Battletech Technical Readout 3062 (Fan Made) - [PDF Document] (2024)




    Fire Hawk 6

    Panther 8

    Panther (12K-I) 10

    Raven 12

    Fulcrum 14

    Centurion 16

    Champion 18

    Yeoman 20

    Caesar 22

    Warhammer 24

    Awesome 26

    Zeus 28

    Battlemaster 30

    Longbow 32

    Yu Huang 34

    Banshee 36

    Gunner 38

    Atlas 40

    Berzerker 42


    Kit Fox F 46

    Black Lanner F 48

    Black Lanner G 50

    Black Lanner S 52

    Crimson Hellkite 54

    Mad Dog F 56

    Mad Dog M 58

    Falcata 60

    Hellbringer Mk II 62

    Dimacheri 64

    Nova Cat F 66

    Summoner F 68

    Summoner O 70

    Thylacine 72

    Timber Wolf F 74

    Timber Wolf S 76

    Warhawk F 78

    Warhawk M 80

    Blood Asp F 82

    Blood Asp X 84

    Ferratus 86

    Dire Wolf F 88

    Dire Wolf W 90



    This Technical Readout is the result of two years intensivelabor on the part of Our Order in general and the men and women ofthe Archives and Records arm in particular. It isintended toeducate new Adepts of Our Order and simultaneously present aconcise brief to more experienced members of the current state ofbattlefield technology, including(but not restricted to) theBattleMech. As such, it is classified Secret and not fordissemination outside of Comstar.

    The current political climate can be summed up in three words:business as usual. The Federated Commonwealth split, after 30+years of cooperation, has begun to polarizemembers of the formerFederated Suns and the Lyran Alliance. Rumors of an impending CivilWar between factions loyal to Archon Katrina Steiner-Davion or OurPrecentor Mar-tial, Victor Steiner-Davion are rife, and with goodreason. The fighting between the Capellans and the Saint IvesCompact rages on, although the outcome is not much in doubt.

    And so we have war

    With wars come machines designed to conquer; BattleMechs, tanks,VTOLs, hovercraft and various and sundry support equipment. But oneof these will be enough for this,the initial release of theTechnical Readout for 3062. This first volume will focus on thecurrent state of Inner Sphere and Clan BattleMechs. Here we willtake a brief look at thestandouts, starting with 20 Mechs from allover the Inner Sphere and another fifteen from Clan Space.

    Some are updates of older machines, while a select few arebrand-new concepts. The reports on all of them have been thoroughlyresearched and vetted from multiple sources.Note that only the moresignificant upgrades have been included; minor tweaks to anexisting frame or a one-off destined for the Solaris stables doesnot qualify a Mech forinclusion. They do not, in our opinion, makethe cut.

    A word of caution before proceeding some of the designscontained herein feature weapons systems which are still very muchin the development stage. Principal among theseare the HeavyParticle Projection Cannon and the Snub-nose PPC. The Houses arealways hard at work inventing and perfecting such improved gunneryand it is only naturaleach should field-test its designs at theearliest opportunity. That said, Our Order does not expect eitherof the aforementioned weapons (or any similar prototype) to appearinfull production numbers for at least another five years. Our bestestimates project that such variants will debut with House Kuritafirst. But it is only a guess.

    Thanks be to Precentor Martial Victor Steiner-Davion, whoseinspired leadership was responsible for the utter destruction of aClan. It may be said that he is a hero without wor-ship' in hishome realm; yet We who know all, know best what this man has donefor Mankind. His name is enshrined forever; he is Legend. Ithumbles us that he has not onlygiven his gracious permission forthe issue of this edition of the Technical Readout, but personallyattended to its final edit, donating precious personal time andenergy despitethe heavy load he bears.

    Finally, I wish to express a personal debt of gratitude towardsPrecentor Thule Martin, who came out of retirement to offer hisinexhaustible professional knowledge of the Clansweapons systems,battlefield tactics, logistics capability and way of thinking. Hehas proven a priceless resource time and again. This edition of theTechnical Readout wouldnot have been possible without him.

    Hassan al-Tariq

    Adept XIV sigma

    Comstar Archives, Terra

    20 November 3062




    The recent annihilation of Clan Smoke Jaguar by the combinedforces of the InnerSphere gave some in Our Order cause tocelebrate. After all, if the Houses couldforget their endlessfighting to accomplish such a difficult task, perhaps othergoalswere not as unattainable as we once thought. But even with there-born StarLeague triumphant, it was readily apparent that theremaining Clans were not goingto pack up and move back to StranaMechty. Furthermore, events even now arecoming to a head in theformer Federated Commonwealth which herald more con-flict in thenear future. How much, we cannot say.

    Some predict minor skirmishes concluded by the assassination ofeither sidesleader. As one of these leaders is none other than OurOrders own Precentor Mar-tial, Victor Steiner-Davion, most concludethis is unlikely. Another outcome whichhas more support and is(sadly) more probable is a Civil war, one in which it is saidthefighting will eclipse even the great battle between Kerensky andAmaris, thoughthat is hard to imagine. This, along with the naturaltendency of the Houses to ex-ploit one anothers weaknesses, spellsmajor trouble, perhaps as soon as 3063.And Our Order is not theonly body to come to this conclusion.

    All the Houses are fortifying their borders, pouring billions ofcredits into researchand development on the predication ofimpending war; indeed, even the Clans aregearing up their sibkos,training camps and production facilities for they know notwhat. Asa result, 3062 is proving to be a watershed of sorts.

    The Inner Sphere in particular is busy creating upgrade packagesfor existingMech frames; they consider it a quicker and ultimatelymore cost-effective methodof increasing their available forces thanthe time-honored investment in new pro-duction facilities,replacement battleframes and the years of lead time these re-quire.Of new designs, there are a few, a very few, but they use existingfactorycapacity and do not embody any great technological leaps.Instead, they more ad-equately fill gaps in battlefield doctrineleft by ineffective stopgap forebears.

    The strategic and tactical doctrine of each House has been honedto a fine edgeover the past two decades there is not much left todiscuss concerning the Clanthreat, which has been blunted byassimilation, or the perennial spats between thehaves and thehave-nots of each House. Of the appearance of new Mechs, muchmoremay be said, and to greater profit. Many of these new Inner Spheredesignsare actually depot-level refits intended to perform newtasks, execute existing du-ties more efficiently or serve as testbeds for new types of weaponry and tacticalthinking. Some (as wasnoted above) are entirely new designs meant to fill roleswhich didnot exist two years ago.

    While there may be much classroom debate as to whether or notthese machineswill actually fulfill their promise, it remains afact that Our Order is still viewed withsuspicion by nearly everyHouse and the maxim know thine enemy still appliesto even thelowliest Adept. Especially now.








    Type/Model: Fire Hawk PTC-3K

    Tech: Inner Sphere /3060

    Config: Biped BattleMech

    Mass: 35 tons

    Chassis: TermoElectron II Endo Steel

    Power Plant: 245 Magna Fusion

    Walking Speed: 75.6 km/h

    Maximum Speed: 118.8 [151.2] km/h

    Jump Jets: None Jump Capacity: 0 meters

    Armor Type: Aldis Heavy Ferro Fibrous


    2 ER Medium Lasers

    1 Beagle Active Probe

    1 Guardian ECM Suite

    1 TAG

    1 C3-Slave Unit

    Manufacturer: LexaTech Industries

    Communications System: TO/P 3000 OSJ

    Targeting & Tracking System: O/P PulseTrack III

    Overview: Lexa Tech Industries, the manufacturer of theCerberus

    MVR-V2, recently began producing a new Light BattleMech de-signfor House Kurita in 3061. It is a type which combines alltheaspects desired of such machines speed, hidden unit detec-tion,artillery designation, electronic countermeasure, a link to atargetacquisition network - and more speed. Featuring the latestadvancesin chassis construction with lightweight armor, the FireHawk PCT-3Kis the new Raven, but has features which put thatwell-knownCapellan design to shame.


    Built on an Endo Steel chassis, the Fire Hawk carries sixtons ofFerro Fibrous armor, 90% of the amount allowed. This

    Mech was created specifically through a special program toservein a multi-mission role. As such, it is outfitted with a suiteofdetection gear once described as a recon pilots dream, thesensorsencased in a pop-up array which folds snugly againstthe Fire Hawksback while the unit is moving at high speed.

    First is a Beagle Active Probe, used to sniff out hiddenenemyunits. Next is a TAG emitter which is used to light up enemytar-gets for friendly artillery and special LRM rounds. Protectingthe FireHawk pilot and her lance mates from Advanced TacticalMissilesand Artemis-guided rounds is a Guardian Electronic CounterMeas-ure package. The Fire Hawk also has twin Extended RangeMediumLasers for harassing lighter vehicles and infantry, as wellas for self-defense. But this is not all. If it were, the Fire Hawkwould be just agood recon Mech, a modern version of the venerableHitman andthe equal of designs found all over the Inner Sphere.

    It is much more.

    The Fire Hawk features a normal top speed of nearly 120kph,placing it firmly in the company of such veterans as the Mon-gooseand Hitman. Not quite as fast as the FedCom Scarabus,but carrying amore useful payload, the 3K can easily outrun allbut the fastestvehicles that is, until the pilot engages her My-omer AcceleratedSpeed Circuitry, or MASC. That is when the truevalue of this Mechstands out. All the targeting gear in the worldwill do no good ifit cannot get into effective range. The Fire Hawkhas what most ofits fellow recon Mechs do not overwhelmingspeed, nearly double thatof the Raven, while carrying essentiallythe same loadout. It closeseasily with enemy positions, sweepingpast foes before they canbring their weapons to bear. And thisspeed is important, for theFire Hawk includes one more thing - aC3 Network Slave Unit. Pluggedinto a multi-Mech fire control net-work, this sophisticatedtargeting system enables other, moreheavily-armed Mechs to takefull advantage of the Fire Hawksmobility and superior position byreducing their own weapons ef-fective range.

    Seemingly everywhere on the battlefield at once, thisMechpromises to revolutionize Draconis Combine recon tactics.OurOrder will be watching the Fire Hawks deployment closely inthenext year. As a more heavily-armored replacement for theagingHitman, it is the first in a series of roll-outs from the DCMSJointBattleMech Consolidation Program. The JBCP is an initiativeor-dered by the Coordinator himself to increase Mechproductionefficiency by reducing the number of unique Mechs neededtofulfill a set of closely-related battlefield missions.

