Goodnight or Good Night: Which Is Correct? (2024)

Goodnight or Good Night: Which Is Correct? (1)

Is good night one word or two?

The short answer is that both forms are acceptable spellings. You can use either goodnight or good night when you’re saying farewell to someone at the end of the evening.

However, good night, with two separate words‌, is considered the more correct way to spell this word in formal writing.

This article will explain how to remember the difference between goodnight and good night and help you use this word correctly in your writing.


  1. Is Goodnight One Word or Two?
  2. Goodnight Word Meaning
  3. Goodnight or Good Night Examples
  4. How to Remember the Difference Between Goodnight or Good Night

Is Goodnight One Word or Two?

Goodnight can be spelled as one word or two words. Let’s take a closer look at the nuances between these two spellings.

Good Night Spelling

In the past, good night was the only correct way to spell this word. It’s an open compound word, meaning it includes a space in the middle, just like good afternoon and good morning.

Goodnight or Good Night: Which Is Correct? (2)

In recent decades, however, goodnight became a popular alternative spelling.

One difference between these two spellings is that goodnight is more commonly used as an adjective, while good night is more commonly used as an interjection. We’ll discuss this difference in further detail in the next section.

Another difference is that the spelling goodnight is better suited for informal settings, such as when you’re texting your friends at the end of the evening.

On the other hand, if you’re composing a professional email or writing a book, it’s better to use the older spelling, good night.

Goodnight or Good Night: Which Is Correct? (3)

Goodnight Word Meaning

The most common usage of good night is as an interjection. It’s a common farewell phrase that you might use late in the day. One way to think of it is as a shorter form of the sentence “I hope you have a good night.”

For example, if you’re leaving a party at the end of the evening, you might say “good night” to the other guests on your way out.

Similarly, if you’re texting late in the evening, you might text the other person “good night” to let them know that you’re about to go to sleep.

Goodnight can also function as an adjective, if you’re using it to describe a noun. For example, a kiss might be a “goodnight kiss” if it’s given right before bed.

Some English experts prefer to use good night with a space as a farewell phrase, and goodnight or good-night as an adjective.

For example, you might spell “Kiss your sister good night” with a space, because good night is being used as a farewell phrase. On the other hand, you might spell “Give your sister a goodnight kiss” without a space, because goodnight is being used as an adjective.

It makes sense to combine the two words in this scenario, because that way the reader won’t get confused about how the phrase splits apart.

Combining good and night prevents the reader from accidentally reading “good night kiss” as the opposite of a “bad night kiss.”

Finally, another meaning of good night is simply to describe a night as good. For example, you could say “I had a good night at the party.”

In this case, it’s not a compound word—it’s just the words good and night used separately. You should always spell good night with a space in this scenario.

Goodnight or Good Night: Which Is Correct? (4)

Goodnight or Good Night Examples

Let’s look at some examples of good night and goodnight in English literature.

“Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light.”—Dylan Thomas, In Country Sleep and Other Poems

Good night, good night! parting is such sweet sorrow, that I shall say good night till it be morrow.”—William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet

Good night, Westley. Good work. Sleep well. I’ll most likely kill you in the morning.”—William Goldman, The Princess Bride

“They go home, get into bed, toss and turn, wondering how it was done. It takes them a good night’s sleep to forget all about it.”—Leigh Bardugo, Six of Crows

“Keep twiddling those dials: the next password will be ‘Mad-Eye.’ Keep each other safe. Keep faith. Good night.”—J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

“One by one families broke off with a good night and a squeeze of the hands, suddenly grateful for the company of neighbors. Doors closed to warm houses. Candles were lit in windows.”— Nicole Krauss, The History of Love

“Life is full of stories. Or maybe life is only stories. Good night, my dear Nao.”—Ruth Ozeki, A Tale for the Time Being

“I want to call you every five minutes. I want to text you good night every night. I want to make you laugh.”—Jenn Bennett, The Anatomical Shape of a Heart

“The cure for a broken heart is simple, my lady. A hot bath and a good night’s sleep.”—Margaret George, Mary Queen of Scotland and The Isles

“The woman who picked up the other end of the phone was named Michelle. And I told Michelle that I was a kid and did not need an exercise machine, but I hoped she was having a good night. That’s when Michelle hung up on me.”—Stephen Chbosky, The Perks of Being a Wallflower

Goodnight stars, goodnight air, goodnight noises everywhere.”—Margaret Wise Brown, Goodnight Moon

“The Librarian looked at his charges approvingly, made his last rounds of the slumbering shelves, and then dragged his blanket underneath his desk, ate a goodnight banana, and fell asleep.”—Terry Pratchett, Sourcery

Goodnight you princes of Maine, you kings of New England.”— John Irving, The Cider House Rules

“This is what it’s like to say goodnight and mean goodbye.”—Neil Hilborn, Our Numbered Days

“That goodnight in the garden was for all time. Anne never saw Ruby in life again.”—Lucy Maud Montgomery, Anne of the Island

“In the Glade, Chuck had become a symbol for him—a beacon that somehow they could make everything right again in the world. Sleep in beds. Get kissed goodnight.”—James Dashner, The Maze Runner

“He can ask you out and take you to dinner and try to steal a goodnight kiss.”—Linda Kage, Price of a Kiss

“It’s when I’m sitting alone with the phone in my hand dialing your number and hanging up that I would trade a thousand tomorrows for just one yesterday. Then I could just call you to tell you goodnight.”—James Frey, A Million Little Pieces

“I would have told him I loved him. But I didn’t. I didn’t because I didn’t know. I didn’t even say goodnight. Or goodbye.”—T.J. Klune, Into This River I Drown

How to Remember the Difference Between Goodnight or Good Night

A good rule of thumb is to use good night rather than goodnight when you’re using it as an interjection. The two-word spelling is generally the safer choice, since it’s an older spelling and accepted in all English dictionaries.

