Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 5, 1936, p. 2 (2024)

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 5, 1936, p. 2 (3)

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fv2 the georgetown herald wednesday evening august 5li 1936 all remaining summer mcrcliandise must go now is the- iimr to luy and save at silver s compare our vauulzs i rrmcmlkr sl vers low pr icc guar an mx is your guarantee- that you kct the- most for your money silvers depf store where your dojbr goes farther phone 375 georgetown i i in ii aiay laayeav i4 asvarj jasvaavejaoasepat news from the nyal drug store i norvaixs cream of bismomagnesia ilrl ler fallii ijiii ear lieua seel abesrej 2sc and 49c n hdr hammonds nerve food 50c per box lucfcky in leeieeie fee kliph see kinle beey special for wed thurs frl and sat uilueh in kbquemt on hundsy auc ml ims to six and sirs j o ilulke a daughter ann unln obituary u islam a- swajcatllamek ijraxli osioe lafctiueiiiy u ukluin vtiiauttcr at lurmr prominent lluacu ul actull ml uko home ul lu lji it- ul new lutulklu uu iuea ly knoruuig juiy saui- lie iiad been ui lit- usiuu lair israjlh uie evejiuvg lrcvmuiy wul lej aaay while hp- lcpl uuiilut uatj uighl hiram bwacjt mnin a a a lmi ul umi tale cikim opihi tiutjtillttiur alul waj burn ul cituloiui ui laa lhirtitg bis ekrll w ytaj he look a aeeit utuma in tuuiiktluul alluirs lie iervod atuui a couisculor alkd iteevc ulkd m immmmtxj iui uu wialuealktp ui uui county ul tlajtuu u was duruig hi isuuie ul osuckj ulmt hatalty ul tau lttilnl raltt ui letup were uumira lit wsj otko ul uw flrs luctnurrs ot the ouod jtoauv cutri tnulk iii utc county cuuimjl ard auiated many u uk plajki ur un ptpvxi runns ui uie iiudy lie was buivwr ftii toutrfcciur ana nwtiy uic uqiioump about aclou weft tuxi lukirr hit gukiaikcc luu unck midltuai at utcsiouiutn gar age buiatiutg uii uaiu iuoel iumj tlmajty uumtiv tawtu wxallui u iu luaimii ul october 1u14 tain wuo lulm dud d tor icvcrtt yttu lu tuvj rtjided hi lite lkioi uf hu tonally hur buiu uxl uue dmjtll tmaou tu raven- his memury ihty v iumiiu i ocdntwtowo itoiph oi 4 ouelph iteta l new toronto jounui of iwoolo nd uis lilch hallon county league play oils aclon vs georgetown saturday large crowd expected for first game of halton county leagus playofli both teams in excellent form no one should miss seeing these two great rivals battle it out at baseball xambu1c ioo stae tsa irama tooth r-akt- s iroah csueasis u xss 4s rsrsoosnt toota rsittk x k4 kuxnex m tao wax com and toast iksrmwm sse mbcca ointment kay sad ovaltins ssrssnsse sea- orja u sius o a commt iurr or srsxaaxs maecormaelas drug store raoxk ui cxoatgktow cent a mole round trip bargain fares 1 ru lill he oal se m brampton georgetown and juuu ahotajcknt cnx vtatlon ftxji- vuhju 14 co yjciicvlue idatoo atuauoqui brockvllw ltsoous uarriuuir oonwmll xjubridcc udiy ipeinr- boro cunpbesliord sewknmjrkei alumule ivtw4iut oouincwoad uelord barritr okfulu ukihovd grvrthuro llrcbidjpe hunts- yule mortli jjy jrry smiiul ludbuxy all ioau in new oourt tm line caf lvmlskjlknlnjr northern ontario luy nhtcdrt cetitrml rly kiu5ksiix lotittue oftddlaa jcllicop xitmrdxatx note ylckru klb tau i- vu u 1wtu 4 viuy akm 1 sal aug is toroalo clkd duui rirh k- tw rcxh ooderich gisrliah lutallton iluuvr lurrbioti tver- uu yiiri- kauheor uuukkti uuel mllchril nltjf lmil own soawl tmlte llnieritun iui port klln st cthfcrtrtgi sl uury unu bouthabatou mrhliord stilhroy wlkerlou wirton wtnhtai wooduck