(PDF) Satellite Radiolocalization From GPS to GNSS and Beyond: Novel Technologies and Applications for Civil Mass Market - DOKUMEN.TIPS (2024)


Satellite Radiolocalization FromGPS to GNSS and Beyond: NovelTechnologies and Applicationsfor Civil Mass MarketThe current and forthcoming GNSS and associated technologies are discussed from

a mass-market perspective; hints are given about the future role of digital signal

processing and the software-defined ratio.

By Carles Fernandez-Prades, Member IEEE, Letizia Lo Presti, Member IEEE, and

Emanuela Falletti

ABSTRACT | It is known that satellite radiolocalization was

born in the military environment and was originally conceived

for defense purposes. Nevertheless, the commercial explosion

(dated to 20 years ago) of global positioning system (GPS) in the

civil market (automotive, tourism, etc.) significantly changed

the original perspectives of this technology. Another big

change is expected when other global navigation satellite

systems (GNSSs) such as the European Galileo or the Chinese

COMPASS become operational and commercial. In fact, modern

GNSSs are conceived principally for the civil market (at the

opposite of GPS, whose civil employment is given as a sort of

Bkind gift,[ with lower performance than that one granted to

military users). The scope of this paper is to provide readers

with a clear focus about the potentialities of current and forth-

coming GNSSs and associated technologies in a renewed mass-

market perspective. The paper also opens a window to the

future of radiolocalization technology beyond GPS and GNSS,

dealing with the role of digital signal processing and software-

defined radio (SDR) in next-generation navigation systems and

with the seamless integration of satellite-based navigation with

other technologies in order to provide reliable position infor-

mation also in hostile environments.

KEYWORDS | COMPASS; European Geostationary Navigation

Overlay Service (EGNOS); Galileo; global navigation satellite

systems (GNSSs); global positioning system (GPS); GLONASS;

Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS); inertial

navigation; Quasi-Zenith Satellite System (QZSS); radio naviga-

tion; Satellite-Based Augmentation System (SBAS); software

receivers; Wide-Area Augmentation System (WAAS)


The art of finding the way from one place to another is

called navigation. Until the 20th century, the term re-

ferred mainly to guiding ships across the seas. Indeed, the

word Bnavigate[ comes from the Latin navis (meaning

Bship[) and agere (meaning Bto move or direct[). Today,

the word also encompasses the guidance of travel on land,

in the air, and in inner and outer space.

This encyclopedic definition talks about art, but naviga-tion has been (and today still is) a major scientific and

technological challenge. Navigation seems to start very

early in time: according to Chinese storytelling, the

Manuscript received October 13, 2010; revised March 14, 2011; accepted May 14, 2011.

Date of publication July 7, 2011; date of current version October 19, 2011. This work was

supported in part by the European Commission in the framework of the FP7 Network

of Excellence in Wireless COMmunications NEWCOM++ (Contract 216715) and COST

Action IC0803, and by the Spanish Science and Technology Commission under Project

NARRA (TEC2008-02685/TEC).

C. Fernandez-Prades is with the Communications Subsystems Area, Centre

Tecnologic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC), 08860 Barcelona, Spain

(e-mail: [emailprotected]).

L. L. Presti is with the Dipartimento di Elettronica, Politecnico di Torino, 10129 Torino,

Italy (e-mail: [emailprotected]).

E. Falletti is with the Navigation Signal Analysis and Simulation Group, Istituto

Superiore Mario Boella (ISMB), 10138 Torino, Italy (e-mail: [emailprotected]).

Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/JPROC.2011.2158032

1882 Proceedings of the IEEE | Vol. 99, No. 11, November 2011 0018-9219/$26.00 �2011 IEEE

compass was discovered and used in wars during foggyweather before recorded history. Early mariners followed

landmarks visible on shore, until other technological

breakthroughs came into play: the magnetic compass

(c. 13th century), the astrolabe (c. 1484), the sextant

(1757), the use of lighthouses and buoys, or the seagoing

chronometer invented by Harrison in 1764 [1]. These

inventions fueled disciplines such as surveying and

geodesy, but also had a dramatic impact on transportation,and thus on economics. Today, the virtuous circle of

science, technology, and business around navigation is still

spinning and well alive, as will be described along the

following sections of this paper.

The application of radio waves to determine a position

starts in the 20th century with the patent of the first

direction finding system in 1902 [2]. World War II spurred

hyperbolic, ground-based low-frequency radio navigationsystems such as Decca and LORAN. Some time after,

technology allowed us to put radiophares in the sky.

Satellite-based navigation, which now is usually referred to

with the general framework of global navigation satellite

systems (GNSSs), started in the early 1960s with the

TRANSIT system, based on the fact that if the satellite’s

position were known and predictable, the Doppler shift

could be used to locate a receiver on Earth. The Cold Wararms race and associated military needs, mostly related to

ballistic missiles guidance and the nuclear deterrence

posture, required more accurate and reliable navigation

systems. Thenceforth, technology evolved rapidly: the

Navstar-GPS program was set in 1973, and in 1974, the

first atomic clock was put into orbit. Moving forward,

the first experimental Block-I GPS satellite was launched

in 1978.In 1983, Soviet jet interceptors shot down a Korean Air

civilian airliner carrying 269 passengers that had mistak-

enly entered Soviet airspace. Because the crew’s access to

better navigational tools might have prevented the disas-

ter, U.S. President Ronald Reagan issued a directive gua-

ranteeing that GPS signals would be available at no charge

for civilian uses when the system became operational. The

commercial market has grown steadily ever since. Second-generation GPS satellites were launched beginning in

1989, and the system’s full operational capability (FOC)

was declared in April 1995. Since initially the highest

quality signal was reserved for military use, the signal

available for civilian use was intentionally degraded [selec-

tive availability (SA)]. This changed with the U.S.

President Bill Clinton ordering SA turned off at midnight

May 1, 2000. This improved the potential precision ofcivilian GPS receivers from 300 to about 20 m.

In parallel, the former Soviet Union had begun the

development of the GLONASS system in 1976, also with

military endeavors, completing its satellite constellation in

1995. Following completion, the system rapidly fell into

disrepair with the collapse of the Russian economy. Begin-

ning in 2001, Russia committed itself to restoring the

system, and as of February 2011 it has been practicallyrestoredV22 satellites are operational. GLONASS pro-

vides two types of navigation signals: standard precision

(SP) navigation signal and high precision (HP) navigation

signal. SP positioning and timing services are available to

all GLONASS civil users on a continuous, worldwide basis.

Actually, on May 18, 2007, Russian President Vladimir

Putin signed a decree reiterating the offer to provide free

access to GLONASS civil signals.European’s Galileo program is the first guaranteed

global positioning service under civilian control. The first

stage of the Galileo program was agreed upon officially on

May 26, 2003 by the European Union and the European

Space Agency. By the end of 2013, it will have an initial

constellation of 16 satellites: 4 in-orbit validation (IOV)

and 12 FOC satellites. The European Commission an-

nounced that three of the five services offered by thesystem will be provided in early 2014: the open service

(basic signal provided free of charge), the public regulated

service (two encrypted signals with controlled access for

specific users like governmental bodies, agencies, and

organizations involved with defense, internal security, law

enforcement, and critical transport, providing position and

timing to specific users requiring a high continuity of

service), and the search and rescue service (contributing tothe international COSPAS-SARSAT cooperative system for

humanitarian search and rescue activities). The safety-of-

life service (an enhanced signal including an integrity

function that will warn the user within a few seconds in

case of a malfunction, intended for the safety-critical

transport community, e.g., aviation) and the commercial

service (combination of two encrypted signals for higher

data throughput rate and higher accuracy authenticateddata) will be tested in 2014 and will be provided as the

system reaches FOC with 30 satellites.

China is also deploying a GNSS named COMPASS. As

of February 2011, there were seven launched satellites, five

more will be launched before the end of 2012, and it was

announced that the FOC (comprising up to 35 satellites)

would be put in place by 2020.

These new deployments and system modernizationsdepict an unforeseen and close forthcoming scenario with

a plurality of systems, satellite constellations, frequency

bands, and new signal structures ready to be exploited.

From a situation in which GPS has been the mainVif not

the soleVplayer in satellite navigation, the rebirth of

GLONASS, the advent of Galileo and COMPASS, the in-

creasing regional system alternatives (QZSS or IRNSS),

and the worldwide maturity of augmentation systems(WAAS, EGNOS, MSAS, GAGAN) make the design of

future GNSS receivers more complex, since the number of

visible satellites is expected to increase from the current

10–13 values to 30–40. Multiconstellation/multifrequency

GNSS receivers, complemented with regional information,

promise dramatically improved positioning solutions and

enhanced integrity, at the expense of posing a number of

Fernandez-Prades et al. : Satellite Radiolocalization From GPS to GNSS and Beyond

Vol. 99, No. 11, November 2011 | Proceedings of the IEEE 1883

challenges to the navigation engineering community.Topics such as accuracy, precision, robustness, reliability,

interoperability with other systems, shorter time to first

fix, satellite selection, and coverage shall be tacked from

novel points of view, enabling unexplored business models

and applications that only imagination can bound.

This paper reviews imminently or already available

civil signals for satellite-based navigation in Section II,

with special emphasis on the benefits of new signals andcombining methods. Augmentation systems, both satellite

and ground based, are discussed in Section IV. Architec-

tural trends for GNSS receivers are inspected in Section V,

including advanced signal processing algorithms for signal

acquisition and tracking. Section VI shows how other

sources of information such as inertial sensors can be

integrated with the navigation system and interoperate

with it. Section VII takes a glimpse into the mass-marketperspective at the light of location-based services (LBSs)

and intelligent transport systems (ITSs). Finally,

Section VIII concludes the paper and draws topics for

further research.


GNSS space vehicles broadcast a low-rate navigation mes-

sage that modulates continuous repetitions of pseudoran-

dom spreading codes, which in turn are modulating a

carrier signal allocated in the L-band. The navigation mes-

sage, after proper demodulation, contains among other

information the so-called ephemeris, a set of parameters

that allow the computation of the satellite position at any

time. These positions, along with the corresponding dis-tance estimations, allow the receiver to compute its own

position and time, as we will see hereafter.

The distance between the receiver and a given satellite

can be computed by

�i ¼ c tRxi � tTx


� �(1)

where c ¼ 299 792 458 m/s is the speed of light, tRxi is the

receiving time in the receiver’s clock, and tTxi is the time of

transmission for a given satellite i. Receiver clocks are

inexpensive and not perfectly in sync with the satellite

clock, and thus this time deviation is another variable to be

estimated. The clocks on all of the satellites belonging to

the same system s, where s ¼ f GPS, Galileo, GLONASS,. . .g, are in sync with each other, so the receiver’s clock

will be out of sync with all satellites belonging to the same

constellation by the same amount �tðsÞ. In GNSS, the term

pseudorange is used to identify a range affected by a bias,

directly related to the bias between the receiver and satel-

lite clocks. There are other factors of error: since propaga-

tion at speed c is only possible in the vacuum, atmospheric

status affects the propagation speed of electromagneticwaves modifying the propagation time and thus the dis-

tance estimation. For instance, the ionosphere is a plasma-

tic medium that causes a slowdown in the group velocity

and a speedup of the phase velocity, having an impact in

code and phase delays and, thus, impeding precise naviga-

tion when its effects are not mitigated. Actually, errors can

be on the order of tens of meters in geomagnetic storm

episodes [3]. Ionospheric delay is a well-defined functionproportional to the inverse square of frequency and the

total electron content (TEC)Vwhich has diurnal, seasonal

and long-term variationsValong the signal path. Ac-

tually, this frequency dependence allows a multiband

receiver to remove the ionospheric effect by proper com-

binations of observations in different bands. As we will see

in Section IV, there are complementary systems that

inform purposely equipped receivers about the TEC statusin order to alleviate the impact of those effects, and thus

improve precision in the final navigation solution. This can

also be done by differential systems, where a network of

well-positioned, ground-fixed receivers measure the TEC

status and broadcast the corrections to the surrounding

rover receivers.

