SOUTH'S STANDARD NEWSPAPER THE CONSTITUTION, ATLANTA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1939. PAGE FIFTEEN Chance Meeting at World's Fair Results in Presents for Atlantans By Sally Forth. THE following story concerning the beautiful wedding present received by Augusta King sounds as though it had been lifted from pages of fiction. Augusta's marriage, you know, will be an inthe firesting, social Pittsburgh, event of arrived Saturday yesterday. afternoon, and her fiance, William Augusta, you know, spent the greater part of last year in New York.
One day in the summer, accompanied by her fiance, she visited World's Fair, and among the exhibits which claimed their time and interest was the British pavilion. The Wedgwood display was of particuiar interest to the couple, for Augusta is noted for artistic taste and the exquisite English china had special appeal for her. As the couple discussed the display, another "fair" visitor joined them in conversation concerning the china. "You should make your husband buy some for you," he said to the Atlanta belle. When told him was "just engaged," he, said: if you will drink Ruppert's beer, and if you will buy Wedgwood china, and if you will let me when the wedding takes place, I'll send you a present." He then presented his card, which read, "George Ruppert, president of the Jacob nuppert Brewery." And yesterday he kept his promise, for Augusta received 12 dinner and 12 luncheon plates of the exquisite Wedgwood pattern.
WHEN becomes pretty the bride Caroline of Massell Simon Selig Jr. next Tuesday at a brilliant ceremony at the Standard Club, the impressive double-ring ceremony will be used and will feature a note of deep sentiment. The ring which the bride-elect will give her bridegroom will be the same handsome gold band which was used by Mrs. Selig Sr. when, as Miss Emma Printz, she pledged her troth to Mr.
Selig in their double-ring marriage service. Caroline's bridal array will be enhanced by an exquisite string of pearls which were the gift of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Massell, upon the date of her engagement announcement several weeks ago. MRS.
congenial BOBBY with JONES her is small very daughter, Clara, who likes nothing better than hearing her mothrelate stories of her girlhood. One of Clara's favorites is Mrs. Jones' account of the disastrous fire which swept a great portion of Atlanta when the latter was just. a schoolgirl. Last week the third grade at Christ the King school, of which Clara is a member, began the study of the War Between the States.
When they reached the point in the conflict where General Sherman began his fateful march through Georgia, the teacher asked if any member of the class had ever heard of the burning of Atlanta. Whereupon Clara arose and said with enthusiasm: "Oh, yes, I know all about it. My mother was there and saw THOUGH leaving today for the same destination, Emily Mobley and Palmer's paths will deviate when they reach Savannah. The attractive belles are motoring to the historic city with Helen Fuller and parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Hamilton Fuller, former Atlantans. Helen, you know, spent the past week as. Emily's guest while her parents visited their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fuller.
Turn about is fair play, so Emily and Margaret are to be the guests of the attractive Savannahan, who was graduated from Washington Seminary simultaneously with the Atlanta belles. Friday, however, Emily will desert her traveling companions to entrain for Jacksonville, where she will be a charming guest at the exclusive Friars' ball, taking place that evening. The fashionable Friars Club, an organiaztion similar to the Nine O' clocks here, is host each year at a formal and a masquerade ball. Saturday, Atlanta gadabout will attend the Georgia-Florida football game, and the many festivities, accompanying the gridtilt. While in Jacksonville she will be the guest of her cousin, Mrs.
C. D. Wynne. During Emily's sojourn in the sunshine city, Margaret and Helen will motor to Douglas to spend Friday evening with Rev. and Mrs.
Lee Belford. Mrs. Belford is the former Cora Louise McGehee, of Greenville, in whose mar- MODEL 305 Good Looks Better Cleaning Best Value You get them all in the New "305" HOOVER 52.50 Now--your old cleaner accepted as first payment on any Hoover. "It beats as it sweeps. as it cleans." Sixth Floor RICH'S Charming Mother and Daughter Mrs.