    Battle History:

    The Fire Hawk has not been observed in any recent engage-ments,but is expected to completely replace the Hitman in reconlanceswithin the next six months. The older Mech suffered froma lack ofC3 compatibility, too little armor and strange as it maysound, toomany weapons. Pilots who were supposed to rely onspeed to performrecon assignments were instead tempted intofruitless battles withother Mechs, resulting more often than not inthe loss of the Hitmanand its valuable sensor arrays. While the FireHawk has more thanenough firepower to fend off infantry andother light Mechs, eventhe bravest of House Kuritas Mechwar-riors admits this machine isno brawler.

    Notable 'Mechs & MechWarriors:

    Cassandra Mulan Furukawa :

    Lieutenant Furukawa is an anomaly among HouseKuritasMechwarriors; not only is she a female in a male-dominatedca-reer path, she was nearly fifty years old before she took tothecontrols of a Hitman in 3059. When her only son was draftedintothe DCMS, Furukawa decided instead to take his place, as hewasrecently married and the young newlyweds were expectingtheir firstchild. A combination of ability (her son could not usetheneurohelmet), critically low Mechwarrior turnout that year andaRecruiting District Commander who owed the family a debt ofhonordating back nearly twenty years resulted in her admissionto aMechwarrior Academy.

    Graduating with honors, Furukawas quicksilver humor andmaturityendeared her to the other Mechwarriors in her regiment,whonicknamed her Mulan after an ancient Chinese woman whosecretlystood in for her father when he was drafted into the Em-perorsArmy. Lt. Furukawa is an average pilot at best incombatsimulations, but has no equal when piloting small, fast,lightlyarmed recon Mechs. Her patience, cunning anddeterminationare equal to that of her legendary namesake, makingthis Mech-warrior an ideal match for the Fire Hawk. She claims shejustwants to see her grandchildren grow up. Given her ability inthisnew Mech, there is no doubt she will.


    Type/Model: Fire Hawk PTC-3K

    Mass: 35 tons

    Equipment Mass

    Internal Structure: 3.5

    Engine: 245 Fusion 12

    Walking MP: 7

    Running MP: 11 [14]

    Jumping MP 0

    Heat Sinks: 10 [20] 0

    Gyro: 3

    co*ckpit: 3

    Armor Factor: 108 6

    Internal ArmorStructure Value

    Head: 3 9

    Center Torso: 11 6

    Center Torso (Rear): 5

    L/R Side Torso: 8 10/10

    L/R Side Torso (Rear): 4/4

    L/R Arm: 6 10/10

    L/R Leg: 8 15/15

    Weapons & Equipment Loation Critical Tonnage

    2 ER Medium Lasers RA 2 2

    1 Beagle Active Probe RT 2 1.5

    1 Guardian ECM CT 2 1.5

    1 TAG H 1 1

    1 C-3 Slave Unit LT 1 1






    Type/Model: Panther PNT-12K

    Tech: Inner Sphere /3062

    Config: Biped BattleMech

    Mass: 35 tons

    Chassis: Alshain 560-Carrier Endo Steel

    Power Plant: 140 Hermes Fusion

    Walking Speed: 43.2 km/h

    Maximum Speed: 64.8 km/h

    Jump Jets: 4 Lexington Ltd. Lifters Standard Jump Jets

    Jump Capacity: 120 meters

    Armor Type: Maximillian 42 Ferro-Fibrous


    1 Snub Nosed PPC

    1 Streak SRM-4

    Manufacturer: Kingsley, and Thorpe Enterprises

    Communications System: Sipher CommCon SCU-4

    Targeting & Tracking System: Cat's Eyes 5


    The Panther has been a staple of the Draconis CombineMusteredSoldiery since the Succession Wars, and shows no signof beingreplaced any time soon. Indeed, the year 3062 alone willsee two newadditions to this venerable line of Medium Battle-Mechs the PantherPNT-12A and PNT-12K. The PNT-12A willbe House Kuritas foray intothe use of targeting computers, andwe expect its increased accuracywill have a definite impact onopposing forces scouting tactics. ThePNT-12K, on the otherhand, is destined for quite a differentmission


    Built on an Endo Steel chassis and featuring the samegoodmobility Panthers have always enjoyed, the -12K goes onebet-ter on its brother design by replacing 7.5 tons of standardarmorwith 6.5 tons of Ferro Fibrous armor, saving a precious tonofweight at a cost of only 3% of the original coverage. Makingroomfor this bulkier armor cost the -12K its Double Heat Sinks, buttheheat profile is such that the replacement Single Heat Sinksaremore than adequate. This Mech dispenses with the traditional

    backup laser as well, to make room for a new weapontailor-madefor close-in work the Snub-Nose Particle ProjectionCannon.

    The Snub-nose PPC is lighter than a standard PPC, has nominimumrange and generates the same amount of heat duringoperation.However, there is a trade-off the Snub-nose designcannon maintaintight particle beam focus at anything other thanclose range. Damagefrom this weapon drops off significantly atlonger ranges. This isapparently not a problem with the PNT-12K;moreover, it carries a C3slave unit, ideal for reducing the effec-tive range of moreheavily-gunned lancemates.

    Short-ranged weapons designed to be either reload-freeorextremely frugal with ammunition a tough chassis and heavyarmorfor a Light Mech a Command/Control/Communicationslink adequatemobility and a 120-meter jump all of this pointsto a Mech which isideally suited for fighting in cities and inmountainous terrain.The Panther PNT-12K is an infighter meantto clean out cityscapes inshort order and guide munitions fromlarger guns onto targets itcannot handle alone.

    Such a purpose-built machine is not unheard of in theDCMS, butuntil now Our Order has generally assumed most Ku-ritanMechWarriors lack the qualities which this design requires that is,personal initiative combined with a willingness to workclosely withothers. Perhaps the Coordinators recent shakeup ofthe military isfinally beginning to bear fruit.

    Battle History:

    House Kurita has so far engaged only in the usualmilitaryexercises along the Combine-Lyran border. While there areru-mors of militant factions within the Draconis Combine whowouldgladly welcome conflict with Clan Ghost Bear, attacking themisout of the question for the moment. Thus, the -12K is justnowreaching active locations such as the Lyons Thumb, and willlikelybe held in reserve until hostilities break out. Our Orderfeels thiswait will not be long. With constant infighting among theClans,it is only a matter of time before some in the DCMS decidetostep out on their own and reclaim territory lost during theoriginalInvasion.

    Notable 'Mechs & MechWarriors:

    Sho-sa (Major) Hiromi Momohara

    This MechWarrior is a standout in the DCMS - a womanwhoseability, determination, discipline and force of will forged a

    career through traditionally male-dominated ranks. Born in3027to a middle-ranking Army officer, she enrolled in the DieronDis-trict Gymnasium in 3044 and graduated three years later nearthetop of her class.

    Her first assignment was to a Light Recon lance, where shewasrelegated to piloting a broken-down Panther PNT-9R. Hardfightingand quick thinking earned her a good reputation, as wellas priorityon repairs. Soon, Momoharas lance enjoyed a suc-cess rate that wasthe envy of her Regiment. Blessed (or cursed,depending on yourviewpoint) with good looks, Chu-i (Lieutenant)Momohara successfullyresisted the temptation to use her sexappeal as a tool for careeradvancement, opting instead to do itthe hard way.

    A transfer from her Panther to one of the first Maulerseverdeployed only enhanced her career. Although it massednearlythree times her original ride, Chu-i Momohara piloted thenewAssault Mech to victory during a border skirmish with theLyranAlliance in early 3049. Although Combine Mechs sufferedseveraldemoralizing losses in the city due to guerilla tacticsemployed bylocal militia, Momohara nevertheless was instrumental intakingnearly complete control of the planets major populationcentersbefore being abruptly recalled. Departing with the rest oftheCombine forces, she soon found herself tasked with anevengreater challenge that of repelling the Clan Invasion.

    Twelve years later, Sho-sa (Major) Momohara is back intheco*ckpit of her beloved Panther, a PNT-12K version justrecentlyintroduced to her Regiment. She has since married and isevennow contemplating retirement from the DCMS when her twentyyearsare up. Disciplined and yet extremely resourceful in theco*ckpit,Hiromi Momohara is currently training junior MechWar-riors ineffective city fighting. Her experience with the Mauler gaveherinsights into the strengths and weaknesses of the largerMechs, andtaught her the value of close teamwork, lessons shenow passes on toa new generation of thirty-first century samurai.



    Type/Model: Panther PNT-12K

    Mass: 35 tons

    Equipment Mass

    Internal Structure: 2

    Engine: 140 Fusion 5

    Walking MP: 4

    Running MP: 6

    Jumping MP 4

    Heat Sinks: 13 3

    Gyro: 2

    co*ckpit: 3

    Armor Factor: 116 7.5

    Internal ArmorStructure Value

    Head: 3 9

    Center Torso: 11 15

    Center Torso (Rear): 6

    L/R Side Torso: 8 11/11

    L/R Side Torso (Rear): 5/5

    L/R Arm: 6 12/12

    L/R Leg: 8 15/15

    Weapons & Equipment Loation Critical Tonnage

    1 Snub-Nosed PPC RA 2 6

    1 Streak SRM-4 CT 2 4

    Ammo (SRM) 25 RT 1 1

    1 C-3 Slave Unit H 1 1CASE Equipment LT 1 0.5





    Type/Model: Panther PNT-12K

    Tech: Inner Sphere /3062

    Config: Biped BattleMech

    Mass: 35 tons

    Chassis: Alshain 560-Carrier Endo Steel

    Power Plant: 140 Hermes Fusion

    Walking Speed: 43.2 km/h

    Maximum Speed: 64.8 km/h

    Jump Jets: 4 Lexington Ltd. Lifters Standard Jump Jets

    Jump Capacity: 120 meters

    Armor Type: Maximillian 42 Standard


    1 Heavy PPC

    2 Medium Lasers

    1 Small Laser

    Manufacturer: Alshain Weapons

    Communications System: Sipher CommCon SCU-4

    Targeting & Tracking System: Cat's Eyes 5


    The Panther has recently experienced a renaissance ofsorts,looming large in the Draconis Combines preparations forimpend-ing war. Our Order has received confirmation of at least twonewvariants scheduled to reach front lines before the year is out.Closeon the tail of the PNT-12A and PNT-12K (described elsewhereinthis Readout) appears to be yet a third new type, thePNT-12K-I.From the model number, we assumed this was a minor twistonthe -12K. However, a closer look shows this Mech related to the-12K more by intended mission than a shared weapons profile;itcombines features found in both its brother Mechs.


