.

SI 90. Whn tha Raj iu(Ki KajlxoaaTia com pVeted tb wfaolo tar 'mm Vpribury to tb W0 will Si 90. CnnTpyance run a day bat aaa CUeloa aad tb WVBa Tba watr ol tKo Watt hT baao tboroucbly aaalyaad by Oorremua and Hrrt. tJs caWtiratad tiractalcamitaof Kaw Tori, aad Aund to atronriy impiTj id with Solpbur, Iron. Marideajt, Ac.

Iu atficacy ia i bnur awaaaa of tb aot tKiwia baa ba tboroadtbly tatad by hundred of itiTaUda, aod th mm 0artd in many caa aurpaaa balwC laraaaof cbroatc dyappk, broorbitia, dntpay, (ravoi and Mnoral dabiU'y, know may to hav ba i arad. 9itwt in ibd rntdat of aa aWvatod, baaJtby pin ragioo, tha in haaltb will bod pkpjura irora a viait. AU amuwmont raqsaitf itaru.r pave caa ftvaad, aiao a fvxd od oi Music provided for to aammar mootba. Ampnt arranamauta ar aaxuia aconauaodato a thoaaand psiwon. Tb aaaaHaaco of Col lsuOd, lata of tb Manama Houm.

Jackavsho, baa baa aacurod, aad Unat thai (ooaraJ aai waceJta win (toa Tarma Board and kxifiAf, prn oottu $30 pr 10 rTd.T Child ran and aarvanta baU ppc. fVM will ba taka car of oa modarmta tarvn. tmT Lti for vtaitora aboaM dirasTtad to Coopr'a Walla, nsijiiioau rnturnci. a man ir in viia ta maoa ap biuiiT. i ra Br Jnnj i iiLi a ai m.

trrts, rinormvera Ilacel at Pcnaaraia. Pfk MRS. MART COLLIN a tak atbw mtbod to appria Eii? bar fr at bon and abroad, that bar nw and a pa mui HOTKL in th crty of Poaaaoola wtpa foi tha rPTppiFin inn aixommooaiion aoaraara aaa iraaii viai tor The buP'Tin i ronatmtad upoa auch a modH of arrku tsMrtara a to aifurd avary comfort and convmn. to familiaa or iiar'a praon. Aa for inra id who may vnK thia city, bar apartTfifnta arc aoarraisrad aa to admit to auch axtut a may a iimj, tot mitin oi ium ara Qrmrm aa ruanaa irom ina aay.

tabl ia abundnnty pplad witli tlibat that th markat affoiMi. She alao atta. I sl to bar BATH HOL IC9 for tL arxnmnsOdkUion if ttb ladi and gntwaa, which hr witir ran anty tb beneat ot aaa Kalaaad Racolafion. of Mr. Collira.

Boardiac bona, Fc cola, lotaodaoua ativt. btwa FaLafoi and Bay too. RTt3 OF BOARD. Board with LodfinK. par muirth.

00 Board wiiboul par mooth SO On Rsiaird without leoditAf, per 1 An nmaar 7ft rtMJa Sup par 6" Loibc 60 STABLC RATES. Horaa par $1 00 Hora par waak. Oil Horw iTonth SOW fitlaron ta thair amal will paaa fim tbir namaa and antsr mannar ia which thay intend boaduif, without which lib wiil ba rharvad bv tb day. Payro. ata ar a i poet ad at tb expiration of tba weak or month.

tt. B. Hr and CarrimfPm can ba bad at any hour of the day, by app'yint: to the propn nor. Jaw im Oreen Omk Hotel Btlwxl. Br MKV PRADAT.

Tb pablie ar raM artfully informed that thia aetabliah IJmS BM nt. ao raytrally and favorably known tor tbo aarabrtty Mi its cttuatroo, tha baury nf ita irardana, lay ioequaa an ita quiet iwttrarnoat, now ope lor tbo rasraptiou ol viaiU'r. wiibtifitnff th fraat gnproaamaiita hefvtofor made on tho above pramia 1, they bae beoa fartbr standad durinf last wintsr, and Hotel can now acomrnodata 900 mor boardara than laj auoiaaar. raimlia caa protidod with larx aad airy itiFUe irom um iwm. Tb tabbt ia a tha beet style, aad tha Wine and LMOori ara ot anrrnor auality.

Mra. Piadat baa engaged a band of musician, and there will tw bn each wook. The ball room ia 144 feet Innf and lwqtntly orated, and ia aaporat from tb oth batWinrasao a not to disturb tho nnardars wbo do not attend tb ball. There at bakmng to the ratal compaay of Sti iuea aad oytermB to (umiak tb table with the aTral vnneta of nh, aai aa radnah, trvut. croak era, pom paao, Spanish mackerel an rump, me.

sxc. Akn anUsaaabd Hmr RsMSS aaal B.nifcEad.RafQBa. Sail Boats. te. Thare to at tbe aae rite of both ladiee and aeoll4mea lart and ctmnoattoua batbiaf bonaaa, csjriajraa and aaddle boraea, w.ioor ordoffed tor Mra.

Prndaa naearee tha public that antlunc haa boon aparod to roadar th abor Hotot aqaal, if not aunaTHr, to any aimiavaetebli 4imet in tb South. 9mT Perat'o awteading to stop at tba Otooa Oaka Hot) will ploaoa aant na thatr mtewttoa ta tbo captain of tha boat, ia order tbat ttiey aay ba leaded oa tha wharf bdmariag to tha Hotel Wmw Tenna eery moderate my I iriurohT No. 96 and 100 flu CbAfle bl iaauDcribr raapcxioiiy aanouocaa aw inanoa and the public (Lwaoraily, that after tb lt of nvt month, and dunn the aamroer ma nth a. to rerular boardra. will radac bia rata to Ska par month for board, and $90 far fcoard and legging.

Tbo coatiral kcatoa of thia bouae touden it particularly coaroaieot to men of kuaiiiass aad inuar. Hia ubl ia aJwava aupplied with tha beet tha mark at afford. and no pain will be spared to make hie house a pleesaal hofn to au who may istot aim wna laeer pavonac. 1. JU.

a. LL. Lm MA. AwswAk ska choice! of liquor, iaa attachad to Uua nous Tenpia wuteyaaa Bmiaijiooctw Vll Oa RICHARD MTJRPHT. French's Htel.

Corn Frank tort fltraat and Citv HaTi traarw. Oppoaite the City HaD aad Park Ponataia. New Tort, waa buih and openod by tb anbacrfber Ma let, laeo. who truta, that Cor coortusox, inr, comibrt ind BT. it Caiiaaa mm im Ika If morw room than aay other liote.

this eoriittnt, aar on nhj, ail of which ara warmed grat. Tbey ara Ittad ap with marble toe wtmbatanda. whjfb aro aan arkh rmtaa VVatavr throUjrb aiKwTOWtd co*ck A. TkM kaat am IWsmari ea a MM tb aaiia aad waiari closet oa 0017 boot wtfl be Ut with caa duinie th alvt. Tbia Ho, la ia thw ranaJaita eicauty of aaparraniiia laiaa mxww sws pnajcanai alanaa aaji Thar a a Barber1 Shafj aad aateoam km of Bath rowitartad thrwwith.

Thw Hob will be exacted mm tba tamp aaa paia af lodqtw iwotao, aad aaaala aa they aaay ba eiou aad aphadaf Rafeeaaey Partera wtU tfht to adaut todfara, aad aWo to oaU them ordered in tbe epecioue ho an darimr the Btabt at any tie a Waoy may awarra; aad te ao caae permitted to axact or rmomm parquoaitaa. epT R. FRIffCrl. TJAM1LT ULBJLUiQmmQ hmJI hbla. mmmA Herriaa in ftora aad far aalo by Carrwlltwa Htel.

A he aooroaaastof rantiBaa caa be had fbrthesaaa. tr at ths Carrol Itoa Hutal. Apply at ths Bar of ths atertaa iace. LA9I raavatsijutt ouues. Q.

The ssdaraajniif, baviag leaned the above etablieh assBtfrseslbe forma praprvator, M. J. McRas, would inform the publk that tbsssme srill be opeaed as th I st of an. The location of Uiia tabliahmnt ia auperior in aiost raapects to any oa tbe Southern coast. It ia so isr east that it a seta wry beyond the indueaceof the water of th Mav saeippi, aad the bathing ia at all lira as salt A glance st th map of the Gulf coast vrul show this.

Tb prevailing wisds ol th summer bring ia tbe pare sea water, aad ars intercepted by so Irenes or fresh water inlets, ear ths oversow ef th Masesippi ML Fish and oyster at the best kind srs bad ia abundance and will be served as tb bast style. Ths usual smueemetrte found at aacb nieces are toaad at thia pesos and the noes eaS roads are ugh tra Ths proprietor i sclera noses from hw expeneoce at ths business that be will bs ah la to give general satafactios, sod ths pablic are assured that ao pains or sdbrts os hw part will bs spared so mala ha guasts comfortable. Ha table wilbs fur aiebed ie the best style. The wharf wlil bs entirely sew a wall ss ths bath boos, which srs targe aad comfortable. Ths rates of hoard will bs tbs same as beroodbr.