Jack Isenberg and young daughter, Barbara Ann, who have recently returned from Thomson, where they visited Mrs. Isenberg's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. A.
Kunnes. Miss Patricia Roberts Marries Mr. Robertson at Noon Ceremony Miss Patricia Quillian Roberts, of Decatur, became the bride of Andrew Burgess Robertson at a beautiful ceremony performed yesterday at high noon at the First Methodist church in Decatur, Rev. J. W.
O. McKibben officiated, and Miss Laurence Skelton, presented a program of Palms banked the altar musiound formed a background for a large central basket of white chrysanthemums. On either side were seven-branched candelabra holding burning white tapers. Serving as ushers Robert Davis, Chase Van Valkenburg, June Metz and Anthony Addy. The bride chose Miss Lillian Ledbetter her maid of honor and only attendant.
Miss Ledbetter wore a tailored suit of French cognac wool with gray kidskin trim, and a hat to match. Her bouquet was of talisman roses. The bride marriage by her father, Stephen Felker, and they were met at the altar by the groom and his brother, J. J. Robertson who acted as best man.
The bride was gowned in a costume suit of Arabian blue wool, with a pocket of gray caracul. Her hat matched her ensemble and she carried a bouquet of Johanna Hill roses and valley lilies, centered with purple-throated orchids. Mrs. William Quillian Roberts, pridewanee, a gown mother of of mosque the blue crepe with black accessories and a shoulder spray of gardenias. Mrs.
J. J. Robertson mother of the groom, wore ashes of roses crepe with black accessories and her flowers were gardenias. Immediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs.
Chase Van Valkenburg and Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Robert Davis were hosts at a breakfast at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Van Valkenburg on Adams street.
The guests included members of the wedding party, relatives and out-of-town guests. The table in the dining room was overlaid with a cloth of cutwork and lace and centered with a three-tiered wedding cake embossed in white and green. The cake was surrounded with button chrysanthemums and roses with a fringe of maiden hair fern. Mrs. June Metz presided at the coffee table.
Chrysanthemums in the autumn shades were used in artistic arrangement throughout the lovely Mr. Robertson and his bride left for a wedding trip, after which they will reside at the CanIdler hotel in Decatur. PERSONALS ALS Mrs.Raymond Kline leaves day for Allentown, where she will visit her sister, Harry is Baker. She will be joined later by Mr. Kline who will spend Thanksgiving in Allentown, Mr.
and Mrs. David Wachter, of Milwaukee, will arrive Sunday to visit their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Glass. Mrs.
Wachter is the former Miss Anna Glass. Miss Kathryn Barnwell, Louise McKie and Dorothy Harris leave tomorrow for Savannah, where they will be the guests Miss Lee Hilton. Mrs. John Lee has returned to her home in Live Oak, after attending the investiture service at Agnes Scott, where her daughter, Miss Sara Lee, is- a senior. Mr.
and Mrs. Griggs Shaefer leave today for a trip to New Orleans and points of interest in Texas. Ward Simms leaves today for Birmingham to visit his cousin, Mrs. Alfred Maumenee, home on Berwick road. He will attend the dance to be given this evening, by Mrs.
Maumenee for Nicholson at the fashionable Mountain Brook Country Club and remain over for the Tech-Alabama game on Saturday. Mrs. J. S. Baty, of Birmingham, attended the recent investiture service of her daughter, Miss Evelyn Baty, at Agnes Scott College.
Mrs. O. L. Palmer is in New York. Miss Marion Barber is recuperating from a recent illness at the home of her mother, Mrs.
W. E. Barber, on Springdale road. Mr. and Mrs.
Allan Stowe announce the birth of a son at Crawford W. Long hospital on November 5, whom they have named Allan John Jr. Mrs. Stowe is the former Miss Lillian Lodell Gray. Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Sidney Evans announce the birth of a daughter on November 5 at Crawford W. Long hospital, who has been named Nancy Ruth. Mrs. Evans is the former Miss Mary Grace Barret.
Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Lyndon Eubanks announce the birth of a son at Crawford W. Long hospital on November 5, who has been given the name Lamar Lyndon Jr. Mrs.
Eubanks is the former Miss Mary Jessie Coursey. Mr. and Mrs. James Linhart Cadora announce the birth of a son on November 6 at Crawford Mrs. John Holmes To Be Honored Mrs.
John Holmes, of Bronxville, N. continues to provide the inspiration for a number of delightful social affairs as the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Russell Porter, at their home The Prado.
Mrs. Holmes is the former Miss Pattie Porter and has a host of friends in Atlanta. She will be honor guest today at the luncheon at which Mrs. James Robinson will be Dam hostess at the Capital City Club. This afternoon she will be complimented at the tea at which Mrs.
Albert Lewis and Mrs. Robert Autrey will be hostesses at the home of the former on Sixteenth street. Assisting in entertaining will be Mesdames Fred Storey, Malon Courts, James D. Robinson Bickerton Cardwell, Frances M. Bird, Fritz Orr and Albert Adams Jr.
A large group of the younger married and unmarried social contingents has been invited to call between the hours of 4 and 6 o'clock. Mrs. John Porter was hostess Wednesday at a small, informal luncheon in honor of her sister, Mrs. Holmes, the guests having included a few intimate friends. Women's Meetings THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9.
Chairmen for the Junior horse show, to be sponsored by the Rabun Gap-Nacoochee Club on November 25, will meet at 10 o'clock with Mrs. Russell Michael on Peachtree Circle. The Atlanta chapter, U. D. meets at 2 o'clock at the chapter house on Juniper street.
Byrd Unit No. 66 of the American Legion Auxiliary, in Harold Decatur, meets in the clubroom at Legion, Hall, 135. Sycamore o'clock. The woman's board of Hillside Cottages will meet at 10:30 o'clock at Averill Cottage. Bird and Flower Garden Club meets at 10:30 o'clock with Mrs.
S. P. Booth, 1279 Druid Place, northeast. The Olympic Club meets at 7:30 o'clock. The Chi Rho Sigma sorority of Georgia a Junior League meets with Misses Charlotte and June Gingrich at 1166 Briarcliff place at 10 o'clock.
Oakland City Garden Club meets at the I. N. Ragsdale school at 10:30 o'clock. Amaryllis Garden Club meets with Mrs. Bradley on Vannoy street.
The Business and Professional Women's Circle of Park Avenue Baptist church meets this evening at 8 o'clock with Mrs. S. J. Paris, 347 Park avenue, S. E.
J. C. Murphy Junior High A. will meet at 7:30 o'clock in the auditorium of the school. The Amateur Writers' Club meets at 8 o'clock this evening in Room 101 of the University of Georgia Evening school.
The criticism group will meet from 7 to 8. The health section of the Atlanta A. council meets in Rich's conference room at 10 o'clock. Fulton High School A. meets at 7:30 o'clock at the school.
Forrest Avenue Pre-School A. meets at 1:30 o'clock at the school. Grove No. 86, Supreme Forest Woodmen Circle, meets in auditorium No. 3, the Red Men's wigwam, 160 Central avenue.
Church Street A. holds daddies' meeting at 7 o'clock. The Woman's Auxiliary to the R. M. A.
meets at 11 o'clock at Sterchi's. The Vitality Club of Atlanta meets at 7:30 o'clock at the clubrooms, 141 Peachtree Arcade. The Druid Hills Garden Club will meet at 10:30 o'clock with Mrs. E. H.
Abernethy, 1118 Oxford road. The Woman's Auxiliary to the Railway Mail Association meets at 11 o'clock at Sterchi's. Gamma Delta Betas Will Be Entertained. The Gamma Delta Beta sorority members will be guests of Miss Marjorie McKay and Bob Caldwell at an opossum hunt to be given Saturday evening. Members and their dates will meet at the home of Miss McKay, 320 Ferguson street, at 7:30 o'clock.