    As with the -12A and -12K, the PNT-12K-I is based on anEndoSteel chassis. It retains the Hermes 140 Fusion engine andcarriesseven and a half tons of standard armor, the maximum al-lowed forits frame. Tough and well-protected, it enjoys the typi-cal Panthermovement profile a 120 meter jump and a topspeed of nearly 65 kph.The -12K-I really does not stand out from

    its brother Mechs until you consider the weapons it carries.

    With a right-arm mounted Fusigon Sabretooth Heavy Parti-cleProjection Cannon (courtesy of the Free Worlds League), thisPantherwields the equivalent of a Gauss Rifle with unlimited am-munition.While the range is similar to an ER Large Laser, thedamage is morethan double with only a slight increase in heat.A skilled pilot atthe controls of a PNT-12K-I can tear the head offan enemy Mech witha single shot. And that is precisely whatOur Order believes it hasbeen designed to do taking the fightto enemy Mechs in a cityenvironment.

    Of course, if this were all it could do, the -12K-I wouldstillbe an asset to any regiment. But it also carries twinMediumLasers, backed by a Small Laser, suggesting this Mech ismeantto deal with city-based infantry as well as opposingBattleMechs.Rounding out this flexible array is aCommand/Control/Commu-nications slave unit. Plugged into a C3network, the PNT-12K-Iacts as the eyes for more heavily-armed lancemates, who usethe resulting short range to deal more effectivelywith largethreats although it is hard to imagine more effectivemunitionsthan a Heavy PPC at point-blank range.

    Battle History:

    The Panther PNT-12K-I, like its brother variants, has notbeenobserved in anything other than combat simulations and asinglefield exercise. Rumors that it may soon engage in retakingplanetsoccupied by Clan Ghost Bear are patent nonsense theGhost Bears aretoo well-entrenched after a decade of occupa-tion to make such aventure practical. In any case, the threat ofimpending Civil war inthe Federated Commonwealth is morethan enough reason to beef up thegarrisons House Kurita keepson all of its borders.

    Notable 'Mechs & MechWarriors:

    Martin Peanut Peabody

    The single field exercise Our Order observed was held inaburnt-out city on Kanowit, and revealed much about theexpec-tations of the Draconis Combines High Command. Onestandoutamong the many MechWarriors who competed for the privilegeofparticipating in this exercise was Chu-i (Lieutenant)MartinPeabody. His presence bespoke renewed interest by some oftheolder, non-Japanese families in re-establishing a tradition ofmil-itary service in the DCMS.

    As a family the Peabodys are scattered the length andbreadth ofCombine space; most of them share the common traitsof beingphysically small but fierce in battle. Once found through-out HouseKuritas military forces, each generation was proud toserve. A lookthrough old yearbooks reveals at least one Peabodygraduating eachdecade from established military academies,back when such schoolstrained more than the spoiled sons ofnobility. This legacy of valorended abruptly during the Fourth Suc-cession War, when severalmembers of the family were lost topoorly-led Combine militaryventures. The family as a whole de-cided to step back and waituntil better leaders presented them-selves. Several of the other,less well-connected Families quietlyfollowed suit, but theirwithdrawal simply underlined the mainpoint: Family Peabody would beno ones cannon fodder.

    MechWarrior Peabody himself demonstrates why his fam-ilysreputation lingers on decades after the last of the Peabodysretiredfrom active service. Piloting a Panther PNT-12K-I markedwith abright red stripe, he ducked and weaved through oldburned-outbuildings, working his way in towards the Blue forcesoccupying thecity center. His Red Team lance mates followed,and between theirown weapons and the long-range fire deliv-ered courtesy of their C3links, they accounted for six Blue TeamMechs before they wereforced to fall back. Despite heavy dam-age to his own machine dueto a well-placed shot from a Hata-moto-Chi, Peabody continued tolead his men as they harried theBlue Mechs until reinforcementsarrived. Red Team carried theday, thanks in no small part to thisdiminutive pilot with the heartof a lion.

    It is rumored Chu-i Peabody is being considered for theBushidoBlade. He will almost certainly be promoted to Tai-i (Cap-tain) asa result of this action.


    Type/Model: Panther PNT-12K

    Mass: 35 tons

    Equipment Mass

    Internal Structure: 2

    Engine: 140 Fusion 5

    Walking MP: 4

    Running MP: 6

    Jumping MP 4

    Heat Sinks: 10 (20) 3

    Gyro: 2

    co*ckpit: 3

    Armor Factor: 119 7.5

    Internal ArmorStructure Value

    Head: 3 9

    Center Torso: 11 16

    Center Torso (Rear): 6

    L/R Side Torso: 8 11/11

    L/R Side Torso (Rear): 5/5

    L/R Arm: 6 12/12

    L/R Leg: 8 16/16

    Weapons & Equipment Loation Critical Tonnage

    1 Heavy PPC RA 4 10

    2 Medium Lasers CT 2 2

    1 Small Laser LA 1 0.5

    1 C-3 Slave Unit H 1 1






    these is essentially a revised -3L, equipped with the usualBea-gle Detection gear, TAG, Guardian ECM and Narc Missile Bea-con.It carries more armor with a special Stealth capability, as wellasDouble Heat Sinks and weapons with a slightly longer reach.However,the Raven RVN-4L is not expected to arrive at the frontlines for atleast another year due to teething problems with theStealtharmor.

    Its brother, the Raven RVN-5L, is another matter.


    Built on an Endo Steel chassis and powered by a Hermes245 XLfusion engine, the -5L is capable of speeds in excess of118 kph.This brings its mobility up to par with other Mechs inthethirty-five ton weight class. Its Ferro Fibrous armor loadoutis97% of the maximum allowed, seventeen percent greater thanthe -4Land nearly thirty percent more than the old -3L. However,the -5L isnot intended for a traditional role as an electronically-enhancedrecon Mech.

    Instead, the RVN-5L packs an Extended Range Large Laser,threeExtended Range Medium Lasers and an Artemis-enhancedSRM-6 ShortRange Missile launcher. This array of weaponsboasts a long reachand a reliable punch with good endurance.The -5L can fend off otherLight Mechs with ease and force evenMechWarriors in Medium-classmachines to reconsider. We ex-pect this new Raven to deploy inlances with the -4L, providingthe protection its brother Mechsorely lacks.

    Battle History:

    The Raven RVN-5L is headed for second-line regiments forfieldtesting at the time of this writing. Our Order believes itwilleventually serve as a bodyguard for the more lightly-armedandarmored Raven RVN-4L. The -5Ls visual profile from a distanceismuch the same as its predecessors. It is possible that a pilotwhoattempts to engage this new Mech will mistake it for anolder designwith fatal results.

    Type/Model: Raven RVN-5L

    Tech: Inner Sphere /3060

    Config: Biped BattleMech

    Mass: 35 tons

    Chassis: Hellespont Type R Endo Steel

    Power Plant: 245 Hermes XL Fusion

    Walking Speed: 75.6 km/h

    Maximum Speed: 118.8 km/h

    Jump Jets: None

    Jump Capacity: 0 meters

    Armor Type: Hellespont Lite w. CASE Ferro-Fibrous


    1 ER Large Laser

    3 ER Medium Lasers

    1 SRM 6 w/ Artemis IV

    Manufacturer: Hellespont Industries

    Communications System: Ceres Metals Model 666

    Targeting & Tracking System: Apple Churchill 2000


    House Liao is the only military so far to make use of theRavenBattleMech, a design which has been kicking around since3005. Andwhen it first appeared, it was a strange bird indeed. AMech with astandard fusion engine and mediocre speed (thetop end was only 86kph) would be acceptable even fifty yearsago only if it delivered alarge payload or carried a lot of valuablerecon gear. The firstRaven did neither. Not until 3050 and the ad-dition of an upratedXL engine, Ferro Fibrous armor and a suiteofdetection/counter-measure/homing gear did this Mech begin toservea useful role on the battlefield. Even then, the -3L variantwasconsidered a deathtrap by its own pilots, as it was poorly ar-moredand too slow to escape pursuit even by Mechs in its ownweightclass!

    The Raven was slated for replacement by an entirely newdesign in3060 when fresh thinking by the Capellan High Com-mand gave thisMech a reprieve. Several prototypes were builtbefore the designersat Hellespont Mechworks settled on a pairof variants which wouldshare a common chassis the Raven and complement each other onmission assignments. The first of



    Type/Model: Raven RVN-5L

    Mass: 35 tons

    Equipment Mass

    Internal Structure: 2

    Engine: 245XL Fusion 5

    Walking MP: 7

    Running MP: 11

    Jumping MP 0

    Heat Sinks: 11 (22) 1

    Gyro: 3

    co*ckpit: 3

    Armor Factor: 116 6.5

    Internal ArmorStructure Value

    Head: 3 9

    Center Torso: 11 15

    Center Torso (Rear): 6

    L/R Side Torso: 8 11/11

    L/R Side Torso (Rear): 5/5

    L/R Arm: 6 12/12

    L/R Leg: 8 15/15


    Weapons & Equipment Loation Critical Tonnage

    1 ER Large Laser LA 2 5

    2 ER Medium Lasers RA 2 2

    1 ER Medium Laser RT 1 1

    1 SRM-6 w/ Artemis IV RT 4 5

    Ammo (SRM) 15 RT 1 1

    CASE Equipment RT 1 0.5




    Sentry performing militia work and the Daimyo regarded asajack-of-all-trades. It remains to be seen whether the loadoutoflonger-ranged weapons will allow the slightly more expensiveFul-crum to carry out its own intended role as a first-classharrier.

    Notable 'Mechs & MechWarriors:

    Captain Sandra Winfield

    The first Fulcrums to reach the Andurien militia weresnapped upby experienced older Mechwarriors itching to getback into a co*ckpitany co*ckpit. The most notable of these isSandra Winfield. A quietstudent of the cello when not piloting aMech, she is reserved evenamong her friends. Graduating fromthe local training Academy withlackluster marks, it was not untilMechwarrior Winfield entered herfirst combat as a mercenary inthe Chaos March that her talent inthe co*ckpit became apparent.She transformed into a ruthlesslyefficient killer, quickly toting upfour kills in as many weeks andearning the nickname The RedBaroness.