CaasBianirstioBa will be addressed to tbe aadersigned at Esst Paeoagoula. 1. n. an aa. rropnesor.

Haviag haeed the above sstsblishmsnt to Mr. T. H. JeiAs, I take great plaaaura ia solscriiag for ban the satreoag of my former fraaoda sod patrons, aad feel no hesitation is say ing that if they wrll favor him with a call, that tbsy will bs full; aauaded with therr visit and tbe character ef his satshliabSMiat myl amdAWe M. J.

MrRAE. fhrvsxw propnetor. Pas Chrtotlan Hotel. Thi well kaowa to tba citiaena of New Urtoana and ita Ttciav itv. wl roDa oa Saturday.

May Utb. To tboao oaaMuaiatod wiib tba locality, it may bo um ay bo tHK aaasQ to aUt tbat ia aitaatad oa tb abor of tbo Oulf of Mosico, om atity imm ima Ww Orlaana. aad aifbty fWm Mobil, with aa unatarrapud aipoanra to in aaa air. Th maa tamparaturo of tba atmopbrt aa tb folk win aToruc of tho thmo warmaat mootba of tba yar will abow pary, iw, m. to is n.ei,nr.n,( Auc ei.M,TKD.,I.M.(B,6P.

M.RO SDt 0 A. M. 71 Ds. 19 M. ml.

P. M. 7 Will eoatraat iaTorabry with any waUrinc ptaca. and tba total tbanc of all diaaaaaa iactdwital to hicb aoutbra latjuudw, rondare it on of tb moat doairabl lamotar raidDc ia tba Utiioa. CovBotoctad with tha Hot I ar Batb Hotiaoa, Bowhu AHara, Billiard Room aad Piatol Gallart alao Carriaxaa aod Uoa aa.

Tba conm.uoM aLon from both cKia ia ffarti daily by tb Mail Company atarora, Ursym, J. lsty, imr ia. St. Ckmrlf and 4oi, which, for apoad, imaam and at Untioa, aro aot anrpaaaad by any lio of boaU in tho country. rnyatciana oi wan aaowo rvpuiauun ran uia raap, whos aorricaa can at all boura obLunad and tbo Acaiiamy.

aptdar tba ablo aupanntaadaad of O. Blaamaa, (whwh wrlj rvupawo ra Juno.) a aumciot aranto to parata tbat th of thair cbildrao will not auffvr from a pralooitod ridi nr at tb Pa a Aahorvtnfirr. vry irtioa will uad to maintain tba rap ntauoa of th bona a a Armi tUu Hf.tal. in all ita appoint UMtQta, aod rand a tb ojourn of famtfiet aod bsuliaaion psoaaaataxad araaacia. XI a.

Faaa Cbratina, April 30myl 3iuJA iniio 9mT Lttra. papra and otbar mairabl mattar lft at tba oroc of M. Jodaoa. at tb comar of Camp aod CanaJ utwt, will ba Inrwantaii laiiy tha way man. Bachelor's Hall.

At MandTil, oppoait tha Mam Wharf. Th nndaraifood ha a the boaor of taiormttvg th pnb lie tbat thy bnv juat completed an eetablishment at MandarilVa, oppoaite tb Urr wharf, on a erale of tnar oia aoara and omfort ralrulated to 611 tb void that haa ao lime baa fait ia thia dalichtful aammar ratraat. Lt baa bao tbatr aim to mak tbia eatablishrooot a laabtonabt and daairable re art. combininif the comforts of a rowtaorat tapt in tb moat ap prarad and far ha re ba at) ta, with Wioea and Li)uora or to moat chniea and Taried kind. Dinner wU' be aerved either at the table d'hote, or arcordrar ta the bill of far.

Attached to tba KaaUurat wi.l ba found a Bar, at which only tb bat liouora aod win will ba dupeaae Connected witb tb aatabliahrnant likewise haiVjonie bti hard room, prwridad wtth axreMaat rus, snd hft smataur oao os caaionalty And reltaf from tit monotony ol a country' Utm In In, tb pmprisalnrahava mf aothinr undon to make tliair eetablishmvnt an tfraaable raaort, Io money baa bean aparod to prorur th rartou comiort lor Iboee wno may boaor them with tneir petronac. Th Houi ao will bo thrown opoa to twi rtora on 4TtIlDT th Ath May. 00 which aplwadad coHtts will nmvsded. my 1 7 Ira 1 BERTH AND. COM BE A OU WmT There 1 a Barbvr and Hair Pressor attached to tbe abor MUbJiahineot.

Floranre Iloaae Mamtuer ArranaeineBt. Tot wall Cwtabiubmant, ba inr pMU n.totha asaioe 01 nw prupriainra, may raportiuiiy to annooora that thay ara uraMrad to rwcviv por manant aod day BOAH PEW, and assure thaw frwasia and t. public that 00 adorta will aparod to reader it a comfortable and d.raie rasoare i Fasa Chrlatiaa Ilatel. dJfSfk In cooaaqn anr of the new and olacant steamar Irt fTwoa baviac tsaa bar ptaca ot tba Uka for tba MkkV wtUi tb daterminatMMi of raaam to tb wntertiir nte at tbe xroatly rdurad far of On IoJtar. tb price of board at thia eatabluhmrnt for tranatent visitora reduced from Two and a Half to Two Dollar pr day.

jy. im a M. yn Afaat Wrlgley's Hotel. Natchez Landlac, Mmm Th uisdarwirnod would raprtfiillr inform lis fnenda iand tb travelling community gatraraily.that bs ha taka tis hotel fonnerlr know a aa tbe National Hotel, and lately kept by Mr. Jama McPa.

wbr he will bapny aaa aH hw olo friend aad tb public gooormlly. Thw hotel MMua ted dirwt try opposit the steamboat landing, which will mak tt lo the advantage of atrayaiier waiting for a boat. Hie Ubl nii a tnrniaiird wiin tna beet tne mart at allorda, and vry af fort will be ad to promote the ea aad comtturt of tbo who palroar bim. Hia Bar will ba furnihed with th bat of Liquor, and bia bouse opu at all bout, both day and atrnt, lur tua aocomrno daUon of trT.iT. Jj im THOMA4 WRIOLET.

inaBraolU Uatel. BiloxU The underaigaed haa the p)asure of anaouaciag to her friand aod tba public that ah haa lad for a term ol yar this dasunb a Hotei. Tb fckratjoa i ceotrnl to a. cooTeaiont to tha harbor aod bath bouae. with th baft lit of tbo ea breeae, and a beautiful and ptraaantview The aoaao woN adapted to famibaa th room larg and wall Tatilatd, aad aarably Ailed up.

There ara saw a rat Ten Pin Allay a attaxbod to tb Hotel, alao, Proaaaroaad Fwbiag Boots, and. ia abort avory thiag tegieaatfawrtooato all who may laror bar who a raiL t. f. hlat. Term raducod from aad alter tb lith July, IflbO Par aiooih $30 00 Par weak a 00 Per dy 1 60 Cbitdroa and aarraota half prica.

aaT Wioofwdwnorfrwao. Jyll lm Calllarnla Haase wSk This Hooae, the 'erct and nutt raieWtodioms in tha 4 haanurol Til Isr of Mandavill. will opaood tV aat the 14th fur the roreplioo of tamih. Tha room are fitted ap in tb naatast atyW, with every articl raqinred lor tb as oi ladto aad caiwr. Th tabia wiD fanusbed auth aJI tha laiortea of th aaoa aad tbe Wine of tbe beat dearription.

Com patent ar aogaced to atloon. aod aothiag wiH be paJwa te giro oaure aauataruoo 10 woora. rnca 01 voara aaa iouging Hy the north By tbe week By the day Children and arrnnts hall pricL A larr and com mod 10 us Batiiiiv Room ia about to erected. for tbe exclusive as of Lndio. It will ba olacad at tha dutaoc of I4t iat irom to tax aAor.

Jl.V lia HORACE LACZAlNGHFllf. Waahloataa Iloase9 Omeiat stmt, ahov anlh etroat, Phitadefphia. Ia cootrar. ia tbe nn madia la vicinity ol tbe most im portant pab5c inatitutitns, tli bt and moat fjaab oaable placea of bnaineaa. and the attract) public aquarea ot th city, la th important requisita of ligbt and TvatjlaUnn.

two principal objmc aimed at ia tba iwceot eahugemont aed utorougn improamf.t 01 una boas, it ia not xceted par bap, by any tablihment ia Amancav To atraoewrs. tbre turo, ita poaitioa peculiarly deeirahka. Th aubarribar returna thanka to ho. fneipd and the public for the haeral patronage tney nave eitended to aim, aad aaaarea tboi tbat a will ea davor to aiartta oootiaaaaco of tboir Qivera. Jt lm A.

