This astrology calendar outlines all of the major astrological events for 2025, intended to help you plan for the year!
The calendar includes all of the major aspects between the planets, when they turn retrograde or direct, when New Moons, Full Moons, and Eclipses occur when planets move into new signs and the potential impact. The calendar uses Eastern time zone.
Read Your in-depth Astrological Transits for the Month!
- Favorable Major Transit
- Retrograde
- New Zodiac Season
- Moon Events
January 2025 Astrological Transits
Moon in Aquarius Opposite Mars in Leo
Frustrations run high today. Have a healthy outlet to get some control and avoid blowing up.
Moon Enters Aquarius
Focus on the future, your hopes and dreams, and what needs to be changed in the next few days.
Waxing Crescent Moon in Aquarius
Venus Enters Pisces
Compassion and empathy are strong with Venus in Pisces; you can be more understanding than usual. You may also feel the urge to help in any way you can, and don’t expect anything in return.
Mars in Leo Opposite Pluto in Aquarius
If you’re bottling anything up, it can explode out now at the worst possible moment. Try to get to the heart of the problem to transform.
Moon Enters Pisces
Imagination can soar, and you may want to get time away from work and the mundane to get lost in your daydreams.
Waxing Crescent Moon in Pisces
Sun in Capricorn Sextile Saturn in Pisces
Discipline can be of help today, and you can focus on what you need to get done with a practical approach. Work on long-term plans and be responsible.
Moon in Pisces Conjunct Neptune in Pisces
Flow with energy, and let your mind wander. Listen to music, view some art, spend time by water, and connect with your soul.
Moon Enters Aries
Energy and drive can return and help you take the initiative with what you need. Make sure to think before jumping, though.
Waxing Crescent Moon in Aries
Mars Retrograde Enters Cancer
Emotions can be difficult to control, and they might prompt you to act in a way that worsens things. Try to tend to your emotional needs and strengthen yourself internally.
Read this: Your Ultimate Guide to All Retrogrades
Mercury in Sagittarius Square Neptune in Pisces
The mind can get caught up in fantasies, and you may struggle with any work or projects. Give your mind a break.
First Quarter Moon in Aries
With the First Quarter Moon in Aries, you can take the initiative with any changes and adjustments over the coming week. You can make use of energy and enthusiasm and put yourself in a good position.
Moon in Taurus Sextile Venus in Pisces
Other people can be of help, and you can enjoy spending more time with others. You can ground your connections.
Moon Enters Taurus
Take time to work on improving stability and security. Things might be wonky lately, but this can help you settle the energy.
Waxing Gibbous Moon in Taurus
Mercury Enters Capricorn
Long-term plans and goals are the focus for the next couple of weeks, and you can have a disciplined mind. Be practical and make progress.
Moon in Taurus Conjunct Uranus in Taurus
There can be a big change to work on today, and you can focus on shaking things up. This can help open up more options for you.
Moon Enters Gemini
Ideas and plans can come easily, and you can maximize your mental energy by working on short-term plans and gathering information.
Waxing Gibbous Moon in Gemini
Moon in Gemini Conjunct Jupiter in Gemini
Open up to the big picture and see what’s ahead. Be optimistic about your opportunities, and come up with big ideas.
Moon in Gemini Square Venus in Pisces
This can be lazy energy, and you may just want to relax, indulge, and splurge. Take it easy.
Moon Enters Cancer
Emotional needs can be an important focus for these few days. You can work on taking better care of yourself emotionally and improving home and family matters as well.
Waxing Gibbous Moon in Gemini/Cancer
Mars in Cancer Trine Neptune in Pisces
Spend some time on something creative that you enjoy, and this might be something from the past you haven’t spent time on for a while.
Waxing Gibbous Moon in Cancer
Sun in Capricorn Trine Uranus in Taurus
Independence can be the approach today. Focus on stepping outside of your comfort zone, experimenting, and making progress with your dreams.
Cancer Full Moon
The Cancer Full Moon amplifies emotional energy since the Moon naturally rules Cancer. You likely need to make more time to take care of yourself and your emotional needs, which can help keep you from becoming too subjective.
Read this: The Ultimate Guide to Full Moons
Venus in Pisces Square Jupiter in Gemini
If you can get some time off, this can be a good time since you may lack focus on anything mundane or demanding. You also might want to space yourself from others.
Moon Enters Leo
Creativity can be strong for a few days, and you can focus on creative projects and hobbies and work on connecting to your heart.
Waning Gibbous Moon in Leo
Sun in Capricorn Opposite Mars in Cancer
Something might feel out of your control, but it can also feel deeply personal, and you may need to work on being gentle with yourself. Channel frustration into something productive.