For each in-view satellite i of system s, we can write

�i ¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffixTx

i � xð Þ2þ yTxi � yð Þ2þ zTx

i � zð Þ2q

þ c�tðsÞ þ �e


where ðxTxi ; yTx

i ; zTxi Þ is the satellite’s position (known

from the navigation message), ðx; y; zÞ is the receiver’sposition, and �e gathers other sources of error. Since the

receiver needs to estimate its own 3-D position (three

spatial unknowns) and its clock deviation with respect to

the satellites’ time basis, at least 3þ Ns satellites must be

seen by the receiver at the same time, where Ns is the

number of different navigation systems available (in-view)

at a given time. Each received satellite signal, once syn-

chronized and demodulated at the receiver, defines oneequation such as the one defined in (2), forming a set of

nonlinear equations that can be solved algebraically by

means of the Bancroft algorithm [4] or numerically,

resorting to multidimensional Newton–Raphson and

weighted least square methods [5]. When a priori infor-

mation is added we resort to Bayesian estimation, a

problem that can be solved recursively by a Kalman filter

or any of its variants. The problem can be further expandedby adding other unknowns (for instance, parameters of

ionospheric and tropospheric models), sources of informa-

tion from other systems, mapping information, and even

motion models of the receiver. In the design of multi-

constellation GNSS receivers, the vector of unknowns can

also include the receiver clock offset with respect to each

system in order to take advantage of a higher number of

Fernandez-Prades et al. : Satellite Radiolocalization From GPS to GNSS and Beyond

1884 Proceedings of the IEEE | Vol. 99, No. 11, November 2011

in-view satellites and using them jointly in the navigationsolution, therefore increasing accuracy.

The analytic representation of a signal received from a

GNSS satellite can be generically expressed as

rðtÞ ¼ �ðtÞsT t� �ðtÞð Þe�j2�fdðtÞej2�fct þ nðtÞ (3)

where �ðtÞ is the amplitude, sTðtÞ is the complex baseband

transmitted signal, �ðtÞ is the time-varying delay, fdðtÞ ¼fc�ðtÞ is the Doppler shift, fc is the carrier frequency, andnðtÞ is a noise term. These signals arrive to the Earth’s

surface at extremely low power (e.g., �158.5 dBW for GPS

L1 C/A-code, �157 dBW for Galileo E1), well below the

noise floor. In order to estimate its distances to satellites,

the receiver must correlate time-aligned replicas of the

corresponding pseudorandom code with the incoming

signal, in a process called despreading that provides pro-

cessing gain only to the signal of interest. After a coarseand fine estimation stages of the synchronization param-

eters (usually known as acquisition and tracking, respec-

tively), signal processing output is in the form of

observables: 1) the pseudorange (code) measurement,

equivalent to the difference of the time of reception

(expressed in the time frame of the receiver) and the time

of transmission (expressed in the time frame of the satel-

lite) of a distinct satellite signal; and optionally 2) thecarrier-phase measurement, actually being a measurement

on the beat frequency between the received carrier of the

satellite signal and a receiver-generated reference fre-

quency. Carrier phase measurements are ambiguous, in

the sense that the integer number of carrier wavelengths

between a satellite and the receiver’s antenna is

unknown. Techniques such as Least square AMBiguity

Decorrelation Approach (LAMBDA) [6] or Multi CarrierAmbiguity Resolution (MCAR) [7] can be applied to

resolve such ambiguity and provide an accurate estima-

tion of the distance between the satellite and the re-

ceiver. Then, depending on the required accuracy, the

navigation solution can range from pseudorange-only,

computationally low demanding, and limited accuracy

least squares methods to sophisticated combinations of

code and phase observables at different frequencies forhigh demanding applications such as surveying, geodesy,

and geophysics.

Next sections provide brief descriptions of the space

segment of different GNSSs and their broadcast signal

structures accessible by civilians.

A. Global Positioning System (GPS)The Navstar GPS [8] is a space-based radio-navigation

system owned by the United States Government (USG)

and operated by the United States Air Force (USAF). GPS

provides positioning and timing services to military and

civilian users on a continuous, worldwide basis. Two GPS

services are provided: the precise positioning service(PPS), available primarily to the military of the United

States and its allies, and the standard positioning service

(SPS) open to civilian users.

• GPS L1. Defined in [9], this band is centered at

fGPS L1 ¼ 1575.42 MHz. The complex baseband

transmitted signal can be written as

sðGPS L1ÞT ðtÞ ¼ eL1IðtÞ þ jeL1QðtÞ (4)


eL1IðtÞ ¼X1

l¼�1DNAV ½l�204600

� �

� CPðYÞ jljLPðYÞ

h ip t� lTc;PðYÞ� �


eL1QðtÞ ¼X1

l¼�1DNAV ½l�20460

� �

� CC=A jlj1023

� �pðt� lTc;C=AÞ (6)

where � is the exclusive-or operation (modulo-2

addition), jljL means l modulo L, ½l�L means the

integer part of l=L, DNAV is the GPS navigation

message bit sequence, transmitted at 50 b/s,

Tc;PðYÞ ¼ ð1=10:23Þ �s, Tc;C=A ¼ ð1=1:023Þ �s,

LPðYÞ ¼ 6:1871 � 1012, and pðtÞ is a rectangularpulse of a chip-period duration centered at t ¼ 0

and filtered at the transmitter. According to the

chip rate, the binary phase-shift keying modula-

tions in (5) and (6) are denoted as BPSK(10) and

BPSK(1), respectively. The precision P codes

(named Y codes whenever the antispoofing mode

is activated, encrypting the code and thus denying

non-U.S. military users) are sequences of sevendays in length. Regarding the modernization plans

for GPS, it is worthwhile to mention that there is a

new civilian-use signal planned, called L1C and

defined in [10], to be broadcast on the same L1

frequency that currently contains the C=A signal.

The L1C will be available with first Block III

launch, currently scheduled for 2013. The imple-

mentation will provide C=A code to ensurebackward compatibility.

• GPS L2C. Defined in [9], it is only available on

Block IIR-M and subsequent satellite blocks.

Centered at fGPS L2 ¼ 1227.60 MHz, the signal

structure is the same as in (4), with the precision

code in the in-phase component, just as in (5) but

with an optional presence of the navigation

Fernandez-Prades et al. : Satellite Radiolocalization From GPS to GNSS and Beyond

Vol. 99, No. 11, November 2011 | Proceedings of the IEEE 1885

message DNAV. For the quadrature-phase compo-nent, three options are defined

eL2CQðtÞ ¼X1

l¼�1DCNAV ½l�10230

� �


h ip1=2ðt� lTc;L2CÞ þ CCM jljLCM

h ip1=2

� t� lþ 3


� �Tc;L2C

� �!(7)

eL2CQðtÞ ¼X1

l¼�1DNAV ½l�20460

� �� CC=A jlj1023

� �pðt� lTc;C=AÞ



eL2CQðtÞ ¼X1

l¼�1CC=A jlj1023

� �pðt� lTc;C=AÞ (9)

where Tc;L2C ¼ (1/511.5) ms and p1=2ðtÞ is a rec-

tangular pulse of half chip-period duration, thus

time-multiplexing both codes. The civilian long code

CCL is LCL ¼767 250 chips long, repeating every1.5 s, while the civilian moderate code CCM is

LCL ¼ 10 230 chips long and its repeats every 20 ms.

The CNAV data is an upgraded version of the

original NAV navigation message, containing higher

precision representation and nominally more accu-

rate data than the NAV data. It is transmitted at

25 b/s with forward error correction (FEC) encod-

ing, resulting in 50 symbols per second (sps).• GPS L5. The GPS L5 link, defined in [11], is only

available in Block IIF (first satellite launched on

May, 2010) and subsequent satellite blocks.

Centered at fGPS L5 ¼ 1176:45 MHz, this signal

in space can be written as:

sTðtÞðGPS L5Þ ¼ eL5IðtÞ þ jeL5QðtÞ (10)

eL5IðtÞ ¼Xþ1



� �� DCNAV ½m�10

� �



CL5I jlj10230

� �pðt� mTc;nh � lTc;L5Þ


eL5QðtÞ ¼Xþ1



� ��X102300


CL5Q jlj10230

� �� pðt� mTc;nh � lTc;L5Þ (12)

where Tc;nh ¼ 1 ms and Tc;L5 ¼ (1/10.23) �s, thusdefining a BPSK(10) modulation. Both L5I and

L5Q contain synchronization sequences.

B. GLONASSThe nominal baseline constellation of the Russian Fed-

eration’s Global Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS)

comprises 24 GLONASS-M satellites that are uniformly

deployed in three roughly circular orbital planes at an

inclination of 64.8� to the equator. The altitude of theorbit is 19 100 km. The orbit period of each satellite is 11 h,

15 min, and 45 s. The orbital planes are separated by 120�

right ascension of the ascending node. Eight satellites are

equally spaced in each plane with 45� argument of latitude.

Moreover, the orbital planes have an argument of latitude

displacement of 15� relative to each other.

GLONASS civil signal-in-space is defined in [12]. This

system makes use of a frequency-division multiple-access(FDMA) signal structure, transmitting in two bands:

fðkÞGLO L1 ¼ 1602þ k � 0:5625 MHz and f

ðkÞGLO L2 ¼ 1246 þ

k � 0:4375 MHz, where k 2 f�7;�6; . . . ; 5; 6g is the

channel number. Satellites in opposite points of an orbit

plane transmit signals on equal frequencies, as these satel-

lites will never be in view simultaneously by a ground-

based user.

• GLONASS L1. Two kinds of signals are trans-mitted: an SP and an obfuscated HP signal. The

complex baseband transmitted signal can be

written as

sTðtÞðGLO L1Þ ¼ eL1IðtÞ þ jeL1QðtÞ (13)

with BPSK(5) and BPSK(0.5) modulations

eL1IðtÞ ¼X1

l¼�1DGNAV ½l�102200

� �� CHP jljLHP

� �pðt� lTc;HPÞ


eL1QðtÞ ¼X1

l¼�1DGNAV ½l�10220

� �� CSP jlj511

� �pðt� lTc;SPÞ


where Tc;HP ¼ (1/5.11) �s, Tc;SP ¼ (1/0.511) �s,

and LHP ¼ 3:3554 � 107. The navigation message

DGNAV is transmitted at 50 b/s. Details of its con-tent and structure, as well as the generation of the

CSP code, can be found in [12]. The usage of the HP

signal should be agreed with the Russian Federa-

tion Defense Ministry, and no more details have

been disclosed.

• GLONASS L2. Beginning with the second gener-

ation of satellites, called GLONASS-M and first

Fernandez-Prades et al. : Satellite Radiolocalization From GPS to GNSS and Beyond

1886 Proceedings of the IEEE | Vol. 99, No. 11, November 2011

launched in 2001, a second civil signal is availableusing the same SP code as the one in the L1 band.