    Winfield liked this handle and after her seventh kill,re-quested her Griffin be painted red (as opposed to thecamouflagescheme then popular with her unit). The request wasquicklygranted. Mechwarrior Winfield returned from the ChaosMarchsome years later to attend a family funeral and, at therequest ofthe Andurien government, signed up for service as anofficer inthe militia. Her Fulcrum painted a bright red, CaptainWinfield iscurrently training seasoned pilots to fly the new Mech.Her fear-some reputation is all this mild-eyed young woman needs tokeepthe grizzled veterans in line.


    Type/Model: Fulcrum FLM-23TM

    Tech: Inner Sphere /3060

    Config: Biped BattleMech

    Mass: 40 tons

    Chassis: Earthwerk GRF Endo Steel

    Power Plant: 240 Pitban Fusion

    Walking Speed: 64.8 km/h

    Maximum Speed: 97.2 km/h

    Jump Jets: 6 Rawlings 52 Standard Jump Jets

    Jump Capacity: 180 meters

    Armor Type: StarSlab CASE Ferro-Fibrous


    1 ER PPC

    1 LRM-5

    1 ER Medium Laser

    Manufacturer: Taurus Territorial Industries

    Communications System: Maxell 500

    Targeting & Tracking System: Maxell TA55


    In desperate need of new Mechs to fill out their rapidlyex-panding militia, the Duchy of Andurien decided to create theirownMechs rather than purchase machines from an open marketwhich washeavily regulated and a Mech industry clogged withseveral yearsworth of back-orders. House Humphries negotiatedseveral tradeagreements with the Magistracy of Canopus and in-vited TaurusTerritorial Industries to set up a satellite Mech pro-ductionfacility on Lopez. With a fistful of Andurian currency andpriorityaccess to both Andurien and Canopian factories, theDuchys engineersturned to the first draft on their drawing boards.

    Using the Star League-era Clint as an outline, the newMech wasto incorporate the latest technology available in chas-sis andarmor construction. At the same time, it was to use offthe shelfcomponents for the power plant, guidance systems andweaponry,avoiding the shortcomings of the parent design. Theresult was theFulcrum FLM-23TM.


    The Fulcrum is a 40-ton Mech which features an EndoSteelskeleton supporting a Pitban 240 Fusion engine and sixhome-grown Rawlings jump jets. It has a top speed of nearly 100kphand excellent mobility in heavily-wooded or mountainousterrain.The weapons loadout is equally impressive; an ExtendedRangeParticle Projection Cannon, a Long Range Missile -5launchersupplied with a ton of ammunition and an ExtendedRangeMedium Laser.

    Protecting all of this are six tons of Ferrofibrous armor,nearly80% of the amount allowed for a Mech of this size. Thisdesigns longreach ensures it will do most of its damage well be-fore an enemycan close in. When they do, the combination ofCASE and a standardfusion engine give the Fulcrum very goodcombat endurance. It willpersist long after XL Engine-equippedMechs of similar tonnage havebeen reduced to scrap.

    With just ten Double Heat Sinks to dissipate the heatfromweapons, engine and jump jets, the Fulcrum requires carefulheatmanagement to get the most from its design. Firing the ERPPCand jumping the maximum 180 meters will start the Fulcrumsheatmeter on an upward climb, and new pilots are warned to po-sitionthemselves before they begin using their weapons. Never-theless,heat management is not expected to be a problem. Atpresent, skilledAndurien Mechwarriors far outnumber the Mechsavailable.

    The Fulcrum is meant for independent duty, assigned tolongdeployments where interdiction and garrison-keeping arethe rulerather than the exception. It is quickly serviced and re-paired andthus, easy on Andurien logistical support (which is notyet fully inplace). Although certainly capable of effective Mech-on-Mechcombat, the Fulcrum is expected to be used more withraidingparties. It is ideal for missions intended to disrupt enemysupplylines in rough terrain, where the toughest customers arehovercraft,VTOLs and other light vehicles. Secondary assign-ments may includestamping out hot spots in a city, where theFulcrums mobility is adefinite asset.

    Battle History:

    There are no recorded instances of this Mech in combat.Thenearest comparable Mechs currently in production, the Sen-trySNT-04 and the Daimyo DMO-1K, are slower, better-armoreddesigns.Both are intended for close-combat, however, with the


    Weapons & Equipment Loation Critical Tonnage

    1 ER PPC RA 3 7

    1 ER Medium Laser LA 1 1

    1 LRM-5 H 1 2

    Ammo (LRM) 24 LT 1 1

    CASE Equipment LT 1 0.5


    Type/Model: Fulcrum FLM-23TM

    Mass: 40 tons

    Equipment Mass

    Internal Structure: 2

    Engine: 240 Fusion 11.5

    Walking MP: 6

    Running MP: 9

    Jumping MP 6

    Heat Sinks: 10 (20) 0

    Gyro: 3

    co*ckpit: 3

    Armor Factor: 108 6

    Internal ArmorStructure Value

    Head: 3 9

    Center Torso: 12 16

    Center Torso (Rear): 6

    L/R Side Torso: 10 12/12

    L/R Side Torso (Rear): 5/5

    L/R Arm: 6 10/10

    L/R Leg: 10 12/12





    The CN12-B is a machine of great contrasts. At first glanceitappears quite imbalanced, unable to bracket itsshort-rangedautocannon with its long-ranged missle pack. The singleERmedium laser mounted dead-center of the Mech seems to be apoorcompromise to bridge the gap at moderate distances.

    While logical, this analysis neglects the new Centurionstruerole: close-in and dirty fighting, especially in urbanenvironments.Indeed, the 10-pack of missiles is the secondaryarmament, notthe laser. Though it lacks jump jets, the 12-B hasenough speedto quickly move along streets, and its slim profileallows it to fitdown alleyways that most other Mechs simply cannotpassthrough. Its almost the definition of a knife-fighterBattleMech,one that is adept at ambushing opponents from behind tolaythem open with bursts of cannon fire before fading back intotheshadows. One pilot described it as a Hunchback done right.

    When considered in this light, several otherwisepuzzlingfeatures now make sense. One example is the machinesoddarmor placement. Conventional wisdom has BattleMechs weild-ingheavy protection on the legs, as mobility kills are one of themostcommon causes of battlefield losses. In a city, however,thisCenturion can easily find cover to hide it from the waist down,al-lowing it to max out the armor on its torso and arms. Anotherun-usual quirk is the decidedly paltry amount of ammunitiondevotedto the missiles over the big autocannon. In open-fieldcombat,long-range weaponry often takes up the bulk of a designsmag-azine space. After all, few MechWarriors want to get theirma-chines so close to the enemy that Mechkillers like heavypulselasers, massive autocannon, and even massed arrays ofmachineguns and flamers come into play. In urban conflicts thischoice isoften removed. The CN12-B does well to mount an accurateandefficient long-ranged weapon for when a rare shot presentsitself,but concentrates on provided enough shells to keep the20-classautocannon firing for a long, long time.

    In what could become a major problem, fitting all of thisfire-power into a fifty-ton chassis required that a bulky andfragile XLengine be mounted. CASE protects the pilot to someextent, buttesting has concluded that once the Mechs right torsohas beenpenetrated, destruction from an ammunition explosion isnearly90% likely unless the pilot immediately withdraws.

    Battle History:

    Like many other new BattleMechs in this report, the Centu-rion12-B has yet to see combat. This hasnt stopped the AFFCfromproducing a dozen copies, however.

    Of these twelve Mechs, two remain at the factory for test-ing.Four were sold to smaller mercenary units withpro-Davionsentiments. The remaining six were distributed along theCap-pelan and Draconis borders. While outright conflict with thetwostates seems unlikely, raiding continues. Its hoped thatspread-ing the CN12-B around will accelerate the chances of itseeingcombat soon.

    At the present time, no further sub-variants of the CN12-Bexist.Reportedly a tech from the Battle Magic mercenary unit didsuggeststripping out the almost-useless CASE for another ERlaser, but thisidea was not received well by the manufacturer andis unlikely to beseen in a production version.

    Notable 'Mechs & MechWarriors:

    Centurion CN12B001X

    This is the first example of the Mech and has been slatedforextensive live-fire testing. As such it has no regular pilot andis cur-rently being fitted with a comprehensive sensor package andspe-cial improved blow-out panels for its CASE modules. Thiswouldnot be of much interest normally, but rumor has it that thetechsworking on the machine believe that this advanced CASE IIsys-tem might allow it to continue fighting after an ammunitionexplo-sion, even given its extra-light reactor. We have our ownanalystswatching this program carefully; such an advance couldgreatly im-prove the survivability of Inner Sphere machines ingeneral.

    Sergeant Michael Nelson

    SGT Nelson is a senior NCO in the third company of theSecondArmored Cavalry, a staunchly pro-Davion mercenarycommand thatclaims a lineage nearly as ancient as the famedBlack Watch of theSLDF. He received his CN12B as part of anupgrade plan offered tothe battalion in exchange for a high-riskcontract within the ChaosMarch. While the specifics of their mis-sion are considered secret,it is likely that this Mech and its ac-complished pilot will be thefirst to test the variants combatabilities in actual battle.


    Type/Model: Centurion CN12-B

    Tech: Inner Sphere /3059

    Config: Biped BattleMech

    Mass: 55 tons

    Chassis: Corean Model KL77 Endo Steel

    Power Plant: 275 GM XL Fusion

    Walking Speed: 54.0 km/h

    Maximum Speed: 86.4 km/h

    Jump Jets: None

    Jump Capacity: 0 meters

    Armor Type: StarGuard III w. CASE Standard


    1 AC/20

    1 LRM 10 w/ Artemis IV

    1 ER Medium Laser

    Manufacturer: Corean Enterprises

    Communications System: Corean TransBand-J9

    Targeting & Tracking System: Corean B-Tech


    The sleek and deadly Centurion has always been a favoriteofHouse Davion. For centuries Federated Suns scientists havelaboredto improve the basic CN9-A chassis, often with mixedresults. Thedecline of technology after the fall of the Star Leaguelimiteddesign options, and every attempt to upgrade the ma-chinesfirepower led to sometimes disasterous side effects.