P. OL4S3. Doaeaaaa'a Haul. The propria tors of tbia hotel, ia retorwing thaaka for the liberal patrooag airoady rciyd, beg to inform tba public tbat tbev nave onmoiated taair apiBMarranaa maiU, aod they will bow aa oaabld lo oarr oa thr pWodtd svaoiwamoai oa a more maoraai looting man Deiore. no eitenaire arrommodationa ot this bote, the aaaorior in' tame I araiiaaioaut iaa iara)nparablo rtatia, tbo biH of far, wioas, carnaca.

and mteraat dromtiona, all com bio to maka tt parulsorty agrwaobl oad eomfortable lor mmilieaund pleasura vraTa4lra. aa pa aa for an of buam And to inanr prompt and carvfal attentio to the areata and wm baa of all tnraaltara and midaata ia tbia hotel, tbo pprietstra need only aay that 1117 rvuiD iim ivT Kai 01 aar rope aa upnotnont aad Mr. Coortny. aa book keepver. Thay alao bag to aay that artwithataading the ttpnoerty of their hotel their charge ar om nigtier tbaa tooao or otbar reportable aotei in uwn.

Montr), June, lMAO. Jalft 9m SADDLERY. Newark, IS. Wadalory Warchonae. Ara vw waj.

svisf. ear, reqa. jrs aBal wiwwwi. naw vr sVB. a.sasaak aas tfuf 4 a WTa mL aT 9 Mt taA 1M sftasl at I a Importer of SADDI.KRT aad WARE, have coasaauy oa band a large aad oornpwte aaaortmant of sad dla, BndW, Martiartlaa.

Trunka, Hamaaa and Bndle Leather i Hogakm Saddler Took and Tnmmioga of every Baacriptjoa, at no. caaoi atroot. nt)a iy anunarr bull PkIladlpkU8a4ale aolTraBk Warahaaae IV U. nu (VAjff AST I AAA 1. iKT.

is Robe 4x intlrre tViB.rV wsairt selehasajassaa siT ns final a RDM a (ate Rose a FawSaira.) ar inseisntljr renin new seeea trova Tl 11'' Pkilaael aad bv davart awportatioi Cnrjsad, aad srs prepared to oster te Seessr tae asnet aeeral mememasts. Tats auxA is larr. aa 1 wsil assairteS. as fiillnes: aaoalerv. asuldssrv Hardware.

Harases. LaattaerTravelUnc and racaiag 1 runs India naraaaa, sad Trunk takers' Hsterals, Tnaainsra, st. Pare basses srs isrvaed ss eaU. fee Ij MaaaCaetarwra rHadalerr. it uipumtkks or sjovlbk efvf hjmdwjkk.

I I UJi jss Bsw Orlsaas, swV Wm. Haoeefl Mar A. kat rnussoeipnia. rir ais iavited to aaexsasi caaaers are ia' natio of rrsr arrre Sad wall assorted stock. Ws srs preesre to larassh thsva with ta kteet atria of Saddlas, Hsrnaas, Tranks, ar sad witb every arucle sppertsiaiac te saddlery and Sad dkery ardware trade, at a verv email advance ea our Pailaoal.

aha price. jal jytO ly Traak. Carpet Bat aaa Iaala KakLver WA RE House TT H. PETERS ft CO. havatakee tae sor 11 Canal street, receetly eenvpsad by Messrs.

A. Hnnoa ft laeaaove tmiaan, wnere caa se innas at ail time con. riDDrr Dim vitirvi D1A RUBBER GOO 1)1. aed all imde of HARNESS, at re' aecea prires, eyis antve wjnei aaa H. Peters, etsaaik, B.

J.fss, W. Rereolds.rTsw Orleans. 8at! tilery Warekaaa. Poor doors tram HewiitJ'a Hstsl, Commoi Um ft BROTHERare ro oeivinc sy almost every antral rroea a Fork fresh aaa ef roods is tbser Haa, to wl they lava tae attention erper i liaaaia. TVaw aleck ef so ad.

nasBafactarei bv sanisaaBr far thie aMrast. acajprisea aieri kaa and eeellrv ol iaosUes Bowtaaae, tosetbsr witb a larre vartety of Bridlas, snastsa, aros, snera, surra pa, saddlary ware, voars Tnav eslly OOOD 15TI9T TOWBOAT OFFICE Jaaa 4. taao. SHIPHimKJ tad tne pablic Is renaral srs inforiwrd that tba 10 aareeat addhioBal towars, ed ky lb asso eatd Tow boat CoBpaasts siaca Jaaaary last, will aot be cntrrad to tkoes vaaiils toaved by tbs boats baloaciag to Uia Oeaapaay, iasbsdiai tkoss veillli wkaeb way be la tow of ewr aneta atasi. ta.

isa JUBim 1KEBI, "Nadaa ska Paalle. rlrl Lake tesat siavaaliia fiisvayaaji win pay I aokiBs oeatrsrasd by aay of tbeersw af masa.risS OaWaysacept tVTT. 1 1T sussc s. Misrsssbss anoe tae wraMea erase of os tae ranraaa oa mmm eoaa, TWICE A WEEK 17. B.

MArL PA aCKIT i. Bates OIPtT For ta Coast, Plan. Raaea. Port ihsdaoa. Waterloo.

Baroe iSara. uusewaadiats land in Tbs saw sesames 4lf IT. J. H. Ore.

master, laavee Hew Orteaaa everv SUffDAT. at o'rloca and every WEDNESDAY, at M. Ketamutf, laavea Bayos Sara sack trip after the arrrrsl of tb. oirs. Aclsrs will be oa th Levee, foot of Coati strsst tere 3rv nwatit sanac tu abaac or tae boat.

For freicbt or oaaaare apply en board, or to euajui a iuhauu.u iwavitla strwat, 1 BtnM tf nsw Urssan. fvi ssuaLiiail a a a i rsUia, anv COAST TWO TRIPS A WEEK Tbs fast raaaiss: stsaaner M0ND1AKA. Job Diraitrv. aPs iD Bal BlirtTUU'VIT i us kJ masier. leave new Orleans tor uieaDove land inc.

every S4TURDAT, at lOe'doek areivmr ra tiiecrtvoa Men lar eveninr. Laav araia (t Point a la bach oa WEDf KS DATS at 10 o'clock A. M. retnrmrsv the aext day. For rri(ht or peassf apply oa board, foot of St.

Lou a street, ia NawOraans.orto DELACROIX ft tnts. JrtT 14 Costotnbonse sL. Nsw BoiWiara. SaF TasBf rmdiana. Cut.

Jobs Dimitry. will con tra ne si tha trad a without tail. i FARE REDUCED TO FIPTT CXNTS Deny Parker seross Lak Poetcbartraia leave oa aatardtya at 4 o'clock, P. iratesd ul ball Liasl I uaat a ror aaodevuie, i swtsourr, aaawuc boo Covinrtoa New ArransaieBU Tkadaa, last rnnnins atsaraer OLIVIA, (built expressly frr thw trads,) J. W.

UoBroan, master, wiP rna hereafter ss follows Leaves Hew Orleans ia MO DAT. oa tbe arrival of tbe al. car. TUESDAAT. 1 P.

at. cars THUKSDAT. I P. rare; FRIDAY, 1 P. M.

cars) SATURDAY, 4 if. cars SUNDAY, 8 A. M. Lrnves Covinvtoa oa Toesday al ft A. a.

i Toarsday al 9 A FrvJay at 6 A. M. Saturday at A. M. Th Olivia will laav Nadiaoovill vrv saaday Eveaiar.

at time to reach tba 7 P. M. train of cars for ths city, snd everv Monday Mor nine at 6 A. time to take the 8 o'clock A. B.

cars for th city. For particalara apply on board, er to EUGENE ROCHF.REAU ft 17 snd 19 St. Lotus st, or to MARTIN ft cmMm rt LEWIS ALCUJ, CoTlntoa. laT A letter bar, at the olhce of M. Jndsoe.

corner of Canal aod Camp streets, closes every day at 19 M. laJlJr HKOL'LSR V1CKSBUKG WEEKLY PACKET MOHAWK, O. B. Cobo, master. o7w.

marnsAlk nt ao fast ruaaiag paaaea gar ateaiuer will commanr br regular trip oa or about the let September aatrt ia tbe abova trade, leaving Or ianaevnr RLDAY. at 6 o'ckk P.M. iUtumm. will tea Vrrkaburg on Mootlay, at ft o'clock P.M. This bjl baa baa puirbwed eipreealy Tor tb trade, aod oar oad ia the trade, wbicb will ba a aiiAcint guarantee to paaaen 'era aad shippers tbat abe will remain permanently in the trade tbrougb tba entire aaaaon.