The use of FDMA techniques, in which the same code is

used to broadcast navigation signals on different fre-

quencies, and the placement of civil GLONASS transmis-

sions on frequencies close to 1600 MHz, well above the

GPS L1 band, have complicated the design of combined

GLONASS/GPS receivers, particularly low-cost equipment

for mass-market applications. Future plans of moderni-zation are intended to increase compatibility and inter-

operability with other GNSS, and include the addition of a

code-division multiple-access (CDMA) structure, and

possibly binary offset carrier (BOC) modulation, begin-

ning with the third civil signal in the L3 band (1197.648–

1212.255 MHz). Russia is implementing the new signals

on the next-generation GLONASS-K satellites, with a

first prototype successfully launched into orbit onFebruary 26, 2011.

C. GalileoThe nominal Galileo constellation comprises a total of

27 operational satellites (plus three active spares), which

are evenly distributed among three orbital planes inclined

at 56� relative to the equator. There are nine operational

satellites per orbital plane, occupying evenly distributed

orbital slots. Three additional spare satellites (one per or-

bital plane) complement the nominal constellation confi-

guration. The Galileo satellites are placed in quasi-circularEarth orbits with a nominal semi-major axis of about

30 000 km and an approximate revolution period of 14 h.

The control segment full infrastructure will be composed

of 30–40 sensor stations, three control centers, nine mis-

sion uplink stations, and five TT&C stations.

Galileo’s open service is defined in [13], where the

following signal structures are specified.

• Galileo E1. This band, centered at fGal E1 ¼1575.420 MHz and with a reference bandwidth of

24.5520 MHz, uses the so-called composite binary

offset carrier CBOC(6,1,1/11) modulation, defined

in baseband as

sðGal E1ÞT ðtÞ ¼ 1ffiffiffi

2p eE1BðtÞ �scAðtÞ þ �scBðtÞð Þ þð

� eE1CðtÞ �scAðtÞ � �scBðtÞð ÞÞ (16)

where the subcarriers scðtÞ are defined as

scAðtÞ ¼ sign sinð2�fs;E1AtÞ� �


scBðtÞ ¼ sign sinð2�fs;E1BtÞ� �


and fs;E1A ¼ 1.023 MHz, fs;E1B ¼ 6.138 MHz are the

subcarrier rates, � ¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi10=11

p, and � ¼



Channel B contains the I/NAV type of navigationmessage DI=NAV, intended for safety-of-life (SoL)


eE1BðtÞ ¼Xþ1

l¼�1DI=NAV ½l�4092

� �� CE1B jlj4092

� �pðt� lTc;E1BÞ:


In case of channel C, it is a pilot (dataless) channel

with a secondary code, forming a tiered code

eE1CðtÞ ¼Xþ1

m¼�1CE1Cs jmj25

� ��X4092



� pðt� mTc;E1Cs � lTc;E1CpÞ (20)

with Tc;E1B ¼ Tc;E1Cp ¼ (1/1.023) �s and Tc;E1Cs ¼4 ms. The CE1B and CE1Cp primary codes are

pseudorandom memory code sequences defined

in [13, Annex C.7 and C.8]. The binary sequence of

the secondary code CE1Cs is 0011100000001010110

110010. This band also contains another compo-

nent, Galileo E1A, intended for the public regu-

lated service (PRS). The PRS spreading codes andthe structure of the navigation message have not

been made public.

• Galileo E6. Intended for the commercial service

and centered at fGal E6 ¼ 1278.750 MHz, this band

provides pilot and data components

sðGal E6ÞT ðtÞ ¼ 1ffiffiffi

2p eE6BðtÞ � eE6CðtÞð Þ (21)

eE6BðtÞ ¼Xþ1

m¼�1DC=NAV ½l�5115

� �E6BjljLE6B

h i� pðt� lTc;E6Þ


eE6CðtÞ ¼Xþ1

m¼�1CE6Cs jmj100

� ��XLE6C



� pðt� mTc;E6s � lTc;E6pÞ (23)

where DC=NAV is the C/NAV navigation data

stream, which is modulated with the encryptedranging code CE6B with chip period Tc;E6 ¼(1/5.115) �s, thus being a BPSK(5) modulation.

Codes CE6B and primary codes CE6Cs and their

respective lengths LE6B and LE6C have not been

published. The secondary codes for the pilot

component CE6Cs are available in [13]. The receiver

reference bandwidth for this signal is 40.920 MHz.

Fernandez-Prades et al. : Satellite Radiolocalization From GPS to GNSS and Beyond

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This band also contains another component,Galileo E6A, intended for PRS.

• Galileo E5. Centered at fGal E5 ¼ 1191.795 MHz

and with a total bandwidth of 51.150 MHz, its sig-

nal structure deserves some analysis. The AltBOC

modulation can be generically expressed as

sAltBOCðtÞ ¼ x1ðtÞv�ðtÞ þ x2ðtÞvðtÞ (24)

w h e r e vðtÞ ¼ ð1=ffiffiffi2pÞðsignðcosð2�fstÞÞ þ

jsignðsinð2�fstÞÞÞ is the single sideband subcar-

rier, fs is the subcarrier frequency, ð�Þ� stands for

the conjugate operation, and x1ðtÞ and x2ðtÞ areQPSK signals. The resulting waveform does not

exhibit constant envelope. In case of Galileo, the

need for high efficiency of the satellites’ onboard

high-power amplifier (HPA) has pushed a modi-

fication on the signal in order to make it envelope

constant and thus use the HPA at saturation. This

can be done by adding some intermodulation

products to (24), coming up with the followingdefinition:

sðGal E5ÞT ðtÞ ¼ eE5aðtÞssc�s ðtÞ þ eE5bðtÞsscsðtÞ

þ �eE5aðtÞssc�pðtÞ þ �eE5bðtÞsscpðtÞ (25)

where the single and product sideband signal sub-carriers are

sscsðtÞ ¼ scsðtÞ þ jscs t� Ts


� �(26)

sscpðtÞ ¼ scpðtÞ þ jscp t� Ts


� �(27)


eE5aðtÞ ¼ eE5aIðtÞ þ jeE5aQðtÞ (28)

eE5bðtÞ ¼ eE5bIðtÞ þ jeE5bQðtÞ (29)

�eE5aðtÞ ¼ �eE5aIðtÞ þ j�eE5aQðtÞ (30)

�eE5bðtÞ ¼ �eE5bIðtÞ þ j�eE5bQðtÞ (31)

�eE5aIðtÞ ¼ eE5aQðtÞeE5bIðtÞeE5bQðtÞ (32)

�eE5aQðtÞ ¼ eE5aIðtÞeE5bIðtÞeE5bQðtÞ (33)

�eE5bIðtÞ ¼ eE5bQðtÞeE5aIðtÞeE5aQðtÞ (34)

�eE5bQðtÞ ¼ eE5bIðtÞeE5aIðtÞeE5aQðtÞ: (35)

The signal components are defined as

eE5aIðtÞ ¼Xþ1

m¼�1CE5aIs jmj20

� ��X10230



� DF=NAV ½l�204600

� �pðt� mTc;E5s � lTc;E5pÞ (36)

eE5aQðtÞ ¼Xþ1

m¼�1CE5aQs jmj100

� ��X10230



� pðt� mTc;E5s � lTc;E5pÞ (37)

eE5bIðtÞ ¼Xþ1

m¼�1CE5bIs jmj4

� ��X10230



� DI=NAV ½l�40920

� �pðt� mTc;E5s � lTc;E5pÞ (38)

eE5bQðtÞ ¼Xþ1

m¼�1CE5bQs jmj100

� ��X10230



� pðt� mTc;E5s � lTc;E5pÞ (39)

where Tc;E5s ¼ 1 ms and Tc;E5p ¼ (1/10.23) �s.

Channel A contains the F/NAV type of navigation

message DF=NAV, intended for the open service.

The I/NAV message structures for the E5bI andE1B signals use the same page layout. Only page

sequencing is different, with page swapping be-

tween both components in order to allow a fast

reception of data by a dual frequency receiver. The

single subcarrier scsðtÞ and the product subcarrier

scpðtÞ of (26) and (27) are defined as

scsðtÞ ¼ffiffiffi2p

4sign cos 2�fst�


þ 1

2sign cosð2�fstÞð Þ


4sign cos 2�fstþ



scpðtÞ ¼ �ffiffiffi2p

4sign cos 2�fst�


þ 1

2sign cosð2�fstÞð Þ

þ �ffiffiffi2p

4sign cos 2�fstþ



with a subcarrier frequency of fs ¼ 15.345 MHz,

thus defining an AltBOC(15,10) modulation. Plot-

ting the power spectrum of the carriers in (25) (see

Fig. 1), we can see that the QPSK(10) signal eE5aðtÞdefined in (25) is shifted to fGal E5a¼: fGal E5 � fs ¼1176.450 MHz, while eE5bðtÞ is shifted to

fGal E5b¼:

fGal E5 þ fs ¼ 1207:140 MHz . Thus, we

can bandpass filter around fGal E5a and get a goodapproximation of a QPSK(10) signal, with very low

energy components of eE5bðtÞ, �eE5aðtÞ, and �eE5bðtÞ:

sðGal E5aÞT ðtÞ ’ eE5aIðtÞ þ jeE5aQðtÞ: (42)

Fernandez-Prades et al. : Satellite Radiolocalization From GPS to GNSS and Beyond

1888 Proceedings of the IEEE | Vol. 99, No. 11, November 2011

The same applies to eE5bðtÞ, allowing an indepen-

dent reception of two QPSK(10) signals and thus

requiring considerably less bandwidth than the

processing of the whole E5 band. A hardware

architecture proposal for an AltBOC(15,10) receiv-

er is found in [14].

D. COMPASSThe Chinese COMPASS navigation satellite system will

consist of five geostationary satellites and 30 nongeosta-

tionary satellites. The geostationary satellites will be lo-

cated at 58.75� E, 80� E, 110.5� E, 140� E, and 160� E.

Nongeostationary satellites will be in medium-Earth orbit

(MEO) and inclined geosynchronous orbit. After the first

satellite (located at 140� E) was launched on October 31,2000, a second satellite (located at 80� E) and a third

satellite (located at 110.5� E) were launched on December

21, 2000 and May 25, 2003, respectively. The first MEO

satellite, named COMPASS-M1, was launched on April 14,

2007, and its signals have been unraveled by independent

research [15]–[17]. The first geostationary satellite

COMPASS-G2 was launched on April 15, 2009, and the

second one G3 on June 2, 2010. Global coverage is plannedby 2020. The ground segment will consist of one master

control station, two upload stations, and 30 monitor sta-

tions. This system will provide three frequency bands: B1,

centered at 1561.098 MHz and carrying a QPSK(2) signal

with a 4-MHz bandwidth; B2, centered at 1207.14 MHz,

with one BPSK(2) and one BPSK(10) with a 24-MHz

bandwidth; and B3, centered at 1268 and carrying a

QPSK(10) with the same bandwidth as B2. To the authors’knowledge, no official interface control document has

been made public as of February 2011.

