LoL 14.13 Mid Lane Champions Tier List: Best Ranked Picks (2024)

LoL 14.13 Mid Lane Champions Tier List: Best Ranked Picks (1)

League of Legends Patch 14.13 has been released and you might be wondering what's the next OP pick for solo queue in Ranked. There are a lot of changes in the mid lane meta. In this article, we will be taking a look at the best of the best when it comes to Mid champions so you can start climbing up the ranked ladder.

We will give several examples of champions per tier, so you can decide for yourself which pick fits your play style and which midlaner will give you the best chances of carrying your team to victory.

Given how much the LoL meta can shake things up, you should pay attention to each patch as your favorite champion might be hit with thenerf hammer, as Riot unleashes a new broken Mid champion.

Table of Contents

  • Tier List Explanation
  • League of Legends 14.13: D-Tier Mid Champions
  • League of Legends 14.13: C-Tier Mid Champions
  • League of Legends 14.13:B-Tier Mid Champions
  • League of Legends 14.13:A-Tier Mid Champions
  • League of Legends 14.13: S-Tier Mid Champions
  • Mid Lane Meta inLoL Patch 14.13 Summary

Tier List Explanation

LoL 14.13 Mid Lane Champions Tier List: Best Ranked Picks (2)

This tier list will examine some of the most-played League of Legends champions in the mid-lane.

  • D-Tier: You should avoid playing these champions as much as possible.
  • C-Tier: Although they can be somewhat decent, you are better off with other picks.
  • B-Tier: Viable and reliable in most situations, you can manage rather decently.
  • A-Tier: Great options but lacking just slightly either in terms of damage or utility.
  • S-Tier: The best champions you can use to ensure you are always victorious.

NOTE: Although this tier list strives to be as objective as possible in terms of viability, you should not limit yourself to strictly adhere to this list, but rather experiment and see which champion feels fun to play with.


League of Legends 14.13: D-Tier Mid Champions

LoL 14.13 Mid Lane Champions Tier List: Best Ranked Picks (3)


Jayce hasn't been getting enough love from Riot. He's absolutely useless in this meta and we're hoping for better days for him.


  • Good poke
  • Unexpected pick at this point


  • Hard to play
  • Very weak currently

LoL 14.13 Mid Lane Champions Tier List: Best Ranked Picks (4)


Smolder is in a horrible place both as a midlaner and an ADC. You should definitely avoid this champion.


  • AoE Damage


  • Squishy
  • Dependent on gold and stacks
  • Quite weak

LoL 14.13 Mid Lane Champions Tier List: Best Ranked Picks (5)


Lucian finds himself at the bottom of the mid lane tier list. The mid-lane is not the right place for ADCs, aside from Tristana.


  • Mobile
  • Great duelist


  • Short range
  • Weak early game

LoL 14.13 Mid Lane Champions Tier List: Best Ranked Picks (6)


Azir is still very weak and in desperate need of a buff in the League of Legends current meta.


League of Legends 14.13: C-Tier Mid Champions

LoL 14.13 Mid Lane Champions Tier List: Best Ranked Picks (7)


Taliyah got nerfed in LoL patch 14.13 but this has nothing to do with the midlane meta, as the change is linked to her bonus monster damage.


  • Good burst and DPS


  • Hard to play well

LoL 14.13 Mid Lane Champions Tier List: Best Ranked Picks (8)


Qiyana is an interesting and fun champion but it seems like Riot has forgotten about her. She definitely needs some help.

LoL 14.13 Mid Lane Champions Tier List: Best Ranked Picks (9)


A classic League of Legends champion who hasn't been getting enough attention from the devs.


  • Easy to play
  • Amazing burst


  • No escape

Other C-Tier mid-lane champions to consider are Ziggs, Kled, and Kassadin.


League of Legends 14.13:B-Tier Mid Champions

LoL 14.13 Mid Lane Champions Tier List: Best Ranked Picks (10)


Orianna was one of the weak mages and midlaners in League of Legends. Fortunately, she got a buff to her attack damage in LoL Patch 14.13 which definitely puts her in a better place.


  • Low ban and pick rate
  • A lot of utility
  • Zoning abilities


  • Squishy
  • Hard to master

LoL 14.13 Mid Lane Champions Tier List: Best Ranked Picks (11)


Talon might have gotten a little help from Riot with a recent buff but there's still more to be done when it comes to this champion.