Officers are Miss Marjorie McKay, president; Miss Catherine Mayfield, vice president; Miss Betty Allen, secretary; Miss Elizabeth Hargrove, treasurer; Miss Betty Bird, scribe; Miss June Garner, sergeant-at-arms, and Miss Eugenia Mason, pledge captain. Their dates are Bob Caldwell, Roy Donaldson, Preston Mason, Ralph Murphy, Tommie Alexander, James Meyers and Walter Miller. Other members are Misses Lucile Bowen, Zoe Crawford, Mary Ann McKeithen, Lucy Green, Dot Green, Lanelle Hall, Edna Everett, Mary Thornton, Tommie Callaway and Barbara Fullbright. Their dates are Bill Corley, Joe Reeves, James Holdbrook, George Crawford, Myron Ball, Thomas McMurry, Bill Martin, Dick Sims, Lamar Mullins, Dick Dendinger and Walter Dodd. Chaperons 'are Donald McKay, Mr.
and Mrs. C. L. Mayfield, Mr. Mrs.
J. L. Gibson Jr. and Mr. and Mrs.
R. W. Arnett. Miss Julia Lowry Block Honored At Supper-Dance at Driving Club Miss Julia Lowry Block, Catherine Tift at the driving Lovely Miss Julia Lowry Block, popular debutante daughter of Mrs. E.
Bates Block, was honored last evening at a brilliant supperdance which her mother was hostess at the Piedmont Driving Club. The affair was held in the ballroom of the club, which was beautifully decorated in green and white. The entrance room was beautified with palms and graceful arrangements of Easter lilies, and vases filled with white snapdragons were placed on the console table. Upon entering the ballroom the steps were banked on either side with artistic arrangements of palms and white flowers, also were featured in the Colonial ballroom, the white columns being festooned with garlands of laurel roping Banking and smearchestra stand were arrangements of palms and floor baskets holding Easter lilies and white snapdragons, Exquisite bouquets, orchids, and baskets filled with flowers sent to Miss Block by admiring friends, Mrs. Block, her daughter, and her son, Bates Block, received the guests standing before a background of palms and ferns which were interspersed with graceful arrangements of Easter lilies and snapdragons.
Miss Block's dainty blonde beauty was offset with an exquisite gown of white net which featured a tight bodice and -neck line. The full graceful skirt featured panels of silver sequins. The Parties To Honor Miss Woodward. Woodward. Jenny Lind Club.
Mrs. W. E. Chambers entertained the Jenny Lind Sewing Club recently at her home in Ben Hill. Mrs.
M. Harwell won the prize. Plans were made for a Christmas party to be given in December at the home of Mrs. M. J.
Harwell on Lawton street, S. W. Miss Maude Woodward, Decatur is being entertained series of parties prior bride to her marriage on November 18 to Ernest Charles Brink. Tuesday afternoon. Mrs.
Wister Sharp was hostess at a dessert bridge at her home in Decatur. Present were Mesdames Wade Woodward of Marietta; D. D. McMaster, James Alsobrook, John Martiniere, Ira Hardin, L. Tatum, Charles.
Taylor, Edgar Costley, John Stone, Elbert Akin, English McGeachy, Hamilton Ansley, Robert Davis, Chase Van Valkenburg and Miss Mary Ellen Bennett. Mrs. John Martinere entertained at a dessert bridge yesterday at her home, complimenting Miss Woodward. Invited were Mesdames H. C.
Allen Robert Davis, Chase Van Valkenburg. Dick Buskirk. Charles Taylor, English McGeachy, Elbert Akin, Hamilton Ansley, Wade Doodward Wister Sharp. John Stone, Dick McMaster, Ira Hardin, James Alsobrook, Miss Mary Ellen Bennett. Friday Mrs.
Ira Hardin will be hostess at bridge, honoring this bride-elect at her home. Present will be Mesdames Robert Davis, Alex Wilson, John Wesley Weekes, Calvin Stewart, John Martiniere, Edgar Costley, Chase Van Valkenburg, Wade Woodward, Wister Sharp, John Stone, Dick McMaster. James Alsobrook, Bennett. Hamilton Ansley, Miss Mary Dr. and Mrs.