For fraigbt or paaaa apply to Jyft tnAKl.R9 0iHjl 11, IV tOinnon at. MONTGOMERY AND WKTUMPKA Psrkat Froai Mubil very TUESDAY, THUKDAT aad SATURDAY EVENISGS, at o'cliica. Tbe splendid sew licet draoirht paaaenx er parkel teemera ISABELLA, S. C. Burrill, ssa.ter, leave oa TCES DAY; CLARA, W.

C. Pendarva, master, on TMIR9DA1, and MAHY CLIFTON, J. J. Adams, aiasler, on SATURDAY For particulars apply to LASrDll.1. I AfenTS.

J. ft R. GEDDF.S, A rents Mail Lis, JalS tf 10 Bank Place, Ww Orleeu OVkR THE LAKE O. S. MAIL LINE "tsfMoroini Line.

For Covinctne, era Man aasadeville. Lewiaburs and Madiaooville Th nw and sut.Lsuii.i lak teenier LENORA, Etijab Millar, master, uairt xDreselr finr tha trd. lv. th Lak end of Pomchar traia Kadroad EVERY DAY. (Saaday excepted.) on the am val ol the 13 rkica Si cars.

Ketumirer. leaves uovinrtn vary day (Sunday XRepted) at o'clock A. M. Passer, or cents. Msal, xua, AO coats.

Car ttiniai Line. ror siandevuie, Lewaoerf ano Ms.lisoerilW Th aew, airy, oomniodieu nd aplsmdss upper cabin ateamer JENNY LIND, T. W. Doaowa. master, will leave Ui Lake ead of tb Railroad EYERY DAY, oa the am val the 4 o'clock P.

M. care. morninc, Madiaouville. via Le.isljorr and Mandeviile. nt A o'clrKk a.

aad imiM at th Railroad in um mr tb o'clock A. M. cart Kithentr. Oa SUNDAY th Jenny Liad wril start for the abov place, on th arrival ol ta 8 o'clock A M. cara, return ins ia time ktr th 7 o'clock P.

M. cara to tbe city. Passers, at cents. For further loformetion inquire of rtTnt at royoraast. W.

CU4HING ft Common st. STEVENSON, IIP. MEKITT ft 7 Grsvier St. myW J. F.

BERCIER ft 64 Old Isvhil THE COAST AND BAYOU LAFOURCHE PACKET. Tbs In fast running, steamer F. M. STRECK, F. M.

Strsvk, master, leavas New OriaaiM lor tbe (aan lor tb Coast ary SATURdIt. at 9 oVlocfc A. M. Kotarring leae Tbibodaux ry Tuesday monaAnc, end Uonklaoavi.i rr Wodnasdar morninr at o'clock Aoarr oab naH.dtvrto tail O. W.

StUlRCS, Old Leroe. fTBe FOR C)dk POIffTK A HACHC, SOUTH aj 9 1 if eat Paaa aod Balrae. Tb fine, faat runaiag, mmmpmkta tmm9m teamer FA4H101t, Joardaa Martin, aiaa lor, wul rua iaqnlarfy tbroagboat tbe ar ta the trade be low the city. LMfM fiawOriaana ror tho abovo placTery ATUKD AT, at lo A. ivturatM rnr Tuedey oiri mmr i aw ooaav.

wno aar ncio aaa aotiera. oaa aor BcvomOsMjoaUnBa gooo. ror frotght or 'or frotght or poaa apply oa MAUfSSIL WHITI CO. oor or to in ly BiBte dc rismad Hair Piaiaaia and Wig Sakera Ho. laoCbartraa atraat, batwaac Jalforsnn and St.

Peter atreet, bar ccaatantly on band all kinda of Wiga, Pbi.ts, Curl, ScrsUh, etc, maMifarturd by tbatnahva, aad wlncb tbey offer fc aale at ry mw pnca. altngetber wttb tbatr patent b' and ailk implant Pruk. for wbicb tiay ra rrvd th prawirnm in 1M4, at 1Z .1 a J. a Thay to oBar lor aai tna only GKNC1HE HAIR DYK and a larg aaaortmaut of PEKFL'MK KT, OLOVtS. 6HIKT8, Tb wbola imported frum tb beat Pari bonaaa.

OaW lseona given in Hair Dfaamg. mc FT ly aad IlyalatTP 61dLiA'Al. TAUU1RE ft HARRlNGTON.bavimpnr.haaed from the ilk sss ar ass ol w. r. Talbot patent rirst lor in aa oi lus Talbotyp process to a Plorida.

Georxia snd Texas, ba the Statee of Louisiana, Alabama, as. bee leave to call the atteataoa ol the puriUe lo their Gal ary of SpcusaaMmthwaewdefataaal ol rnotnerapby. Th ia taken npos paper, ivory, glass, nsetaLsad varavty of other substances th irt poaeeaainr tb dacided silvantsreaef easy trsnsanasdMlity by maik caa be eacsraed re a letter, made to adore the paxes ef a book, or prrve4 an a poltfolin. Th Tslhotyps a mravatry susreptibls of cotcefac, so hhst ths pictiir ran be Seabed to any darree desired by the aitter evr v. netv of toxtur and color of the drapery and cosnaisix the ya sad hair, caa be Cartel all detineated.

The I alhiit) pa repreeeata the wtswwrtheataay rwvara eSart mole or arar upon th right chek sppeersspoe the nght cheek. Th Talbotv ess ss duplicated to any ertent without the addrtionaltniBbl of aaiKher arttrrut. After the first unpr aicie a taken i opies can be furnahed at aay future time apoe aimpl ai'pleetain or letter av otherwae. tdT ft H. being tnuhd with every facility for the proa culm a ol tl a aopenor art.

are ready to dispone ol rights tsr the Sute speriked, with thorough instructions. DAGUERREOTYPES Uei prouna tu take ankker snd bet ter tbaa ssv other estsblrshroect ia the world. They guarantee lTI a penect llkeaee ol a child of Stx anoetba on second rr ao charge. mbl tfj No. 6 CAMP STREET.

1S30. KsaLxratloa. 1830. P. W.

BYRNES a General Paanaae aaal Farelsv Exehaase AassrMSrW aa I8S4. Not (sRAVIER STREET, cor. Bank Place. Nn ra SOUTH STREET. OBsk II EDEN UAT.

WATIKhUU ROAD. rH snbwrrSm bf svev mrorm th pablic throaghent the Unrasd Stats that they are bow prepared ta asm, al their several breech bouses aad sganiaas, Psaaag Certifies ass. ntitling th partae therem named to a paaaag by first class aaaes from Lrvarpool. Dublin, Ork, Belfsst and Leadnadsivy. te New Orlaana, Nsw York.

Philadelphia, Bos to aad Batti mora. They are alaoeaabled to forward (via Liverpwl) oar Use reaMfmg ia France, Holla ad, Besynim, Hunrary aad Gar nssny. beiag tha only Hoeeeia the trees bavrag agwnrjs thoea coontnea. P. W.

Byrne ft Co. an. aara Trrafta payable at sight, te any ansoeat, angmaanie rn every nvi aaving a nana rn ureal Bntaia er Ireland, and giving every Bill of Kxcfiaage a receipt lor tbe money received, aad guaranteeing the due payment ol the lasnrL How mectl thee Caeiliti ar appreciated may be known from tbe tact that during the hurt tea years apwarda of sea asiifisw jn ail ill atsrrwsj have passed through tiivir baada ia aafety. P. W.

Byrnes ft Co. despatch tp lend id flnrt class ahipa to ths fallowing porta uo tbs daya named below To New Orleans twice week, durmg th season To New York The Regular Linara, ending oa the 1st, Cth, llth. loth. Slat aadaftth each month. To PhiWewlphaveehry i To Biatoa three tunea a month, or ofbraeri To Baltimore by ths Regular Liners, sailing aja the 90th of each month.

For psaaag to these ports P. W. Byrnes ft Co. hsvs Sxed rale ot char res, which are aa aa ia compatible wtth aa boa est tuts I meat of their contract; and these, aa well as ail farther particulars, caa bs obtained by application, either pereonaily or by letter, to 9. BYRNES ft 6 Oravier atreet, corner Bask Place, New Orlaana, Slew Orleans.

Anril Ore. ISnn Iv Natlce. BEING now prepsred to transact any busmses ia th Not. rial line, I beg leave to reform ary frauds and the public cenerally that 1 bava taksa efltce No. 74 Camp street, aad moat oa see tim ry solicit tneir parronar.

apt tf G. W. CABLB. Far HaUe ar ta Heat. TBI spleedid property koowa aa the BK LLE F1LLE IRON WORKS, ooaapraang a Foundry aad Maceme Shop, situ sled os tbs right bajik of th Maaasrppi river, directly oppoaite the city ol New Orlaa, and fronting the river.