atlcl bjrvl vuvju id btuoru kt which txcurkan ttdwu sr toid ask ticket axent lor lftaet ktiim limits tvain injormition tickets coniult bmjreu arit be nridhuls lor complete lij ot irrjinfcwvt tlta canadian national advertise it pctys kiwkkl kiiuckl knock wtw um iet a uii actoh wtot ac ton ttuumr lull uf iexi hut uwy ii meet wurtlty uatmaitiil hi drttrr un by tkerk othortuiiu kiutrk hut uilre alwl h will be a m irfria hrtfenrt cwunr tuttn hlvd artoil the first tumr u be talayel iwff jul ulurtlts ilirre h irt ti h niuvhtl inter est evinced hi boehall hi lw lnj t tew wtkj bud tl ii our coluiitlun that imraaviovu iu j4i uot tail uselr itmjn hi like matter uf kupuurt tun hji arttevxl unart bsaehsill wltn enieuwil aiul tiutltlntr uuid tvleae cieoiketuwn he tliali u iioluu oh uwm ttit actunllr kukd ailvi ouu lunltef i ler to tneet fcuahstf uahavrr llcu i14s lib tiuyetw their torci aivd wlul a tul team oil hand act mi will hpd utat theirs u r easy tak in wuodx 1letsumusi ana ward oeorftfetoaii jjav- pue of dm hetivlabt uumtcfk in th learu uc uaiui witii mcnally ak hu able rt- relver vlu ttnjsaer ahy hf wa iick- od on tiie ail star ualri llie hut ten iiate lluu ilcuaiin tiay tt curf cmu hop u his laxt hali which mukea it extremely hard to tilt hrt has lb well taken care or hut might we miast manager boolt uit then town council cmili met at i in tuesday lllght urmbor i it imnyof olb turn itrt vr ivxr cuutrtiluarx q w liuvl 1 luarkburn a iv wuuhl c allilulaltg ulmi w ttsumiasiul ulnuu u tu tarcyfo mcetlnics ki it it od nltd uuininvtxi mr j 1 kelly irlur comml loner mode hi eiurt for ur nvunfti j july ui c wrker tnlhred counrl in wtiiltd u umaiir to 1u truck uotd by armurung leccftkled by btr ttdtt the i tea oirer tay tlw ltte ltrliaulv gsooo tir exjieni o dlfilel to the bremen convei ttoti jrcd unveil by tliooipmm seconded by liinckhuriu that thj tvemaurer pajr tiie llellef cotnioavjjkl tive jutnt ojt liii 7 lu aek july accounts car rud yeajbthamxk30t viuacktmim 1wnr wrikht arfhstrontf qlbhotas naiv davht tin andtilvtin sport utu ulkal ulkdiluhn btal muit 111 is iiuulk ualua tuuil liill la uuic llllu tiie 1 ml mi imj- wvltisuisy ul ale 1 trin uuv ri ink lu um w 1 1 in i uu n limy uy uiuui inui ntg uji hit tusil ul 111 1 wuuitauube lu iu 1 u uu iiku ii al ii 0m xluullluii uclwcvtl tl j tu ultau ult 1 ulllaam llu wi 1u1 ul nil iii oidyoll taluxl unit uikd uuiuxi 1uuimu i v yu hi hu ll lull nam nrmamonl hilv ruclw woods ward alaurecor s base alike ouua atcou wottv s alian 4 an- umtry i walks alootl 1 woods 1 allan 3 hits off aloou 10 lj1 wooux 1 in 1 lnnlnyt fkq aliaiaj ii in innlaga- oo havage in i innings oh anthony hit by tktlcher by umuhe j iieauiaons llaftlr vtaxninc r w c lc milton 17 is 1 41 arton it 11 c act ueuntelow 1 17 7 10 u luamitoti 17 1 u jaaa urn u a uuull j i like it ru u vwai 1 wan- j uitit und ldr cu1i ll11 ikutlic wtlti tigiuva tihiisi jiiun tun lul uiktf itariy wi vj- uuv t juur iad lit tin uutd iiul wutcfll u- imbed till u loulut- ut m lut loliill uailium to ioo tic ftuuial ol juhj hlu iltl 4iuj1l twi 111 u luw itml wetc- labclltrd uii uk u mclatut 1 jumi ill luulu tlh mmuaj ui y h v atlru a clot 1 au tltts luiii ua li tee hiu 1 vrrui 11 hi the itlt tulult llkry tmuakvyed tu ijcoii uilt oiioe ugnhi lor ttcvi- suniuovi ol hit gunw uuikiiu4i uied mt hi tiie ut i ii id wiu11 1 udur lauuiriraed otic uul tl uu kik in uie- lolllul munun all mar r jl kkuekkw 41x1 i m rd by armstrong fcecondod by i lrr uittt uw consertk awhi hu wuiuv tlo1 