Hamilton Ansley will be hosts Saturday evening at a wiener roast at their home honoring Miss Woodward and her fiance. Present will be Mr. and Mrs. Wade Woodward Mr. and Mrs.
H. C. Allen Mr. and Mrs. John Martiniere, Mr.
and Mrs. Wister Sharp, Mr. and Mrs. John Stone. Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Davis. and Mrs. Chase Van Velkenburg, Mr. and Mrs.
James Alsobrook, Mr. and Mrs. Dick McMaster Mr. and Mrs. Ira Hardin.
Mrs. Wade Woodward Jr. will be hostess Wednesday, November 15, at a luncheon at her home in Marietta, complimenting Miss FOR CHEST COLDS' RAWNESS QUICK AND TIGHTNESS GET AFTER MOTHER THOSE MUSCULAR ACHES WITH STAINLESS, WHITE PENETRO Pi Pi Club Plans Dance on Friday Tickets on Sale For Premiere Ball. Tickets for the Junior League world premiere "Gone With The Wind" ball may be reserved in advance by calling the ticket chairman, Mrs. Frank Boston at HE.
6910; or the co-chairman, Mrs. V. W. McKinney, at HE. 2764.
riage last spring Margaret was an attendant. This will be Margaret's first visit to her former? roommate at Randolph-Macon. as the lovely bride is affectionately known, needs no introduction to Atlanans, having visited Margaret and Sarah Lewis before her marriage. Saturday Margaret and her hostess, will latter return has to planned Savannah, an interesting program of entertainment for her lovely visitor, who will remain her guest until Sunday. Society Events THURSDAY, NOVEMBER! 9.
Mr. and Mrs. Howell Ross Hanson and Mrs. Oda T. Sperl entertain in the Pompeiian supper room at the Biltmore hotel for Misses Caroline Candler, Selma Rebecca Wight, debutantes, and Mr.
and Mrs. Beverley DuBose recent bridal couple. Miss Augusta King entertains for her bridesmaids and this evening Mr. and Mrs. W.
Clayton King, entertain, at open Miss house King, and her fiance, William Elkins, of Pittsburgh, Pa. Mrs. Marion Benson gives a luncheon at her home on Springdale road for Miss Betty McConnell, bride-elect, and this afternoon Miss McConnell will be central figure at a bridgetea at which Florrie Margaret entertains at her home on Ponce de Leon avenue. Mrs. Berrien Moore gives a luncheon at the Capital City Club for Misses Selma and Rebecca Wight, debutantes.
Miss Ann Adkins gives a tea and linen shower at her home on Seventeenth street for Miss Cornelia Whitner, bride-elect. Dr. and Mrs. J. Kelvin Bleich give a dinner party at the Standard Club for Misses Caroline Massell and her fiance, Simon Selig Jr.
Mrs. H. T. Andrews gives the first of a series of bridgeluncheons at her home on Wilson drive in Decatur. Mrs.
J. S. McCullough gives a buffet supper for Miss Marjorie Coppock and her fiance, Eugene Dale Sands, after the wedding rehearsal. Informal luncheon hour and supper dance in the grill room of the Capital City Club. A benefit card party for the Our Lady of Perpetual Help Cancer Clinic will be sponsored by the Warrant Officers' Club at Fort McPherson.
The Boudeleons, dramatic club of the Westminster Presbyterian church, will present "His Best Investment," a three-act comedy drama, in the assembly hall of the church at 8 o'clock. Euzelian Class of the Baptist Tabernacle give a banquet 7:30 o'clock at the Tavern tearoom. Miss Anne Eyrich gives a lingerie shower. for Miss Bertha Nell Callahan, bride-elect. The Dorothy Blount.
Lamar Chapter, D. met recently when Mrs. H. Grady Andrews, president, presided. Among visitors present were the presidents of three sister U.