  • Good in the early game
  • Easy to pick up


  • Hard to master
  • Weak in late-game

LoL 14.13 Mid Lane Champions Tier List: Best Ranked Picks (12)


Yone and Yasuo have been stuck together in the B-Tier for awhile now and, honestly, this is the optimal state for them, as they're prone to being quite broken otherwise.


  • Strong early game
  • Lots of carry potential, similar to his brother
  • Annoying lane bully, just like Yasuo


  • High ban and pick rate

LoL 14.13 Mid Lane Champions Tier List: Best Ranked Picks (13)


A buff to his W really helps Pantheon a lot better in the mid laneon the Summoner's Rift.

LoL 14.13 Mid Lane Champions Tier List: Best Ranked Picks (14)


In LoL Patch 14.13 Swain is not shining as bright as he used to. Definitely a choice for the seasoned mains.


  • Versatile
  • Lots of AoE damage
  • Great in team fights


  • Mana-dependent and mana-hungry
  • Immobile

LoL 14.13 Mid Lane Champions Tier List: Best Ranked Picks (15)


There's a lot more to ask from Heimerdinger but he's currently doing alright in the mid-lane meta. The downside to him is that he's unable to carry.


  • Good wave clear
  • Great poke and zoning
  • Amazing AoE and CC


  • Squishy
  • Can't carry
  • Useless without turrets

Other B-Tier mid-lane champions to consider areEkko, Zed, Karma, Syndra, Ryze, Cassiopeia, and Vel'Koz.


League of Legends 14.13:A-Tier Mid Champions

LoL 14.13 Mid Lane Champions Tier List: Best Ranked Picks (16)


In the last patch we mentioned we're surprised Brand hasn't been nerfed yet. After the release of the most recent League of Legends update, his reign as an OP pick in all lanes has come to an end due to a nerf to his passive and E, however, he's still a pretty good choice.


  • Amazing AoE damage
  • Easy to pick up and master


  • Bad utility
  • Easily out-sustained
  • High ban rate

LoL 14.13 Mid Lane Champions Tier List: Best Ranked Picks (17)


The electrocute changes boosted Katarina up a few tiers. However, keep in mind she's a champion fit for good players. Practice in normal LoL games before taking her to Ranked.


  • High snowball and carry potential


  • Very difficult to master, quite easy to feed with her

LoL 14.13 Mid Lane Champions Tier List: Best Ranked Picks (18)


Just like Kata, Akali is moving up with a few tiers thanks to the rune changes. She's definitely recovered from the small nerf in the last LoL patch.

LoL 14.13 Mid Lane Champions Tier List: Best Ranked Picks (19)


Another champion doing way better in patch 14.13. Neeko is fun and easy to play, giving you everything you might need -AoE, stun, escape and so much more.


  • Great roaming and CC
  • Amazing wave clear
  • Easy to play


  • Falls behind easily and can't get good again

LoL 14.13 Mid Lane Champions Tier List: Best Ranked Picks (20)


LoL Patch 14.13 introduced a pretty neat buff to Lissandra's Q and W. You can definitely feel the change and she's in a much better place now.

LoL 14.13 Mid Lane Champions Tier List: Best Ranked Picks (21)


Malzahar has been killing it since patch 14.12 thanks to itemization buffs. He might feel a little weak in the early stages of the game, but once you get your ult it's game on!


  • Good scaling
  • Great wave clear


  • Weak before level 6
  • Squishy

LoL 14.13 Mid Lane Champions Tier List: Best Ranked Picks (22)


With her insane gap closers and outplay potential, Irelia is a great pick for Ranked. Ranged champions will definitely have a hard time with her in mid.


  • Easy CS
  • Great in team fights
  • Versatile build


  • No escape without minions
  • Falls off late game

LoL 14.13 Mid Lane Champions Tier List: Best Ranked Picks (23)


Diana is a stable and decent champion pick for Ranked, thanks to her great mobility and insane damage. Her roaming is insane and extremely easy, so you'll have every situation under control.