be urunted the u of tlk irtt jw j urui oeoretuail wuhut one ruai ol attui however in the uth mhiuie wulleii xuigl cd moht lawjikd tukd thhii und ard unwhi t ltocieair ny pive i yws to bea dafmtuve weaknesg at mtcfb aiid two broumiw also remain ifcrcoivj which muxlit prove disastrous airs vl u wanjahronjii acton fejrurs anikclla uanvei toronto ara joel luaoie urk ixtdtli oriniii urs isoer 1u1u and artliur 01 trht lowiujiip clinton of fcuelng townldp he w a member of uu hon of tlcotiajsd occiy alkd of ktlox lres byteriari cliuxcu- interment was v- mt uirview cemetery ac lou wuln ttlusx ks no niws a uirob of tmpatiiy uas aroused in newssier office- rrom ooast to coau by a mournlul aail from the nantucket liktiuiref which lamenu uut lack of news hi uk district the nantucket ikatker- lays there has lukt been a tire there has not bceu ft bank robbery there havt been tw biruis there have beea bo marriageo there lias not been ft railroad accl- tietil there has ikot been ft tuthvreck there has not been a murder no one has lailen irom a roof no tranipa or p ifkang q have been seen htiir arouiatl no airplanes hatw cracked un ho man has run away wth another mans wife no one has fciavrk with another person toooey uker wai no pteidenta btrukiiay bail as a matter of fact liver has not even been ft real good dog fight to liven up main street- every weekly datkcr is irota time to time ft victim of this news and so utile can be done about 1u the hewsnaper doe not uke news it merely records what hap- ifccita- and hi this reoortlintf it must have uve interet and help of thlo resde-rs- it u ft commonnlac cxpeti- ence dt must be lor readers to ay there nothing in week ivrhaiikc uktyeould be more news if ill ubcribers ukauglu of tike pa- iter as theirs and terternbcrei ika cui any little items ol which they are aware perhaps it is literal ly true there are periods in ft eom- mutiily when nothing of an eventful nature fc happening at any rate when readers ay tlkeras nouiing in tlw paper this wek they may rt aiiuted uiat the newspaper atc knows it and has turered grievously over the reluctance of the oommuni ly to make hews the paper this cafcd of thank j utz aloou and family and ir and un varey wish to take titis op- bortunlty of publicly thinking the eiliaeiu of oeorgetown for ukclr kindnes and coruldcratlon in uieir great hour of need peaches tu2yu 15c pineapple nt tfc oc- w jdi p- 0p juice iaukl 24c kju0 i- collmaakes pw 7c kj1o allbran kj tj1 19c kaialelul pure lard i lb pas 13c ectfulim powder 4u i- 10c hjt cocoa lb 10c corn 8os tta oc cuu su dates sos lb 8c lk cooked spaghetti 1601 i 9c flour t h us 21c haddie 1 lb t 11c datt d sajxs tjad coffee wlos icy i wafers poaad itftsbattua gjaidtpaul 35c 19c 48c csiarac dry garju ale 4 dfthe l mitcheh mcuol powdsrad jellies 3 14c hmu toftaalo ketchup 2 ul 35c wslshy iimx a pba strawberry r 27c canning mdatal pscba or kuvsl jelly maker 14c scklbta jar rubbers 9c guataatmd glau fruit jars 99c ckkatolla limited bueoomlled salmon j 2- 25c iuoaaeukrolv u p sauce ul 27c wavfrrijfe gbsfpl jelly 16utat 13c heelgie u root beer ul 29c palioai cl4 coffee us bil 27c cvraueickmu ritz ps 10c clothes pegs 40fcx 5c flr60 fly spray 8oxbtl 29c stkly fly coils 2 h 5c rvbu brasso n- 13c 22c soap b 5c fudejue oxydol i at 19c psg wkuekkvleae soap 5 b 17c cjey soap 3 tw 14c ute very costly especially opportunist team of actons calibre tnere eems to be a bcarclty of lefty batters on u19 lairj tost ucklatui nnd ucnally are uie only oikeoi on