E. Benefits of New Signals and Combining MethodsPotential benefits of new signals and their combina-

tions are expected to be high in terms of accuracy and

reliability. From a signal processing perspective, power

spectrum shapes of new signals allow for improved perfor-

mance in time-delay estimation. The Cramer–Rao lower

bound (CRLB) is the theoretical limit of variance that any

unbiased estimator can achieve. In case of the time-delayestimation, its minimum variance is defined by [18]





� �ð2�Þ2

Z 1�1

f 2SrðfÞ df


where E=N0 is the received-signal-energy-to-noise-power-

spectral-density ratio, f is the frequency in hertz, and SrðfÞis the normalized power spectral density of the code

modulation. Therefore, the integral represents the second

moment of SrðfÞ. The square root of this second moment is

commonly referred to as RMS or Gabor bandwidth [19],and it is a fundamental parameter in code modulation de-

sign in order to theoretically achieve a smaller time-delay


BG ¼

ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiZ 1�1

f 2SrðfÞ df

s: (44)

Inspecting (44), it can be observed that the Gabor

bandwidth can be increased by using modulations whose

power spectrum concentrates a greater percentage of their

power farther from the signal center frequency, because of

the weighting term f 2. This approach has been followed inthe definition of the modernized and forthcoming GNSS

signals with the introduction of the BOC modulation,

where a square carrier of frequency fs splits the main lobe

of the code spectrum into two lobes centered at fs from

the central frequency, thus allocating more power at

higher frequencies and potentially improving synchroni-

zation performance.

From a multiband receiver perspective, more fre-quency bands means more possibilities to resolve the un-

known cycle ambiguities of the double-differenced carrier

phase data to integers, a key aspect for rapid and very

precise (centimeter-level) GNSS positioning. Multiple

bands also allow linear combinations of observables that

can be used to eliminate or mitigate individual sources

of error (e.g., the ionospheric effect can be removed by

Fig. 1. Power spectrum of single and product sideband subcarriers

signals in (25), normalized to the power of ssc�s ðtÞ at fGal E5a. The

modified AltBOC modulation can be well approximated by two QPSK

signals 2fs apart, with negligible contribution of the crossed terms

around its center frequency.

Fernandez-Prades et al. : Satellite Radiolocalization From GPS to GNSS and Beyond

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exploiting its frequency dependence), and to alleviateexcessive computational burden [20].

From a multiconstellation receiver perspective, in-

creased coverage and reliability are the expected outcomes

as more satellites will be available. Novel approaches to

positioning such as direct position estimation [21] could

deeply combine signals and further increase positioning

performance in hostile (radioelectrically speaking) scenar-

ios, as shown in [22].


Regional systems provide additional signals from satellites

operating over a given geographical area that are compa-

tible with one or more GNSS systems. Currently there are

two main RNSSs.

A. Quasi-Zenith Satellite System (QZSS)The QZSS is designed to work in conjunction with, and

to enhance, the civil services of other GNSSs in Japan,

particularly in urban environments where buildings block

visibility of a great portion of the sky. The planned QZSS

constellation consists of three satellites that would be

placed in highly elliptical periodic orbits (HEO), atgeosynchronous altitude (around 35 786 km) inclined

43� to the equatorial plane. The three orbital planes draw

the same eight-shaped ground track, with the northern

loop covering a much smaller geographical area (mainly

the central part of Japan) than the southern one (covering

Australia and New Guinea), with a central line at 135� E in

longitude. These orbits allow the satellites to dwell for

more than 12 h/day with an elevation above 70�, meaningthat they appear almost overhead most of the time, and

giving rise to the term Bquasi-zenith[ for which the system

is named. The first satellite was launched on September 11,


QZSS satellites will transmit six positioning signals:

L1C/A, L1-SAIF, and L1C signals centered at 1575.42 MHz

(common with GPS L1 and Galileo E1), the L2C signal

centered at 1227.60 MHz (common with GPS L2C), theLEX signal at 1278.75 MHz (common with Galileo E6),

and the L5 signal at 1176.45 MHz (common with GPS L5).

L1C/A, L1C, L2C, and L5 will be positioning availabilityenhancement signals, because they will complement exist-

ing GNSS. L1-SAIF and LEX will be positioning performanceenhancement signals, transmitting differential data of

existing GNSS and integrity data concerning GNSS signals

as determined by QZSS. Although the interface specifica-tion document is still in draft [23], L1 and L2 signals

should be defined with a bandwidth of 24 MHz, L5 signals

with 24.9 MHz, and LEX with 42 MHz. Signals in L1, L2,

and L5 will be very similar to their counterparts in GPS,

making use of pseudorandom codes defined in the GPS’s

interface specification documents [9]–[11] but not used by

any GPS satellite.

B. Indian Regional NavigationSatellite System (IRNSS)

The IRNSS, developed by the Indian Space Research

Organization, will offer a standard positioning service

using BPSK(1) modulation as well as a restricted/autho-

rized service employing a BOC(5,2) modulation. Both of

these services will be provided at two frequencies in the L5

and S bands. The space segment will comprehend seven

satellites: three of them in a GEO orbit at 34�, 83�, and132� E, while the other four will have a geosynchronous

orbit at 29� inclination, with longitude crossing at 55� and

111� E [24]. The first satellite is scheduled to launch in the

first half of 2012 [25]. The system is intended to provide an

all-weather absolute position accuracy ð2�Þ of better than

20 m throughout India and within a region extending

approximately 1500 km around it.


GNSS receivers’ performance can be augmented by means

of complementary systems. Accuracy (difference between

the estimated position and the true position), integrity (a

measure of trust placed in the correctness of the infor-

mation provided by the navigation system, and its ability to

provide timely warnings), availability (the probability thatthe navigation and fault detection functions are opera-

tional), continuity (the ability to provide the navigation

function over time), and time to first fix can be drama-

tically enhanced when additional information external to

the receiver is provided. For instance, the receiver can be

precisely informed about the ionosphere status (i.e., the

electron content), allowing the removal of the bias it

provokes in the observables, and thus improving the accu-racy of the final navigation solution. Another example is

integrity, a key factor in safety-critical applications. Users

may determine their integrity by receiver autonomous

algorithms (RAIM) [26], or by using external integrity data

sources. Galileo foresees the provision of integrity data

within the navigation message, although this service will

not likely be implemented in the first FOC phase. Usually,

external sources (the so-called augmentation systems)consist of a set of fixed, accurately surveyed receivers

forming a network of reference (or control, or fiducial)

stations. The observations taken by this reference network

are broadcast to the rover GNSS receiver, which processes

them simultaneously with its own observations, removing

common sources of error, and detecting inconsistencies in

the navigation solution based on the exploitation of redun-

dant GNSS measurements. Hereafter, we provide descrip-tions of such augmentation systems, classified according to

the way how this external information is sent to the


A. Satellite-Based Augmentation System (SBAS)An SBAS supports wide area or regional augmentation

through the use of additional satellite-broadcast messages.

Fernandez-Prades et al. : Satellite Radiolocalization From GPS to GNSS and Beyond

1890 Proceedings of the IEEE | Vol. 99, No. 11, November 2011

Such systems are commonly composed of multiple groundstations, located at accurately surveyed points. The ground

stations take measurements of one or more of the GNSS

satellites, the satellite signals, or other environmental fac-

tors which may affect the signal received by the users.

Using these measurements, information messages are

created and sent to geostationary satellites for broadcast

to the end users. While SBAS implementations may vary

widely, rules from the International Civil Aviation Organi-zation (ICAO) establish that an SBAS must transmit a

specific message format and frequency, as defined in [27]

for civil aviation use. Actual implementations are as


1) Wide-Area Augmentation System (WAAS): The WAAS

[28], operated by the U.S. Federal Aviation Administra-

tion, has declared to offer continuous service for nonsafetyapplications since August 2000, and it was commissioned

for safety-of-life services in July 2003. The system is

composed of two geostationary satellites located at 133� W

and 107� W, broadcasting GPS-like ranging signals at both

GPS L1 and L5 carrier frequencies [29], and a ground

network with monitors throughout the United States,

Canada, and Mexico. A group of master stations collect

measurements from this reference stations network, buildthe SBAS message, and upload the message to the GEO

satellites. The WAAS improves accuracy in two funda-

mental ways: 1) it reduces range measurement error by

sending differential corrections for each GPS satellite,

reducing the pseudorange measurement error from around

30 m to approximately 1 or 2 m ð1�Þ, and 2) it improves

geometry by adding new ranging signals to the set of

available GPS measurements, since the phase of the WAAScode is synchronized to GPS time. The system also moni-

tors integrity, broadcasting error bounds for each moni-

tored satellite and updating this information within 6 s of

any significant change.

2) European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service(EGNOS): The EGNOS [30] consists of three geostationary

satellites and a network of ground stations, operative since2009. It is intended to supplement the GPS, GLONASS,

and Galileo systems by reporting on the reliability and

accuracy of the signals. Specifications state that horizontal

position accuracy should be better than 7 m, but in practice

it is better than 2 m with an availability above 99%.

Document [31] details the general conditions relating to

the use of the EGNOS service, a technical description of

the signal-in-space, the reference receiver, environmentalconditions, the service performance achieved, and aspects

relating to service provision. EGNOS will offer also a

commercial service, a ground-based access to its data

through EGNOS data access service (EDAS), and a SoL

service [32]. Main applications of EGNOS are aviation,

precision agriculture, maritime, land transportation, and

time standard.

3) Others: Other SBAS are the Multifunctional SatelliteAugmentation System (MSAS), operated by Japan’s

Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, that was

commissioned for aviation use on September 27, 2007, the

GPS and GEO Augmented Navigation (GAGAN) planned

by India [33], and the Russian System for Differential

Correction and Monitoring (SDCM). Commercial systems

include StarFire [34] and OmniSTAR [35], offering sub-

decimetric accuracy. There also exists a proposal of aUniversal-SBAS (U-SBAS) standard [36] that carries addi-

tional channels (signals and messages) to cover the nonae-

ronautical specific SoL services, and also: high precision

positioning services, position velocity time (PVT), authen-

tication services, safety services, scientific application ser-

vices, high precision timing services, etc. U-SBAS is

designed to be fully interoperable with the current SBAS

standards and to allow significant performance and serviceimprovements in operational, scientific, and/or security


B. Ground-Based Augmentation Systems (GBAS)Systems that support augmentation through the use of

terrestrial radio messages are called GBASs. As with

SBASs, GBASs are commonly composed of one or more

accurately surveyed ground stations, which take measure-ments concerning the GNSS, and one or more radio trans-

mitters, which transmit the information directly to the end

user. These systems are usually devoted to air traffic man-

agement, specifically aircraft landing guidance. The net-

work of reference stations are localized around an airport,

supporting receivers within 20 km, and the differential

corrections and integrity information are broadcast over a

very high-frequency (VHF) data broadcast (VDB) signaltransmitted in the 108.0–117.975-MHz band [37].

1) Ground-Based Regional Augmentation System (GRAS):They support a large regional area. A network of fixed,

reference stations broadcast the difference between the

positions indicated by the satellite systems and their

known fixed positions. These stations broadcast the dif-

ference between the measured satellite pseudoranges andactual (internally computed) ones, so that receiver devices

may correct their pseudoranges by the same amount. The

correction signal is typically broadcast by an ultrahigh-

frequency (UHF) radio modem. Since satellite ephemeris

errors and atmospheric errors vary with space, accuracy

degrades with the distance to the reference stations.