    One of the most commonly-attempted modifications wasto mount aheavy autocannon in place of the base modelsmedium-heavy Luxor. Oneversion, the CN9-AH, even saw limitedproduction and served as thetemplate for Justin Allards famousCN9-YLW, or Yen-lo-wang. However,the extreme amount ofshort-range firepower the Mech gained was morethan counter-balanced by the fact that the secondary armament hadto bedowngraded in every case.

    A more recent layout of equipment, made possible by severalmajorlostech discoveries, resulted in the prototype CN12-B.


    Weapons & Equipment Loation Critical Tonnage

    1 Autocannon/20 LA 14 18

    Ammo (AC) 20 LT 4 4

    1 LRM-10 w/Artemis IV RT 3 6

    Ammo (LRM) 12 LT 1 1

    1 ER Medium Laser CT 1 1

    CASE Equipment LT 1 0.5

    CASE Equipment RT 1 0.5


    Type/Model: Centurion CN12-B

    Mass: 55 tons

    Equipment Mass

    Internal Structure: 3

    Engine: 275XL Fusion 8

    Walking MP: 5

    Running MP: 8

    Jumping MP 0

    Heat Sinks: 10 (20) 0

    Gyro: 3

    co*ckpit: 3

    Armor Factor: 176 11

    Internal ArmorStructure Value

    Head: 3 9

    Center Torso: 18 28

    Center Torso (Rear): 7

    L/R Side Torso: 13 20/20

    L/R Side Torso (Rear): 6/6

    L/R Arm: 9 18/18

    L/R Leg: 13 22/22




    sub-standard -2N variants held by most of the Houses andtheimproved -3N fielded by Our Order to good advantage at theBat-tle of Tukayyid.


    Victor Steiner-Davion decided that, instead of attemptingtoreproduce the original Mech, he would incorporate as muchnewtechnology as he could to better the existing -3N design. There-sult was the Champion CHP-3Q3. This new model is all-newcon-struction which retains the styling cues of the original, butis mucheasier to service and can be produced with existing assemblylinetooling. A comparison of the two types is instructive:

    The Tukayyid-era CHP-3N loadout consists of an LB 10-XAutocannonwith two tons of ammunition, two Large Lasers, twoMedium Lasers,two Small Lasers and an Artemis-equippedSRM-6 rack with a singleton of reloads. It carries 66% of themaximum available armor for asixty-ton Mech. There are tenDouble Heat Sinks to handle this Mechsheat load.

    The new CHP-3Q3 features an LB 10-X Autocannon withthree tons ofammunition, an Extended Range Large Laser, threeMedium Lasers and aStreak SRM-6 launcher well-known formaking every shot count. Thisdesign carries 95% of the armoravailable for its weight. Itfeatures an Endo Steel chassis andStandard armor, versus thestandard frame and Ferro Fibrousarmor for the -3N. Combined with aVLAR 300 XL engine, thischange allows the Mech to carry 50% moreammunition for theLB 10-X and 100% more for the Streak-6 launcher,all protectedby CASE integral to both left and right torsolocations. Finally, thisMech also has ten Double Heat Sinks whichallow it to fire moreweapons more often without the danger ofammunition cook-offor even shutdown.

    These are significant advantages. There are others.

    The newest Champion has only 66% of the long-rangepunch of the-3N, but the ER Large Laser more closely matchesthe fire envelopeof the LB 10-X. While these weapons deliver onlya modest 44% of itsfirepower, the -3Q3s close-combat potentialis another matter. Ashort-range barrage totals 80% of the Cham-pions loadout if theenemy does not pass out from feedback, hisMech may still sufferinternal damage. A wounded enemy whowillingly faces the prospect offifteen individual hits every ten sec-onds has either a braveMechWarrior for a pilot - or a fool.

    Firepower is not the only asset this design has good en-durance,enabling it to remain independent of supply lines for long

    periods. Finally, while the Champion -3Q3 is slightly lesscapablethan its predecessor the -3N as regards infantry and battlearmorsuppression, it has reach and survivability versus otherBattle-Mechs thanks to ER laser technology, a 30% increase inarmorand the addition of CASE. We believe it will be able tosuccessfullycomplete a wide variety of assignments (despite theloss of a largelaser and pair of small lasers) than even some ofits contempo-raries. It is a force to be reckoned with on thebattlefield.

    Battle History:

    This designs teething period comes on the eve of Civil War.A fewof the CHP-3Q3 have been secretly issued to trusted mem-bers of OurOrder disguised as mercenary units. So far, each En-gagement Reportonly adds to a legacy of unqualified success. Weexpect to beginfull-scale production within three months, with dis-cussion alreadyunderway on developing yet another variant, the -4X, which replacesthe Standard Armor with Ferro Fibrous anddrops all but one MediumLaser and the Streak SRM-6. It adds an-other Double Heat Sink, asecond Streak SRM-6 and a Gauss Riflesupplied with two tons ofammo. There appears to be no way ofavoiding the coming storm. Butwe may be able to reduce thedeath and destruction expected fromsuch a wide-scale conflict.

    Notable 'Mechs & MechWarriors:

    LT Joe Sailor Murphy

    Reports coming in from this MechWarrior are especially use-ful,as he outlines not only the performance of his Champion butthevarious techniques used to get the most from its design. LTMurphyis an extrovert whose colorful on-field antics conceal acarefultactician who may someday rise to command level if hecan live downthe reputation brought on by his Mechs paint job.While mostMechwarriors settle for traditional unit colors or cam-ouflagescheme, Murphys Champion is painted bright pink andmottled with redhearts. The words Bringin the Love are embla-zoned in black justbelow the co*ckpit, along with the image of a re-clining semi-nudewoman blowing a kiss. It is rumored this noseart was patternedafter a young woman he met on Canopus.


    Type/Model: Champion CHP-3Q3

    Tech: Inner Sphere /3058

    Config: Biped BattleMech

    Mass: 60 tons

    Chassis: Bergan XI Endo Steel

    Power Plant: 300 VLAR XL Fusion

    Walking Speed: 54.0 km/h

    Maximum Speed: 86.4 km/h

    Jump Jets: None

    Jump Capacity: 0 meters

    Armor Type: 2-StarSlab Standard


    1 ER Large Laser

    1 LB 10-X AC

    3 Medium Lasers

    1 Streak SRM-6

    Manufacturer: Bergan Industries

    Communications System: Garret T-11C

    Targeting & Tracking System: Mercury-IV


    At the Second Star League Conference, Our Orders Pre-centorMartial announced his retirement from active leadershipand namedVictor Steiner-Davion as his replacement. The newPrecentor Martialsfirst act was to confirm Coordinator TheodoreKurita as First Lord.His second act was to order an inventory ofComstars availableresources while he familiarized himself withthe Comstar mission.His third act was to personally send someStar League-era Mechs backto the drawing board, in an attemptto come up with designs whichComstar might use to blunt thecoming conflict between himself andhis sister, Katherine Steiner-Davion. One of the first re-designedmachines is the Champion.

    The Champion was first introduced in 2602 and quickly be-came astaple of the Star League Defense Forces. The Exodus re-moved mostof these Mechs from the Inner Sphere (theremaining machines werefamily-owned or stockpiled by OurOrder). The Succession Warsquickly destroyed Champion pro-duction lines and so it was rare tosee useful modifications of thisMech as the centuries passed.Finally, all that remained were


    Weapons & Equipment Loation Critical Tonnage

    1 ER Large Laser LA 2 5

    3 ER Medium Lasers RT 3 3

    1 LB-10X Autocannon RA 6 11

    Ammo (AC) 30 RT 3 3

    1 Streak SRM-6 LT 3 4

    Ammo (SRM) 30 LT 2 2

    CASE Equipment LT 1 0.5

    CASE Equipment RT 1 0.5


    Type/Model: Champion CHP-3Q3

    Mass: 60 tons

    Equipment Mass

    Internal Structure: 3

    Engine: 300XL Fusion 9.5

    Walking MP: 5

    Running MP: 8

    Jumping MP 0

    Heat Sinks: 10 (20) 0

    Gyro: 3

    co*ckpit: 3

    Armor Factor: 191 12

    Internal ArmorStructure Value

    Head: 3 9

    Center Torso: 20 30

    Center Torso (Rear): 10

    L/R Side Torso: 14 20/20

    L/R Side Torso (Rear): 8/8

    L/R Arm: 10 18/18

    L/R Leg: 14 25/25






    Featuring three LRM-15 long-range missile racks suppliedwith sixtons of ammunition protected by Cellular AmmunitionStorageEquipment (CASE), the -7Y trades a minor amount offirepower theequivalent of an LRM-5 for another ton and ahalf of precious armor,bringing the total up to 90% of the maxi-mum permitted for thisdesign. Heat is not an issue; the new Yeo-man actually has moreheat-shedding capacity than it can use.Still capable of speeds upto 65 kph, this Mech can move aboutefficiently in the backfield andadapt quickly to a changing battleenvironment. However, theoriginal tactical doctrine of combin-ing light armor with a heavyweapons loadout has proven singu-larly unfortunate, at least as faras fire support Mechs areconcerned. The caution to avoid directcontact with the enemyis something of a joke among Yeoman pilots,as it rather naivelyassumes they would prefer to take theirlumbering missile boatsright up to the enemys doorstep.

    Extra armor and a CASE-protected Fusion engine are agood start,but the modern fire support Mech needs more thanthis to survive theinevitable return fire from enemy LRMs and thenewer AdvancedTactical Missile systems. With little room left foradditional FerroFibrous protection, the planners decided insteadto install adifferent kind of armor Guardian Electronic CounterMeasures. ThisECM suite blunts or totally defeats missile en-hancement systemssuch as Artemis IV or the ATM targetingradars, and its protectionextends to non-ECM equipped unitswithin a 360 meter radius. Thusshielded against hostile indirectfire, the Yeoman YMN-7F and itsfellow Mechs are free to moveabout and find the best location forlaunching their own attacks.These are varied and lethal, rangingfrom minefields to homingmissiles to the standard high explosive oranti-personnel rounds.