tike roster acton luti duunpionshlp aspira tions 10 lias oeorsetowii come out und kce wliut will haikpen when two teams of interne rivalry tot hi tike first game of tike klayonv it la our guesfi thai acton will come down en makse to give voclfcroil support to their favorittxs they liave ft good team full of prp and willi good sup port ocorsetown will not be outdone theirs will be brand of heads up baseball too and this is uie oppor tunlty which knocks of averaging lome of uvotwe hockey defeats balunafad ur ooarge oake uvd kliu t oaktvt of brighton pent the week end with ur niclvard shorilll kcr and mrs archie kentner visit m1 sunday willi mrs john ford at omagh afhs ida till or grand valley u tperuiing tier holidaya with frietvil in thl community tike service sunday mom log was in clvbjrge of tike eliolr a very in- lerr- ling tuldre w- given by ur tkqinas currist on m tiie july meeting j uualon hand was hekl ttiurulay afternooii tiie roll call was answertsd with- 1 ihrtstllude tlia topic tory wan giv en by sirs alvln atarreu ihans were made to hold tlvair tliankoiferink lae in sicptembcr lor a picnic on beptembcr lllhj car- rled uoyxl by wrighte eeorded try ttiomikvin uiat ue hydro electric conuob- ion be requested to place 3 sjrtrt lights on ipryrnlll lutw oivc tit un gambles oonter fttkd one wt corner of jolili hi ftivd stli line car rled uonl by davis iceonded by jlkomtvoil tlkt live treasurer i lay live following accounts h marchmetit jln 1um i ulller w w 4 no mudle ww 4 00 mccartney w w ajoo itavillon ww co0 uarchrnent w w ibbtj uarchment u ifcjw w hawci jts 216 armtrong jle 10 b6 herriugton ios 7ao ijfarchment ww iloo j qummer ww 7j10 hunter six jm hcixtngton lis i jo tort transport park im w if hinton ww uo uelt telciklkone co 8 13 v c whltxnee tte uts it w itobh lioumng comm sa9 metulhc iloonng co signs sis 31 so hydro ktectrio uli4 j h mackenzie ju son hous lag comm iti it if tjvomikcon at co ww 4t7 tikos- carey town hall u moted by lilackhuril ioondad by davu tltat ae do now adjourn car ried od kllau j llsme un of uie glen wiluams ur and un hanruclough return ed ivome uie end of last week rrotn england ur and mr- w lorrlrnan hilda and hcno lef on morulay for wllkejiorrc pa to rpend a ueek vacation witli rtlaiivea mr and mr- allan preston aivd daughirm jaivei tuvd ann of toronto are uie gut tj of mr cforph ocau- rnonu mr and mrs hert hlu and mr and ur w j hill motored to wood hack last ueek to rpend a couple of days lth ur and mrs j uarden k mr and mrs hobert addy alice and raymond spent uie week end at waaga beacli mus marion- bchenk ur and mrs w j hill and mr elmer hill tpent the ueek end at niagara falls and cryui beach mr and mrs- wm haipln are spending a few dajs at krln with their daugther mrs gordon rohln- son mr jolin tracey of chicago is spending a ivollday here with his par ents mr and mrs- dennis tracey mr and mrs w a uoguvray of toronto pent uie wk twl with mrs mcclure and mrs sloan misses irene bennett una illll mildred norton deruxa sclkcnk mar ion otrander and jessie cro v home on saturday after itpeakthvg h weks holiday at tanger loujtkr oottage wasag qeacli miss audnvy marsden of woodstock is uie gui of iver aunt urs w j hill for a couple uf weeks uls ida ucmenemy kpem the week end in llramptan mr ilarrie clark l pending holiday at hanie the guet of mrs wilfred mcklnley mrs wm heggie and daughter dotl spent the weekend at idito- wel j free delivery phone 357 kalutnafad womam lkl ykakh horas rokt lit as slke approaclvm