Precision can be enhanced by exploiting carrier phase

measurements. Real-time kinematic (RTK) positioning hasbecome an industry standard procedure in surveying, lab

prototypes for research activities, machine control, and

other high-precision applications. RTK makes use of

carrier-phase and pseudorange measurements recorded

at a (usually) fixed reference location with known coordi-

nates and transmitted in real time to a user’s rover receiver

using a radio link of some kind. The rover processes the

Fernandez-Prades et al. : Satellite Radiolocalization From GPS to GNSS and Beyond

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double differences of observations to determine its coordi-nates with accuracy better than 10 cm. This method as-

sumes that the differential ionospheric delay between the

reference and the rover receiver is negligible, which works

well for baselines up to 10–20 km. The coverage can be

enlarged by a set of reference receivers, resorting to net-

work RTK (NRTK). This approach achieves real-time

subdecimeter error level positioning with distances up to

50–70 km.This concept has been extended by exploiting the full

geometry of the observations in a real-time ionospheric

model of the slant delay: a central processing facility (CPF)

combines new ionospheric tomography and traveling

ionospheric disturbance models with real-time undiffer-

enced processing of measurements from widely separated

permanent GNSS receivers. The CPF provides the rover

receivers with undifferenced accurate ionospheric correc-tions in real time, which are used to enhance the final

position estimation up to typical accuracies of around

10 cm of error, within a short convergence time [38]. This

approach, known as wide-area RTK (WARTK), allows for

permanent stations 500–900 km apart (thus implying a

dramatic reduction of reference stations with respect to

NRTK), and it is able to provide coverage at a continental


2) Assisted GNSS: Existing wireless infrastructure can be

used to broadcast information that would allow the re-

ceiver to perform better in terms of time to fix, sensitivity,

and accuracy, an approach known as assisted GNSS. For

instance, if navigation data are made available to the re-

ceiver via GPRS, WiFi or other, it can notably reduce its

time to first fix (TTFF) and improve receiver sensitivity.Furthermore, the delivery of precise orbit predictions can

also help to improve the receiver performance [39].

A-GNSS is becoming extremely popular in low-cost de-

vices, thanks to the wide current coverage of the cellular

communications networks and industrial standardization.

Cellular industry location standards first appeared in

the late 1990s, with the 3rd generation partnership (3GPP)

radio resource location services protocol (RRLP) technicalspecification 44.031 positioning protocol for GSM net-

works. Today, RRLP is the de facto standardized protocol to

carry GNSS assistance data to GNSS-enabled mobile de-

vices [40]. A major update began in 2007, when RRLP

release 7 added support for assisted-Galileo, and release

8 for the rest of the GNSS including the various SBAS. The

two releases provided native assistance data types such as

global Klobuchar and NeQuick models for the ionosphere[30], [41]. The same approach was also mapped to 3GPP TS

25.331 radio resource control (RRC) protocol, which

defines the positioning procedures and assistance data

delivery for UMTS terrestrial radio access (UTRA).

3GPP boosted location services in long-term evolution

(LTE) release 9, frozen in December 2009. According to

the LTE location architecture, the evolved serving mobile

location center (E-SMLC) is the server component incharge of positioning activities. The mobility management

entity (MME) gives the positioning request to E-SMLC,

which then controls the user equipment to be positioned

and, possibly, LTE base stations, to perform positioning.

The actual positioning and assistance protocol between E-

SMLC and the user equipment is called LTE positioning

protocol (LPP).

RRLP, RRC, and LPP are natively control-plane posi-tioning protocols, i.e., they use cellular signaling channels

as the transport mechanism for the assistance data and

position information. Since signaling channels are not de-

signed to transfer large amount of information, in 2003,

the open mobile alliance (OMA) started to work with se-

cure user plane location (SUPL) 1.0 protocol, which brings

the same location capabilities to user plane (and thus the

traffic channels) over IP networks as RRLP/RRC/LPP bringto control plane. SUPL 1.0 is already commercially de-

ployed, and SUPL 2.0 is now being deployed globally.

These protocols typically address richer GNSS features for


LTE release 9 introduced extension hooks in LPP mes-

sages, so that the bodies external to 3GPP could extend the

LPP feature set. OMA LPP extensions (LPPe), supported in

SUPL 3.0, build on top of the 3GPP LPP, reusing its pro-cedures and data types as far as possible. This ensures that

in the user-plane domain, which dominates in consumer

LBSs (LBS), vendors can utilize exactly the same protocol

as in the control plane. This reduces implementation,

testing, and deployments costs, and probably will make the

LPP/LPPe the de facto standardized positioning protocol in

the mobile domain [40].

Two different methodologies of assistance have beenstandardized, usually referred to as mobile-station (MS)-

based (UE-based) and MS-assisted (UE-assisted). In the

MS-based approach, the network operator provides the

GNSS-enabled mobile device with assistance data such as,

at a minimum, an approximate location coming from the

serving cell tower, an approximate time (accurate to a few

seconds), and a description of the satellite orbits and clock

errors (navigation model); the receiver uses that informa-tion to estimate the expected delays and Doppler shifts of

the visible satellites and proceeds to the acquisition of

satellite signals with a narrower search space, allowing a

dramatic reduction of the TTFF. Finally, location infor-

mation is sent back to the network in response to the

location request.

In the MS-assisted approach, assistance data consist in

the list of visible satellites, expected delays, and expectedDoppler shifts. Then, the GNSS receiver performs acqui-

sition and sends measurements (delay, Doppler frequency,

and signal power to noise ratio) back to a server in the

operator’s network, which computes subscriber’s position.

In general, MS-based methods are preferred over MS-

assisted methods since they are advantageous in terms

of position accuracy, allow the use of sophisticated

Fernandez-Prades et al. : Satellite Radiolocalization From GPS to GNSS and Beyond

1892 Proceedings of the IEEE | Vol. 99, No. 11, November 2011

(Kalman-like) navigation filters, and are well suited tocontinuous navigation by delivering ephemeris data. How-

ever, the amount of data exchanged in the MS-based ap-

proach is significantly larger than that of the MS-assisted

one (currently about seven times), and is expected to

increase in short with the addition of new GNSS



Global marketplace for GNSS receivers has been tradi-

tionally based on application specific integrated circuit

(ASIC) technology, an approach with high development

costs but extremely low cost per unit (thus ensuring re-

venues) and high performance. However, recent and

forthcoming changes in the space segment are pushingdevelopers to new approaches and targeting designs to

unforeseen levels of accuracy, reliability, and availability.

This requires more flexibility in the design and implemen-

tation processes, driving to more agile development tools.

Although ASIC technology remains pervasive for mass

market applications, other technologies such as field-

programmable gate array (FPGA) or software-defined

radio (SDR) running in digital signal processor (DSP),microprocessors, or even regular PCs are of great interest

for limited market but highly demanding applications such

as reference stations, geodesy and surveying, timing, ma-

chine control, and data gathering for scientific purposes

(study of ionosphere, troposphere, weather forecasting,


A. ASIC TechnologyToday, established chipsets and original equipment

manufacturer (OEM) modules dominate the market, spe-

cially mass-market applications in the form of smart-

phones, digital cameras and camcoders, portable gaming

consoles, media players, and personal navigation devices.

Those chips are ASICs, nonstandard integrated circuits

that have been designed for a specific use or application.

Generally, an ASIC is undertaken for a product that willhave a large production run, since the cost of an ASIC

development is high and thus targeted to high volume

productions. In commercial receivers, ASICs are used to

handle the downconversion and digitizing, and to carry

out massively parallel correlation operations, while micro-

processors such as an ARM processor are utilized for

baseband signal processing. Current technology allows for

a higher level of integration: there are commercial solu-tions that integrate a whole GPS receiver (from the

antenna to the output in NMEA 0183 standard data format

that includes position, velocity, and time) in a single chip


The usual way to design ASIC is in the form of intel-

lectual property (IP) core of the designed circuits, which

completely defines the chip-level solution and allows a

mass production that reduces the overall fabrication costand time. There are a number of radio-frequency (RF) IPs

and baseband IPs commercially available. According to a

recent market study [45], Broadcom Corporation was the

leading supplier of GPS chips worldwide in March 2009.

SiRF Technology, Inc. and Texas Instruments, Inc. came in

second and third place in the GPS integrated circuit

manufacturer vendor list. Then followed Qualcomm Inc.,

STMicroelectronics, u-blox AG, Atheros Communications,Inc., Infineon Technologies AG, Atmel Corporation, and

MediaTek, Inc.

Since the vast majority of existing integrated circuits

are intended for the GPS L1 C/A signal, they make use of a

2-MHz RF bandwidth, which is enough for the BPSK

signal defined in (6) but prevent from the use of the

Galileo E1 signal defined in (16)–(20) due to the charac-

teristics of the CBOC split-spectrum nature, which re-quires at least 4-MHz (although 8 MHz is recommended;

see [46]) RF bandwidth for proper synchronization. New

signals will push new designs addressing both challenging

electrical requirements (wider bandwidths, more fre-

quency bands) and associated computational load. Even-

tually, the mass market will pose requirements in terms of

accuracy, coverage, and reliability that existing GPS-only

designs would not be able to meet, and therefore anevolution in GNSS chipset design is envisaged. The trend

seems to point towards an increasing integration of tech-

nologies (i.e., cellular [47], WiFi [48], RFID [49], UWB

[50], wireless sensor networks [51], or motion sensors

[52]), vertical integration and disappearance of indepen-

dent chipset manufacturers, lower cost, lower power

consumption, improved sensitivity, and smaller footprint.

As discussed in [53], the Galileo’s E1/E5a combinationcould be the best dual-frequency solution for a Galileo

mass-market receiver, since it overlaps exactly with GPS’

L1/L5 frequency bands and would allow multiband/

multiconstellation receivers at reasonable electrical and

computational requirements.

B. Software-Defined Radio ReceiversThe last decade has witnessed a rapid evolution of

GNSS software receivers. Since the first GPS standard

positioning service software receiver described in [54],

where the concept of bandpass sampling (or intentional

aliasing) was introduced, several works were devoted to

architectural and implementation aspects. For instance,

Krumvieda et al. [55] provided details about analog-to-

digital conversion (ADC), high-sensitivity signal acquisi-

tion, and different tracking loops, and Chakravarthy et al.[56] discussed real-time issues such as the transition from

acquisition to tracking. Textbooks [57] and [58] increased

the awareness of the community about the great benefits

provided by software receivers with respect to the

traditional hardware-oriented approach, providing Matlab

implementations of a complete GPS receiver. In order to

accelerate computations and attain real time in commodity

Fernandez-Prades et al. : Satellite Radiolocalization From GPS to GNSS and Beyond

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general-purpose processors, bitwise operations wereintroduced in [59]. The use of single-input–multiple-data

(SIMD) parallel computing technology for the correlators

and other time-critical operations is due to [60], a solution

that exploited an extension set of assembly instructions for

Intel processors. Both approaches suffered from being bit-

depth dependent, jeopardizing flexibilityVsignal quanti-

fication cannot be easily changed. Other recent approaches

take advantage of today’s pervasive multicore architectureprocessors [61], [62], or of the computational power of

modern graphics processing units (GPUs) [63]. Test

procedures for GNSS software receivers were addressed

in [64], and a general discussion about the architecture is

found in [65]. In [66], Fernandez-Prades et al. advocate the

use of design patterns for the implementation of GNSS

software receivers. Carrier phase measurements and clock

steering are discussed in [67].Today, there are solutions available at academic and

commercial levels, usually not only including program-

ming solutions but also the development of dedicated RF

front-ends. As examples, we can mention the GNSS soft-

ware navigation receiver (GSNRx) developed by the Posi-

tion, Location, and Navigation (PLAN) Group of the

University of Calgary [65], the ipexSR, a multifrequency

(GPS C/A and L2C, EGNOS and GIOVE-A E1-E5a) soft-ware receiver developed by the Institute of Geodesy

and Navigation at the University FAF Munich [68], or

N-Gene, a fully software receiver developed by the

Istituto Superiore Mario Boella (ISMB) and Politecnico

di Torino that is able to process in real time the GPS and

Galileo signals broadcast on the L1/E1 bands, as well as to

demodulate the differential corrections broadcast on the

same frequency by the EGNOS system. This receiver isable to process in real time more than 12 channels, using

a sampling frequency of approximately 17.5 MHz with

8 b/sample [69].