  • Mobility
  • Roaming
  • One combo and the enemy is a goner
  • Great in team fights


  • No easy way out once you go all in

LoL 14.13 Mid Lane Champions Tier List: Best Ranked Picks (24)


Here's a champion we haven't seen in the top midlane tier for a while now. Zoe is bringing some insane damage to the table and she's very fun to play.


  • Great wave clear
  • Carry potential


  • Squishy
  • Difficult to master

Other A-Tier mid-lane champions to consider are Anivia, Hwei, Corki,and Vladimir.


League of Legends 14.13:S-Tier Mid Champions

LoL 14.13 Mid Lane Champions Tier List: Best Ranked Picks (25)


As expected, LeBlanc has been performing really well just in time for the release of her newest skin. The recent Electrocute buff is great for her too.


  • Low pick and ban rate
  • Very mobile


  • Squishy
  • Mana hungry

LoL 14.13 Mid Lane Champions Tier List: Best Ranked Picks (26)


Similar to LeBlanc, the Electrocute buff in patch 14.13 is great for Fizz, although he really didn't need any help to be OP to begin with.

LoL 14.13 Mid Lane Champions Tier List: Best Ranked Picks (27)


Once more, the Electrocute changes are giving Ahri a boost in this tier list and she's finding her place amongst the strongest champions once more.


  • Great wave clear
  • Amazing mobility


  • Squishy
  • Uses a lot of mana and she's heavily reliant on it

LoL 14.13 Mid Lane Champions Tier List: Best Ranked Picks (28)


Ever since Patch 14.12 brought huge buffs toNaafiri, she's been dominating the mid-lane with insane damage.


  • Great burst damage
  • Strong late game


  • Uses a lot of mana and she's heavily reliant on it

LoL 14.13 Mid Lane Champions Tier List: Best Ranked Picks (29)


This hyper-mobile assassin will turn into the nightmare of any enemy! With good snowball and carry potential you will barely see any 'Defeat's in your match history if you pick up Vex.


  • Insane burst
  • Great wave clear


  • Squishy
  • Mana hungry

LoL 14.13 Mid Lane Champions Tier List: Best Ranked Picks (30)


Tristana might be an okay ADC but she's definitely an insane midlaner. Don't sleep on her!


  • Strong mid-late game
  • Easy to pick up


  • Squishy
  • Short range early on

LoL 14.13 Mid Lane Champions Tier List: Best Ranked Picks (31)


When hasn't Lux been extremely powerful? She's a menace in the mid-lane and one of those very annoying champions to play against. She's been in the S-tier for 4 LoL patches in a roll.


  • Great burst damage
  • Easy to play
  • Short cooldowns late and mid-game


  • Squishy
  • Skillshot-reliant

LoL 14.13 Mid Lane Champions Tier List: Best Ranked Picks (32)


Despite his recent nerfs (in patch 14.12) Akshan is still doing amazing as a midlaner in Ranked. He's just not as OP as he used to be but an amazing pick nevertheless.


  • Great wave clear
  • Amazing mobility


  • Squishy
  • Uses a lot of mana and she's heavily reliant on it

LoL 14.13 Mid Lane Champions Tier List: Best Ranked Picks (33)


Sylas shines in patch 14.13 with his sustain, shield, and amazing damage, which keep him in the mid-lane S-tier.


  • Versatile
  • Duelist


  • Short range

Other S-Tier mid-lane champions to consider are Aurelion Sol, Xerath, and Galio.


LoL 14.13 Mid Lane Champions Tier List: Best Ranked Picks (34)

All in all, this list is surely to change based on balance changes the devs implement but it should give you a general idea of which champions are strong and which might need some additional tuning to become more viable.

Patch 14.13 is certainly shaking things up on Summoner's Rift. With that being said,League of Legends can be quite challenging at first, but once you master your favorite champion and try out these picks, you should excel in your games a lot more!

D-TierAzir,Lucian, Jayce, Smolder
C-TierTaliyah, Qiyana, Annie
B-TierYone,Heimerdinger, Vladimir,Orianna, Swain,Talon, Pantheon
A-TierDiana,Katarina, Akali, Neeko, Brand, Lissandra, Malzahar, Irelia, Zoe
S-TierAkshan,Lux,Vex, Sylas, Naafiri,LeBlanc, Tristana, Ahri, Fizz


LoL 14.13 Mid Lane Champions Tier List: Best Ranked Picks (2024)


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