D. C. chapters, Mrs. T. J.
Ripley, of Atlanta; Mrs. John T. Moon, of Alfred H. Colquitt, and Mrs. A.
H. Strickland, of Crawford Long; Miss Lillian Henderson, director of pension and records department of Georgia; Mrs. W. M. Rapp, president of the Atlanta Pioneer Women's Society.
Twenty-two certificates of membership were presented charter members and plans were discussed for marking the 400 graves on the Confederate lot in West View cemetery. Charles L. Anderson, delegate, gave a report of the Georgia division convention held recently. A cross of military service was presented to Leo Sudderth, city tax assessor, who served in the World War overseas 17 months as a second lieutenant in the 30th United States infantry. Mr.
Sudderth is a grandson of Emanuel Sudderth, who belonged to Company 42d Georgia infantry, enlisting from Gwinnett county and who was wounded severely at Chickasaw Bayou. Plans were made for the Thanksgiving and Christmas parties to be held at the Soldiers' Home for the veterans. Dorothy Lamar Chapter U.D.C. Meets. Freshman members of the Pi Pi sorority will don French maici costumes tomorrow evening for the dance to be given by the sorority at Garber Hall, the affair being one of the outstanding events of interest among the college set.
As is the annual custom, the freshmen are not allowed to dance until after midnight. Officers of the club are: Misses Sue Pierson, president; Jane Jarvis, vice president; Carolyn Howell, secretary, and Betty Garges, treasurer. Members are: Misses Nancy Balliet, Carol Baige, Mary Alice Clark. Mae Clark, Jane Carmichael, Marjorie Eichenlaub, Dottie Groome, Susan Garrett, Miriam Hailand, Stella Hilled. Eleanor Hoyt, Claire Johnson, Ann See, Elinor Sauls.
Jane Strong, Jeannette Wyatt, Ann Womack. Nannie Johnson, Dottie Lowe, Louise Jones, Ruth Lyons, Sara Malone, Ruth Mumford, Marion Munday, Margaret Munah, Virginia Nelson. Parks. Anne Phillips, Elizabeth Routh, Mainey Sampon, Martha Turner, Virginia Wright, Marian Weltner, Anne Van Story. Freshmen are: Misses Anderson.
Dorothy Archer, Mary Anne Braungart, Dorothy Belle Baege, Betty Brown. Margaret Boomershine. Marie Boomershine, Mary Boulineau, Mary Louise Bealer, Louise Camp. Carol Thomas. Ida B.
Sanders, Douglas Rose, Margy Caldwell, Ann Funke, Harriet Jordan, Margaret Longshore, Edwina Macon. Courtenay McFadzen, Sarah O'Keeffe, Dorothy land. Joan Tate, Pat Woodward, Frances Anne Perkins, Carleen Owens. Joy RutTownley. Parties Are Planned For Popular Debs Constitution Staff Photo--Pete Roton.
with Bates Bloch and Miss last night. lovely, debutante carried a dainty Colonial bouquet composed of pascel-colored yellow roses, valley lilies, white carnations and swainsona held in a paper frille, gift from her aunt, Mrs. Hugh Bancker. Mrs. Block chose for the auspicious occasion a handsome gown black net embroidered in blue sequins.
Completing her costume was a shoulder bouquet of deep purple orchids. The hostess was assisted in tertaining by Mr. and Mrs. Henry Porter, Mr. and Mrs.
Hugh Bancker and Mrs. Francis Block. During the evening a popular orchestra rendered a program dance music, and at the hour midnight a delectable buffetsupper was served the guests, who cluded 500 members of the young social contingent. The buffet tables which extended the length of the porch, were effectively decorated with heirloom bowls filled with white roses, sweetpeas and snapdragons. Large silver services were used on tables and completing the decoration silver candelabra holding pastel green tapers.