    Battle History:

    The YMN-7Y is currently undergoing final adjustments atthevarious commands to which it has been assigned. Thisprocess is morea change in company-level strategy than actualtinkering with theBattleMech itself, as commanders reassignlancemates and work outnew ways to take advantage of the -7Ys unique abilities. It isstill at bottom a dedicated fire-support'Mech. The lack ofsecondary weapons was once an issue withprospective pilots, but nomore. The role of artillery support isvery different from that of amain battle unit, and in recent yearshas begun to attract new bloodand a fresh approach. And as

    one of Our Orders military strategists pointed out, anythingthatcan make it past your main line is one tough customer. Hesnotliable to be intimidated at the sight of a couple of mediumlasers.Theyre the equivalent of a security blanket, and its abouttimeHouse Mariks artillery officers grew up. The Free WorldsLeagueHigh Command would seem to agree.

    Notable 'Mechs & MechWarriors:

    Mechwarrior William Bollywood Burt

    Bollywood Bill is an extrovert, to say the least. Rumored tohaveat least two wives and a bevy of offspring scattered acrossfiveworlds, he is the quintessential cowboy Mech pilot.Dressed in afringed leather jacket when not in the co*ckpit, Burtis reputedlynever without his white ten-gallon hat, modeled afterthose worn byNorth American lawmen in the ancient movies ofthe early twentiethcentury. Many are surprised that such a flam-boyant figure haschosen the Yeoman as his ride of choice, butas he will tell anyone(and especially anyone with a camera), hisjob is to clean up thetown and the best way to do it is with thebiggest six-shooters hecan find.

    The truth is a little less flattering. Bollywood Billsescapadesboth on and off the evening news made for good copy butprovedembarrassing for his commander, who more than once hadtoperform public relations damage control to avoid troubleoverBurts unguarded comments. It was dangerous to demote suchapopular figure. Furthermore, The Marik himself hadinexplicablytaken a liking to the man. Eventually a compromise wasworkedout and this capable Mechwarrior rotated to an isolatedartilleryunit, where he rules the roost to this day.


    Type/Model: Yeoman YMN-7Y

    Tech: Inner Sphere /3062

    Config: Biped BattleMech

    Mass: 60 tons

    Chassis: Curtiss Yeoman Endo Steel

    Power Plant: Curtiss Yeoman Endo Steel

    Walking Speed: 43.2 km/h

    Maximum Speed: 64.8 km/h

    Jump Jets: None

    Jump Capacity: 0 meters

    Armor Type: Kallon FWL Special Ferro-Fibrous


    3 LRM-15s

    Manufacturer: Curtiss Militech

    Communications System: CurtissComm Mk IV

    Targeting & Tracking System: Dynatec MissileTrac X


    The Yeoman is one of three BattleMechs produced by Cur-tissMilitech on the world of Paradise. The -6Y rolled off the linein3059 and was passed by the Armaments Board in 3060. Sincethen ithas been assigned to units all across the Free WorldsLeague andeven now works alongside its big brother, the Long-bow. However,despite an impressive array of missile racks, moremobility andbetter endurance (thanks to the Pitban 240 fusionengine), theYeoman is definitely the weaker of the two designs.It is natural toexpect this after all, the Yeoman is barely a HeavyMech, while theLongbow is an Assault-class machine. Natural,but not necessarilydesirable.

    Lack of armor seems to be at the heart of the -6Ysmediocrebattlefield performance that, and its vulnerability tolong-rangeenemy missile fire. Despite numerous advances inboth energy andballistic weapons, it is the LRM which is mostcommonly encounteredin the course of battle as the enemy at-tempts to suppress HouseMariks fire support. Thus it wasdeemed necessary to fine-tune thisdesign, and the result is theYeoman YMN-7Y.


    Type/Model: Yeoman YMN-7Y

    Mass: 60 tons

    Equipment Mass

    Internal Structure: 3

    Engine: 240 Fusion 11.5

    Walking MP: 4

    Running MP: 6

    Jumping MP 0

    Heat Sinks: 10 (20) 0

    Gyro: 3

    co*ckpit: 3

    Armor Factor: 179 10

    Internal ArmorStructure Value

    Head: 3 9

    Center Torso: 20 24

    Center Torso (Rear): 6

    L/R Side Torso: 14 22/22

    L/R Side Torso (Rear): 6/6

    L/R Arm: 10 20/20

    L/R Leg: 14 22/22


    Weapons & Equipment Loation Critical Tonnage

    1 LRM-15 RA 3 7

    Ammo (LRM) 24 RT 3 3

    1 LRM-15 LA 3 7

    Ammo (LRM) 24 LT 3 3

    1 LRM-15 LA 3 7

    Guardian ECM LT 2 1.5

    CASE Equipment LT 1 0.5

    CASE Equipment RT 1 0.5





    The Ceasar -6S carries thirteen tons of armor, 95% of themaximumallowed. Its top speed of nearly 65 kph is average fora Heavy Mech,but fourteen Double Heat Sinks ensure a pilotcan maintain thisacceleration while continuously firing 80% ofhis weapons! And the6S loadout is impressive, both in sheerdamage potential and missionflexibility.

    The CASE-protected Poland A Gauss Rifle is well-knownfor itsreach and devastating impact, and is supplied with a gen-erous twotons of ferro-nickel slugs. Backing it is another weaponwhose staris on the rise the Johnston HeaviShot Heavy Parti-cle ProjectionCannon. This latest addition to the PPC familypacks as big a punchas its slug-throwing partner, with nearly aslong a reach and anendless supply of ammo.

    Rounding out the impressive main guns are two ExtendedRangeMedium Lasers and two standard Medium lasers, pairedone above theother on each arm. This allows the maximum firearc coupled with aremarkably flexible range envelope ideal forcity fighting andspeedier opponents. In fact, Our Order suspectsthis variant will besent to regiments involved in city assaults after the initialsoftening up phase has passed, the well-armoredCaesar 6S will movein to clean out pockets of resistance anddispose of any tanks ortransports still moving about. Speedshould not be an issue, as thefaster machines are far more re-stricted by rubble and urbanterrain than the Caesar.

    Battle History:

    This model, as with its sister the CES-4S, has not reachedFedComregiments in sufficient strength to allow any meaningfulbattlefieldassessment. However, reports of a few isolated duelswith CapellanMechwarriors riding Cataphracts suggest the Cae-sar may finallyhave shed its reputation as a knock-off of thatolder Mech.


    Type/Model: Caesar CES-6S

    Tech: Inner Sphere /3062

    Config: Biped BattleMech

    Mass: 70 tons

    Chassis: Dorwinion Endo Steel

    Power Plant: 280 VOX Light Fusion

    Walking Speed: 43.2 km/h

    Maximum Speed: 64.8 km/h

    Jump Jets: None

    Jump Capacity: 0 meters

    Armor Type: Kallon Royalstar w. CASE Standard


    1 Heavy PPC

    1 Gauss Rifle

    2 ER Medium Lasers

    2 Medium Lasers

    Manufacturer: Johnston Industries

    Communications System: Johnston Wide Band

    Targeting & Tracking System: Rander Pinpoint-HYRanderPin-point-HY


    The Federated Commonwealth is on track to produce twonewvariants of the Caesar CES-3R BattleMech in 3062. Origi-nally basedon a captured Capellan Cataphract, this Mech hasproven itself overthe past decade to be a most effective design.The new versions areexpected to be every bit as successful.Both are improvements overthe original -3R as they incorporateEndo Steel skeletons and LightFusion engines, but the -6S fea-tures greater endurance, morearmor, better heat managementand a higher medium-to-long rangedamage profile than its sis-ter, the Caesar -4S. The -4S, with itsHeavy Gauss rifle and PulseLasers, is designed for slugging matchesthat open holes in theenemy line. But the Caesar CES-6S, working atmedium ranges,is more likely to take down an enemy Mech whilecapable of awider variety of assignments.


    CAESAR CES-6S 23

    Type/Model: Caesar CES-6S

    Mass: 70 tons

    Equipment Mass

    Internal Structure: 3.5

    Engine: 280 Light Fusion 12

    Walking MP: 4

    Running MP: 6

    Jumping MP 0

    Heat Sinks: 14 (28) 4

    Gyro: 3

    co*ckpit: 3

    Armor Factor: 208 13

    Internal ArmorStructure Value

    Head: 3 9

    Center Torso: 22 33

    Center Torso (Rear): 10

    L/R Side Torso: 15 22/22

    L/R Side Torso (Rear): 8/8

    L/R Arm: 11 22/22

    L/R Leg: 15 26/26

    Weapons & Equipment Loation Critical Tonnage

    1 Heavy PPC LA 4 10

    1 ER Medium Laser RA 1 1

    1 ER Medium Laser LA 1 1

    1 Medium Laser RA 1 1

    1 Medium Laser LA 1 1

    1 Gauss Rifle RT 7 15

    Ammo (Gauss) 16 RT 2 2

    CASE Equipment RT 1 0.5





    Type/Model: Warhammer WHM-12S

    Tech: Inner Sphere /3062

    Config: Biped BattleMech

    Mass: 70 tons

    Chassis: StarFrame Heavy Endo Steel

    Power Plant: 280 VOX Light Fusion

    Walking Speed: 43.2 km/h

    Maximum Speed: 64.8 km/h

    Jump Jets: None

    Jump Capacity: 0 meters

    Armor Type: Durallex Heavy with CASE Standard


    2 Heavy PPCs

    1 Streak SRM-6

    2 ER Medium Lasers

    Manufacturer: StarCorps Industries

    Communications System: Garret T60 FasScan

    Targeting & Tracking System: Garret F22C


    As the era of the Federated Commonwealth draws to a close,thethreat of imminent civil war provokes strong sentiment amongtheLyran High Command to redesign several old standard Mechscurrentlyin production. One is the Battlemaster. Another is theAwesome. Thelast and final choice is yet another staple of HouseSteinersforces, one which has walked the battlefield for nearly fivehundredyears the Warhammer. The Warhammer is a solid choiceas the basisfor a new variant it has been nearly twelve yearssince the WHM-7Sfirst strode off a StarCorps production line.Many advances havebeen made since that time in both weaponsand power planttechnology, and with the looming threat of civilwar added to theaftermath of the Clan Invasion, Steiner com-manders want a moderndesign which will allow them to maintainthe integrity of the LyranAlliance when this inevitable split comes.