Regarding observable processing and data manage-

ment, the GPS Toolkit (GPSTk) [70], [71] is an open

source project that provides a GNSS computing suite to the

satellite navigation community, consisting of a core lib-

rary, accessory libraries, and some applications. It is alsoworthwhile to mention the NAvigation Package for Earth

Observation Satellites (NAPEOS) software [72], used by

the navigation support office (OPS-GN) at the European

Space Operations Center (ESOC) since January 2008 for

all its International GNSS Service (IGS) activities [73].

C. Signal Processing AlgorithmsThe techniques of digital signal processing play an im-

portant role in the design and implementation of a GNSS

receiver. In fact, GNSS signals are generally very weak.

The receiver thermal noise is dominant over the useful

signal-in-space (SIS), and other signals, such as interfer-

ence and multipath, often impair the weak and fragile line-

of-sight (LOS) SIS received. Since only the LOS SIS

contains the fundamental information about the propaga-

tion delay indicated in (1), the main receiver task is toadopt suitable techniques of statistical signal processing

with the aim of isolating only the contribution carried out

by the LOS SIS from the received signal. The received

signal introduced in (3) can be rewritten as

yðtÞ ¼XNSV


rRF;iðtÞ þ NðtÞ þ ðtÞ (45)

where NSV is the number of satellites in view, rRF;iðtÞ is the

received SIS belonging to the ith satellite, NðtÞ is the

thermal noise modeled as a white Gaussian random pro-

cess while ðtÞ includes all the interfering signals at thereceiver antenna. The signals transmitted by GPS, Galileo,

as well as COMPASS, have a code-division multiple-access

(CDMA) format, and GLONASS has also planned to em-

ploy CDMA in the future. For these systems, the received

signal rRF;iðtÞ, after downconversion from RF to interme-

diate frequency (IF) and ADC can be rewritten in terms of

Doppler shift as

rIF½n� ¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffi2PR

pcbðnTs � �pÞdðnTs � �pÞ cos �ðn; fdÞ (46)


�ðn; fdÞ ¼ 2�ðfIF þ fdÞnTs þ ’IF (47)

and Ts is the inverse of the sampling frequency fs, PR is thereceived power, �p is the propagation delay, fIF is the

nominal IF frequency of the receiver front-end, ’IF is a

random phase, and fd is a frequency shift, which includes

both the Doppler shift due to the relative motion between

the satellite and the vehicle and the drift of the local

oscillator. In general, fd varies with time and should be

written as fdðnTsÞ, but in most applications, it can be

considered as a constant. This is because the signal pro-cessing operations performed by the receiver generally

involve data segments where fd does not vary significantly.

The symbol cbðtÞ denotes the signal associated with the

pseudorandom noise (PRN) code of the ith satellite modu-

lated by a subcarrier when present. The navigation mes-

sage is carried by the signal dðtÞ. Notice that a subscript ishould be inserted in the symbols (signals and parameters)

in rIFðnTsÞ to take into account the fact that they refer tothe ith satellite, but the subscript has been omitted here to

simplify the notation.

The ADC introduces a quantization on the IF

discrete-time signal. Most mass-market receivers intro-

duce a 1-b or a 2-b quantization, but with the advent of

SDR technology an 8-b quantization is preferred. The

main reason is that the digital signal can be better seen

Fernandez-Prades et al. : Satellite Radiolocalization From GPS to GNSS and Beyond

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in this case as a floating-point discrete-time sequence,for which the results of the digital signal processing and

statistical signal analysis theories can be easily applied.

For this reason, in this section, the IF digital signal will

be written as

yIF½n� ¼ rIF½n� þ wIF½n� (48)

where the term wIF½n� represents a single realization of a

random process WIF½n�, which models the digital version ofthe continuous-time filtered noise at the input of the ADC

block. In most applications, WIF½n� can also include the

contributions of the other satellites (all the satellites in

view except the ith one). This is possible because a CDMA

signal behaves like white noise within the front-end

bandwidth, but the correctness of this model should be

verified case by case. If interference, multipath, and other

disturbing signals are also considered the model in (48)should be modified.

In the GNSS community, the contribution due to noise

is characterized by the carrier-to-noise ratio, generally

expressed in dBHz, defined as


N0¼ PR


where PR is the signal power evaluated on the whole signal

bandwidth, while N0 can be considered as the noise power

evaluated over a bandwidth of 1 Hz, or, in other terms, thenoise power density.

The first task of a GNSS receiver is to detect the pre-

sence or absence of a generic satellite. This is done by the

so-called acquisition system, which also provides a coarse

estimation of two SIS parameters: the frequency shift of

the nominal IF frequency, and a delay term which allows

the receiver to create a local code aligned with the incom-

ing code. Since the code is periodic, this means that thisdelay � is a fraction of the code period. The task of the

acquisition system is to provide an estimate � ðAÞ of �

and fðAÞd of fd. These estimated parameters are then fed to

the receiver tracking blocks, which represent the second

stage of the signal processing unit with the aim of

performing a local search for accurate estimates of � and fd.

In this stage, the estimation of the carrier phase may also

be included. Once the signals of the detected satellites are

tracked, the navigation message can be demodulated, thepseudoranges can be measured, and the position, velocity,

and time (PVT) can be evaluated. This is possible because

the information on the propagation delay �p still remains

within the navigation message dðtÞ.The acquisition system is made up of a number of

functional blocks, which conceptually operate indepen-

dently, even if in real systems all or a part of them can be

implemented simultaneously. Two mathematical disci-plines govern the operations performed by an acquisition

system: signal detection theory and estimation theory.

By exploiting the concepts and the methodology of the

estimation theory, it is possible to show that the maximum-

likelihood (ML) estimate of the vector p ¼ ð�; fdÞ, whose

elements are two unknowns of yIF½n�, is obtained by

maximizing the function

pML ¼ arg max�p1







where L is the number of samples in the summation, and�rIF½n� is a test signal, locally generated, of the type

�rIF½n� ¼ cbðnTs � ��Þej2�ðfIFþ�fdÞnTs (50)

where �� and �fd are test variables, defined in a propersupport Dp, which contain all the possible values that can be

assumed by the elements of p ¼ ð�; fdÞ. The summation in

(49) is an inner product, known as cross-ambiguity func-

tion (CAF). In fact, by writing the summation in (49) as

Ry;rð�pÞ ¼1




yIF½n�cbðnTs � ��Þej2�ðfIFþ�fdÞnTs (51)

the structure of an ambiguity function can be clearly

recognized. The result of (49) holds only if the energy of

the test signal �r½n� does not depend on �p ¼ ð��; �fdÞ. A proof

of this result can be found in [74], where it is also shownthat (49) is not sensitive to the phase term ’IF, from which

the name noncoherent acquisition scheme is taken, used to

identify an acquisition engine based on (49). Finally, no-

tice that the presence of data bits can impair the estimation

process if not properly taken into account.

The CAF is also used to decide if a specific satellite is in

view or not. The decision variable

Smax ¼ max�p Ry;rð�pÞ�� ��2 (52)

is compared against a threshold t to test two possiblehypotheses

H1 : The satellite is in view

H0 : The satellite is not in view.

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If Smax > t, the satellite is declared present, otherwise itis considered absent. The performance of the detector is

evaluated in terms of detection probability Pd ¼ PðSmax >tjH1Þ and false alarm probability Pfa ¼ PðSmax > tjH0Þ.Notice that if different strategies are used to perform the

detection, the two probabilities Pd and Pfa should be de-

fined differently. This topic is dealt with in [75]. Other

strategies are also possible. For example, in [76], a method

based on Bayesian sequential detection is described.The CAF evaluation is generally very time consuming,

as a huge matrix of points has to be evaluated before

applying the estimation and detection processes. One way

to reduce the complexity of these operations is to adopt the

so-called serial search. With this approach the sequence of

the two operations (CAF evaluation and detection) is

interrupted the first time a value crosses the threshold t.

This is a suboptimal method, as it does not guarantee toobtain the ML solution, based on the CAF maximum.

Nonetheless, it is evident that this approach is much faster.

Other methods exist based on block processing techniques,

which allow the evaluation of an entire row or column of

the CAF matrix in a single shot. These methods exploit

some interesting properties of the CAF. In fact, if the

signals involved in (51) are grouped appropriately, the

presence of either a correlation or a Fourier transforminside the CAF structure becomes evident. As a conse-

quence, it is clear that the fast Fourier transform (FFT),

the most famous signal processing algorithm, can play a

key role in speeding up the CAF evaluation. In fact, both

the discrete-time Fourier transform and the correlation

can be implemented with very efficient and fast algorithms

based on FFT.

As previously anticipated, it is the task of the trackingblocks to fine estimate the code delay � and frequency shift

fd. This objective is performed by synchronizing the code

and the carrier of the received signal with local generated

signals. Although this task could potentially be pursuedworking with the CAF on a bi-dimensional space, in con-

ventional receivers this signal alignment is obtained by

means of two mono-dimensional algorithms:

• the code delay synchronization is performed by

means of delay lock loops (DLLs);

• the frequency shift synchronization is obtained by

means of frequency lock loops (FLLs) or the whole

carrier phase is recovered by means of phase lockloops (PLLs).

The operations of the FLL, PLL, and DLL are regulated by

the same functioning and they differ only on the signal

which is to be synchronized. The DLL needs to operate on

a signal where the carrier is wiped off in order to process a

clean PRN sequence, while FLL and PLL require a signal

where the code is wiped off.

Wipe-off and synchronization can be done by means of a

concatenated scheme, as shown in Fig. 2, where two wipingsystems are coupled together and linked to the estimators

of code delay and frequency shift. At each iteration the

estimators provide fresh estimates of frequency shift and

code delay to the wiping systems, which progressively

improve the quality of the signals at their outputs.

The fine synchronization of the code can be obtained

by using the fundamental properties of the PRN code

correlation function. Correlation is an even function whichassumes its maximum only when the signal and its replica

are perfectly aligned, and therefore, the synchronization

issue becomes a maximization problem. Moreover, recal-

ling that the derivative of a function is null at a minimum

and maximum value, the problem can be transformed

again to become a problem of null searching. Similar con-

siderations are also valid for the fine estimation of the

frequency shift.This is why DLL, FLL, and PLL are generally referred to

as null-seeker systems. In fact, their main purpose is to

Fig. 2. Concatenation of wipe-off and tracking systems.

Fernandez-Prades et al. : Satellite Radiolocalization From GPS to GNSS and Beyond

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find a zero, and this null search is pursued in an iterativeway. At each iteration, the correlation function is eval-

uated, and transformed, if necessary, in another function

without altering the position of the maximum. The next

step is the evaluation of a derivative (appropriately ap-

proximated), and the search of its zero point. The loop is

closed by applying a low-pass filter in order to reduce

the contribution of the noise from the measurement as

much as possible without limiting the reactivity of theloop.

Although null-seeker schemes are well established, the

search for the optimal discrimination function in GNSS

applications is not over yet. In fact, the performances of

the tracking loops greatly depend on the shape of the cor-

relation function, and, as a consequence, on the discrim-

ination function being adopted. Two key performance

parameters for the tracking loops are:• tracking jitter that characterizes the quality with

which the signal is synchronized over the time;

• multipath rejection or the error committed by the

loop when the signal is received over multiple

directions of arrival.