Luncheons, teas and dinners continue to be planned to honor popular members of the Debutante Club. On November 14, two attractive brides-elect, Misses Betty Yopp and Mary Louise Sciple will share honors at the party to be given by Miss George Dargan, who will have a group of the debutante as guests. On November 25, Miss Marion Walker entertains at a luncheon at the Atlanta Athletic Club for Misses Margaret L'Engle, Constance Knowles and Lillian Klein, and on Novemberia 28, Misses Klein, Mary McConnell and Julia Block will be honored at the luncheon to be given by Miss Helen J. Klugh. Allie Malone will be honor guest on November 29, at the tea to be given Mrs.
Roy Merry, on December 9, Misses Selma and Rebecca Wight and Elizabeth Groves will be honored at the party to be given by Dr. and Mrs. Calhoun McDougall at the dinnerdance at the Piedmont Driving Club. The Misses Wight and Miss Bolling Spalding will be honor guests on Decemberven at the breakfast by Miss Weltner. A delightful affair of yesterday honoring Miss Florence Jones, debutante, and Mrs.
Winfield Jones, the former Miss Eloise Dickey, was the luncheon at which Mrs. Edward S. Gay was hostess at the Piedmont Driving. Club. Guests present Misses Bolling Spalding, Ann Pappenheimer, George Dargan, Constance Knowles, Julia Block, Margaret L'Engle, Jane Osbun, Nancy Calhoun, Betty Yopp, Mrs.
Beverly DuBose Mrs. Winfield Payne Jones, Mrs. Harry Bewick and the hostess. Tom Thumb Wedding. Ben Hill A.
sponsors A Tom Thumb wedding this evening in the school auditorium, the proceeds to be used for primary W. Long hospital, who has been named Allen Thomas. Mrs. Cadora is the former Miss Grace Ellen Baggett. Mr.
and Mrs. George D. Kirby the birth of a son on announce, at St. Joseph infirmary whom they have named George D. Jr.
Mrs. Kirby the former Miss Geraldine Collins. The baby is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Charles A.
Kirby, of Baltimore, and Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Collins, of this city.
Mrs. John Holmes will return to her home in Bronxville, N. having, been and the Mrs. guest J. of Russell her par- Porter, at their home on The Prado for the past six weeks.
Mrs. Sallie L. Arnaud is in New Orleans, La. Miss Charles Chester, of Tunnel Hill, spending the winter in Atlanta the Georgian Terrace 'st with Mrs. Howard Motley, her sister.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest W. Welker announce the birth of a daughter, Myanne, November 5, at Emory University, hospital. A group of women prominent in patriotic circles leave on Saturday for Charleston, S.
to attend the general convention of the U. D. C. They are Mesdames J. Lawrence McCord, state first president; I.
H. Sutton, Clarkesville, state U. D. C. treasurer; W.
P. Smith of Decatur, state auditor, and C. D. Tebo. Frank E.
Davis is recuperating from an operation at the Ponce de Leon Infirmary. Mrs. Biggers Hostess In Avondale Estates. Mrs. Bascom Biggers, of Lakeshore drive in Avondale Estates, entertains at a luncheon for the Monday Contract Club.
The guests include Mesdames D. A. Woodman, Gaylord Huffman, Broadus Berry, Leland Patton, L. F. Myers, S.
C. McKinney, S. R. Foy, O. T.
Clarke, W. Cullen Henry, Hugh Wilson and Frank Shipp. Mrs. D. J.
MacKillop has returned from Piedmont hospital, where she was ill. Mrs. George Wall will be hostess at luncheon on November 16, for the N. N. Contract Club.
Arthur E. Sortore is convalescing from his recent illness at his home on Dartmouth avenue. Mr. and Mrs. W.
Herron Goulder left Tuesday to spend their vacation in Florida. Mrs. A. A. Baumstark returns from Florida this week.
Clearance Sale of WINTER SHOES Values to $14.75, Now 85 Drastically reduced to make room for the new! Allen's fine shoes, including many custom-made models, at great reductions! Styles for dress- -spectator sports- and evening wear! All seasonable materials- except Alligators. Shoe Salon- Street Floor CO. itlanta.