Fast Days and Feast Days: 5:2 Diet Recipe - Herb and Spice Crusted Baked Chicken Breasts (180 calories) (2024)

Herb and Spice Crusted Baked Chicken Breasts

Fast Days and Feast Days: 5:2 Diet Recipe

Herb and Spice Crusted Baked Chicken Breasts

(180 calories)

Yes you CAN have lovely, tasty and exciting meals when following the 5:2 diet and on your fast days! Fast days on the 5:2 diet aren’t “nofood”days, as many of you will know, but they are VERY low-calorie days, where the total calories allowed for women is 500 calories and the blokes get a better deal as they are allowed 600 calories! So, over the last week I have beeninterspersingmy daily posts with some low-calorie meal ideas, as well as my usual recipes too of course. My recipe idea todaywouldmake a GREAT main meal on a fast day, as it is ONLY 180 calories, as seen served with some salad leaves and 200 calories when served with a sliced tomato too. The chicken breast is poached and baked with a herb and spice crust in the oven, and is tender and succulent and FULL of flavour; for me, all that is needed is a simple undressed salad to accompany it, and it’s hard to believe that is is diet food. If you serve this with salad AND a sliced tomato, the total will be 200 calories, which allows you 300 calories (400 calories for men) left for the day, so it’s a super meal to treat yourself to if you eat meat. The great thing is, if you are avegetarian, you can also have this by using a Quorn “chicken style” fillet, and the calories will be reduced by 20 calories for the meal, so a real WIN WINsituation! The spices and herbs add a real oomph and the oven baked-poachingmethodresults in a VERY tender chicken breast!

Herb and Spice Crusted Baked Chicken Breasts

You can use any herbs or spices of your choice, and curry powder is also a great idea for the seasoned crust too, in fact, I have been experimenting, and the chicken breast shown in my photos was a curried chicken version, with no herbs, but JUST as tasty and totally delicious! I do eat Quorn, and I dohavesome “chickenstyle”filletson thefreezer, so I amgoingtotrythat next time for a lower calorie change. I served my salad sans dressing, but you can add salad dressing of your choice and just add the calories on of course. There is a VERY hand Salad Dressings calorie count chart here:The good salad dressing guideFor example, a fat-freeItalian vinaigrette with garlic is only 6 calories!

Herb and Spice Crusted Baked Chicken Breasts

I am sharing the recipe below and this recipe is part of my Fast Day today, you can see the rest of my meal plan here:. I had a boiled egg for breakfast with a peach, which was a total of 134 calories, this chicken recipe for lunch, making a total of 314 calories and I have 186 calories left for the rest of the day, and I plan to have Caprese Crispbreads: Mozzarella and Tomato Basil on Ryvita Dark Rye (122 calories) and another peach, which brings the total to 492 calories!I was recently sent some packets of Ryvita, and I will be sharing this recipe along with several more Ryvita recipe ideas in a separate post.

Caprese Crispbreads: Mozzarella and Tomato Basil on Ryvita Dark Rye

And, for those of you havemadeand enjoyed my, I am posting a VERY handy Calorie Count Chart of accompaniments that go with soup below.…..I printed it and have it stuck to my fridge and I hope you will find it as handy as I do, for a little extra inspiration on Fast days!

Fast Days and Feast Days: 5:2 Diet Recipe - Herb and Spice Crusted Baked Chicken Breasts (180 calories) (5)

Calorie Count Chart – Accompaniments for Soups:


2 extra-thin crispbreads = 50 cals

A slice of low-calorie bread = 30 cals

A slice of medium-size bread, toasted and cut into croutons = 40 cals

6 small Melba toasts = 90 cals

1 mini pitta bread = 80 cals

3 rice cakes = 90 cals

1/2 medium size naan bread = 185 cals

1 medium size bread roll, soft or crusty = 110 cals

5cm (2″) slice of baguette = 100 cals

5cm (2″) slice garlic bread = 145 cals

1 heaped tablespoon croutons = 85 cals

Creams – per tablespoon:

Low-fat plain fromage frais = 7 cals

Single cream = 25 cals

Double cream orcrèmefraîche= 55 cals

Half fatdouble cream or crème fraîche = 25 cals

Yoghurt – per 2 tablespoons:

Low-fat bio = 7 cals

Greek-style = 55 cals

Low-fat plain = 25 cals

Quark = 25 cals


Rasher of grilled streaky bacon, grilled, and crumbled = 115 cals

1 teaspoon Parmesan cheese = 10 cals

5 cashew nuts or hazelnuts, chopped and toasted = 50 cals

1 tablespoon pumpkin,sunfloweror sesame seeds = 80 cals

1 teaspoon desiccated coconut = 10 cals

5 green olives, sliced = 12 cals

Herb and Spice Crusted Baked Chicken Breasts (180 calories)

That’s all for now,I’m sorry about the flurry of post lately, but I have QUITE a few review posts due, as well as some blog challengepoststo do this week, before the deadlines expire – but I HOPE you are finding my 5:2 dietideashelpfulandtasty, if you try them!I will see you later with a FABULOUS Random Recipe, some Ryvita recipe ideas, as well as a Meals on Wheels review courtesy of Gousto – so keep checking back! Have a wonderful mid-week, Karen

Herb and Spice Crusted Baked Chicken Breasts

Print recipe

Serves 2
Prep time 5 minutes
Cook time 25 minutes
Total time 30 minutes
Meal type Lunch, Main Dish, Salad
Misc Pre-preparable, Serve Cold, Serve Hot
By author Karen S Burns-Booth

A quick and easy dinner or lunch idea which is perfect for 5:2 diet fast days as well as Weight Watchers, and is packed with flavour. Serve at room temperature with a salad, which will be 180 calories; or serve hot with the cooking juices, vegetables, pasta, rice or potatoes, but you must add the extra calories if served that way.


  • 2 x 150g skinless and boneless chicken breast fillets
  • a few sprigs of parsley, basil or oregano (very finely chopped)
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cumin
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground coriander
  • low fat cooking spray
  • 250ml vegetable stock
  • salt and pepper to taste


  • a little chilli powder


A quick and easy dinner or lunch idea which is perfect for 5:2 diet fast days as well as Weight Watchers, and is packed with flavour. Serve at room temperature with a salad, which will be 180 calories; or serve hot with the cooking juices, vegetables, pasta, rice or potatoes, but you must add the extra calories if served that way.


Step 1 Pre-heat oven to 200C/400f/Gas Mark 6. Make shallow cuts in the chicken with the tip of a sharp knife and place the chicken breasts in a non-stick baking tray/tin.
Step 2 Mix the herbs and spices together in a small bowl and then spread the mixture all over the chicken breasts with your hands, patting the mixture in to the cuts on the chicken. Spray a little low-fat spray over the top and then pour the stock into the tray around the chicken, but NOT over the top.
Step 3 Bake for 20 to 25 minutes, or until the chicken is cooked through and the herb and spice mix is golden brown and slightly crispy. Cut the chicken into slices, and serve with salad. Or, serve with the juices poured around the chicken with seasonal vegetables, rice or pasta.

Herb and Spice Crusted Baked Chicken Breasts

Links to my other 5:2 Diet Recipes:

5:2 Diet, Fresh Fruit Salad Recipe, Meal Plan Ideas and Calorie Counters

Fish on Friday with Pink Grapefruit and Prawn Salad suitable for 5:2 Diet and Weight Watchers

A Hot Day,The Lavender Harvest and Barbecued Peaches with Honey and Lavender (5:2 Diet)

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Fast Days and Feast Days: 5:2 Diet Recipe - Herb and Spice Crusted Baked Chicken Breasts (180 calories) (2024)


What to eat on fasting days with 500 calories? ›

A typical 500-calorie fasting day might include oatmeal with fresh blueberries for breakfast, a tangerine for a snack, and a chicken and vegetable stir-fry for dinner. You will drink lots of water and may also have calorie-free beverages such as tea, coffee (no milk or sugar), and club soda.

What is the 5 2 Mediterranean diet? ›

The New 5:2 approach involves restricting calories to 800 on fasting days, then eating a healthy lower carb, Mediterranean-style diet for the rest of the week. The beauty of intermittent fasting means that as your insulin sensitivity returns, you will feel fuller for longer on smaller portions.