Several proposals can be found in the literature for

the discriminator function, which aim to reduce jitter and

to increase the capability to reject multipaths. An impor-tant aspect to be taken into account in the definition of

these functions is the innovation introduced by the pre-

sence of BOC subcarriers in the new GNSS signals. These

subcarriers lead to narrower main peaks and introduce

side lobes, as seen in Fig. 3(a), which shows three auto-

correlation functions obtained with ideal waveforms: a

rectangular chip for a GPS C/A signal, a BOC(1,1) and a

BOC(10,5). These characteristics are very robust and canbe also observed in the real signals, as shown in Fig. 3(b),

where the cross correlation between a local ideal code

and the incoming signal is drawn in the presence of noise

(C=N0 ¼ 42 dBHz) and front-end filtering. A complete

description of the possible discriminator functions

associated to the new autocorrelation functions is beyond

the scope of this paper; some examples can be found

in [77].


Inertial navigation has a long history, beginning between

the World Wars I and II and evolved principally for

military purposes, namely for the guidance of rockets,

spacecrafts, guided missiles, and then civil aircrafts.Inertial navigation is based on two families of inertial

sensors: accelerometers and gyroscopes. Three orthogonal

accelerometers rigidly mounted on a body provide mea-

surements of acceleration in a 3-D frame. Formally, cas-

caded integrations over time of such measurements yield

a measure of the instantaneous velocity and position of

the body itself. However, as long as the accelerometers

are rigidly attached to the body in movement (strapdownsystem), their reference frame is the body frame (i.e., a

frame integral with the body), which is usually meaning-

less in order to provide an indication of the body move-

ment with respect to an external reference frame (e.g.,the Earth). Therefore, the angular rotation of the body

with respect to the external reference frame (attitude),

must be computed from the instantaneous angular

orientation of the body. This is obtained by integrating

the instantaneous turn rate the body is subject to, mea-

sured by three gyroscopes rigidly mounted on the body

along the orthogonal accelerometers axes. Thereby, the

attitude information is used to resolve the accelerometermeasurements into the external reference frame [78],

[79]. A set of inertial sensors (accelerometers and gyros-

copes, plus sometimes a magnetometer and/or an

altimeter) forms an inertial measurement unit (IMU).

Fig. 3. Comparison of correlation functions. (a) Ideal

autocorrelation functions of GPS C/A code, BOC(1,1) and BOC(10,5).

(b) Cross-correlation functions for GPS C/A and Galileo BOC(1,1) signals,

in presence of noise (C=N0 ¼ 42 dBHz) and front-end filtering.

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The IMU coupled with a computational unit to resolve thesystem mechanization is an inertial navigation system

(INS). A comprehensive treatment of strapdown INSs can

be found in [52], [79], and [80].

The goal of integrating INSs with GNSS is to take

advantage of the complementary characteristics of the two

systems. The rate of the solution output by an INS is

usually higher than that offered by a GNSS receiver. INSs

experience relatively low-noise solutions, but they tend todrift over time. The reason is the fact that body position

and velocity are obtained from double and single integra-

tion, respectively, of acceleration measurements; simi-

larly, angular rotations are obtained from turn rate

integration. Therefore, the errors on the INS-estimated

trajectory are potentially unbounded. For these reasons,

INS performance strongly depend on the quality of the

sensors, in terms of bias on accelerometers and gyroscopesand noise. On the other hand, a GNSS receiver produces a

solution affected by an error always bounded by the char-

acteristics of the receiver itself, but with an error variance

prone to the propagation nuisances, as discussed in the

previous sections; furthermore, in particular conditions,

the satellite signals could be unavailable for the receiver

(e.g., in urban canyons, tunnels, under dense foliage,

under water, etc.), thus causing an outage of the solution.Additionally, opposite to INSs, GNSSs are sensitive to

jamming. The final goal of integrating the two systems is,

therefore, to improve their performance in those condi-

tions when one system alone would fail to work, or would

work with poor performance.

The literature identifies three conceptual approaches

for integrating INS-based positioning and GNSS-based

positioning (system hybridization): 1) loose integration;2) tight integration; and 3) ultratight integration. These

solutions differ for the degree of integration of the two

systems, i.e., for the nature of the information extracted

from the two systems and used in the hybridization pro-

cess, as well as for the architecture of their interactions.

System hybridization is basically a mathematical matter,

usually stated through a state-space model and resolved

with a Kalman filter (KF), in one of its several variants[81]–[83]. Although other mathematical tools for the sys-

tem hybridization can be envisaged (e.g., open-loop batch/

sequential processing [84], particle filtering [85], [86],

neural networks [87]), the KF is historically and concep-

tually the principal approach, thanks to its ability to blend

different sources of noisy measurements in a single state-

space description of the system evolution. The most

common approach cited in the literature relies on anincremental state-space model associated to an extended KF

(EKF) algorithm. The states are defined as the difference

(increment) between the true state (what we need to

estimate) and a nominal evolution of the states (nominaltrajectory), determined in some independent way.

Without entering into derivation details, which may be

found in [88] and [89], the discrete-time state-space model

can be written as

�x½nþ 1� ¼ %½n��x½n� þw½n� (53)

where �½nþ 1� is the incremental state vector at time

nþ 1, %½n� is the state transition matrix, which relates the

states at the time n to the states at the time nþ 1, and w½n�is the time-uncorrelated model noise, with known

statistics. The state vector �½n� typically contains, at least

[88], [89]: the 3-D incremental position (i.e., the correc-tions vector to be applied to the nominal body position at

the instant n); the 3-D incremental velocity; the incre-

mental attitude; the vector of the accelerometers’ biases;

the vector of the gyroscopes’ biases; and, possibly, the re-

ceiver clock’s bias and drift. Note that this basic structure

sums up to 17 1-D states.

The state transition matrix %½n� rules the joint evolu-

tion of the states, so it is written in terms of directioncosine matrices (from the body reference frame to the

inertial one), angular rotation matrices, effects of the gra-

vitational and centripetal accelerations, and the mathe-

matical models of the inertial sensor biases and drifts [89].

The measurement equation of the EKF has the usual


�z½n� ¼ H½n��x½n� þ N½n� (54)

where �z½n� is the incremental observation vector andH½n� is the observation matrix. The term N½n� is an additive

noise component with know statistical properties. �z½n� isdefined as the difference between a vector of measure-

ments taken from the real system and a vector of nominalmeasurements extracted from the nominal state trajectory.

In GNSS-INS hybridization, the nominal state trajectory is

due to the INS [89], [90]. However, the kind of system

observables contained in the vector �z½n� vary with theintegration architecture, as well asVconsequentlyVthe

structure of the observation matrix H½n� and the statistics

of the measurement noise N½n�.

A. Loose IntegrationIn a loosely integrated architecture, the GNSS receiver

and the INS act as independent navigation systems. Their

navigation solutions (body position and velocity) are then

blended in order to obtain a better estimate of the body

trajectory. The conceptual block diagram of a looselycoupled architecture is shown in Fig. 4. The system ob-

servables are the body positions and velocities as com-

puted, separately, by the INS and the GNSS receiver. Their

difference is taken so as to define the observation vector of

the EKF; therefore, six 1-D variables define the vector

�z½n� (the so-called nominal measurements are repre-

sented by the INS-predicted position and velocity). Note

Fernandez-Prades et al. : Satellite Radiolocalization From GPS to GNSS and Beyond

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that this vector can be computed only when both trajectory

solutions are available; but typically the solution rate of the

INS is higher than that of the GNSS receiver. Furthermore,in case of GNSS outage due to environmental conditions

(e.g., indoor navigation) the GNSS solution could be un-

available for relatively long periods of time. In such cases

the navigation could be demanded to the INS only.

B. Tight IntegrationA tightly integrated system uses the pseudorange and

pseudorange rate information extracted from the GNSS

receiver to compute the corrections to be applied to thetrajectory estimated by the INS computer and to estimate,

if necessary, the biases that affect the accelerometers and

the gyroscopes. The GNSS information is used as a refine-

ment of the INS information, so as to counteract the in-

trinsic derivation of the INS solution, correcting the INS

trajectory. The architecture of a tight integration is repre-

sented in Fig. 5: the INS-predicted trajectory is employed

to predict the pseudoranges of all visible satellites, thenproviding the nominal measurements. Thus, the EKF uses

the differences in pseudoranges and pseudorange rates for

each visible satellite as its observations; in this way, theinformation available to bound the INS errors is in some

sense proportional to the number of satellites in view.

C. Ultratight IntegrationUltratight hybridization architectures are a more re-

cent technology, on which different approaches may

coexist and confront (e.g., [91]–[98]). In ultratight hybri-

dization, GNSS and INS interact at the Bloop-filter level,[computing the runtime corrections of the Doppler fre-

quency and code phase by means of the hybridization

filter, thus refining (or even replacing) the PLL’s and DLL’s

estimations. This approach promises to improve the re-

ceiver performance in tracking the signal dynamics at the

antenna and to be robust is case of fading, strongly atte-

nuated signals, high dynamics, and even GNSS outages,

thanks to the additional information provided by the INS[91], [97], [99], [100].

The underlying idea is to predict the signal observed at

a certain stage of the receiving chain (typically, after the

correlators stage) using an INS-based prediction of the

receiver motion to estimate the Doppler frequency.

Coherent ultratight architectures measure the received sig-

nal on the in-phase and quadrature output of each chan-

nel’s prompt correlator, plus, sometimes, the early and lateones [91], [92], [97]. Noncoherent architectures, on the

other hand, observe either the output of the code and

carrier/phase discriminators or the received pseudoranges

[92], offering a way to realize ultratight hybridization

using a microelectromechanical systems (MEMS)-based

IMU [101]. The blending filter then predicts the amount of

Doppler frequency shift the signal currently experiences,

thereby aiding the PLL and the DLL in tracking the signaleven in high noise/high fading/high dynamics conditions.

Additional states may be the signal amplitude, the code

phase tracking error, the phase tracking error, the fre-

quency tracking error, and the frequency rate error of the

numerically controlled oscillator [94]. An innovative ar-

chitecture where the usual EKF is replaced by a square root

cubature Kalman filter has been recently proposed in [98].


The growing need for ubiquitous positioning and naviga-

tion to serve the Banywhere, anytime[ needs of the con-

sumer, the LBS and the ITS markets will strongly influence

future mass-market receiver architectures. BAnywhere,

anytime[ navigation requirements will favor architectures

that can deal with a large variety of position-related infor-mation. Rather than relying on just one signal type for

navigation, future receivers may need to scan through the

universe of potentially available position information

sources (e.g., a multiplicity of GNSS systems, but also

wireless communication systems and IMUs), and dynam-

ically choose those that are available at its current location

and time.

Fig. 4. Block diagram for a GNSS-INS loosely integrated architecture.

Fig. 5. Block diagram for a GNSS-INS tightly integrated architecture.

Fernandez-Prades et al. : Satellite Radiolocalization From GPS to GNSS and Beyond

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Satellite positioning is expected to pervade most ofportable devices, enabling an ever growing number of

location-aware applications for the mass market such as

social networking, local search, geotagging, street map and

direction finding, augmented reality, fleet position data

logging, location-based marketing and targeted advertising,

leisure support (tourism, hiking, biking, etc.), messaging, or

microblogging. This shift from dedicated devices and

applications to Blocation as an embedded feature[ will resultin an integrated environment where location experience

becomes ubiquitous, seamless, and transparent to the user.