One way to remember that you need to use a space is to think about the opposite interjection, good morning, which is the phrase you say at the beginning of the day, rather than at the end of the day. You should always spell good morning with a space. Therefore, it’s safe to spell good night the same way.

When you’re using goodnight as an adjective, it’s all right to omit the space. You can remember this by substituting the word for a different adjective, like “gentle kiss” or “friendly kiss.” These adjectives have one word. Therefore, it’s fine for the adjective goodnight to have one word too.

If you’re not sure you’re spelling good night correctly, you can always run your work through ProWritingAid, which will help you solve the error in one click.

Goodnight or Good Night: Which Is Correct? (2024)


Goodnight or Good Night: Which Is Correct? ›

The short answer is that both forms are acceptable spellings. You can use either goodnight or good night when you're saying farewell to someone at the end of the evening. However, good night, with two separate words‌, is considered the more correct way to spell this word in formal writing.

Is there a difference between Goodnight and good night? ›

Which Is Correct: “Good Night” or “Goodnight”? The answer is simple: when used as a farewell expression, good night and goodnight are both acceptable, but good night is the standard spelling, whereas goodnight is an informal alternative.

Is Goodnight a single word? ›

Is “goodnight” one word or two? The greeting said to someone at the end of the day is usually written “goodnight,” though “good night” is also sometimes used. “Good night” can also be a phrase composed of an adjective and noun to describe a particular night, in which case it should always be two words.

Is it goodnight or good night as a greeting? ›

In general, "goodnight" is more commonly used as a farewell before going to bed, while "good night" is used more broadly as a greeting or a farewell. It depends on the context, as usual. If you are wishing somebody to “have a good night” at a special event or date, then I would use two words (future tense).

How do you say goodnight properly? ›

Formal Ways to Say Good Night
  1. I bid you good night and restful slumber.
  2. Have a restful night.
  3. May your evening be tranquil and your sleep rejuvenating.
  4. Wishing you a night of serene repose.
  5. Allow me to extend my wishes for a peaceful night's rest.
  6. I hope your night is filled with undisturbed sleep and sweet dreams.
Nov 2, 2023

Why do people say night instead of goodnight? ›

It's just a playful way of saying “Good night,” and it would be appropriate for anyone to say to anyone else, except in the very most formal of relationships.

Is it nice to say goodnight? ›

Goodnight messages can be a sweet way to show that you are thinking of someone before you close your eyes. If you're bothered or hurt that your partner doesn't send goodnight texts very often, consider looking at things from their perspective.

Is good night one of two words? ›

"Goodnight" as One Word:"Goodnight" is typically written as one word, and it's used to bid someone farewell or wish them a pleasant night's sleep. The spelling of "goodnight" as a single word follows the convention of many English compound words where two separate words are combined int.

What word can I say instead of goodnight? ›

- Sweet dreams! - Sleep tight! - Rest well! - Have a peaceful night!

What does it mean when a guy says goodnight? ›

Usually it means he is a nice polite boy who wants you to have a good night. Contextually if it is abrupt in the midst of a conversation (and without particular explanation) he may just want to shut down the conversation.

What does goodnight mean in a text? ›

used to express good wishes in the evening especially when someone is leaving or going to sleep.

What does it mean when a girl says night instead of goodnight? ›

It's slang for goodnight. That's all it means.

How do you say goodnight smartly? ›

I hope you get a great night's sleep and have lovely dreams.” “I hope you get a good night's rest, sleeping beauty.” “Get a wonderful night's sleep, and I look forward to talking to you tomorrow morning.” “I'm sending warm hugs on this wonderful night.

How do you say goodnight in a flirty way? ›

“Based on everything I've been thinking about doing to you, my dreams will be real nice tonight.” “Just know I'll be thinking of you in bed tonight, all night…” “Goodnight cutie… wish you were in bed with me tonight.” “I bought some *very* sexy new PJs…can't wait for you to see them.”

When should I say goodnight? ›

Say “Good night” to say “goodbye” – when you are leaving to go home. Family members also say “good night” when they are going to bed.

What does it mean when a girl says goodnight? ›

I could tell you that it means she's going to bed, but when she says “goodnight” she wants you to say it back and may say something else after(that doesn't always happen but it can). She says this to show that she cares for you too, and it might hurt her feelings if you don't say it back. Good Luck!

When can we say good night? ›

You would wish someone good night when you are going to bed or about to sleep. This can be as early as eight in the evening. In fact, when a person is about to go to sleep he will wish his friend good night because night is associated with time to sleep. There are no hard facts when it comes to evening and night.


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