tier 1 04th birth day on sept lit ur agner young llalllnafad till liar an ambition slve hopca to fulfil halton oountya graiwl old lady wants to live to be 10 alukough her hearing is a little dimmed and slie can no longer se well enough to read ir young l contented and uve picture of healui daughter of an early qoottish seuler iter memorler go back to uie uacken ale rehelllon wlien her father hid hu rifle lau it be nelsd by uie rebels lurry s hard hit night v acton slkowed up vkmcwlkat um uuill iii ukc ixvcllul wllen wlu two oui ward uin uiid viul uie count and 3 uu rudor aimed olt for uoiumi on uie pilch like pitch ws ball ulkd like calciier uirew to iec al wjitl wile touclicd and uie tklaem ran oh uke diamond much to live atuuislunrnt of uie ump who liad plain uie situation tu hkern lluwuer ucnally rltltrd to watcr- tumisl lor uie uilrd out- th box score milton ur und urs w d embury tw ileal rice hatemaii formerly of mil ion 1 and daughter marie of helie- vlllc were uie guests of mr and mrs a i uocnahb one day last week on monday aftemoan ft very pleas ant tta was given by mrs 1 lamb lor mrs w fc mecready who was calelkrallng lier 7sui birthday the guc t or ikonor was presented with bouquet of flowers by uie mountain union women inututt and taahy i r lend ueiv present to cangratulatd her contract for tuippaytug crufthlrag arid delivering 3000 cubic yards of gravel for work on halloa county roivu- liave beeti awarded to iktessrs gllberton and wilson ol hden mills mr and mrs il dewar ttkomsoa u ml child with mrs a jit uew and uu f horrleon motored to owen bound oer uie aeegend slotiping at colllrlguoad and wasaga jqeocli oa uie return trip ciiamiviaa ii left graduate acton dr a g m bryuns uii ucek to lake a post course in fgland mr and mrs g a dills visited over uie weekend in waverly ny mrs alice macphecaon and fraaces dllls uho liave been skending the pat monui uiere returned home wiui uiem un georte woods artnouics the engagement of kthel hernlos daugliler of mrs and the late george t wootu to mr fred etuckey of mrs and uie late wm qtuckey both of acton the wedding will take place early in august mr and mrs john a uowat of aclon announce uie eaagagenicnt of their daughter jeue irene to mj- howard dames dignan son of mr hdwln u dlgnan and thejute ura dlgriaiu ol exeter the wedding will take place early in august mus margaret mcdoruud of actou and mr and mrs wm j mcdonald and family of georgetown and mr and mrs wesley ullw and family of i everton spent sunday wlui their mouver mrs emily mcdonald and family at dolly varivn- the freight shed at the old radial station was removed to the corner at main and mill streets to be conyart ed into a garag iree press t qeoltgetown hltchle llf wood- ward rf beaumont ab mcnally c benefit game tonoaorrow ngkt ui the pmrlt l 7 plm- cleuruetown will hold a beoeot ww jti ibr pkft on tla4laj suv riljiie who was injured tn a lraaur kuuxie koaathime ao antl ha been irkcapakcilaleii since a team hi 0e u-ilj- of the geovgecown arson ulltun ulkd drampton teunri will face uie- efutor team inxxi guelphj heawd by thr popular joeiftswna as a apeei ft uiuattiori oeorg llahpgwortb of uie ruruiuo maple leafs will olllctmle rike teikm will domprue thq louow- tag iklaywn ueurgeuiwn txdor uraumocit lie prumises a hooie run or wo this along with u tongu 1 thirry wutxk the uoartjield ubtwhwiiaifr uigsliuuiupper ifiy meuarvrand hu deceikuve liop aumgy waro the last ward in a pinch milton bk bzvd the heavy cltmtrr who swsps the