How to eat chicken breast to lose weight? ›

4 weight loss-friendly ways to eat chicken
  1. Poached. Poaching is a really easy way to cook chicken that doesn't involve adding any fat. ...
  2. Steamed. Steaming is much like poaching in that it results in super tender chicken without added oil. ...
  3. Stir-fried. ...
  4. Grilled.
Jan 8, 2024

How much weight can you lose on 5 2 fast? ›

Because the diet involves following a variety of food choices, the results differ from person-to-person. However, people can typically expect to lose between 1 to 2lb or 0.5 to 1kg a week. This result is based on people eating a healthy, balanced diet for 5 days of the week.

How much weight can you lose fasting for 5 days? ›

A five-day water fast caused people to drop about 4% to 6% of their weight; a seven- to 10-day fast produced 2% to 10% weight loss; and fasting 15 to 20 days yielded 7% to 10% loss of total body weight.

How to lose 10 pounds in a week? ›

To lose 10 pounds in one week, you'll need to burn between 3,500 and 5,000 calories more than you consume each day by restricting your diet to small portions of nutritious yet low-calorie foods, and significantly increasing your aerobic exercise with interval training, sports, and other vigorous activities.

How many pounds a week will I lose eating 500 calories a day? ›

If you can eat 500 fewer calories every day, you should lose about a pound (450 g) a week. Always talk with your health care provider to determine a healthy weight for you before starting a weight-loss diet.

How fast will I lose weight if I only eat 500 calories a day? ›

So researchers thought burning or cutting 500 calories a day led to losing 1 pound a week. But this isn't true for everyone. In general, if you cut about 500 calories a day from your usual diet, you may lose about ½ to 1 pound a week.

Is popcorn ok on a Mediterranean diet? ›

This is a common question we are asked, and yes, popcorn is absolutely included on the Mediterranean diet. Popcorn is a whole grain which means it contains more fiber and minerals than refined grains. If you want to include popcorn in your diet, here are a few things to keep in mind: Pay attention to portion sizes.

Is mayonnaise allowed on a Mediterranean diet? ›

Avoid sauces made from cream or mayonnaise. Choose whole-grain breads, whole wheat pasta and pizza crust, brown rice, beans, and lentils. Cut back on butter or margarine on bread. Instead, you can dip your bread in a small amount of olive oil.

What is not allowed on the Mediterranean diet? ›

The Mediterranean diet is high in plant-based foods such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, beans, nuts, seeds, and olive oil. Foods not allowed include processed red meats, heavily processed foods, refined grains, alcohol, butter, and refined/processed/hydrogenated oils.

Can you lose belly fat by eating chicken? ›

Chicken helps lose overall body weight if consumed as a healthy and balanced diet. In the process, one can also lose belly fat. While eating chicken, remember to opt for lean chicken breast; it is a good source of protein with fewer calories.

Is baked chicken good for weight loss? ›

Do you know that 3-ounce serving of skinless, boneless chicken breast provides just 140 calories, a whopping 26 grams of protein, and just 3 grams of fat? Apart from being low in calories and fat, but high in protein, chicken breast will keep you full and satisfied for longer periods of time.

What part of the chicken is best for weight loss? ›

The chicken breast is lean and has the most protein by weight, making it ideal for people who want to lose weight, maintain muscle mass and improve recovery. Fattier cuts like the thigh, drumstick and wings have more calories, which make them better for people wanting to build muscle or gain weight.

What is the best meal for fasting? ›

Basically, the best foods to eat while intermittent fasting are the best foods to eat no matter what. They include things like avocado, potatoes, cruciferous veggies, fish, seafood, whole grains, nuts, and fermented foods. It's also key to remember water as a part of your daily routine.

What foods to eat on fasting days? ›

You can eat bone broth and healthy fats during a fast and eat whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and lean protein to break a fast. Fasting is an ancient practice that's still widely followed in various forms. Modern methods of fasting, such as intermittent fasting, can provide significant health benefits.

How much weight can you lose in a month on the 5:2 diet? ›

The 5:2 diet plan aims for a weight loss of 1lb a week for women, and for men you could expect to lose slightly more. The NHS recommend a loss of 1-2lbs a week for healthy and safe weight loss, this amount is also more sustainable.

How successful is 5 2 intermittent fasting? ›

Recent studies reveal that overweight individuals following this plan can shed an average of 8 percent body weight and 16 percent body fat in just six months. Unlike overly strict diets that can be challenging to maintain, the 5:2 diet offers a realistic option.


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