Moon Enters Virgo
Get the little things out of the way, maximize productivity and efficiency, and work on small tasks, projects, and chores.
Waning Gibbous Moon in Virgo
Sun in Capricorn Sextile Neptune in Pisces
Your spiritual self might get more attention, and you can tend to your spiritual needs and feel good at a soul level.
Venus in Pisces Conjunct Saturn in Pisces
You can take your responsibilities with others seriously, be more mature and disciplined, and strive to make progress.
Moon Enters Libra
Spend some time with those you care about most, and strengthen your commit to them in healthy ways.
Waning Gibbous Moon in Virgo/Libra
Sun Enters Aquarius
Aquarius season kicks off with the Sun in Aquarius, and the next month is excellent for focusing on your future, what you hope for and dream about, the changes you want to make, and how you can push outside of your comfort zone. You can be open to the unconventional and push for the new.
Mercury in Capricorn Sextile Saturn in Pisces
Make plans, gather information, and get advice from someone you trust and respect. Work on making strides with your goals.
Mercury in Capricorn Sextile Venus in Pisces
Pleasant communication. Easy to get along with others, use imagination, and make new connections.
Waning Gibbous Moon in Libra
Moon in Libra Square Mercury in Capricorn
Communication might be challenging, and you may need to work on expressing yourself in a different way.
Sun in Aquarius Conjunct Pluto in Aquarius
Passionate about the future and working to transform in new ways. Take control of your dreams and be independent.
Moon Enters Scorpio
Passionate, intense, and unrelenting. Get to the heart of something and make use of this energy.
Last Quarter Moon in Scorpio
With the Last Quarter Moon in Scorpio, you passionately clear out over the next week and might work to finish up a transformation, get to the heart of a matter, or solve a problem.
Moon in Scorpio Trine Saturn in Pisces
Focused passion and passionate goals. Be disciplined and take control.
Waning Crescent Moon in Scorpio
Mars in Cancer Sextile Uranus in Taurus
Be open to doing things differently or in ways you haven’t done in a long time. Be independent, innovative, and enthusiastic.
Mercury in Capricorn Opposite Mars in Cancer
Arguments can be too easy to fall into, so watch your words. If you feel you want to blow, try to have a healthy outlet.
Mercury in Capricorn Trine Uranus in Taurus
Think outside the box, focus on unconventional ideas or plan change.
Moon Enters Sagittarius
Opportunities can be plentiful, and you can enjoy going on adventures, exploring, and expanding.
Waning Crescent Moon in Scorpio/Sagittarius
Moon in Sagittarius Sextile Pluto in Aquarius
Your inner power can help you take control of a challenging situation and turn things around for the better.
Waning Crescent Moon in Sagittarius
Venus in Pisces Trine Mars in Cancer
Be creative, use passion, and spend time with the people you love or doing the things you love to do.
Mercury in Capricorn Sextile Neptune in Pisces
Use imagination to your advantage, and infuse this into anything mundane to make it more exciting.
Venus in Pisces Sextile Uranus in Taurus
Spend time with friends or groups you belong to, or make time for something outside your comfort zone.
Waning Crescent Moon in Capricorn
Mercury Enters Aquarius
Unconventional ideas, plans for change, and experimental approaches can be how you go over the next few weeks. Embrace stepping outside of your mental comfort zone.
Moon in Capricorn Trine Uranus in Taurus
Something can get changed, even if it’s small, and this can help you feel more in control.
Moon Enters Aquarius
What you hope for and dream of can be prominent over the next few days, and you can focus on what you need to do in order to make it happen.
Waning Crescent Moon in Aquarius
Mercury in Aquarius Conjunct Pluto in Aquarius
Passion for your ideas, intense mental focus, digging deeper into subjects, and dominating communications. Solve a problem and plan for transformation.
Aquarius New Moon
The Aquarius New Moon is an excellent time for new beginnings that propel us toward the future. You can feel hopeful and ready to go and can be open to trying out unconventional opportunities.
Read this: The Ultimate Guide to New Moons
Uranus Direct in Taurus
With Uranus moving forward again in Taurus, this can restart some changes made last summer, and you can feel more motivated. You might need time to get going, though, and you can be steady like a rock.
Sun in Aquarius trine Jupiter in Gemini
You can be gregarious, optimistic, and open to new experiences. You might even feel a little lucky.
Moon Enters Pisces
Take some time to recharge after anything demanding, and see what you need to clear out over the next few days.
Waxing Crescent Moon in Pisces
Moon in Pisces Square Jupiter in Gemini
It might be hard to get anything going, but you should take it easy if you can. If not, give yourself lots of time to get things done.
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