Thw vntu able property ia ogered for aale, or will be rented for a tana of peer, on favorable coodiljoas, to aatlsfei May tenant. it a well aituated, th location being the moat cligihW ia the immediate vicia Ay of the city aar foundry pvtpoaea. Steam ships and steamboats of the lair sat class oaa aroor at th wharves directly front of the Work, and aot exceed ma three hundred feet from them. A railroad ssada truss the whan mto tbs mam yard ol ths satablahment, oBBring tbe utmost facility for the conveyance of all heavy srticlss rrom the Works to veaal at tha wharves, or wn vara a The Wovka comprast two van each, 9U0 leet ia bngth by AO feet ia width, aad two stories in height, and the mam bnikting being 300 feet in length by 1U feet wide. Tbe whale forming a square ot 300 (set, nv riadingenria aoasaossce.

ftc ftc la the rear a aa enclosed vacant Lot of 100 feet by fflO. The baihtings srs of tbe tscet sabstantial character, of brics, eoeaieil witb slate, anirorm ia appeeraare, aad admirably adapted for the prraeeatjoa ef aa extaesaive 1 1 a ee bmated that there aa abandaar wf room for th mpioy newt of BO mechanic. The machmery to all sew snd of ths moat approved patterns, rompnaing a powerful Eagine aad Boilers, ia complete order. Plasm Masminee. Bonag Mactunes, Lathes, Punch, Irnlto, Steam Hammer, Catting and Beadmr Machiaea, etc.

ftc. Tbe feeegoiBg Oder very asasaal iadvwaasnts to any oa disposed to embark ia tb Kmndry basineas. Far farther par. tsruiara apply to B. W.

HOOK, ea the premises. Or Mtere addressed to him, care of J. P. WHITNEY ft New Orlssaa, will be a needed ra. The St.

Loua RevsWa, PbiUwelphia North fmaricaa, Loaiaviue Journal, Baltiasnre American, Cincinnati Gaaette, N. Y. Journal of Commerce, Pittsburg Gasett sad Boston post ID publish one a week for eight wee! aad saad kill ta ths Plaata. Hhraaberr ul Troea far 8al. The baa lately erected a aew af aH KUS house oa Latayatte.

atreet, oo iJaossUtwsOddBeiavniHsdlaasI IhvtW Square, whareia will he sold sh kind of A A a BT i. i tm vwavtsss, SertAisUBa, Aaauas, Bv si rise us aad'Trae of all ds arnpuoos, baesda a graat collecttoa ef Exotic from Seiwa, Brass, New Housed, the ladtsa sad Cbiaa aad ia fadaisss ablahmaat ooalaam a greatar varasty ef Pasnethssa say other ia tha United Stelae, sad aaa beaa aadar great est inn, so as to snake it worthy of the patronage a aaa SaasSntins aainyad. Mr. Ata aaa eturar ar. ELI as eassssaaa, whoea foag ex aoreead kaowledge ia the Ucescaltural iniiam wj aa sars that ao axsrtios oa his part shaj bs waatad to grrs every meirsneumi as an tne nee imam or stats.

The prices of sis tea aell then wal he lower lhas aay othw aatabhak Order, peaotaairy IBad aad sent ta tbs stawmbosts or bones eMmtsiae. Sa Seal JOHN M. BACH. DarwT.dca STI Hsaafacterwrs aad Deslera ia Hats aad J1I AT WHOLESALE ONLY. a heavy stock af th folfowmtfraaea, which ere aar saw at aaa swear uw riaaa Ha.

I EXTRA MOLESKIH. Do. NUTRIAS, vt' e. HIBH CBOvvb SOFT HATf, v' BHENA riSTAS. BOYS' LAMARTTKKSJ lf rsi chilomwb am qr bats ajtd capb, SI aa C.

mmmti, mt Dt. nsict'i Optn.tB 1 PY)R THE CURE OwON0ftKH(XA. 6liitT. VVHITEp.fte. TIHB Carter aa tried srwna aavsag.

as teal aet few yvjam, ae vraised for Bsatf a twpatataea, a aiaBuaul narairsae of is Acecv. laorTariag ft to tne pea he, I Se a wrth ones aaa a Hoax any long esperiaaca ra tae analgia iat af thee diaea, wuevrng ft to he aneqaaDad ss a remedy where Baaamiccow ars ror sale by P. BERPA, Isrogzat, earns af Poydra sad Baroane strawta amhia ly Agent for Proprietor i Wri vat's Iadlaa Vef table PUIaT! A OENTS IN NT.W ORLEANS AND VICINITY I ta. Mr. Saawasa, as Taahyaee strawt, rmpoaite Pises d'Arnsaa.

S. W. Slamr.T Front Law. Mrwat. I R.

Brady, eorwar Ceerp aad Isaplsntiwstrseta. u. Basaac, ar. v.narae axrxmags Algiers. B.

Maaeb, Oretn. 7 I H. OccTasve. CeuTsdkosv J.W.Moeer oserat. SI aad SVU New Lv streak Ad ward acuovsra, so nsw Lsrree.

C. Maysr, Lake Pontckartraim. AJexaader Aoema, I8S Pcdra atreet. Bts. Cassia, Grocer, eorner Marigny and Good CUdraa sts.

i. Hodgera, comer Craps aa Far snap, rmqu.mine, ta. B. Stevens. Thibodaax, La.

A. A. Svevwna, MarkevilM, La. W. M.

Setter. Hariaouhari. La J. WRIGHT 161 Charts whokaale sad iwtaaY MT Osaaral Depot flew Orleans, where the asedscraa saa sa hsdat svaatsssaaa retail. a.

snuasi.aa, jeSS Yd Camp street. Hew Orleans. Dr. Wauaa'i Caret. i WTLL as ao otber art tbs advTUsmeirt fhss what was 1 be fiiund in slain truth.

By length ef piacbce I save become router of an tbose complaint that ano rrom arrears eoruoa a. that I may express pays if wfthoot alectatsiav all thaae coro plniata that are called veaarsal. For neerty thrrteae year psst has been my sol basin to trass those cases I there has tb raertt thatl sssamo I bars giva aaore attention oaa bus of da lasts thsa aay other doctor, and I know them batter hen they do. Tbat is what I sol always insist ing apow, aad which ao owe baa yet to contradict. Strictures, Nod, Ulcwra, Sores, Gleets, Sore TSroaW, ac, etc, ars inat as' nilisr to ms ss the corrrm onset thinra of dsihr observation ehach I caa say withoat vanity, for I ehua bs other suwrttthsc 'list ot sinerMnca.

I aflect a cara ia receet cases ia a few days, snd Sad aodr3 kr in la oa oi loocwr duratsoa, withoat obia.far th. Rjetn to auch a course of treat reset as win draw a pet mm thesbhf astaasnscaoa. or ohlire him to oar act biassiri whether Wth mt doors or wrthm. Tbediet eve seed aat ha altered. ue in New Orleans hnndreda that could supply proofs of tbia aut tLeae are matter that require tbe meant secrecy, which I alwaya inviolably preaerv.

I have many rruahScatjona which I do ant think it uat i sear) add, satiated that my reputation a already saftcisotry astab iahed. 1 Coawtant attendance front ra ths BMrainr nntil at sight. w. Watson, u. t.

tmT Oflce Bo. US CanaJ street, between Boarsos and Daa ibmstleew d.rS tylsTT Maailnal fJallaara. Dr. MULLEN has resnovad free. No Sri CeeSumhouse street to Ifo.

AO W. set isiqre AHey. INVALUABLE DISCOVERY. No pay reqarred aatfla mr a eSarted. Private disaeaae cared la a few days, bv a sga 'ar pbysiriaa, witlmnt raerrary other sajieotsjas uadieiraaa, at No.

AO Exchange Alter, hew OrWana, La. Di. MllLLRN calls tbe attention of those aftirted with aay ol 'h. form of a certaia disease, to his gaoeral adiMlaeminr tnothsr enrama. Th treatment adopted by him ia st wbeh iias Ik approval of ths most distiaruiaoed swrgeoas ef Paia.

Loodoa, snd Nsw York snd it aaivscal eacca. has proved levond a eoobt. that a rierrnanent care for the worst caeas ol mnatjtutionaJ arphila. svinorrliora, stnetars, enlaremeat of ths prostrate gianaa. Sane prodaee av arartam smaary pvac ura, ftc, ftc, caa aow be obtained te a asoral certainty, if ap plica tioa be mad to those wboae isAsilsxwaoe, ekrU, end ex penence.caa be relied oa.