hasea aahe clerneols the bo who makni uw air clement fur the opposing pitch- tuletska better than the averageaki ileondott seikos thetn alppiag rer ome plau- bramiklon win wheeler strike uiem outr vtn wheeler will or tnake ukem pop up feebly acton wahk terry ooesnl terry un the bases morton and morton uu and norm fur the goelph pitcher will make things wans l walrrtkoue if uiis team uf llhtrs call t a ill well despalch them all la uie water house now come out and tvlkow your ap preciation of a ana player if we lutve two or three thousand tabs u will make al kilchile by game start at 7 o clock town lartc thursday au h ii 10 a hiddall cl urden cf tur 3h uciiham lb acton lerry if n aiorton i j wau-rlkouj- 1 lindsay ss w wulerlkoue andeneon c il norton ah tyler rf walters 2b whto jim akde of brampton lned to ek a luue pftrlatag for use ocornv- town oofte sneaked under when aln oot sultiier kms and took a high in qekt fly we iiart blacy was going into a aniraj trying to get un der uiat one wtken johnny buck failed to make shoeatrtiaa cwlcl and mat tbe ball in the deep bras fal walters towk three asrcood hat to get from the in wneo mauhewa a porrulder uaed tftsftne fiy batters with a slow laalalirtng ctrop fat walters went inroiash an hkure season without uom injury ur oilier ww dontl when georgetown went throtaxh sunt entire game wttjaoua ft vigorous pro teat or worse on the part of ua atar player whn ft special policeman ww n- iie to keep the unall boy trom conung in gralu via the back way aiukouch aaany runs uuouffh use twaaap resalied when many of the pogtistically-lp- chned boys spent ft whole week of au trainmg prior to tbmk betonte gmane when starry fcumm was ft star out- oevier when the cenjtre held tn tj was onwnhitl so that often the play r went from taagfai when itmt ft 0y how the heavy rgnnea hked w train their shou on that short left held in uockoote when the unp was quite right whetn georttotown was behsg beaten 1 donx 1 1 b 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 u jg 4 b 18 i all h 11 10 a e 4 i 3 0 0 o 0 3 0 0 when oeordle barnea never nussed baseball wlien vic tedder mascot of the old georgetown crew was the envy uf the young boys- wtken the junior team took ft few coaly throws at ft car near camp- beuvule ulf 3 0 10 0 37 b 10 at u mltttown rattn tutuk batxts avajtacluj tiie scounten licld ft liluing ptac uoc at uke expense of uie brampuiu uxbi ulj katurday aiid came out oti top by uie score of 18 c gorgelown combed uie combined oilcrings of allan havage and an lhony for a total of eightocn hits hi cltujing 4 doubles and 3 triples tor 18 runs while aloou and wood were ikuldiiig the bramptoniolks to b hits and s ru wiui nouilug to gain each team played a lethargic brand of ball and the handful pi spectators found very little wortliy of enuiusiaun ueaumout located lil batting eye wiui four for four lucludhig a two bae 1ul wldle lutclue ului a utple and double mnd woods wiui a triple and 3 single- uere uie ouier lieavy gunners ward wiui a triple 1 uenham alux a double liad uie ouier extra bae blows hrampton was qullty of ragged de- fenjvi work ma king no less uian 10 errors lialf of uil number by our good friend art savage and in uie clean up position he provcclvcry im potent alui uie willow falling gamer a hit in four trips striking out thrice alcott liad very utile occasion bear down merely getting ills arm in jiape for uie coming playohs his injured side seems to be quite bet ttr and he will be a worthy akle-de- campe