    The Warhammer WHM-12S is built on an Endo Steel skele-ton, andshowcases the very latest in power plant design with the

    VOX 280 Light Fusion engine. Designed to move at an adequatetopspeed of nearly 65 kph, the -12S carries two HeavyParticleProjection Cannons, two Extended Range Medium Lasers andaStreak SRM-6 missile launcher. The single ton of Streak ammoisstored in a torso equipped with CASE, and the design carriessev-enteen Double Heat Sinks, more than enough to dissipatetheenormous heat generated by the primary guns.

    The WHM-12Ss speed is average for a Heavy Mech, but itsarmor isat near maximum for this weight class, and weapons rangehas clearlybeen sacrificed for increased damage. While still capa-ble of adecent reach, the Heavy PPC does 50% more damage thanthe standardor Extended Range versions. In short, this new cannonpacks thepunch of a Gauss Rifle without the attendant weight, am-munitionand potential for explosion which haunts that weapon.This makes the-12S nearly independent of ammunition supplylines, as nearly eightypercent of the weapons loadout is energy-based and Streak launchersare notoriously frugal with reloads.

    The Light Fusion Engine is more compact than the popularExtraLight models and thus, less vulnerable to combat damage.Yet itweighs considerably less when compared to a standard Fu-sion Engineof similar output, freeing up valuable tonnage formore armor andfirepower. This, combined with the other designfeatures listedabove, point to the obvious mission of theWarhammer -12S that of amedium-range breakthroughMech. This machine is a slugger, meant totake on the best anopponent has to offer and then stomp him flat.As the first mod-els work their way into House Steiners regiments,it remains to beseen if this is just another iteration of theclassic Lyran big gunstyle of fighting, or something more uniqueand deadly.

    Battle History:

    As the Draconis Combine has a history of clashes along theFedComborder, it comes as a surprise to Our Order that the firstcombataction seen by the -12S was a recent minor engagementalong HouseSteiners border with the Free Worlds League.House Marik evidentlysought to test several of their own new de-signs with a light raidon the world of Poulsbo. This planet wasonce a vanguard of Lyrandefense against the League and hometo Bangor, a sprawling militarybase. Closed in 2632, it took theSuccession Wars to justifyre-opening Bangor, albeit on a much-reduced scale. Thismoderately-defended world bore the bruntof House Marikspoorly-disguised mercenary adventure in late3061 and as it turnedout, provided valuable information forboth sides on House militarystrategy.

    Details of the two major engagements are sketchy, butsatellitetransmissions from the fleeing Marik Dropships and someground intelgathered by Our Order suggests the Warhammer -12S was instrumentalin the second battle, fatally blunting a raidon the Bangor MilitaryDepot by outflanking a slower Assaultlance and destroying three ofthe League Mechs before beingforced by enemy reinforcements toretreat to the cover of anearby forest.

    Notable 'Mechs & MechWarriors:

    Sergeant Helmut Smitty Schimmelhorn

    This Mechwarrior is noted for strict professional behavior,bothon and off the battlefield. He has never been photographedinanything other than perfectly starched and pressed uniforms,and hispersonal bearing was recently compared by a member ofOur Order to aTasmanian Devil with a titanium rod shoved up itsarse. Thisreputation does him in good stead he has the mostkills of any pilotstationed at the Bangor Military Depot, and canbe counted upon tonot only follow orders but to improvise on thespot. A very few ofhis seniors understand the value of this man those that do approachhim in private for professional advice onbattlefield tactics. Thisdiscretion is not without reason.

    Sergeant Schimmelhorn is a polarizing figure he brooksno quibblewith the Regulations, never hesitating to bring his ownchain ofcommand to task for abuse of power, lax discipline, poorstrategy oreven blatant disregard for their own orders. He hasbeen, notsurprisingly, frozen at the same paygrade for the pastten years.Yet at the same time, Schimmelhorn (Smitty to hisfriends and, outof earshot, his subordinates) is a flexible deci-sion-maker in theco*ckpit and even more astounding, immenselypopular with his fellowMechwarriors, who appear to thrive on adiet of Regs, hard work and,when the situation warrants it, arare compliment from the manhimself.

    Behind the rigid faade is a strong sense of right andwrongtempered with a thirst for justice, the whole ordered byconstantdiscipline. Hard but fair is the most common printabledescrip-tion of this unsung leader. It is said that he and alike-mindedgroup of fellow Mechwarrriors were selected to pilotBangors firstWarhammer WHM-12S lance not only because they werethebest, but because their self-discipline allowed the FieldCom-manders to analyze the -12S and new Lyran field doctrinebasedsolely on the machine and tactics - without having to factorin thepilots personal quirks.


    Type/Model: Warhammer WHM-12S

    Mass: 70 tons

    Equipment Mass

    Internal Structure: 3.5

    Engine: 280 Light Fusion 12

    Walking MP: 4

    Running MP: 6

    Jumping MP 0

    Heat Sinks: 17 (34) 7

    Gyro: 3

    co*ckpit: 3

    Armor Factor: 216 13.5

    Internal ArmorStructure Value

    Head: 3 9

    Center Torso: 22 33

    Center Torso (Rear): 10

    L/R Side Torso: 15 22/22

    L/R Side Torso (Rear): 8/8

    L/R Arm: 11 22/22

    L/R Leg: 15 30/30

    Weapons & Equipment Loation Critical Tonnage

    1 Heavy PPC LA 4 10

    1 Heavy PPC RA 4 10

    1 ER Medium Laser LT 1 1

    1 ER Medium Laser RT 1 1

    1 Streak SRM-6 LT 3 4

    Ammo (SRM) 15 LT 1 1

    CASE Equipment RT 1 0.5






    With the removal of ten Double Heat Sinks, what remainedon thedrawing board was a stripped-down machine. Marik de-signers decidedto narrow the mission profile; no longer wouldthe Awesome attemptto cover all the bases. Harkening back tothe intent of the originaldesign, the -12Q would once more be apure fire support Mech,dependant on other fighting elements ofthe Regiment to take care ofinfantry and vehicle threats. The firstweapons installed were twinGauss Rifles, one in each side torso,fed by a generous five tons offerro-nickel slugs. Backing themwas a new development of theParticle Projection Cannon theHeavy PPC.

    Trading range for a 50% increase in damage, the MagnaSupernovaHeavy PPC is essentially a Gauss Rifle with unlimitedammunition anda slightly reduced range. It has the same reachas a standard PPC540 meters and while it generates a greatamount of heat, theAWS-12Qs ten Double Heat Sinks are morethan enough to compensate.In fact, a pilot flying this new Awe-some can run and fire all hisweapons for nearly seven full min-utes and never once budge theheat meter.

    Of course, as an heir to the Awesome legend, the -12Qwont relyon firepower alone. Fourteen tons of Ferro Fibrousarmor protect thevulnerable internals, the maximum allowed forthis design With a topspeed of only 54 kph, the -12Q will deployin lance strength,punching large holes in the enemys formationbefore moving on toother targets. Presumably, its lighter, fasterbrethren will be onhand to pour through the breach and pressonward to victory.

    Battle History:

    House Marik has already begun distributing this upgrade topostsalong the Lyran border. Information filtering back to OurOrderestablishes this Mech as one of several which crossed theLyranborder to raid the world of Poulsbo. Driven back by the de-fendersof the Bangor Military Depot, at least three examples ofthe AwesomeAWS-12Q were lost, not through poor design, butrather, bad judgmenton the part of the Marik commander. Caughtin a cul-de-sac betweenheavily-armed ground troops and fastLyran Warhammers, theretreating lance of -12Qs were beatendown. The remaining Awesomepilot was finally relieved by rein-forcements, but not before hislance had taken out two Manti-core Heavy tanks and two enemyWarhammers.

    Notable 'Mechs & MechWarriors:

    Paul Pokerface Collins

    MechWarrior Collins exemplifies the type of pilot risingquicklyto the top in The Mariks new military. Outwardly defer-ential tohis superiors, demanding (and receiving) respect fromhis juniorsthrough displays of skill and daring, Collins is a borngamblerwhose bets pay off more often than not. As calculatingin theco*ckpit as he is at the gaming table, this modern-day rake-hellforms the back bone of the hidden command structure, onewhere eachMechWarrior is expected to think on his feet and beas prepared totake charge of a mission as he is to follow orders.

    One of Our Order likens this attitude to the human equiva-lentof a C3I network, where anyone can step into a leadershippositionat a moments notice in order to preserve unit momen-tum. Collins isa fan of the TriVid Networks Riverboat 1890 se-ries, going so faras to wear 19th century garb when he is seatedat the gaming table.It is said he never enters the co*ckpit of hisAwesome without hislucky antique pocket watch.

    Type/Model: Awesome AWS-12Q

    Tech: Inner Sphere /3062

    Config: Biped BattleMech

    Mass: 80 tons

    Chassis: Technicron Type G Standard

    Power Plant: 240 Hermes XL Fusion

    Walking Speed: 32.4 km/h

    Maximum Speed: 54.0 km/h

    Jump Jets: None

    Jump Capacity: 0 meters

    Armor Type: Durallex Heavy Special Ferro-Fibrous


    1 Heavy PPC

    2 Gauss Rifles

    Manufacturer: Technicron Manufacturing

    Communications System: Garret T-19G

    Targeting & Tracking System: Dynatec 2780


    The AWS-12Q Awesome is House Mariks most recent con-tribution tothe late thirty-first century battlefield. Following on theheels ofthe fearsome -9Q (produced in early 3060), the -12Q isactuallybased on the twelve-year-old -9M; it avoids the short-comings inthat worthy through a major shift of weapon types,mission focus andan upgrade in armor.


    Marik designers began by removing the traditional (andmostlyineffectual) Pulse Lasers and Streak SRM-2s originally in-tended tocounter Clan battle armor and infantry. They left theExtra LightFusion engine in place, but took out the heat-intensiveER PPCs ofthe older design, reasoning that the range and en-durance affordedby a pure energy loadout was largely cancelledby the problemsencountered with heat management. Experienceshowed -9M pilots oftenlost control of their heat gage, costingthem precious mobility inthe confusion of close combat. To avoidthis, the more experiencedMechWarriors often carried severaltons of unused weapons at anygiven time due to range or heat re-strictions despite having twicethe normal amount of heat sinks!