Since Dr. Mallenopenedmtrw tity. all the many esses that hav come aader ba rare hav bee ured, wrthoal a sirurl rirprjoa Sc ma ol thaae areea ot yverv rtaoding. One remarkable caae of stricture, th rrty yeei aold, Sas been cared, to the eurpris of th patssat. The genileriias who, iwspectahihry ia kaowa to tha crtrvena ofNew Orleans.) ax hand, snd by ha permission) raa be rfrred to.

Dr. treatment of trie to re aot kaowa south of New York. His (fwauneat of ronor liars aad gleet is the eaoet perfsi evevli sovared. It a tb shorts. ssfeat, and ear.

Th patient takes no copaiv. cabebe, tarpeetm. or other nsnseoB. done Hit a rare a obtained is oaa or two daya withoat paia. moei rvnieare, or a change of esst.

No pay aalaas a ears aewerted with in tbs time named. lmpotswy. Toang men er others, who, by sexaa) xoes or potration, may hav brouht os thmatve any of the easeful consequences resulting from aa a urea trained nWalfemoeot the paaaioas, sarti as pmmatur. nrmotamcy, involuntary aeaiias1 emavnons, general Senility, or eonstrrntiooel deranrement, amy conselt Dr. Xtullen with hcssorshle crrnSdeoce i he cdTors them per feet cere.

Tbe strictest ssciecy ohaerved. Dr. Mnlteacaa be evjoeahe dairy at bis office. No. SOXx change ADey.

BENJ AM IN MULLEN, M. Remember No. AO Eirhsnge Alley. mh38 ly Far FemalcB and SlaJea. D1 R.

LS.RZETTE'S JUNO CORDIAL. OR PROCREA TTVE EL1IER, preacribed ss ss svfvrtiv restocaties a i of eebihtr. imootencv. or baiiaiina. and all irrarulan la of aatara.

It a aB tbat it refills, to ba, vrs nature's Oreet Rswrorativs, and remedy for three a the married stats witnoot oa.pnng. It a a certain care Bar sstnmat sausiesa, reaaral debility, gkwt, weakaee of th genital ofraas. iS eel ions, asoaoritiee. As aa mvigurating medatm a a aa squalled Also, a certam remedy for incipient ccswompta'S md rodsrsstioa. BoM oely at 57 John street, rew Jora, by JUDSON ft the eery A mersraa Agents.

Sou oely by J. WRIGHT ft IM ohartres street. New Orleans i Dr. J. Tocker.

Mobile i T. R. MitcbeO. Nstches, sad mhli SmdftW Oolalaaa af the Preaa. THE beat taaumoay that caa be produced to astabfieh ths reputation of any mediriaB.

a what the press ssy. lt is a comanoa nractsee with vendeie of Detest BMatftae ss asanulac tare cevtsscatee of woadmfwl aaal aatrsoashiag cur, and rr a of traws' nam to them, and uerald them forth to ths world a miracaloa car sateon enatraed froai tha ran ariah of th grav. Aad ia very many caeea theae enprmcipled rr. ins havs been so bold ss to their certiarstss Dr. Matt ru, it a.

I epalliag of ths samea, in order to avoid proaecutma and to da sit. ano swumjm sn unsuspecting public la sztj acTscut tmra res pec tab Is and wall tshusbd public prist, theea caa bs ss deceptioB do forgery. The following eelectsoas from ths snse hundred in th hands of ths propn.UK, eavtmniy aetalils hi JOHN BULL'S EXTRACT OF SARaAPAJULLA, bayoad aar manner of doubt, aa th gi satssa, the meat wsnder fal, ssd saooishirig medjcine the world ever prodoced far th car of Scrofula or Kaxg'a Evil, Cancers, Tumors, Braptjoas ol tha Skm, Sors Eyes, Bis. mm er.Tetter. Scald Head Rheamatjam, Para in th Boos or Joint, Oat Sore or Ulcer, Swvilms of tha Gauds, SymhilatDypepia, salt Rhaum, Dam ss of the sUdvavys, Daaaeaa ana sag from tli ue of Mercery Los ot Appetrte, Paia ia the Side aad Snout lers, tTStwra! Uasmay, LuaDssuro, Uropay, Jaunanre, Cosuv nsea.

Brenchitav, Cougba. Cold, Weakness of the Casat, Pol mnnary ASectioo, Csaaanmtjon, Lrvev Compbuat, Female Ir regulantjea and Com a. lata, Sick aad rtervou Headache, Low tpsrita. Night Sareata, Ezpoear or imprudence lse, Chrofia CossutBUooai Da.aiaa, aad is Sprang aad Semmer drmk and reaaral tonic for tb system a a satis aad pis met it ia ea per mr to Blue Lack or ruiigimi Water, Saks, er lasclau Powaara. rrom the Qamcy (IlLWoaraal'l BaUTr SmTtmfmrUlm We have saed eae bout of this Saras partus for general dsbitjty and la mbago, and believe we bavesx pwawjred Nbn) felnvC used, ra time gone by.

two botthas of S. P. Townsend 'a Saraaparilta. for whsch gave a SO, and bsits i sd we ieceied tnrary tostesd of benefit frum its "i Fromth Louaviil Mernmg Coarier.) hav been showa by Mr. Jobs Bull, proprietor of ths) world renowned preparation, "BaH'a Plaid Extract Sartapanl la." aa orarmal, geeuine aod beautiful hitter address sd to hia bv th accvimpasBed lady of om of tbe most enuneoiold phytic ana in the a dartailse accsmatof one of theBmet astonahiag carve oa record, partormad akme by the aeaiuf Bull SaraapanDa.

Thai ssoet exceileat aad charnuar hvdy bad long auSered from Prolapau Uteri, Floor Ashaa, Pues, Chnaa diaeas of tbe stomach aad dkeativ orgaas, aad der agaaisei of the whole system, at teed sd with daureaamgeatanaoas rap tioa. lick beeilache, sad vkileat attacaa of crema. AfW six hauaungsll ol her huabsssd a skill sod aepiy tag to many case '1 V. I genueroeti, both at home aad abroad, sad she salitiss of TowaisadVSarseperillB, wrthoat Oi orated monacal using grant anaatitia lightest rauef, sb area mdoced to ae Jehe Bull' SaraaperiBa. aod what waa tbe happy result Aftwtheaaeof afewbottir a pvrlect aad woaorrfal cur the may rasloisd to perfect health snd to her uaal low of soaras.

Such setters as the one wa speak ef aastaSord Mr. Bal mca raai grauarauoa inaa mis ta posessswonot eonntieaa wealth 4 nd whether accumuhu weallh or aot by the am of ba tralj valuable njedartne, being ita author rlorv and bonne esBDoSh. and hs caa aajr to the werW wit heat leer of ouo trad a tern, I bare is my poverty relieved move haaiaa suffering tbaa did Stepbea Oieard or jobs Jereh Astnr with thefr milboaa." rFroa the Ciacmaatf Ckmewra 1 I Ye who are basking in the saeahins ef health aad hapemeea. advaed I wbo are strong aad ragged, aad who through yowr own pnrjadic or tbat of your hiedical adviaer. laugh to scorn rvvnedies brought to ths rebel of suffering bamaaity, he ware! BalTa Plaid Extract of Parsafsvilla is ss 1 1 ml aifi cioal ao bambngl It ba dose too match for the 1 1, be so eenonaced 1 To repair the shattered bark of Ufa, teraaad tattered by disss as in all its parts, sad to put it agaia apea tb great ocaaa of eucaaty, with its sails aafarled to the warns nf Heaves, is goejsajuing.

To antes th aack am 'a rbsraaw, wat death kaocking at ha door, while trie a ia it eveaiog u4s aa to light ap with the rays of hope ha tBshls haakh aad bat has liw. thi too, is anaaathasc TWa brerih aad who weak tc roatinue so, ass Ball's SerMpanila every moreag aad evaaang. It scU specifically upon Lb liver, the blead, aad th digsetivs urgaas. The proof of raa aaBcecy a b.fnr. yoa.

From a Clmihsste a Mrrrwr I John BmLTi favsas'ills. 1 hm varaaase aaedicknei gaming pubhc favor with astoaahsng rapalrtgr i aad ita asprscedaaied and unnvaJled popularity a rot without aunt Ithas oary to be fairly basted to give a the pre Isr uua over aB other Saraapa rillas. A fT i tilt ti'ir it, ss nh si' rrrtiar m.ilii i.i sad the UDerooartiScae wkacb have baee votantasrrry tna deeed to Dr. BaU, rrom tha asoat aiiiiiiait phyaichvaa, as well as gntlsma of every cease aar) pinfaaair a. of high lepiilaluau.

aad who are wefl kaowa to all by chaiattei, not personally. a pnaaTcoaa beyond a rseaoaable aoabt. that it haa rrTecved thoniai it ofairjawtme acatoaaearmmsSthevmrfoaadawaeas snd forma of dasaas aad human Mtrerrng, lor which it a re commanded. The phyicjaa of oar piece racomassad a (w brir almost wrthoat aa eximptaoa) ia praatrence to all other componada parpartiag to he sasTampariU. it ha bees but a few mouth eiace it wa first iatredaossl here, aad we are informed by those wbo keep it lor asks, that it a snare de mand than all other preparations of th kmA Ws bar testad As merits oerselvs, personally, and ss aor auairy.sed coat awntly and cheerfully rserswsTail iu aaa to the smarted.