tor mcmauin tiie box core wlico doe cave stayed ftway ufrom a fly ball when tlxreatened by an irate uroiile wocoali armed with a rock wlven itube oquirvfi was an okf inoouiie at first base georgetown lutctile 3h dciiham lb vootu ss p jvaumont jh aloou p if brydfn cf mcnally c stapletoii if tost ir goldliam rf ward rf ad r ii pc a 5 3 3 13 5 4 3 8 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 paukhed eara ookvilles oldest newspaper the star iul oampleted half a century of publication the paper was vtart eu by uie late a l- forxler wtko was editor for 43 years il a rirler formerly of beeton l now uve pro prietor wtampton anuioivy j p soloskl cf holloa ay rf avage ih p allan p jb plant ib ttiompson lb imkh h mcgreeor c 37 ib 14 31 6 3 ab h ii po a e 4 0 0 0 3 4 0 17 0 34 0 0 ib 9 10 nummary 3 bae hits lutdile bep watermelon ft 49c orances aaj jaity nice lemons 6 lw 22c tomatoes apples i and other fruits at special prices banana itutl 25 potatoes 7 lb lor 25c onions stj ma iwy 3 lb fori oc sweet aaj jairy nice siae carrolls limited wlien hockwood campbeuvlue and hulsburg were la the league cmitltofctorti hgtsircv to iks ctjabxao jkxrordiaa to a report from milton the gordon uobntr which lor many years aervod as a enudrenft abetter tr the eountkw of hahon and fl ks prepartnc in clone ft dooca and on tncwday bug use axaron mats tel ler bad baft one chaxwa to eftiw tor the other utue hmwlm nwtnt been pmoed in foster i led lost wtthont toy big family of wmrds but i btwe they wiu have every arantag knwter the nww ar- rankenwast ana rtiird aft she gbnt- d at the aeanl oowidora wekfam ftor wtth tnlrth duvtnc the past year uslrty- eight youngsters baany of whom were underdevateped were cared lor the latter group bemc bow pbsced n use home at oriuia c theatre friity autusl 7 show them no mercy nulk ulla ty kne iimii aadbea gimg comedy luckv comer fox ncva melody master off ihe record saturday august 8 xove on a bet raaaahr eaaajhf stakwaitf 0 if jam i colored musical pirale party on ctnlikui lalvu spor axkats the answer oiaptcr 8 rex tkw rutty mittmr at 3 blfta tufhwlay tkrst w6rwrcwy akjtsuat 11 ksuj 12 small town girl a urikie mw tiwi la pictorial no mu tsle a jnlli i csyej saj a lit tvirbe cartoon old mill pond watch our window vok trrnxmldt acx caaahl anscssls mum till imilnar fresh frail ngt smu 13c 2 tor 25c phone 89 caeorgcsovm longs confectionery pure food stork 2 large tins heinz soups 25c 28 oz jar pern brantl sweet mixed packlea 27c 24 or bottle peerless tureiiwj tomato catsup 15c 4 lb in stuarts peach jam s3c id oz bottle oxo hraod ckrtltal 83c r oz bottle oxo brand cowtal 37c 3 lb bag white ro health bran 15c 3 pit is sugar crisp corn flakes 22c 2 tins clark soups 15c 1 x l brand suyor syrup flavored with clterry punch grape minch lemonade orangeade and limeade per ug 15c crrto for making jams und jellies 27c klovah jelly maker per pkg lc sweet pickle co4tage roll in pece per lb 20c cltoice breakfast bacon in piece per lb 23c trcali bologna in piece per lb 2rc macaroni and cheese loaf iihoed per lb t 5khrwiders jellied vvi sliced fret lb 28c 3 cakes chrholtc icath soap 14c choice fiuesh fruit and vegetjlttles a e farnell phone ts we deliver vt



Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 5, 1936, p. 2 (2024)


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Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

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Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.