    Type/Model: Awesome AWS-12Q

    Mass: 80 tons

    Equipment Mass

    Internal Structure: 8

    Engine: 240XL Fusion 6

    Walking MP: 3

    Running MP: 5

    Jumping MP 0

    Heat Sinks: 10 (20) 0

    Gyro: 3

    co*ckpit: 3

    Armor Factor: 247 14

    Internal ArmorStructure Value

    Head: 3 9

    Center Torso: 25 32

    Center Torso (Rear): 18

    L/R Side Torso: 17 24/24

    L/R Side Torso (Rear): 10/10

    L/R Arm: 13 26/26

    L/R Leg: 17 34/34


    Weapons & Equipment Loation Critical Tonnage

    1 Heavy PPC RA 4 10

    1 Gauss Rifle RT 7 15

    1 Gauss Rifle LT 7 15

    Ammo (Gauss) 8 H 1 1

    Ammo (Gauss) 8 LT 1 1

    Ammo (Gauss) 8 RT 1 1

    Ammo (Gauss)16 CT 1 2

    CASE Equipment RT 1 0.5

    CASE Equipment LT 1 0.5




    proposition. Inner Sphere weapons do not pack the same punchatdistance as Clan weapons of the same type. However, there isnoshortage of lesser-ranged weapons which can efficiently tearthrougheven the best Clan armor. Closing with the enemy innumbers asquickly as possible will eliminate their range advan-tage; in apoint-blank slugfest, experienced Inner Sphere pilotscan hold theirown with any Clanner.


    The Zeus ZEU-13S is a good example of this new thinking.Itfeatures a Pitban 320 XL engine which saves precious tonnagebyreplacing the standard fusion engine with a much lighter de-sign.While this engine is bulkier and more vulnerable to damage,it doesnot suffer from the teething problems of newer Light Fu-sionEngines. Defiance Industries has put the saved space togooduse.

    Armor for the -13S is a hefty fifteen tons of standard Glas-gowLimited Premium with integral CASE, fully 97% of the max-imumpermitted for an 80-ton BattleMech. Primary weaponsinclude aDefiance 1001 Extended Range Particle Projector Can-non, a DiverseOptics Sunbeam Extended Range Large Laser anda Defiance ThunderUltra AC 20. Rounding out this impressivearray is a single DefianceP5M Medium Pulse Laser for close-inwork on infantry and battlearmor.

    The -13S is intended to close at top speed in battalionstrength,firing all the way, deploying in a hedgehog formationwhich ensuresmany of this design will reach their opponents un-touched.Seventeen Double Heat Sinks guarantee the pilot cansustain maximumfire without any heat issues. None of theweapons has a minimumrange. Once into the Ultra AC 20s shortor medium range, the pilotmerely disengages his ER Large Laser,slaves the Ultra AC 20 in itsplace and continues firing.

    The Ultra AC 20 can fire two shots at once; if thiscombinedonslaught hits any one location on an opponent, it willimmedi-ately strip away the armor from even the largest Mech and goin-ternal. Even separate hits will produce massive damage. Theonlyshortcoming of this weapon is the relatively small amountofammunition allocated the Mech carries only two tons, less thanaminutes worth under double-fire conditions. Mechwarriors areadvisedto use the Ultra multi-fire option sparingly, as a sortofcan-opener they can later exploit with the energy weapons attheirdisposal

    Battle History:

    No opportunity has yet arisen for the Zeus ZEU-13S to flexitsconsiderable muscle against a Clan opponent. However, therearethose of Our Order who have noticed saber-rattling insidetheFedCom, not directed towards the Clan borders as might beex-pected, but a symptom of turmoil within the Commonwealthit-self. Katherine Steiner-Davions heavy-handed rule isquicklypolarizing her people into two armed camps. Her brotherVictormay yet take a hand in the developing civil conflict. It maybe thatthe first trial by combat for this new version of the Zeuswill notbe against Clan forces, but rather its own brotherregiments asthe siblings struggle for power.

    Notable 'Mechs & MechWarriors:

    Marco Simonson

    This MechWarrior's only accomplishments to date are infieldexercises intended to perfect the deployment of the new -13S model.His comments from the co*ckpit, while colorful in theextreme, serveto fine-tune the coordination of tactics as thelances move aboutthe battlefield. It has been noted that in fivesuch simulations,his lance composed only 15% of the total forceavailable, yetaccounted for 37% of the kills logged overall. Ithas also beennoted by our ROM agents that he is firmly againstKatherineSteiner-Davions continued rule. We can only guess atwhat effectthis will have on the coming civil war.

    ZEUS ZEU-13S

    Type/Model: Zeus ZEU-13S

    Tech: Inner Sphere /3062

    Config: Biped BattleMech

    Mass: 80 tons

    Chassis: Chariot Type III Standard

    Power Plant: 320 Pitban XL Fusion

    Walking Speed: 43.2 km/h

    Maximum Speed: 64.8 km/h

    Jump Jets: None

    Jump Capacity: 0 meters

    Armor Type: Glasgow Limited Primo w. CASE Standard


    1 ER PPC

    1 ER Large Laser

    1 Medium Pulse Laser

    1 Ultra AC/20

    Manufacturer: Defiance Industries

    Communications System: TharHes Calliope ZE-2

    Targeting & Tracking System: TharHes Ares-7


    The Federated Commonwealth has been arguably as hard-hit by theClan Invasion as the Draconis Combine. It has beenseveral yearssince Defiance Industries was asked to devote pro-duction linespace to a new variant, but the General Staff feels itis time torespond to a perceived change in Clan battlefield strat-egy. Thechange is significant. As more and more Inner Sphereforces shift tothe Regimental Combat Team style of force de-ployment, the Clansappear to be moving away from their highly-successful one-on-onetactics to a more varied bag of tricks.Chief among these is a newtendency to fight at long range andto keep the battle at long rangeas much as possible. No one out-side Our Order seems to understandwhy this is so, but suchknowledge is not necessary to formulate aresponse.

    The General Staff's solution is typical of Lyran doctrine:hitmore, hit harder, changing emphasis according to battlefieldcon-ditions. Lately, though, the overall stress has been onharder,with faster being added to the mix. The thinking goes likethis:playing the developing range game with the Clan is alosing


    ZEUS ZEU-13S 29

    Type/Model: Zeus ZEU-13S

    Mass: 80 tons

    Equipment Mass

    Internal Structure: 8

    Engine: 320XL Fusion 11.5

    Walking MP: 4

    Running MP: 6

    Jumping MP 0

    Heat Sinks: 17 (34) 7

    Gyro: 4

    co*ckpit: 3

    Armor Factor: 240 15

    Internal ArmorStructure Value

    Head: 3 9

    Center Torso: 25 38

    Center Torso (Rear): 11

    L/R Side Torso: 17 26/26

    L/R Side Torso (Rear): 8/8

    L/R Arm: 13 26/26

    L/R Leg: 17 31/31

    Weapons & Equipment Loation Critical Tonnage

    1 ER PPC LA 3 7

    1 ER Large Laser CT 2 5

    1 Medium Pulse Laser LA 1 2

    1 Medium Laser RA 1 1

    1 Medium Laser LA 1 1

    1 Ultra Autocannon 20 RA 10 15

    Ammo (AC) 10 RT 2 2

    CASE Equipment RT 1 0.5




    the Battlemaster was valuable enough to warrant a seriouseffortat improving production quality. The result was that the -10Kup-grade includes replacing the old single heat sinks withfreezers.In the developing conflict with the Clans, Combinedesigners rec-ognized the need for better long-range combatability. The origi-nal -1G's weapon systems included a ParticleProjector Cannon,its only effective ranged weapon. Upgrade -10Kreplaces this witha new design, the Fusigon Sabretooth Heavy PPC,which has thesame fire envelope but delivers fifty percent moredamage.

    Further changes include replacing the six medium laserswith fourforward-facing Extended Range versions, as well asswitching theShort Range Missile rack out for an LRM-10 LongRange Missilelauncher and a single ton of ammunition protectedby CASE.

    The Battlemaster -10K has more than double the long-rangepunchof the -1G, and its medium range has also been extended.This comesat a cost in heat, but the new Double Heat Sinks allowthe -10K tofire 85% of its weapons at short to medium rangeswith no heatbuildup while still remaining mobile! What is more,the extensiveuse of Ferrofibrous Armor enabled the designers toincrease thisMechs armor loadout from 88% to 95% of themaximum allowed!

    Finally, the fire control for the LRM launcher was moved nexttothat of the Heavy PPC. Reserve pilots often think in 'rangegroups'.This relocation ensures that inexperienced Mechwarriorswill notforget their new weapon, which can make the differencein adifficult fight.

    Battle History:

    The Battlemaster BLR-10K has been rushed to the frontlines nearthe Lyons Thumb, an area belonging to the Lyran Al-liance butgarrisoned by Combine troops representing the NewStar League.Preliminary reports are optimistic, although wordhas filtered backto our agents that refits are even now being con-sidered which addanother ton of LRM-10 ammunition at the costof armor.

    Notable 'Mechs & MechWarriors:

    Jennifer Mitchell

    This woman's small size does not match her nearlegendaryreputation when it comes to maneuver-combat. Able tosqueezeevery last ounce of speed out of her BattleMaster, she oftensur-

    prises her friends and foes alike with agility and grace herBat-tleMaster performs in battle.

    Jennifer's original 'Mech was old 1G version of theBattle-Master. With her 'Mech upgraded to 10K standard,Jennifer'sknack for outmaneuvering her combatants has beenenchancedby 10K's lethal firepower.


    Type/Model: Battlemaster BLR-10K

    Tech: Inner Sphere /3062

    Config: Biped BattleMech

    Mass: 85 tons

    Chassis: Earthwerk BLR Standard

    Power Plant: 340 Magna Fusion

    Walking Speed: 43.2 km/h

    Maximum Speed: 64.8 km/h

    Jump Jets: None

    Jump Capacity: 0 meters

    Armor Type: Durallex Heavy with CASE Ferro-Fibrous


    1 Heavy PPC

    1 LRM-10

    4 ER Medium Lasers

    Manufacturer: Earthwerks Incorporated

    Communications System: Barret Party Line-200

    Targeting & Tracking System: Wasat Watchdog W100


    When House Kurita received downgraded Star Leagu

Battletech Technical Readout 3062 (Fan Made) - [PDF Document] (2024)


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