Ws aay to all, give it a war trial, aad beecarviaced of as aAcacy. From tb Loearvill Damaia. BnWt Smnmrarumm This amseraallg popahr prepemioe still coouauaa in unabated dement Itataads aarrvalad for its sxceikvat proraruea. war shown a bus aember of mr. tiScateai Ol car performed ia geauiae irom our own nliiia.

aaa bear hah Smtanowr axf its msny virtus. a to druggata it is held ia burn renata. Eaa. at too good, aad by oar Every city towa and vaV lags a aow aupplied ot bain tarnished wants saveJaaossnre parauoa. Dr.

Jobs Ball Bianalacturea his Sarssparill a through the graat dwrand for at, coatnhalsa great. mmw twwm. CFrom th Washington Dmaocrni eenc lo our advsrtsung oacams sar mdai wdld advertaemam of Ball' SareaaanUa, We will war I to reaaqaiah as as aar il Cm, oarssrt Ihal it a a good I asedtciaa, for we ha, uiad bav douM w. ooeJd obtam asrossoi people moarva lag who would testify to th earn Sect. (From th Umisvilis Daily OsrnceratQ Th rash of adventurara ta CsUforna has ss inramiani sahsided, bat the ruah for Joha Ball's Saraaparilta a as (real as ever.

Th doctor says the ory iaetiB they eosne." The proprietor of Ball's area penile haa ia aa poaseaassa mm wards of SOD sdjiorial aotsnaa, eat Irom venous papers, araciai a Jacksoa Conaty Advocate llrTT. a tba aetrjahrjrwaod tbaa any medic me of a similar rharaeter hat sncoatnaehed baea emg eechuw that tb good it ha had anon them a ae givau that a rseaoa aoa sum rn money would be aa adsanaai By re MDIC AL I CARDS ABD SH.P T1 I asvmaw 1 Bmvsalltklm Rsauure. riK.ABERNEIi.ia aVOnOBJLUiXft ABD TEtUsAHT Trieeeiv Inlhiaih remedv to kaowa malt parts af the coma i TZm ZZ arakk ia weace 4a, 1 he i vVhsiTfiXaw k'l, U.i. I a. THB FRENCH LUC1NA COaAUfrR DfarVrl RFSTOBATIWK rHJnP.i JTr' ofttB above reach arepamir aneaaarasaasl cares, j' i i their laisilitiiB pro no a arad hap liasa by aaaam high profess Viral ihaiaiai.

Th. ills.iMliU am iiiii mf mmmm im has raised for them eel story anparallssasl a swdriaa. To tbose swsess who by excess pollutioa hav brought oa a aaeoai iBvoraatary na ail am warn aa, gaaaral debility, wwakaas, sarrvmnag gamnai ovrsaa. imed md mft i droae are serktiy vcowiBiauilsd. Thadmdf au (a ef ilaarbnly.sad leseeas both 1 ertv.

UailtssssSsrsmaraJcsaeeolaasTBaldehuitvksw i early sad ladacraaiaats aaliilrenE of tha ptniiiii, wbsi easy sutsat ee ru votarwe as the aaaiaaj aaaeciitaa, awjviaga, tha prspaimem ss innmaiiadiS, eSWrnr revrth, and fola rty. Th oa.y Agwary ia the UmtaaSw j.i... ittal fswimnsa rrsaas, aiga ot ta. aw aaspava state. aapl Me4l1U Naciea.

OCTOR WATSON, The haa obtsiaed ao grsad Hill ailj at aa oftca, 1V O. I IB CANAL sTRXZT. i' DorWtasaawaotooeof tfaosewbeeretasnftotrsetl aphatsta tbey are wrthoat the know sdraoC HsssManai Ha aiedane are aot saaaaoaa, aor hard ts taka They as aesa any oa from kal boeiassa. av blra aim te srsw aad Tha Doctor aevw makm of win ary uniik. thos wbeT varus mat taey aot pis.Liui.

ssthoagh thay rverv case. But what the Pocaaranrr. wMiowt taxatv. make baa ui suereas ra th tratliiissl of thase aid obatmate laajl which th Boeksa af the disease ha late a the body for yve Patients thamialvss know vary wet haw is rack thaw. Jiase oasss, whether by encera a th throat see the skm, sit KSBCU, pnuas tm nw aapr.

oi ia. ssasaar, amSUBg Ui ta US rise, with maay other syasaxwas. I Dr. Watses devotes himself etdnsivswy ta the coaipaj stbitb a mm eaiy wy imi ny wo can am aaea Th Ofic a very coevwiiaally irtnatee, being Be. 11 Csl rest, batweoB Bourbon aad Daaphia street.

Constant atteadaace from ia tha momma anil a et mm Tvparam prxiZMiii. ynMwi. MtMlleal Offlea. THKRI ara so aaaury parsnaa wrthoat kaiwladi a. aaaal character, who aew a day antadiainesMsels a tassl lie papers, that for some tim pest I bev sew bulla! whether I weald So any thiiq, asers that way, vr, tea owe coeassstjo ny wrocs 1 aava ovsr pwwaai wyaelfr there ars many, I have isfla Isd.

who stand aaa mdr1 aavst, aa vrlio wsm Paly to eoasaa a anvsts ad nr, that know owt to apply except the pabhr aad Jsraet them 1 ao that aalaas some phyearwa ef real mem Ui pain to pub hah some avrtsc or card Sir rfcair iafm asl tny cannot utssi rate raa Banes er aaal Ural waa asakas a errSe of be and death, pimided only be srofit of a few dollars. It a tha asotrsw aloo that hat ince more te Brake kaowa ta tbe pabhc that 1 stiP coataraa I have doaa foreo many yeara, ta treat excrasrvery the Tea real Diississ.for wheh hsvs already oh tamed ss ertemaJ reputatioa. Thwas is ao fona of these eoavphiau that I bal sot become scqnarnlad with, from the vaat iialm I has ha uadermyeara. It a a vary greet ma take to uaagm that complaints are aatfona ia therr aatarst that a raqshss I tarrow xowinc to aadesstaad, aad betemoesugls aa to care tbera. I aever yet kasw family er goeraJ pkyscd uist ass any msw sow isavaorre biibissi msa that did sot grv hirnulf te the xcroarvly.

As nana iamoraat faOowa thai Anew aothia of diimi a 1 faarripuoa. I aay nothing. Ia fact, 1 aat every day mmis? by other physsnan, waa ars always ready te conlsas eaaAii. tswasvaatac my spn iaara hs grven ma. Bat, avarstaM 1 a apoaxt so evidsat that 1 aaod aot farrhw fasavt apoe it, W.

WATBON. BL at OaVea No. lis CaasJ street, betwesa Boorbeacai strawta. nsstast slttadaars froai th nraing asbl I stv sajbt. SaT Beeerat apart li III Sswvidsd.

Or. 8taaea Iafli any, ar SlaJaaa aa rdLBt. Cnraar Canal aad CtaaVarne sUsats. rTTHIB bwtitauoa. msdw tb dawrtM of DR.

tTOIK. haJ i. beea completely rsnmniisd, ssd is isadj fta it asjptMadV 1 naasawm. The huildsne fe apaciooa and airy and 1 repairs. Tbe War da ar siiaxstaw a each aaa them equally plssasW sad rratifi art able at every 1 Tbe terms of ad vassal a are as fcUowi Private room aa the first loor, ym aero aar I L.

1 Ml Ordinary srards oa tba thiru do. 1 sol, do. 1 ml WV. IwlnH. Ilia I All capital surgical operations charged lor extra.

AS pereaa oa nomas ion sc. rwquuwu. hit pkwiu, so gxve aaat mfwaaa or to maks a cash deposit i For admaaaoa apply st ths Infirmary or to VySB ly DR. WARREN STONE, 1S4 Canel Serets UNDER tbe same of Secret I haply scartam sbrw.rdahua) I of th SeleetOrrane. bsosurht mat reimmmixr mm I abase, although ensnatimea pier ssd lag from other 1MB Lsq I laainaocema warmenmste a apt so eeosutate tae giaaraual an Its.

fiaiuaiii mdnareace aod vmrwty of rsrercoars. hi Turkey, wbere all tar tbssstaasss ar smrtoet, rt a ant a I osasmvoa (ar Marthas iwmsrka) ta Sad a aaa an potent st as I age of thirty, wbea has hoadd ba ia ins prune. Close appbranai I to baansss has a as aaact, bataamat ima there a a daspoaaa I to it from bnrth, or it come, on spontaneously. I lt a aow maay yeara uua Betwets save causa apos ms wa 1 1 aJTactsoa af this nature, showing moat of the al aaUie.i a I prematura decay TV siting nf tin niaai ikawiih atai nwa I to torn, de8 laamtma tha tempae, loss of mam aad datasta of veaarsal nana are. It is imnraasSss.