GNSS receivers are becoming a standard feature not only on

medium-high end mobile phones, but also on other portable

devices such as digital cameras and portable gaming

consoles. Mobile positioning for E911 and E112 emergency

services is becoming more pervasive, and a plethora of user

applications based on mobile location is rapidly emerging.An example could be Apple’s iPhone (and its associated

operating system iOS): each version adds new navigation

capabilities with respect to the previous one. WiFi position-

ing, cellular tower triangulation, GPS, and compass were

added in this order in successive iPhone versions. Bestselling

applications are related to navigation, and they are not the

cheapest [102]. This enhancement of LBS capabilities has

resulted in a rapid settlement in the smartphone market.This poses challenges to the whole value chain: re-

searchers, chipset manufacturers, device vendors, map

data providers, application stores, developers, and mobile

operators. The impact of interoperability, GNSS-based

management of the wireless network infrastructure from

the perspective of network capacity and quality of service,

location in social networks, and privacy issues are aspects

to be further analyzed.The hugely wide variety of application fields for GNSS

mentioned above pushes mass-market GNSS receivers to

face an increasing demand for higher positioning avail-

ability and accuracy particularly in urban and indoor

environments, where GNSS signals are greatly attenuated

or even blocked. The answer to this challenge is coming

from two technologies that faced an explosive develop-

ment in the last ten years: high-sensitivity1 (HS) GNSS andassisted GNSS. Their adoption has substantially improved

the performance of GNSS receivers operating in critical

propagation environments and has also become a common

feature in commercial low-end receivers. Assisted GNSS,

for example, is offered today on most commercial general-

purpose GPS chips. Other augmentation techniques, less

standardized and still farther from being widely employed

in mass-market devices, may exploit, for example, theinformation extracted from inertial sensors, odometers,

barometric altimeters, vision, WiFi localization, and ultra-

wideband ranging [99], [104]. Although commercial-grade

indoor navigation can be currently handled with a tech-nology mix (usually blending GNSS with cellular, RFID,

inertial sensors, and wireless communication technolo-

gies), there is still a lack of well-established procedures

and standards for positioning in environments with no

LOS within the receiver and the satellites, and it consti-

tutes an active field of research and development.

The nominal minimum GPS signal strength for a user

on the earth surface and with unobstructed visibility to thesatellite is defined as �130 dBm for the C/A code [9]. This

level is increased to �127 dBm for Galileo E1 [13]. LOS

obstructions may attenuate the received power by about

5 dB in cars, up to 20 dB in buildings, and more that

25 dB in subterranean garages [105], severely degrading

the signal processing performance of the receiver.

HS receivers are recognized to have Brevolutionized the

GPS receiver market[ [106] by extending the GPS serviceavailability and allowing integration of GPS chips into

personal handsets, such as mobile phones, equipped with

cheap and low performing antennas. For years, most providers

have sold HS receivers that acquire signal below �150 dBm,

although the high-sensitivity regime should be assumed to

refer to signal levels of �155 dBm and below [103].

Weak signals, attenuated by windows, walls, roofs, fur-

niture, foliage, and so on, usually undergo further impair-ments, typical in urban canyons and indoor conditions:

multipath, cross-correlation false locks, and the squaring

losses [100], [107]. The fundamental approach to deal with

such problems is increasing the coherent signal integration

time, as the signal-to-noise ratio of weak signals is expected

to improve proportionately to the coherent integration

time. In particular, a coherent integration time of several

seconds would mitigate the main indoor impairments.HS receivers usually extend the coherent integration time

up to the length of one GPS navigation data bit, corresponding

to a time of 20 ms. Nonetheless, a significant gain could be

expected by applying a much longer coherent integration.

However, various aspects make the use of very long coherent

integration difficult. Apart from the data bit transitions,

which occur every 20 ms in GPS and every 4 ms in the

data channel of Galileo, and which can be predicted usingassistance data from a reference station with open sky

condition, the internal clock of low-cost devices is typically

not stable enough to provide sufficient jitter accuracy for

generating the local replica of the code and carrier.

Therefore, a stable oscillator, e.g., an OCXO, is necessary

to reduce oscillator jitter to acceptable values [100].

Today, typical values of achievable signal acquisition

sensitivity for GPS C/A can be set to around �157 dBm or17 dBHz, assuming a �174-dBm/Hz noise power density.

These values have been found by Pany et al. [106] using an

experimental setup claimed to be Brepresentative of the

state of the art in the year 2010,[ based of the IFEN

INTrack ASIC and the SX Navigation Software Receiver.

On the other hand, nominal values of acquisition and

tracking sensitivity for three commercial HS receivers are

1Sensitivity is defined as the lowest signal power, in dBm, detectableby a certain receiver. Sensitivity should be measured in the context of aspecific receiver operation mode, e.g., acquisition sensitivity, trackingsensitivity, and re-acquisition sensitivity [103].

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reported in Table 1. A very challenging aspect in increasing

sensitivity via long coherent integrations, however, is the

reproduction of the user motion with accuracy high enoughto compensate the nonlinear dynamics on the pseudorange

and the Doppler frequency. Various approaches proposed

in the literature, which are likely to be more suitable to

high-end/professional receivers, are based on vector

tracking [99], [108]. Vector-based tracking architectures

aim at improving the signal tracking performance of GNSS

receivers by using the position, velocity, and clock esti-

mates from the navigation filter to predict the signal char-acteristics from each satellite (code phase and Doppler

frequency). In this way, the receiver can better predict the

incoming signal characteristics, thereby allowing the use of

a narrower tracking loop bandwidth. The narrower band-

width then reduces the amount of noise entering the track-

ing loops and allows the vector-based receiver to track

weaker signals in challenging signal environments. Examples

of such an approach are reported in [99] and [100]. Anarchitecture that couples both long (noncoherent) integra-

tions and high-sensitivity tracking loops is proposed in [109].

Increasing receiver sensitivity and service availability,

as well as coverage, for mass-market applications is at-

tracting so much interest that even more Bfuturistic[ ap-

proaches are deserving particular attention nowadays. One

of such innovative approaches, particularly promising in

terms of performance, is the so-called peer-to-peer posi-tioning (P2P). P2P assumes the existence of a wireless

point-to-point mobile network, where nodes (users) can

exchange position-related data, in order to perform coope-

rative positioning and/or timing. A typical situation where

P2P positioning could be foreseen is a Vehicular Ad-hoc

NETwork (VANET) [110], [111]. The wireless technology

enabling the implementation of such a network is expected

to be the wireless access in vehicular environment(WAVE), a communication standard designed for rapidly

changing propagation environments and also where very

short-duration short-range data exchanges are required.

Cooperative positioning methods can be classified in

two families: methods based on the exchange of GNSS-

data only among peers and hybrid methods, based on bothGNSS data and other positioning measurements (e.g., ter-

restrial ranging, inertial sensors, odometers, etc.). In the

context of exchanging GNSS-data only, several procedures

can be envisaged to implement the concept of P2P posi-

tioning. A first class of P2P procedures refers to techniques

related to the physical layer of the signal (in particular,

aided acquisition approaches, such as [112] and [113]).

Other techniques work at the pseudorange layer (PVTcomputation) and exploit the position computed by the

aiding peers to evaluate the position of the aided peer

[114]. Finally, the peers in open sky condition can behave

as pseudosatellites, which can be used by the target peer to

fix its position. Interestingly, these methods feature bene-

fits with respect to the usual assistance approaches (e.g.,

A-GNSS, HS standalone GNSS receivers), thanks to the

vicinity of the peers involved in the cooperation and, at thesame time, to the diversity provided by the physical

separation of the involved receivers [115].

Today, location is also a key aspect in fields such as

aviation [116], ITS (addressing the problems of good trace-

ability and tracking, road safety, pollution, and conges-

tion), and high-precision applications such as precision

agriculture, time transfer, or surveying. Dramatic improve-

ments of performance are envisaged in the following years,continuing to spin the circle of science, technology, and

business around navigation.


The modernization of existing GNSSs and the advent of new

ones dramatically change the landscape of civil positioning

systems, enabling new applications and business models but

posing challenges in the design of receivers able to fully

exploit the available signals. This paper described satellite-

based navigation systems and signals, augmentation systems,and receiver technology that will play an important role in

future positioning systems, from a mass-market perspective.

We also identified further research topics in the design of

multiconstellation, multifrequency, high-sensitivity recei-

vers, and the integration and interoperability with other

technologies, such as inertial navigation systems and

wireless, ground-based communication technologies. h


The authors would like to thank A. Ordenes and

M. McIntosh for their manuscript review.


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Carles Fernandez-Prades (Member, IEEE) re-

ceived the M.Sc. and Ph.D. (cum laude) degrees

in electrical engineering from the Universitat

Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC), Barcelona, Spain,

in 2001 and 2006, respectively.

During the pursuit of his Ph.D., he was the

recipient of a 2001–2004 Ph.D. scholarship

granted by the Spanish Ministry of Education. He

joined the Department of Signal Theory and

Communication, UPC, as a Research Assistant,

getting involved in a number of European, Spanish, and Catalan research

projects, as well as industrial ones. In 2002, he engaged in an educational

innovation project funded by the Catalan Government. In 2003, he

became the Technical Manager at UPC for a European Space Agency

research project. He was Teaching Assistant in the field of Analog and

Digital Communications at UPC (2001–2005), and he directed six M.S.

theses. In May 2006, he joined the Centre Tecnologic de Telecomunica-

cions de Catalunya (CTTC), where he currently holds a position of a

Research Associate and the Coordinator of the Communications Sub-

systems Area. His primary areas of interest include statistical signal

processing, estimation theory, GNSS synchronization, digital commu-

nications, and design of radio-frequency (RF) front-ends. During the

second semester of 2007, he was a Visiting Lecturer at the Universidad

Tecnologica Metropolitana (UTEM), Santiago, Chile.

Letizia Lo Presti (Member, IEEE) was born in

Palermo, Italy, on December 13, 1947. She gradu-

ated in electronic engineering from the Politecni-

co of Torino, Torino, Italy, in 1971.

Currently, she is a Full Professor with the

Information Engineering Faculty, Politecnico di

Torino, working in the Electronics Department.

She is the head of the NavSAS research group. Her

research activities cover the field of digital signal

processing, simulation of telecommunication sys-

tems, and the technology of navigation and positioning systems. Her

teaching activity is mainly focused on signal processing (from the

fundamentals to advanced concepts, such as array processing, statistical

signal analysis, time-frequency distribution, and estimation theory),

digital communications, and algorithms for GPS and Galileo receivers.

She is the scientific coordinator of the Master on Navigation and Related

Applications held by Politecnico di Torino (since 2003). She actively

cooperates with the officers of the United NationsVOffice for Outer

Space Affair (UN-OOSA), Vienna, Austria, in the framework of the UN/

Italy fellowship program, with the aim of keeping the Master program

permanently aligned with the UN needs and suggestions.

She is a member of the Working Group of the International Committee

of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (ICG) led by the UN-OOSA.

Emanuela Falletti received the M.Sc. and Ph.D.

degrees in electronics and communications engi-

neering from Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy, in

1999 and 2004, respectively.

Currently, she is with the Istituto Superiore

Mario Boella, Torino, Italy, where she is responsi-

ble for projects on the analysis and design of

signal processing algorithms for GNSS digital

receivers. Her research interests have focused on

array signal processing, wireless channel model-

ing, communications from high altitude platforms, and signal processing

for digital receivers.

Fernandez-Prades et al. : Satellite Radiolocalization From GPS to GNSS and Beyond

1904 Proceedings of the IEEE | Vol. 99, No. 11, November 2011

(PDF) Satellite Radiolocalization From GPS to GNSS and Beyond: Novel Technologies and Applications for Civil Mass Market - DOKUMEN.TIPS (2024)


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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Hobby: Calligraphy, Rowing, Vacation, Geocaching, Web surfing, Electronics, Electronics

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