I hshi lor oee so be pnarad a a saove atvjry tag eoadrcma 1 cat as, a I ware, treat aa tae airafwssaar 01 lemaie sacarty, nlMi hm of domestic sstDamass. aaa Sserrvd mi oaa haUaf taa Cntivss of tifa. Dermr twsrve or thtrteea yean that I have beaa trwarhsrtbs sffactioe alao. that 1 aooa beraa to hav. a a knowledge of it tbaa before, and atiaagth heenme se wal I acquainted with it aa So mil ass so to asake a kaowa total I public.

Tha a an I anil aay apoa the asstsw. Otuce lis. Canal treat, betwaee Boarboa aad Daanbht where I aa ia oriaaiaiil atteodaaoa frseaT mtheaanramg aatt satnarbt. wa WAIWH, a U. ssjr Serijatlialsessa psavidad.

dec I yap Dt IswNrtoeMwwJeteea. TSPKsaHmgrja DRS. LIKOTI aad rrBuiun 1st rara) (scompoi'nd Mirrru rna A aiTte gat VSPBClTltS, isr ths ea ot llorra las, Stnctsast, rreTrarwaai aim IsoaWiwvtbsseaeaa 'laealy anard th saw thsa that they ar aot ea rj asarpeawad, hot aaoaar lor the car 2 Uv pranansmot far aafr asss, sslsty, sad ilawniua, 1 nlil aw sua as pwrsasw as esoretkws Ueal aaa lila imi. ef Cleat. Stnctaraa.

Paisa the Lome, Burning is the Uriaery rayea, at, ssas fisa sad ri srot SrpkiSisflm tsar fyjiaalsd'totsssSsS jwraa ay taa ompaaad arrtare. moat laiWeiasa die 1 ia ata have aeti OJ AaB aats asseoved for ft Si saarty taataliss, sad adem fptv care the apace of tee rx aay. wrthea sar. a rs tr dirt, st SWT tn TTltnrx hssaoss less As savas the pert whan aaa. so oftea aAae ths saalabsT asasaJrr prew rdied.

aad if take, theerat aaa thedmni. tt vrB srraet ataf rvsnove all 11 I inbiama a few days. Is toagtwrrtTarted orcArraaUgef aasaaia, a obatiaats Gleets, PwraJ Cooipiamt. wkihaa vrasmfttr a wnnovt eoncrt tne a We so aot Oder theea smnaiaiiiwa mm mm vwry mmc, esn sur tae aaove aemed sy ms Larey and rajetaw, of tm a care. W.

wooJd hero rerasrkthas prsmrat for th public of Oris for tswlsBrt aawyeaSxadaa have aaiveraall) proved atouoaa aaT Soto Agaacp. Ma Is CARO STrtTlT, sstwa Canal anei Common atrwiar.a'thMarhmSJataa. Bar pace op, from A. ki to P. St.

a O. Cs Isealla, Dnatai riargaMt of Caaal aad Brmrhssjsela Orhaava jvui nervorns aay operauoas s.aiam, wy rvai Psaiiuar. Clmliar csrractar ay, aod Xitrarwag; sad vest Beat au eiiiaim of th Teeth, Month aad Seas. rier. Trots ea tae ea.

root, with ptvot, ea a row taro, vrbicji wX aMoalr prowrwsw rooLhat make the Tooth luminal fer ate. Ierarrspiaw Teeth set oa gold plate, from a sirarls Tooth keafaSaav hw has aaed Lethean more than rmsTthosasaad tswrodaswema last year, witho*rt the least kwury en tb Teeth. ly J. West, 1 asBsslagl shTawaai I I I I rn trr u. aaaaaass a J.

1 mmG mm mmi. wmi sm.i. sas areeaasox jaan a aaaaa, mmi vwrsBt every Slhog, where tha ssoah awiiis 1 iB aad years Aae, whom a barf as, of AVr' CIAX. TArTlUarther berate awsasva wrk wt sod gum, or sntb asrrlser na ia hsBrssw, svuV saatry Acre so aalsfi bMtwewairty thaacaibft! cared ataayiitaw siatai wtaaraaaaeat tne semta. W.iafars to tee following grottomea who have hoassW Profeaaor Stoea, sVeressor Moepayrj Pi ifssior Pirajtry BrksaftHyde, 'Z Btnrraa WrV, storpny ft 1 ssr aroaaarooKf nooesoaa aiaa.

Daatfst sappbed vrkh OoM Pott, Pate, Teeth, ftc. OaVns aad reasdeac Na. US ST, CH AJLLES STREET, sft OVs eorwar of Poydraa. aU if tsaraeaa OewtlBt, 1 w. Hs naiueif rrom his oW staad, st aeseftawnsref Iyxw8qBarvjvtae the way, te 1 St, Chariss sc.

wsera, hsvir 'Ittad an aa eatirs aw sane of pyotravaS a Propared te sltsad paactuajy, aaa. ss hopes, his former peuea aad nil a 6, teat read set ia aad eat of the city of New Orhmn. whoamjia see IhOBarvfceaof a csweful sad skUkfal lanatnraBd csadil saV I isaadiiaart aWMPsai I afpri wrtkJ sdayl 1 trploma for Sarrery Lowsoa, ia which crty ha eta dad 1 th large hoaprtal. and he took the medical day, is NawTi where he practirad for snaay yam, saore thastasofkaai hligsd kim forassove totheeoath. 4 I i tbi.

in 1. a iF 11 a rr I I A4 1 MjrmM a sapaw 9mT Pnacipal ofsos SI Foer asrawt, Vawaaaa t.1 a The Priacmal Ageat ia Mew Orlaaaa for tha sals ef Joha Ttt ts iJ aawwea. BuU'a CompoaadTtaia Extract ef BarsBBarila. whslnsli aad aT iVlrt J. RIGHT ft CtxTSl Chert, ss 1 my 10 Amd ftl amftmW UID1 UNI.

1 "wo 1830. Clcstdift susal BmflUa 1820, Kmmr DAILY. 'jnymm EECHHWst reeefved per ha arrrrali froa Iarewt Jt i ljSUSDATS ttCXrrV.t!& aasr adHaskearwa skd Spaa.4 Lsschss. aaswawawaa aaxsreBMBaaBBBBsai PsroaBs ss waat af good arrjchw wfll always be Mrs kaa NIAGARA. Com swaps i W.

T. Poaee. theaawaatBry Oiaad Desvot, 1ST Chartres atreat. BALTIC. Captam C.

H. Ledlow. elS MARIA iUSCONL KEYSTONE STATE, C.ptajaVBa.P.Btoaa. i aaT Coaatry srdsr wis haropenrejalattesitjoe IP, KaPIRE STATE.CsasLBUsard. 1 1 1 1 BMPIKK, Captsia H.lqar.

i CrsVCkr7 ChlM ftli OlaVM WftTweS GLOBE, Csptaia Robiusoa. 1 T. K. FELL, ft CO w.rHvmrport Jl lassrtsrs sad DsalsrsTwhelesaleswd ftetsll Whitaka. a mmf 4 COMMON.

FTREET. WewOSiin fTY ALBANT.Cantai.C. Gager. lt, ZJlMnrpm, Fated aad Brataaais Caa 1T 1 1 DDS01. Captai.

laaoa. fi isllT le Cathwy, paaaad Waiha, AMy. v3odwaw rsdaaBi IT. LOUIS, Captai. Ass Pratt.

Bafil.w.i aj assasar. ssW IV ticks ft Beoaap. Keswu ft FmW, Cast. B. ataraaavaea.

wn aa. rctr.V'": rYBPtShvit Hewlett's ACatsVaca. aa IIUO cev. dry ASH WOOD of the beat sJUy. Irrl SWth' Tbia kosN k.vuat to a adergo om reeasra, b.araWr.

Pry weed sriB he sussssstry kept oa sswdVTA I mTfOlVWrrmm 'wwlileW j. avau I It. a r. Ir 'V (1.

The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)


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Name: Mr. See Jast

Birthday: 1999-07-30

Address: 8409 Megan Mountain, New Mathew, MT 44997-8193

Phone: +5023589614038

Job: Chief Executive

Hobby: Leather crafting, Flag Football, Candle making, Flying, Poi, Gunsmithing, Swimming

Introduction: My name is Mr. See Jast, I am a open, jolly, gorgeous, courageous, inexpensive, friendly, homely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.